December 2011 - SIMA

December 2011 - SIMA December 2011 - SIMA
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PAT and coal based DRI:Sponge Iron industry comes under Iron & Steel sectorwith sectoral energy reduction target of 1.56mMTOE(million metric tones of oil equivalent).For a coal based DRI plant with waste heat recoveryboiler, power plant and having arrangement for sellingsurplus electricity, the gate in energy would be coal(both indigenous and imported),diesel(used for kilnstart up/ firing , DG set running for emergency poweretc), furnace oil, any other liquid fuel/solid fuel andelectricity purchased and gate out energy would becoal fines sold and electricity/power exported andcolony power consumption.Net of gate in and gateout energy, used inside the plant boundary isconsidered for calculation of SEC.1. DRI section involving kilns (Indian Coal andimported coal)2. Diesel fired during start up of the Kilns duringcampaign start up.Approximate heat balance of coal utilized in DRI isshown below.Plant BoundaryMajor Electrical Energy Consumptions are:(Gate-in-Gate out energy & Plant boundary of asponge Iron Plant)The fig shows tentative gate-in gate out energy of aSponge Iron plant.Total Energy Consumption (E )on G-t-G basis=TotalElectricity purchasedx860+Coal Qnty x GCV+Diesel x GCV+ FO x GCV-Electricityexportedx2717-Coal fines sold x GCV-ColonyConsumption x 860Gate-to-Gate SEC= E /Kg of productTotalKcal/KgCoal based Sponge Iron Industry is highly energyintensive industry. The thermal energy consumptionranges from 4.4 to 7.6 GCal and electrical energyranges from 72 to 135 kWh/Mt of Sponge Iron. Sucha wide variation in consumption range givesopportunity for enhancing energy efficiency toachieve/over achieve the target set under PATmechanism.Major Thermal Energy Consumptions are :PRODUCT1. Kiln drives & auxiliaries2. Pumps3. Compressor & Blowers.4. Conveyors5. Dedusting system6. Weigh feederFigure given below shows approximate distributionof electrical energy in coal based DRI plantDECEMBER-2011/4

Energy conservation Opportunities in SpongeIron Industry.Thermal Energy:1. Installation of waste heat recovery boilers for kilns2. Control of C/Fe ratio3. Proper monitoring of accretion formations andremedial measures by using infra red camera soas to measure the surface temperaturescontinuously.4. Maximizing the campaign days .5. Reduction of surface temperature of Rotary Kiln.6. Efficiency of thermal processes can be optimizedby operating the same uninterruptedly. So,availability of all the resources including plant andmachineries play a major role in optimization ofSEC.Electrical Energy:1. Optimization of supply voltage at motor terminalsby proper tap setting of transformers and use ofparallel cables with all major LT feeders for lineloss reduction.2. Using adequate size of pipeline in compressedair system for minimizing line pressure drop.3. Use of energy efficient Screw Air Compressors.4. Downtime reduction of equipments by followingTotal Preventive Maintenance (TPM) practices.5. Change delta to star connection for under loadedmotor(

Energy conservation Opportunities in SpongeIron Industry.Thermal Energy:1. Installation of waste heat recovery boilers for kilns2. Control of C/Fe ratio3. Proper monitoring of accretion formations andremedial measures by using infra red camera soas to measure the surface temperaturescontinuously.4. Maximizing the campaign days .5. Reduction of surface temperature of Rotary Kiln.6. Efficiency of thermal processes can be optimizedby operating the same uninterruptedly. So,availability of all the resources including plant andmachineries play a major role in optimization ofSEC.Electrical Energy:1. Optimization of supply voltage at motor terminalsby proper tap setting of transformers and use ofparallel cables with all major LT feeders for lineloss reduction.2. Using adequate size of pipeline in compressedair system for minimizing line pressure drop.3. Use of energy efficient Screw Air Compressors.4. Downtime reduction of equipments by followingTotal Preventive Maintenance (TPM) practices.5. Change delta to star connection for under loadedmotor(

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