December 2011 - SIMA

December 2011 - SIMA December 2011 - SIMA
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The ability of the Tri-Flo ® to better perform with neargravity material can be explained considering thehydrodynamics inside the vessel, which are differentfrom the behavior of heavy medium cyclones. Higherdiffentials (density of the medium through theunderflow minus density of the medium exiting theoverflow) also cause lower efficiency of cyclones withnear gravity material.Inside the Tri-Flo ® there are three regions for the axialvelocity: the region near the air core has a velocitythat reports the material to the float outlet; the regionnear the wall has an opposite velocity that reportsthe material to the underflow outlet; in between thesetwo regions, there is the third wide region of zeroaxial velocity (the material does not report to the sinkor the float outlet) and particles are only subject totangential and radial velocity. It is a known fact thatin cyclones there is only a locus where the axialvelocity is zero. Chances for a misplaced particle toreport to the correct outlet are reduced in the DSMcyclone for this reason.Carbosulcis Coal Washing Plant / 4 nos. Tri-Flo ® inSeries - 1000 TPH / ItalyThe second reason for reduced ability of DSMcyclones to cope with near gravity material is thedifferential in density between underflow and overflow,which is significantly higher if compared with the Tri-Flo ® . Also this fact is due to the geometry (highernumber of ‘g’s in the cyclone due to its conical shapeand all the medium is discharged along the axe). Asa result of the higher differential, near gravity materialenters the cyclone and proceeds toward the spigotbut is too light to penetrate.Advantage of Heavy Media Tri-Flo ® Technologyl The heavy medium Tri-flo ® is a multistageseparator in one unit and the float stream isrewashed.lllMultiple separations can be performed at thesame density or at different densities to producedfinal product, Middling & Reject.The separation sharpness of finer material ishighly improved in the tri-Flo ®vessel due tomultiple processing.The system allows to operate a sharp separationin the first stage in all condition and can alsoapplied to single stage separation.Highlights of Tri-Flo ® technology:-llllllllllDouble washing in one vessel with- Higher separation sharpness if washingdiscards 2 product modes.- Production of clean, middling and rejectif washing 3 product modes.Compact layoutLow head pointSimilar amount of CM pumped to equivalentcapacity single stage DSM system.High throughput capacityCoarser top size accepted, sharp separation withvariable speed.High sink capacity up to 100m3/hrNo pumping of highly abrasive discardVery forgiving of feed change, operator friendly.Minimal vessel wear with on line cut pointadjustment for minimal maintenance-longer lifeAdvantages of Tri-Flo ®Technology overConventional Heavy Media Cyclone.Multiple products from one vesselIt has a very high sink capacity and produced threeproduct in one vessel, the results it reduced capitalDECEMBER-2011/34

cost (building, piping etc) and operating cost ifcompared with same traditional circuit.The second or following stage can be:lllA final by product clean, middling (Power coal) &reject.Comminuted to improve the liberation and reprocessedfor increase recoveryRe-circulated to head feed for sharper separationin difficult application.Energy cost of pumping is reduced by up to 50% ifcompared with traditional double stage installation.Larger feed top sizellThe Tri-flo ® technology can accept larger particlethan conical cyclone if comparing the samevessel diameter.A single circuit (Tri-flo ® ) can operate theseparation saving on the coarse coal circuit.As an Example:-Assuming a 200t/h application withgood liberation at top size of 75mm,a single Tri-flo ®can be installed, if a cyclone is installed for thecapacity a 750mm should be chosen but the feedmaterial must be crushed at top size of 50mm.As analternative, to accommodate a top size of 75mm a1000mm should be installed. in both case, theeconomical saving offered by the Tri-Flo ®aresignificant.Reprocessing the float material gives betterresults than reprocessing the heavy material.llIn some case the second stage(middling) is fedwith the first stage light material and the majorityof the heavy material has been already rejected,making the condition in the second stage morestable and allowing to reject the misplacedmaterial.Reprocessing the light material gives betteroverall performance because each size fractionis separated at more or less the same density.Improved hydrodynamic inside the vessel.The flow pattern inside cylindrical vessel is improvedin comparison with more uniform centrifugalacceleration and wider region of zero axial velocityparticularly useful for difficult high near gravityseparation (which is very common in Indian coal)Minimal contact of the material with the separatorwall.Tri-Flo ® the feed enters the separator at atmosphericPressure along the center of the separator, lightmaterial floats along with the central axe, highlyabrasive heavy material quickly reports to the walland is discharged through the sink head positionednear the feed inlet.Only the medium is pump.Reduced wear of the heavy medium feed pump andfollowing piping-typical life time is doubled if feed isnot pumped. Higher plant availability due to reducedblockage of piping and pump. The feed materialremains into the slurry for a very short time asopposed tom conical cyclone.Tri-Flo Operating DataTypes Ash Cv Ep Organicof coal (MJ/KG) EfficiencyFeed 30-55 16-10Clean 20-30 20-24 0.012 98.9 %Reject 55-70 3-10DECEMBER-2011/35

cost (building, piping etc) and operating cost ifcompared with same traditional circuit.The second or following stage can be:lllA final by product clean, middling (Power coal) &reject.Comminuted to improve the liberation and reprocessedfor increase recoveryRe-circulated to head feed for sharper separationin difficult application.Energy cost of pumping is reduced by up to 50% ifcompared with traditional double stage installation.Larger feed top sizellThe Tri-flo ® technology can accept larger particlethan conical cyclone if comparing the samevessel diameter.A single circuit (Tri-flo ® ) can operate theseparation saving on the coarse coal circuit.As an Example:-Assuming a 200t/h application withgood liberation at top size of 75mm,a single Tri-flo ®can be installed, if a cyclone is installed for thecapacity a 750mm should be chosen but the feedmaterial must be crushed at top size of 50mm.As analternative, to accommodate a top size of 75mm a1000mm should be installed. in both case, theeconomical saving offered by the Tri-Flo ®aresignificant.Reprocessing the float material gives betterresults than reprocessing the heavy material.llIn some case the second stage(middling) is fedwith the first stage light material and the majorityof the heavy material has been already rejected,making the condition in the second stage morestable and allowing to reject the misplacedmaterial.Reprocessing the light material gives betteroverall performance because each size fractionis separated at more or less the same density.Improved hydrodynamic inside the vessel.The flow pattern inside cylindrical vessel is improvedin comparison with more uniform centrifugalacceleration and wider region of zero axial velocityparticularly useful for difficult high near gravityseparation (which is very common in Indian coal)Minimal contact of the material with the separatorwall.Tri-Flo ® the feed enters the separator at atmosphericPressure along the center of the separator, lightmaterial floats along with the central axe, highlyabrasive heavy material quickly reports to the walland is discharged through the sink head positionednear the feed inlet.Only the medium is pump.Reduced wear of the heavy medium feed pump andfollowing piping-typical life time is doubled if feed isnot pumped. Higher plant availability due to reducedblockage of piping and pump. The feed materialremains into the slurry for a very short time asopposed tom conical cyclone.Tri-Flo Operating DataTypes Ash Cv Ep Organicof coal (MJ/KG) EfficiencyFeed 30-55 16-10Clean 20-30 20-24 0.012 98.9 %Reject 55-70 3-10DECEMBER-<strong>2011</strong>/35

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