LeagueNews - Cerebral Palsy League

LeagueNews - Cerebral Palsy League LeagueNews - Cerebral Palsy League


14SMART Supplies is aspecialised online provider ofmore than 1950 lines ofgenuine IT consumables and14,000 lines of office products.Anything purchased from SmartSupplies attracts a two per centrebate that automaticallycomes back to the Leaguewhen you quote:Community Rebate Codem2wcerqldIf you have to buy ITconsumables and officesupplies (and who doesn’t?),why not choose the option thatgives back to your localcommunity!Personal riskDANIELLA Pocock of ‘Personal Riskand Retirement Specialists’ (PRRS)will donate $100 for any supporter ofthe Cerebral Palsy League ofQueensland, who places their LifeInsurance, Income Protection,Trauma Insurance andSuperannuation business with PRRS.Ph: 07 3272 6860 or 0421 757 669for an obligation free appointmentto discuss your insurancerequirements at no charge.PETALS will donate 25 per centof every online order to theLeague, when the number 7059is quoted.www.petals.com.auPAYROLL donations are a taxeffective way for people to giveregularly to charity.More than $12 million dollarshas been donated to theCerebral Palsy League throughthe Payroll Donation Programover the past 35 years.These funds have assisted withthe provision of vital servicesand equipment to thousands ofchildren and adults withcerebral palsy in Queensland.As a passive form of donation,many staff and companieshave supported this programand have helped to raiseawareness of cerebral palsy intheir communities.For as little as a dollar a day,Queensland employees canmake a huge difference to thelives of thousands.For further information on thePayroll Donations Program foremployers, individual donorsand for supplementaryinformation, contact:Payroll DonationsCoordinatorPh: 3358 8052fundraising@cplqld.org.auBY booking all of your company’s traveland encouraging your staff and clients tobook their leisure travel through the FlightCentre “Takeoff” 1800 003 903 number,you can nominate the Cerebral PalsyLeague of Queensland to receive one percent of the total price of your booking.Rodney BarnardTHE staff and clients of theCerebral Palsy League ofQueensland would like toextend their sincerecondolences to the friends andfamily of long-standing Leaguevolunteer, Rodney Barnard,who recently passed away.A previous recipient of theLeague Board’s Certificate ofCommendation for servicesrendered to the League,Rodney had been a regularvolunteer in the Marketing andFundraising Department, sinceearly 1999, helping withadministrative processes.He was well liked, extremelyreliable, and will be sorelymissed.MaddalenaIT is with deep sadness that theLeague fare welled JeannetteMaddalena and her daughterRoxanne, who were killed in acar accident in August.Jeannette spent many of heryears as a staff member of theLeague and, prior to herretirement, as PropertyAssistant.HOTLINE VehicleInsurance provide acompetitive vehicleinsurance quote, and willdonate five percent fromnew contracts andrenewals, to the CerebralPalsy League ofQueensland.1300 134 222

Ever Lost Your Car & House Keys?THOUSANDS of keyrings each yearare found but are never returnedbecause there are no contact detailswith the keys.easy2track.com helps lost keyringsfind their way home.By adding a small serial-numberedkey tag to your keyring, easy2trackcan help track your keys.When someone finds your lost keys,they can phone the freecall numberon the key tag and quote the serialnumber to the call centre operator.The operator will get contact detailsfrom the keyring finder and thank themfor calling in.You will be contacted by the operatorabout your found keys and will be giventhe details for the keyring finder.Then it is up to you whether you collectthe keys or, get easy2track to send acourier for them, at a small cost.There is no finding fee from easy2trackso you can lose your keys as often asyou like provided your key tagsubscription is up-to-date.Subscription1 Year $ 9.952 Year $15.001 Year Re-Subscription $ 4.00Extra 3 Tags $ 9.00$5 from every sale will benefit theCerebral Palsy Leaguehttp://cp.easy2track.comHelp us, help othersMOTHER Nature tends to work inless obvious ways at times.Demand on League servicescontinues as more children arediagnosed with cerebral palsy andtheir service requirements continueinto adulthood.There are four fundamental issuesfor people with cerebral palsy, andthe League:• Cerebral palsy is one of the mostexpensive disabilities tomanage and provide servicesfor;• Equipment needs continue tochange and the ensuing costsare enormous;• Cerebral palsy is a life-longdisability;• Cerebral palsy can occur in anyfamily and there is no cure.The League needs your financialassistance to maintain services toits current clients.In addition, one child born inAustralia every 18 hours withcerebral palsy.The need continues to grow andwithout your assistance we willstruggle to meet service demands.Please, dig deep.(See reverse for details)15

14SMART Supplies is aspecialised online provider ofmore than 1950 lines ofgenuine IT consumables and14,000 lines of office products.Anything purchased from SmartSupplies attracts a two per centrebate that automaticallycomes back to the <strong>League</strong>when you quote:Community Rebate Codem2wcerqldIf you have to buy ITconsumables and officesupplies (and who doesn’t?),why not choose the option thatgives back to your localcommunity!Personal riskDANIELLA Pocock of ‘Personal Riskand Retirement Specialists’ (PRRS)will donate $100 for any supporter ofthe <strong>Cerebral</strong> <strong>Palsy</strong> <strong>League</strong> ofQueensland, who places their LifeInsurance, Income Protection,Trauma Insurance andSuperannuation business with PRRS.Ph: 07 3272 6860 or 0421 757 669for an obligation free appointmentto discuss your insurancerequirements at no charge.PETALS will donate 25 per centof every online order to the<strong>League</strong>, when the number 7059is quoted.www.petals.com.auPAYROLL donations are a taxeffective way for people to giveregularly to charity.More than $12 million dollarshas been donated to the<strong>Cerebral</strong> <strong>Palsy</strong> <strong>League</strong> throughthe Payroll Donation Programover the past 35 years.These funds have assisted withthe provision of vital servicesand equipment to thousands ofchildren and adults withcerebral palsy in Queensland.As a passive form of donation,many staff and companieshave supported this programand have helped to raiseawareness of cerebral palsy intheir communities.For as little as a dollar a day,Queensland employees canmake a huge difference to thelives of thousands.For further information on thePayroll Donations Program foremployers, individual donorsand for supplementaryinformation, contact:Payroll DonationsCoordinatorPh: 3358 8052fundraising@cplqld.org.auBY booking all of your company’s traveland encouraging your staff and clients tobook their leisure travel through the FlightCentre “Takeoff” 1800 003 903 number,you can nominate the <strong>Cerebral</strong> <strong>Palsy</strong><strong>League</strong> of Queensland to receive one percent of the total price of your booking.Rodney BarnardTHE staff and clients of the<strong>Cerebral</strong> <strong>Palsy</strong> <strong>League</strong> ofQueensland would like toextend their sincerecondolences to the friends andfamily of long-standing <strong>League</strong>volunteer, Rodney Barnard,who recently passed away.A previous recipient of the<strong>League</strong> Board’s Certificate ofCommendation for servicesrendered to the <strong>League</strong>,Rodney had been a regularvolunteer in the Marketing andFundraising Department, sinceearly 1999, helping withadministrative processes.He was well liked, extremelyreliable, and will be sorelymissed.MaddalenaIT is with deep sadness that the<strong>League</strong> fare welled JeannetteMaddalena and her daughterRoxanne, who were killed in acar accident in August.Jeannette spent many of heryears as a staff member of the<strong>League</strong> and, prior to herretirement, as PropertyAssistant.HOTLINE VehicleInsurance provide acompetitive vehicleinsurance quote, and willdonate five percent fromnew contracts andrenewals, to the <strong>Cerebral</strong><strong>Palsy</strong> <strong>League</strong> ofQueensland.1300 134 222

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