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<strong>UNIT</strong> <strong>TEST</strong> <strong>REVIEW</strong>-<strong>EVERYTHING</strong> <strong>EXCEPT</strong> <strong>EPIC</strong>"Um, that's a great idea, Skyler," stammered Lautrec, trying to hide his shock. He'd been friends withthe drummer for four years and had never heard her speak more than one or two words at a time."Right on, girl!" Urbana yelled and gave Skyler a high-five. The four of them quickly packed theirequipment and closed up the garage. Lautrec glanced over at Mrs. Gretsky's house and saw her sour facepeeping through the front window. He sighed and made a mental note to talk to his dad about calling atree removal company. This neighborly feud had gone far enough.4. What conflict does Lautrec have in the story?A. He feels threatened by Skyler's popularity within the band.B. His band's future is threatened by the actions of a neighbor.C. His legal troubles prevent him from starting a garage band.D. He and Urbana can't agree on which talent show act to perform.SettingThe Piccadilly Circus was an event that tourists and locals alike would come to watch. After a longday's work, the hustle and bustle around the circus was exactly what Clark needed to unwind. The chatterof people, the entertainment of the circus, and the delicious coffee served up at the nearby restaurant wasthe perfect end to a tiring day. He would sit by the lamppost and watch the events unfold before him.5. The story takes place in theA. morning.B. summer.C. winter.D. evening.Figurative MeaningsMaria loved to visit her grandmother each summer. Her grandmother's house was warm and inviting,and bright, happy colors greeted guests from every corner. When Maria walked in the door, the scent offresh peppers and cumin filled the air, mingling with her grandmother’s perfume and fresh flowers. ToMaria, her grandmother’s house was love, and Maria longed to stay forever each time she came to stay.6. What does the author mean by the phrase "greeted guests from every corner"?A. The colors were painted to show happy words on the walls.B. The colors said hello when Maria's grandmother was busy.C. The bright colors in the house made guests feel welcome.D. The colors forced guests to move toward the rooms' corners.4

<strong>UNIT</strong> <strong>TEST</strong> <strong>REVIEW</strong>-<strong>EVERYTHING</strong> <strong>EXCEPT</strong> <strong>EPIC</strong>Connotation and DenotationNadja Solerno-Sonnenberg's talent for playing the violin is undeniable. At the age of twenty, shebecame the youngest winner of the Walter W. Naumburg International Violin Competition. Her style ofplaying, however, has drawn harsh criticism. Whereas tradition dictates that classical musicians performwithout showing their emotions, Nadja does the opposite. To see her perform is to see a genuine catalogof human emotions on display. Her face may be joyful at one moment and sorrowful the next. Her bodysways and contorts in response to the music, and the movement of her arm as she wields the bow isviolent.To a rock 'n' roll audience, Nadja's wild style of playing may seem commonplace. But to critics ofclassical music, Nadja's style is sometimes seen as distracting and undisciplined. The question remains:should classical musicians necessarily be slaves to tradition?7. What does the word catalog suggest as it is used in the passage?A. a heavy bookB. an unskilled playerC. a wide varietyD. a lucky accidentTransitionsThe School of Business is very challenging. In spite of this, every business major has to pass Math151, the hardest math class on campus. In addition, the business school’s Professor Owens only gives outtwo A pluses a year.Journalism majors are all required to have minors in an outside field. Before graduation, they have topresent their work in front of a panel of experts. If you don’t pass this class called Senior Capstone, thenyou don’t graduate.The School of Liberal Arts has many different majors, and many of them are quite demanding as well.Students who sign up for higher level English classes are often in for a surprise.8. Which sentence is the best transition between the sentences in this paragraph?The School of Liberal Arts has many different majors, and many of them are quite demanding as well.Students who sign up for higher level English classes are often in for a surprise.A. Journalism students have to take business and English classes to fulfill graduation requirements.B. Business majors don't do well in Journalism or English classes.C. Two classes in physical education is also a university requirement.D. Although all students are required to take English 101, classes after that are much more complex.Transitions5

<strong>UNIT</strong> <strong>TEST</strong> <strong>REVIEW</strong>-<strong>EVERYTHING</strong> <strong>EXCEPT</strong> <strong>EPIC</strong>9. In addition, the business school's Professor Owens only gives out two A pluses a year.What is the purpose of the transition "in addition" as it is used in this sentence?A. to indicate a placeB. to conclude the paragraphC. to include another exampleD. to show a sequenceContext Clues(1) It is common knowledge that you are not supposed to cheat. So why do so many students still doit? Rutgers’ Management Education Center surveyed 4,500 high school students across the country.According to the results, 75 percent of them cheat. Another survey of 18,000 students on 23 collegecampuses found that nearly 40 percent of students plagiarize from the Internet. Several collegestudents also confessed to fabricating lab reports, inventing the data instead of taking the time toconduct the experiments.(2) These students jeopardize their academic careers each time they take a “short cut.” Losing creditfor a class and getting expelled are among the many consequences for cheating in academicinstitutions. Schools often note instances of academic dishonesty on student transcripts, causingdetriment to the students’ future educational and employment opportunities.10. What does fabricating mean as it is used in the passage?A. making upB. buildingC. takingD. destroyingContext Clues11. Read the sentence from the passage."These students jeopardize their academic careers each time they take a 'short cut.' "What does the word jeopardize most likely mean?A. designB. put at riskC. play withD. excuseSupplying and Developing Evidence6

<strong>UNIT</strong> <strong>TEST</strong> <strong>REVIEW</strong>-<strong>EVERYTHING</strong> <strong>EXCEPT</strong> <strong>EPIC</strong>(1) Angelina Jolie, a well-known American actress, has made incredible efforts to help refugees ofunstable countries. (2) Ms. Jolie has worked in refugee camps, donated large sums of money, and spokento political officials regarding the problems that refugees face. (3) Angelina is a dedicated member of theUnited Nations High Commissioner of Refugees (UNHCR). (4) She has donated millions of dollars tofund organizations that shelter and rehabilitate refugees. (5) Besides working in the field with otherUNHCR staff, Ms. Jolie has become active in the political arena. (6) Angelina Jolie's humanitarian actsand campaigns have raised awareness of the appalling circumstances refugees around the world are forcedto confront.12. Which sentence could best be added after sentence 4?(4) She has donated millions of dollars to fund organizations that shelter and rehabilitate refugees.A. Angelina Jolie was named as a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador in 2001 and has visited over twentycountries worldwide to bring attention to refugees and advocate for their protection.B. Angelina contributed $1 million to help Afghan refugees, $200,000 to UNHCR's work in Kenya in2002, and she and her partner, Brad Pitt, donated $1 million to the UNHCR in 2007.C. Angelina has received many awards including the Citizen of the World Award in 2003, and in2005 she was awarded the Global Humanitarian Award, as well as Cambodian citizenship.D. Angelina encourages refugees to use their skills such as sewing, baking, hairdressing, etc. tocontribute to their local economies and to integrate into their new surroundings.Supplying and Developing Evidence(1) For almost a century, the fate and fortune of Windsor, Ontario, in Canada, have been intertwinedwith that of Detroit, Michigan. (2) For years, General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler have made cars on bothsides of the Detroit River. (3) They would send parts and vehicles back and forth at will. (4) The childrenof the workers on both sides of the border have experienced similar problems regarding obesity. (5) Thoseliving in Windsor worked in the car plants, bought the cars, and followed American sports teams.(6) They often spent a night entertaining themselves in downtown Detroit, just like the American workers.(7) There have been some differences however—like the Canadian French language and Canadiannationalized health care system. (8) Additionally, the Canadian passion for hockey has never beenmatched by their American neighbors. (9) Still, the Canadian and American autoworkers have livedremarkably similar lives. (10) Then, in 2008, the two suffered a similar fate as the American car industry,headquartered in Detroit, shrunk in response to the global economic downturn.13. Which sentence least supports the main idea of this passage?A. sentence 10B. sentence 5C. sentence 4D. sentence 27

<strong>UNIT</strong> <strong>TEST</strong> <strong>REVIEW</strong>-<strong>EVERYTHING</strong> <strong>EXCEPT</strong> <strong>EPIC</strong>Context Clues(1) The imagination is the workshop where people create. The impulse or desire to create somethingis given shape, form, and action through the imaginative faculty of the mind.(2) It is said that we can create anything we imagine. Accomplishments start with an idea, a spark ofimagination. What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.(3) Through the aid of imagination, humanity has discovered and harnessed more of nature's forcesduring the past 100 years than during the entire history of the human race. We have conquered space;birds cannot match our flying. We have analyzed and weighed the sun at a distance of millions ofmiles and have determined, through the aid of imagination, the elements of which the sun consists.We can travel faster than sound. Robots transmit clear photographs from Mars.(4) Humankind's only limitation, within reason, lies in the development and use of imagination. Wehave not yet reached the pinnacle of development in the use of our imaginative faculty. We havemerely discovered that we have an imagination and have just begun to use it in an elementary way.adapted from Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill14. Elementary as it is used in the last sentence meansA. to use the imagination with elements.B. a basic understanding of imagination.C. most people never use their imagination.D. the future is bleak without imagination.Context Clues(1) It is common knowledge that you are not supposed to cheat. So why do so many students still doit? Rutgers’ Management Education Center surveyed 4,500 high school students across the country.According to the results, 75 percent of them cheat. Another survey of 18,000 students on 23 collegecampuses found that nearly 40 percent of students plagiarize from the Internet. Several collegestudents also confessed to fabricating lab reports, inventing the data instead of taking the time toconduct the experiments.(2) These students jeopardize their academic careers each time they take a “short cut.” Losing creditfor a class and getting expelled are among the many consequences for cheating in academicinstitutions. Schools often note instances of academic dishonesty on student transcripts, causingdetriment to the students’ future educational and employment opportunities.15. What does fabricating mean as it is used in the passage?A. destroyingB. takingC. making upD. building8

<strong>UNIT</strong> <strong>TEST</strong> <strong>REVIEW</strong>-<strong>EVERYTHING</strong> <strong>EXCEPT</strong> <strong>EPIC</strong>Figurative MeaningsAs the sky darkened ominously above him, Freddy struggle to light the fire he had built over the lasthour. Camping alone had its drawbacks, but Freddy preferred it to the last day of school chaos that wascamping with others. He enjoyed his vacation from the world of technology and immersed himself in thekind, gentle music that nature provided.This time, however, Freddy wished he had brought his quick-starter fire kit with him. The steel-grayclouds crowded together in the sky, pushing and shoving into each other. Freddy’s hands shook as hedesperately tried for one measly spark to start his fire. He thought that if he could get it started, he couldstave off the cold rain for a just a bit longer. “Come on!” Freddy said, just as his fire ignited. Freddybasked in flames like a starving man gorged himself on food. Then, the sky opened up, dumping bucketsof stinging, cold rain onto Freddy. The fire hissed and sputtered angrily as it went out, and Freddy racedinto his truck, grateful he would have somewhere warm to sleep for the night.16. What does the phrase "kind, gentle music" mean as it is used in the passage above?A. the songs of his friendsB. the music Freddy playedC. the chatter of his friendsD. the sounds of natureConnotation and DenotationGael told his father about the wasp nest as soon as he found it. It was in a musty corner of the garage,hanging from a support beam overhead. Gael's father knew just what to do. He knocked it down with abroom and then doused it with water. The wasps flew about in a frenzy. Gael and his father narrowlyavoided being stung.Later, when Gael returned to the garage, the wasps had disappeared. Gael inspected the tatteredremains of the nest. He picked up a piece of what looked like honey-comb. It was made up of five-sidedcells, or pentagons. Gael regretted that the wasps had spent so much time building it.Gael was so preoccupied with the nest that he didn't hear his father sneak up behind him."Careful," his father said. "You should probably throw that away."Gael nodded, but when his father wasn't looking, he put a small piece of the nest in a Ziploc bag. Thenhe hid the bag under his bed where no one would find it.The following morning, Gael thought he heard a noise coming from the bag. It was a soft flutteringsound, like a flag flapping in the wind.He got out of bed and reached underneath his bed for the Ziploc bag. What he saw inside the bag wasappalling. There were literally hundreds of tiny wasps, swarming the cramped space of the bag. Gaelimmediately realized what had happened: the pentagon cells of the comb had been full of eggs. And nowthe eggs had hatched.17. What does the word narrowly suggest in this story?A. The wasps get stuck in a narrow corridor near Gael.B. The garage is too small for Gael and his father to stand.C. Gael and his father are completely safe from the wasps.D. The wasps almost manage to sting Gael and his father.9

<strong>UNIT</strong> <strong>TEST</strong> <strong>REVIEW</strong>-<strong>EVERYTHING</strong> <strong>EXCEPT</strong> <strong>EPIC</strong>Connotation and Denotation18. What is the dictionary meaning, or denotation, of the word frenzy?A. a large gatheringB. a change in moodC. a state of agitationD. an act of revengeThemeFind the Musicby Judith A. SchusterWhat do you do when you hear music? Do you tap your feet or clap your hands? Maybe you feel likedancing or marching.Creating new rhythms and tones with instruments you make yourself can be an enjoyable and uniqueway to find the music inside of you.It's easy to make your own instruments. Just look around your home—open some drawers andcupboards and use your imagination. Here are a few ideas:Suspend a fork from a string or rubber band. Now tap the fork with a table knife. The tapping willproduce a ringing sound resembling a triangle.A maraca sound is easy to make. Put some unpopped popcorn, dried beans, or uncooked rice into anempty can with a top. Shake the can vigorously and establish the beat. You can also place the samematerials in empty plastic milk, soda-pop, or film containers to produce different sounds.Make rhythm sticks by tapping two wooden mixing spoons. Now try tapping two metal spoonstogether. Which sound do you like better?Pour different amounts of water into several drinking glasses. Gently tap each glass with a table knifeto hear its unique tone. The glass with the least water will have the highest tone.Wrap sandpaper around each of two blocks of wood and rub them together to make a rasping sound.Now try to imitate the sound of a steam engine by slowly rubbing the blocks together and then increasingthe speed.Rubber bands sing when they are stretched across a firm box or basket. Strum the rubber bands andlisten for different tones. The tones will differ according to the width of the rubber band and how tightly itis stretched.A crying water bowl is an unusual sound. You will need a stainless steel bowl, a half-cup of water, anda table knife. Pour the water into the bowl. Hold the bowl with one hand, moving it around in a circularmotion. Tap the bottom of the moving bowl gently with the table knife. As the water swirls around in thebowl, a crying sound will be heard.Music is twice as much fun when you share it with others. So gather a few friends and find the musictogether.Copyright (c) 2000 by Highlights for Children, Inc., Columbus, Ohio.10

<strong>UNIT</strong> <strong>TEST</strong> <strong>REVIEW</strong>-<strong>EVERYTHING</strong> <strong>EXCEPT</strong> <strong>EPIC</strong>19. What is the theme of this passage?A. Practicing everyday makes you a better musician.B. You do not need instruments to make music, just an imagination.C. Music sounds better when you play along with more people.D. Rhythm sticks sound better than metal spoons.An Unexpected HomecomingBeth hadn't been home in almost four years. And now that she was home, she wished thecircumstances were different. Her grandfather had recently passed away. She'd come home for thefuneral.Her parents seemed distracted and melancholy. They were also looking a lot older than the last timeshe'd seen them. The house wasn't in the best shape, either. All of the plumbing fixtures leaked, thecarpets were threadbare in places, and the backyard garden was full of weeds.Paula, Beth's sister, had also flown in for the funeral and had suggested they spend the weekend fixingup the house. They started with the garden, where they found a neglected compost heap that smelled ofdeath and decomposition. "Well, you know what they say," Paula said, "yesterday's trash in the compostis tomorrow's thriving garden."Disgusted, Beth made a face. "What are you talking about?""Oh, c'mon," Paula said. "Don't you know how the compost heap works? The organic materialsdecompose, and then they make the soil rich for new plant growth.""I guess it's all part of the life, huh?" Beth said."Yep. Which reminds me of a little something I wanted to tell you . . ." Paula turned to Beth with astrange grin on her face. "Matthew and I are expecting.""Expecting what?" Beth said. She was still thinking about the horrible smell in the compost heap."What do you think? A baby, of course."Beth was speechless. The news, much like the news of her grandfather's passing, had caught her totallyoff guard. "I can't believe it," she said. "Have you told Mom and Dad?""Not yet," Paula said. "But I'm thinking now might be a good time to tell them. You know, it mighthelp them cope with grandpa's death. Like you said, it's all part of the life. I think it's important toremember that without death, there would be no life."Beth thought about the truth of this. Then she shoveled some of the stinky compost into the garden andstarted planting.20. One of the themes of this passage is renewal. Which of these best supports this theme in this passage?A. the parents' melancholy moodB. the years Beth never went homeC. the universal idea of sisterhoodD. the symbolism of compost heap11

<strong>UNIT</strong> <strong>TEST</strong> <strong>REVIEW</strong>-<strong>EVERYTHING</strong> <strong>EXCEPT</strong> <strong>EPIC</strong>12

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