James Phillips Introduction For those of you not famil

James Phillips Introduction For those of you not famil James Phillips Introduction For those of you not famil

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12Kaczynski wrote voluminous journals, filling 22,000 pages, including an autobiographyin 1979. Near the end of the autobiography Kaczynski describes as one of motives for writingthe autobiography that he intended to start killing people and that when caught, he wasconcerned people would perceive him to be a "sickie." His writings were an effort to prevent thefacts of his psychology from being misrepresented. He also describes some type of relief, sexualor otherwise, from the writing. He describes his sources of hatred as his perceived socialrejection and the “fact that organized society frustrates my very powerful urge for physicalfreedom and personal autonomy.” The autobiography focuses, in great detail, on passing or shortlived relationships or potential relationships with females. This is illustrated by his discussion ofhis relationship with a girl when he was 10, another when he was 16, still another at 17, awoman when he was in graduate school, and others when he was 32 and 36. He describes atlength his inability to figure out whether or not he is attractive to women and references apassing comment of a friend of his family's at the age of 15, that made him believe he was quiteattractive.In the journals he describes experiencing anger from other sources and then turning hishatred towards organized society. The writings detail both his thoughts and his criminalactivities from the early '70s until his arrest. He describes thoughts of harming people whom hefelt had humiliated him. One example was his plan to mutilate the face of a woman after he feltshe degraded him by her lack of interest in a continuing romantic relationship. He reactedagainst individuals in the area where he lived who angered by pouring sugar into the gas tanks ofcamping vans, stealing things, and stringing a wire across a road at the neck level ofmotorcyclists.His writings describe his thinking seriously about and planning to murder a scientist in

131971. During the later 1970s, he began experimenting with constructing explosive devices thatcould succeed in killing individuals. His first act of terrorism was in 1978. When he felt it wasnot safe to deposit the bombs in person, he began mailing them. In his writings he commented ontheir success or failure and often expressed disappointment that the bombs were not more lethal.Despite his avowal that he would stop sending mail bombs if his manifesto were published, hewas clearly still at work on new products at the time of his arrest.It is of interest that beginning in the spring of 1988 Kaczynski made several contacts with mentalhealth systems around the issue of establishing relationships with women. He writes that in 1988he was suffering from insomnia and had a renewed interest in getting advice and moral supportto establish a relationship with a woman. He describes picking a psychologist’s name out of thephone book and writing her a letter about his interest. He indicates that his decision to seek thistype of counseling resulted after having a dream about a young woman. Upon awakening he hadtheidea that perhaps at age 45 it was not too late for him to establish a relationship, and atthat point he thought of leaving his isolated life in Montana and finding a job and a female forhimself. He saw the therapist once and had a positive experience but did not return because hecouldn’t afford it. Subsequent to that session, he wrote to the Mental Health Center in Helena,requesting that he be assigned a therapist or counselor with whom he could correspond by mail.Mr. Kaczynski indicates that this could not be worked out and he remained depressed for thenext several months. Although the depression lightened eventually, it remained there to somedegree until 1994. In 1991 he saw a local general practitioner for symptoms of insomnia. Hereceived a prescription but did not follow up with that doctor. He subsequently wrote to theMental Health Center in Great Falls, Montana asking for recommendations of psychiatrists, but

12Kaczynski wrote voluminous journals, filling 22,000 pages, including an autobiographyin 1979. Near the end <strong>of</strong> the autobiography Kaczynski describes as one <strong>of</strong> motives for writingthe autobiography that he intended to start killing people and that when caught, he wasconcerned people would perceive him to be a "sickie." His writings were an effort to prevent thefacts <strong>of</strong> his psychology from being misrepresented. He also describes some type <strong>of</strong> relief, sexualor otherwise, from the writing. He describes his sources <strong>of</strong> hatred as his perceived socialrejection and the “fact that organized society frustrates my very powerful urge for physicalfreedom and personal autonomy.” The autobiography focuses, in great detail, on passing or shortlived relationships or potential relationships with females. This is illustrated by his discussion <strong>of</strong>his relationship with a girl when he was 10, a<strong>not</strong>her when he was 16, still a<strong>not</strong>her at 17, awoman when he was in graduate school, and others when he was 32 and 36. He describes atlength his inability to figure out whether or <strong>not</strong> he is attractive to women and references apassing comment <strong>of</strong> a friend <strong>of</strong> his <strong>famil</strong>y's at the age <strong>of</strong> 15, that made him believe he was quiteattractive.In the journals he describes experiencing anger from other sources and then turning hishatred towards organized society. The writings detail both his thoughts and his criminalactivities from the early '70s until his arrest. He describes thoughts <strong>of</strong> harming people whom hefelt had humiliated him. One example was his plan to mutilate the face <strong>of</strong> a woman after he feltshe degraded him by her lack <strong>of</strong> interest in a continuing romantic relationship. He reactedagainst individuals in the area where he lived who angered by pouring sugar into the gas tanks <strong>of</strong>camping vans, stealing things, and stringing a wire across a road at the neck level <strong>of</strong>motorcyclists.His writings describe his thinking seriously about and planning to murder a scientist in

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