特靈通訊18期(Jul 2012) - Trane Hong Kong

特靈通訊18期(Jul 2012) - Trane Hong Kong

特靈通訊18期(Jul 2012) - Trane Hong Kong


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Technical Focus 深 入 探 討When will the carbon tax wave be coming to<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>?Today, we don’t know. However, we do know that themandatory building energy code (for the Building EnergyEfficiency Ordinance, Chapter 610) has been enacted,the carbon audit guidelines have been launched and thepolluters are to pay for their own pollution... We alsoknow for sure that specifying zero ODP is no longer asustainable solution to protect the environment!At a minimum, the ODP, GWP and energy efficiencyneed to be considered at the same time in the selectionof a chiller or other HVAC equipment using refrigerants.Besides, atmospheric lifetime has become a keyparameter in defining sustainability when researchingideal refrigerants. For substances with lifetimes notsignificantly exceeding 0.5 year, global values based on3D modelling, weighted for multiple emission locations,account for the significant decomposition fraction beforereaching the upper atmosphere. The short atmosphericlifetime of 1.3 years of R123 formed the basis for theexception in its ODP determination using the 3D-modelledrather than the semi-empirical value in the ScientificAssessment of Ozone Depletion: 2010. 4 Recently, inpursuing alternatives for R134a, chemical producers seemto focus on the unsaturated HFC (hydrofluoroalkene orhydrofluoroolefin, HFO) family. HFO-1234yf is perhapsthe first commercialised product of this kind. 5 It hasan atmospheric lifetime of only 10.5 days, GWP 4 andzero ODP, and is known to have system performancecomparable to R134a in Motor Air-conditioning (MAC)applications. 6 The chemical producers also indicatepursuit of HFO-1234ze, HFO-1243zf and other R1234 andR1243 isomers and enantiomers. Some are also pursuingunsaturated HCFCs or HCFOs, e.g. R1233 isomers. Thecommon characteristic is a very short lifetime.Figure. 1: Modelling aCarbon Price [Ref. 8]圖 1: 模 擬 碳 價[ 參 考 文 獻 第 8 項 ]發 電 其 他 固 定 式 能 源 運 輸 易 耗 物 工 業 製 程 其 他(a) Emissions reduction by sector with a carbon price 按 界 別 劃 分 之 減 排 量 ( 有 碳 價 )澳 洲 平 均 每 人 國 民 總 收 入澳 洲 排 放 量沒 有 碳 價 有 碳 價 – 只 計 算 國 內 扣 減 額 有 碳 價 – 包 括 從 國 外 引 進 的 扣 減 額(b) Gross National Income with and without the carbon price 有 及 沒 有 碳 價 的 國 民 總 收 入

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