Osmopriming Germination Enhancement of Pepper Seed ... - CRDC

Osmopriming Germination Enhancement of Pepper Seed ... - CRDC Osmopriming Germination Enhancement of Pepper Seed ... - CRDC

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550 552ปี ที 42 ฉบับที 2 (พิเศษ) พฤษภาคม - สิงหาคม 2554 ว. วิทยาศาสตร์เกษตรCopeland, L.O. and McDonald, M.B., 1995, Seed Science and Technology, Chapman & Hill, New York.Ellis, R.H. and Roberts, D.J., 1980, The Influence of Temperature and Moisture on Seed Viability Period in Barley(Hordeum distichum L.), Ann. Bot., 45: 31-37.Fujikura, Y., Kraak, H.L., Basra, A.S. and Karssen, C.M., 1993, Hydropriming a Simple and Inexpensive PrimingMethod, Seed Science and Technology, 21: 369-642.Harfouche, A.L., Rugini, E., Mencarelli, F., Botondi, R. and Muleo, R., 2007, Salicylic Acid Induces H 2 O 2 Productionand Endochitinase Gene Expression but not Ethylene Biosynthesis in Castanea sativa in vitro Model System,Journal of Plant Physiology, 165: 734-744.International Seed Testing Association, 2010, International Rules for Seed Testing, Bassersdorf, Switzerland.McDonald, M.B., 2000, Seed Priming, Seed Technology and Its Biological Basic, Sheffield Academic Press,England, pp. 287-325.Poulos, J.M., 1993, Pepper Breeding, Breeding of Solanaceous and Cole Crops, Asian Vegetable Research andDevelopment Center, Tainan, Taiwan, pp. 85-151.Varier, A., Vari, A.K. and Dadlani, M., 2010, The Subcellular Basic of Seed Priming, Current Science, 99: 450-456.12109.78bcd 10.55ab 10.21abc 10.79a 9.93cde9.26ef8.75fg 9.13ef 9.40def8.82fg8.40g10.05bcd86420Water (control)MGT (day)3% KNO30.015% GA30.015 % SAWater (control)3% KNO30.015% GA30.015 % SAWater (control)3% KNO30.015% GA30.015 % SANon-incubation Incubation for 1 day Incubation for 2 daysFigure 1 Mean germination time (MGT) of pepper seeds after priming with different chemical solution and incubation timesTreatmentTable 1 The effects of type and concentration of chemical solution onseed qualityTreatment LAB germination (%) GH germination (%) MGT (Day)Control 51.00d 1/ 60.00 12.26abWater 54.00c 54.50 12.67a0.2% KNO 356.00bcd 63.50 12.39a2% KNO 365.00abc 48.00 11.72b3% KNO 366.00abc 50.50 10.85c0.01% GA 363.00abcd 63.00 10.44cd0.015% GA 375.00a 69.50 10.17de0.05% GA 357.00bcd 65.00 9.77e0.005 % SA 67.50ab 60.00 10.95c0.01 % SA 67.50ab 59.50 10.98c0.015 % SA 71.50a 62.00 10.98cF-test ** ns **C.V. (%) 12.79 18.11 3.441/Mean in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantlydifferent at p ≤ 0.01 by DMRTns = Non significantTable 2 Effects of chemical solution and seed incubation time on seed qualityFactor LAB germination (%) GH germination (%) MGT (Day)Solution (A)Water (control) 76.16a 1/ 88.33a 9.70ab3% KNO 3 67.00bc 86.66a 9.54b0.015% GA 3 70.50ab 88.16a 9.12c0.015% SA 62.33c 79.83b 9.99aF-test ** ** **Incubation time (B)non-incubation 61.50b 83.12b 10.33aincubation 1 day 81.63a 90.50a 9.26bincubation 2 days 63.88b 83.62b 9.16bF-test ** ** **AxB ns ns **C.V. (%) 9.98 6.10 4.361/ Mean in the same column follow by the same letter are not significantlydifferent at p ≤ 0.01 by DMRTns = Nonsignificant

550 552ปี ที 42 ฉบับที 2 (พิเศษ) พฤษภาคม - สิงหาคม 2554 ว. วิทยาศาสตร์เกษตรCopeland, L.O. and McDonald, M.B., 1995, <strong>Seed</strong> Science and Technology, Chapman & Hill, New York.Ellis, R.H. and Roberts, D.J., 1980, The Influence <strong>of</strong> Temperature and Moisture on <strong>Seed</strong> Viability Period in Barley(Hordeum distichum L.), Ann. Bot., 45: 31-37.Fujikura, Y., Kraak, H.L., Basra, A.S. and Karssen, C.M., 1993, Hydropriming a Simple and Inexpensive PrimingMethod, <strong>Seed</strong> Science and Technology, 21: 369-642.Harfouche, A.L., Rugini, E., Mencarelli, F., Botondi, R. and Muleo, R., 2007, Salicylic Acid Induces H 2 O 2 Productionand Endochitinase Gene Expression but not Ethylene Biosynthesis in Castanea sativa in vitro Model System,Journal <strong>of</strong> Plant Physiology, 165: 734-744.International <strong>Seed</strong> Testing Association, 2010, International Rules for <strong>Seed</strong> Testing, Bassersdorf, Switzerland.McDonald, M.B., 2000, <strong>Seed</strong> Priming, <strong>Seed</strong> Technology and Its Biological Basic, Sheffield Academic Press,England, pp. 287-325.Poulos, J.M., 1993, <strong>Pepper</strong> Breeding, Breeding <strong>of</strong> Solanaceous and Cole Crops, Asian Vegetable Research andDevelopment Center, Tainan, Taiwan, pp. 85-151.Varier, A., Vari, A.K. and Dadlani, M., 2010, The Subcellular Basic <strong>of</strong> <strong>Seed</strong> Priming, Current Science, 99: 450-456.12109.78bcd 10.55ab 10.21abc 10.79a 9.93cde9.26ef8.75fg 9.13ef 9.40def8.82fg8.40g10.05bcd86420Water (control)MGT (day)3% KNO30.015% GA30.015 % SAWater (control)3% KNO30.015% GA30.015 % SAWater (control)3% KNO30.015% GA30.015 % SANon-incubation Incubation for 1 day Incubation for 2 daysFigure 1 Mean germination time (MGT) <strong>of</strong> pepper seeds after priming with different chemical solution and incubation timesTreatmentTable 1 The effects <strong>of</strong> type and concentration <strong>of</strong> chemical solution onseed qualityTreatment LAB germination (%) GH germination (%) MGT (Day)Control 51.00d 1/ 60.00 12.26abWater 54.00c 54.50 12.67a0.2% KNO 356.00bcd 63.50 12.39a2% KNO 365.00abc 48.00 11.72b3% KNO 366.00abc 50.50 10.85c0.01% GA 363.00abcd 63.00 10.44cd0.015% GA 375.00a 69.50 10.17de0.05% GA 357.00bcd 65.00 9.77e0.005 % SA 67.50ab 60.00 10.95c0.01 % SA 67.50ab 59.50 10.98c0.015 % SA 71.50a 62.00 10.98cF-test ** ns **C.V. (%) 12.79 18.11 3.441/Mean in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantlydifferent at p ≤ 0.01 by DMRTns = Non significantTable 2 Effects <strong>of</strong> chemical solution and seed incubation time on seed qualityFactor LAB germination (%) GH germination (%) MGT (Day)Solution (A)Water (control) 76.16a 1/ 88.33a 9.70ab3% KNO 3 67.00bc 86.66a 9.54b0.015% GA 3 70.50ab 88.16a 9.12c0.015% SA 62.33c 79.83b 9.99aF-test ** ** **Incubation time (B)non-incubation 61.50b 83.12b 10.33aincubation 1 day 81.63a 90.50a 9.26bincubation 2 days 63.88b 83.62b 9.16bF-test ** ** **AxB ns ns **C.V. (%) 9.98 6.10 4.361/ Mean in the same column follow by the same letter are not significantlydifferent at p ≤ 0.01 by DMRTns = Nonsignificant

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