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<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong>2007/08

NORTHERN IRELAND FIRE & RESCUE SERVICEANNUAL REPORT AND STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008Laid before the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Assembly under paragraphs 15 (5) and 16 (2)<strong>of</strong> Schedule 1, and paragraph 5 (4) <strong>of</strong> Schedule 2 to The <strong>Fire</strong> and Rescue Services(<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order 2006 by the Department <strong>of</strong> Health, Social Services and Public SafetyNIA 208/07-08BELFAST: The Stationery Office

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<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08ContentsChairman’s Foreword 3Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer’s Foreword 5Key Performance Targets 8NIFRS Vision, Mission & Values 9Organisational Structure 11Awards & Achievements 152007/08 Review: Responding to Emergencies 192007/08 Review: Developing a Safer Community 332007/08 Review: Supporting our People 3912007/08 Review: Protecting the Environment 472007/08 Review: Managing our Resources & Monitoring Performance 49Financial <strong>Statement</strong>s 61

Chairman’s foreword<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Chairman’s ForewordBill Gillespie, Chairman <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service Boardpresents the <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> and <strong>Statement</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> for 2007/08On behalf <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> &Rescue Service (NIFRS) Board, I am pleasedto present our <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> and <strong>Statement</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> for 2007/08.This past year has been a further one <strong>of</strong>great accomplishment as NIFRS continuesto modernise and provide even betteremergency cover for the people <strong>of</strong><strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>.Following an inspection <strong>of</strong> NIFRS in April2007, Her Majesty’s <strong>Fire</strong> Service Inspectorate(Scotland) found that NIFRS was a ‘highlyachieving Service’, which is the highestcategory <strong>of</strong> performance that can be awardedunder the inspection process. TheInspectorate also acknowledged NIFRS asone <strong>of</strong> the best <strong>Fire</strong> and Rescue Services inthe UK in terms <strong>of</strong> modernisation.This is a real testimony to the pr<strong>of</strong>essionalismand commitment <strong>of</strong> every single member <strong>of</strong>our staff, both uniformed and non-uniformed,who work tirelessly to help protect ourcommunity here in <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>.construction <strong>of</strong> a brand new <strong>Fire</strong> Station inArmagh also commenced in February 2008.On behalf <strong>of</strong> the Board, I congratulate all ourstaff for their readiness to embrace changeover the past year and their commitment tomodernisation and being the very best <strong>Fire</strong>and Rescue Service that we can be. Thatunwavering commitment underpins ourconfidence that NIFRS will respond well tothe challenges that lie ahead <strong>of</strong> us incoming years.Whilst it is important to look back and toreport on our progress, we are constantlyplanning for future emergency service needsto protect the community and our personnel.The Board is totally committed to ensuringthat <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Servicehas all the necessary resources to meetthose needs, as well as supporting theorganisation and monitoring its performance.Mr W F GillespieChairman3During our fifth year <strong>of</strong> Integrated RiskManagement Planning, 2007/08 has been ayear <strong>of</strong> significant enhancement <strong>of</strong>emergency cover across <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>.NIFRS has provided additional full-time coverat 3 Retained <strong>Fire</strong> Stations in Portadown,Newtownards and Coleraine. An additional<strong>Fire</strong> Station in Dunmurry also wentoperational on 1 February 2008 with full-time<strong>Fire</strong>fighters now also providing emergencycover and community fire safety work from11am to 11pm every day. As part <strong>of</strong> NIFRScapital investment programme, the

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Over the past year NIFRS attended a total <strong>of</strong>743 Road Traffic Collisions. With theintroduction <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Fire</strong> and Rescue Services(<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order 2006, NIFRS has astatutory responsibility for rescuing peoplefrom road traffic collisions and road safety is akey priority for NIFRS. In 2007/08 NIFRSdeveloped and consulted the public and itspartner agencies on its new Road SafetyStrategy.NIFRS was placed 1st in the UK and 4th inthe World Rescue Competitions held during2007. These were excellent achievements forNIFRS to be recognised as being among thebest in the world at rescuing and removingcasualties from road traffic collisions. It alsoreassures the people <strong>of</strong> <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> thatwe are one <strong>of</strong> the world leaders in terms <strong>of</strong>excellence in our rescue skills andcapabilities, further enhancing public safety.everyone within the organisation and I wouldlike to take this opportunity to thank each andevery one for their ongoing support.As Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer, I am justifiably proud <strong>of</strong>our achievements over the past year. I lookforward to the challenges that lie ahead,assured by the dedication <strong>of</strong> all our personnelto deliver an even better fire and rescueservice that is committed at all times toProtecting Our Community.Colin LammeyChief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer6In June 2007 NIFRS became the first <strong>Fire</strong> &Rescue Service in Europe to gain theprestigious European Union Road SafetyCharter and is committed to helping to reducethe number <strong>of</strong> road traffic collisions and makeour roads safer in <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>; workingclosely with the Police and our other partneragencies.NIFRS also attended 1,126 other SpecialService Incidents in 2007/08, eg, specialistwater and rope rescues as well as chemicalincidents, etc. The past year saw a 14%increase in the number <strong>of</strong> Special ServiceIncidents attended by NIFRS compared to theprevious year and this very much reflects themove away from the sole need to fight fires toour broader rescue role.None <strong>of</strong> the achievements <strong>of</strong> this past yearcould have happened without the dedicationand the commitment <strong>of</strong> all our uniformed andnon-uniformed members <strong>of</strong> staff. This hasbeen a year <strong>of</strong> significant change for

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Key Performance Targets

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Key Performance TargetsThe table below outlines NIFRS Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) agreed with theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Health, Social Services & Public Safety (DHSSPS). KPIs are used in NIFRS toassess the present state <strong>of</strong> business and to prescribe a course <strong>of</strong> action. They help NIFRSmeasure progress towards our organisational goals. The table highlights our performanceagainst each KPI for the year under review 2007/08, as well as the preceding 4 years.Key Indicators Target Performance03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08Number <strong>of</strong> accidental Reduce the number <strong>of</strong> 10 8 5 13 8*fire deathsaccidental fire deaths by20% over an 11-year periodto March 2010 (equivalentto 24 fire deaths per annumfrom 1999 baseline figure)Number <strong>of</strong> serious Reduce serious non-fatal 226 220 205 181 134civilian injuries in casualties in dwelling firesdwelling fires** by 5% year on year8Number <strong>of</strong> dwelling Reduce the number <strong>of</strong> fires 945 988 910 829 837fires in dwellings by 1/3 over a 5year period (baseline 1999<strong>of</strong> 1,324 dwelling fires)Number <strong>of</strong> deliberate Reduce by 10% the number 3,156 2,754 2,828 2,761 2,673property fires (arson) <strong>of</strong> deliberate fires by March2010 from the 2002/03baseline <strong>of</strong> 3,786Percentage <strong>of</strong> working By March 2005 have a 96% 96% 98% 98% 94%***smoke alarms in private smoke alarm in 96% <strong>of</strong>dwellingsprivate dwellings. By March2007 increase this figureto 97%Working days/shifts lost Reduce the organisation’s 12.97 12.19 11.3 11.8 10.4to sickness absence by absenteeism to an overallall staffaverage <strong>of</strong> 8 days/shiftsper year by 2010Average cost(£) <strong>of</strong> Maintain expenditure in line £32.48 £36.13 £38.07 £40.16 £43.40services provided with UK Peer Group 4per head <strong>of</strong> population per capita average (£33.54) (£37.60) (£39.42) (£40.38) ***** Estimate. Subject to PSNI investigation** Accidental dwelling fires A, B & E Home Office Categories*** NIFRS 2007 face-to-face fire safety survey by Millward Brown**** The figures in brackets indicate the average expenditure per head <strong>of</strong> population on theprovision <strong>of</strong> fire and rescue services for best value family Group 4. 2007/08 UK peergroup figures not available.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08NIFRS Vision, Mission & Values<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service (NIFRS) has a clear Vision, Mission and set <strong>of</strong> CoreValues that are at the heart <strong>of</strong> everything we do and define who we are, what we stand for andwhat we want to do in the future.Our VisionProtecting Our CommunityOur MissionTo deliver a fire and rescue service and work in partnership with others to ensure the safetyand well-being <strong>of</strong> our communityOur 8 Core ValuesPeopleLeadershipTeamworkIntegrityDiversityCommunicationPartnershipPursuit <strong>of</strong> ExcellenceWe value keeping our people safe and well trainedWe value leading by exampleWe value working togetherWe value the utmost integrity in everything we doWe value equality and fairness and we consider the needs <strong>of</strong> ourstaff and the community we serveWe value open and honest communication with our staff and withall our stakeholdersWe value working in partnershipWe value continuous improvement at all levels <strong>of</strong> our organisation9

Organisational Structure<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Organisational Structure<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & RescueService BoardThe <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue ServiceBoard is responsible for steering the futuremanagement and operational direction <strong>of</strong><strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service.The Board is responsible for providing fireand rescue services across <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>by giving strategic leadership to theimplementation <strong>of</strong> the changes arising fromThe <strong>Fire</strong> and Rescue Services (<strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong>) Order 2006 and ensuring NIFRS isresourced to meet its challenges as a modernday <strong>Fire</strong> and Rescue Service. The NIFRSBoard is funded by the Department <strong>of</strong> Health,Social Services & Public Safety (DHSSPS).The Board comprises a non-executive Chair,the Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer and 10 non-executiveMembers from a range <strong>of</strong> backgroundsbringing together a wealth <strong>of</strong> experienceand skills.Members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong>& Rescue Service Board:Chairman: Mr William F GillespieChief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer: Mr Colin LammeyMembers: Mr Pat Bradley, Mr John Campbell,Mrs Barbara Gilliland, Mr Kenneth Harper,Mr Robert Pollock, Mrs Paula Tally, AldermanArnold Hatch, Councillor Jack Beattie,Councillor Sean Clarke, Councillor JimMcKeever.<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & RescueService<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Serviceserves the entire population <strong>of</strong> <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong>, an area <strong>of</strong> over 5,500 square miles,with a population <strong>of</strong> 1.71 million, providingthem with a range <strong>of</strong> fire and rescue services.<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue ServiceMission <strong>Statement</strong>:“To deliver a fire and rescue service andwork in partnership with others to ensurethe safety and well-being <strong>of</strong> ourcommunity.”Management <strong>of</strong> <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue ServiceNIFRS is managed by the Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer,who is also the Chief Executive, assisted bythe Deputy Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer, 2 AssistantChief <strong>Fire</strong> Officers and 3 non-uniformedDirectors, collectively known as the PrincipalOfficers and Directors’ Group.11Principal Officers and Directors’ GroupChief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer & Chief ExecutiveDeputy Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer & Director <strong>of</strong> OperationsAssistant Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer & Director <strong>of</strong> Community DevelopmentAssistant Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer & Director <strong>of</strong> Technical DevelopmentDirector <strong>of</strong> Finance & Performance ManagementDirector <strong>of</strong> Planning & Corporate AffairsDirector <strong>of</strong> Human ResourcesMr Colin LammeyMr Louis JonesMr Peter CraigMr Tom WrightMr Terry McGonigalDr Doros MichailMs Ann Conley

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Operational StructureNIFRS is divided into 4 operational CommandAreas – <strong>Northern</strong>, Southern, Eastern andWestern. Area Commanders, eachresponsible for one <strong>of</strong> the 4 Area Commandsin NIFRS, manage operational activity on aday to day basis and report to the DeputyChief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer. The 4 Area Commands aresupported by 14 Districts, strategically placedacross <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> and which create acommunity focus for NIFRS activities. DistrictCommands are responsible for the <strong>Fire</strong>Stations in their District.There are 68 <strong>Fire</strong> Stations throughout<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> serving their localcommunity. The map below shows thelocations <strong>of</strong> NIFRS Area and DistrictCommands and each <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Fire</strong> Stationsacross NI.NIFRS Headquarters and NIFRS RegionalControl Centre are situated in Lisburn, CoAntrim and the <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue TrainingCentre is currently situated at BoucherCrescent, Belfast.12

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08NIFRS Personnel<strong>Fire</strong>fighters work as either Wholetime (fulltime)or Retained (part-time) <strong>Fire</strong>fighters.Wholetime <strong>Fire</strong>fighters are based at <strong>Fire</strong>Stations in the larger towns and citiesthroughout <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> and areorganised into Watches (shifts) to crew <strong>Fire</strong>Stations. Retained <strong>Fire</strong>fighters have otherjobs but live and work no more than 5minutes away from the <strong>Fire</strong> Station to enablethem to respond to emergency calls in theirlocal community within minutes.Emergency Cover is provided by a currentestablishment <strong>of</strong>:• 901 Wholetime <strong>Fire</strong>fighters• 980 Retained <strong>Fire</strong>fighters• 12 Volunteer <strong>Fire</strong>fighters• 59 Regional Control Staff (who answer the999 emergency calls)• 218 Non-Uniformed Support Staff (plus 53part-time Caretakers)NIFRS 68 <strong>Fire</strong> Stations:• 49 Retained• 8 Wholetime• 6 Wholetime / Retained• 3 Variable Crewed (a combination <strong>of</strong>Wholetime cover from 11am -11pm eachday plus Retained)• 1 Wholetime (Defined hours)• 1 Volunteer (Rathlin Island)• 112 frontline fire appliances (not includingreserves or training)13

Awards & Achievements<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Awards & AchievementsNIFRS awarded EU Road Safety CharterNIFRS became the first <strong>Fire</strong> & RescueService in Europe to receive the prestigiousEU Road Safety Charter. The Charter wasawarded to NIFRS in recognition <strong>of</strong> itscommitment to improve road safety and inassisting to reduce the number <strong>of</strong> road trafficcollisions (RTCs), deaths and serious injurieshappening on <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>’s roads.The European Road Safety Charter is aEuropean Commission initiative aimed atimproving road safety and halving the number<strong>of</strong> road deaths by 2010 across Europe.NIFRS was <strong>of</strong>ficially presented with theCharter by representatives from the EuropeanCommission Road Safety Charter Group fromBarcelona at a ceremony in Dublin on26 June 2007.One <strong>of</strong> the targets for the first year <strong>of</strong> theNIFRS Road Safety Charter was to train staffin advanced driving techniques. The ROSPAadvanced driving test, which comprises <strong>of</strong> a1 1 /2 hour practical driving assessment by anindependent examiner, has so far beenundertaken by 10 members <strong>of</strong> NIFRS staffwho all achieved the highest standardpossible – the Gold Award. The advanceddriving test continues to be rolled out for staffacross the organisation.NIFRS 1st in UK and 4th in World forRescue & Extrication at Road TrafficCollisionsNIFRS, for the second time in 3 years, hasbeen crowned UK Champions, after provingtheir skill and expertise at rescuing andcutting people free from simulated live roadtraffic collisions (RTCs), at the UK Rescue &Extrication Championships held from 12-14July 2007 in Cardiff, Wales.competition following fantastic performancesin both the individual and team events. The 6strong Crescent Link Team competed hardthroughout the 2-day challenge whichinvolved over 500 <strong>Fire</strong>fighters taking partin the competition at the CardiffInternational Arena.Following their success at the UKChampionships the NIFRS Team competed inthe World Finals Rescue & ExtricationCompetition held from 15-19 October 2007 inBarcelona, Spain and finished 4th overall.During the intensive stages <strong>of</strong> the competitionthe NIFRS Team came 3rd in the ‘UnlimitedExtrication Challenge’ and 3rd in the ‘RapidExtrication Challenge’. Team Captain, SamDonnell, was placed 3rd in the world in the‘Officer in Command’ competition. Overall thatplaced NIFRS 4th in the world for rescuingcasualties from road traffic collisions.NIFRS awarded ‘Highly Achieving Service’by Her Majesty’s <strong>Fire</strong> Service InspectorateIn April 2007 an inspection <strong>of</strong> NIFRS wascarried out by Her Majesty’s <strong>Fire</strong> ServiceInspectorate (HMI) Scotland. NIFRS wasawarded the highest category <strong>of</strong> performancepossible – ‘a highly achieving Service’. TheInspector’s <strong>Report</strong> also acknowledged NIFRSas one <strong>of</strong> the best in the UK in terms <strong>of</strong>progress on the reform agenda as a result <strong>of</strong>the major changes undergone as part <strong>of</strong> thenational modernisation programme.The HMI <strong>Report</strong> was a testimony and tributeto the pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism and commitment <strong>of</strong>every single member <strong>of</strong> NIFRS staff, bothuniformed and non-uniformed, who worktirelessly to help protect our community herein <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>.15The NIFRS Team from Crescent Link <strong>Fire</strong>Station, in Londonderry, beat 46 other UK<strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service teams to win the

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Royal Humane Society Award for CrewCommander Mark Hughes, Ballynahinch<strong>Fire</strong> StationRetained Crew Commander Mark Hughes,from Ballynahinch <strong>Fire</strong> Station, was presentedduring 2007/08 with a Royal Humane SocietyAward following a rescue he carried outwhile <strong>of</strong>f-duty in Ballynahinch on27 September 2006.Launch <strong>of</strong> 999 Charity Partnership with the 4emergency services16Crew Commander Mark Hughes receives RoyalHumane Society Award, pictured with Chief <strong>Fire</strong>Officer and Assistant Group Commander BrianIrvine from Downpatrick DistrictMark was walking past a house in DromoreStreet, Ballynahinch, when he noticed smokecoming from the property. Mark ran to thehouse and called out for anyone inside,hearing no response he entered the smokefilled house to look for anyone trapped inside.He located a lady in a downstairs room in aconfused and disorientated state and quicklyled her out <strong>of</strong> the house to safety. The ladysuffered burns to both her hands and smokeinhalation. Mark was in the smoke filledhouse for 2-3 minutes and undoubtedly hisquick action saved her life. The RoyalHumane Society Award is a public recognitionfor Mark <strong>of</strong> his bravery.999 Emergency Services Charity <strong>of</strong>the YearWork began in 2007 on a joint Charity <strong>of</strong> theYear initiative involving the 4 emergencyservices - fire, police, ambulance andcoastguard. Staff across the 4 organisationsvoted for and chose the ‘<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Ceremony 2007

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Trainee <strong>Fire</strong>fighter Graduates 2008Cancer Fund for Children’ as the 999Emergency Services Charity <strong>of</strong> the Year for2008. A massive fundraising programme forthroughout 2008 was launched in January2008, at the <strong>of</strong>ficial launch <strong>of</strong> the charitypartnership. This is the first time the 4emergency services have joined forces tocollectively raise money for one local charity.Long Service and Good Conduct MedalsThe <strong>Fire</strong> Service Long Service and GoodConduct (LSGC) Medal Ceremony was heldin <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Training Centre onSaturday, 6 October 2007. 28 personnel werepresented with the LSGC Medal by LordO’Neill, the Lord Lieutenant for Antrim.This award is permitted by Royal Warrant to<strong>Fire</strong>fighters and Regional Control Centre staffwho have served the community for aminimum <strong>of</strong> 20 years and displayedexemplary service.NIFRS Graduation Ceremony18 new Trainee Wholetime <strong>Fire</strong>fighterssuccessfully graduated from their <strong>Fire</strong>fighterTraining Course on 11 January 2008. TheTrainee <strong>Fire</strong>fighters successfully completedtheir 12 week intensive programme at the <strong>Fire</strong>& Rescue Training Centre, Belfast.The Graduation Ceremony was a chance forthe new Trainee <strong>Fire</strong>fighters to showcasetheir skills by performing a number <strong>of</strong> live fireand rescue demonstrations and drills. Thenew <strong>Fire</strong>fighters have now joined theircolleagues in <strong>Fire</strong> Stations across <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong> in responding to a wide range <strong>of</strong> lifethreatening situations such as fires, roadtraffic collisions, chemical spillages, collapsedbuildings, floods, etc.17

Responding to Emergencies<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/082007/08 Review: Responding to EmergenciesProvide and maintain an efficient and effective fire and rescue service which is responsive tothe needs <strong>of</strong> the community in <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>2007/08 At a Glance• Operational Statistics: a total <strong>of</strong> 52,831 emergency calls handled and 31,773 incidentsattended• Road Safety: NIFRS Road Safety Strategy developed and consulted on; first <strong>Fire</strong> andRescue Service in Europe to receive EU Road Safety Charter; introduced advanceddriving standards test; NIFRS 1st in UK and 4th in World at Rescues from Road TrafficCollisions; NIFRS preparation for World Rally Championship• Integrated Risk Management Planning: IRMP Action Plan 07/08 rolled out andconsultation launched for IRMP 08/09• Enhancing Emergency Cover: additional full-time cover at Coleraine <strong>Fire</strong> Station(variable crew); new Dunmurry <strong>Fire</strong> Station in Dunmurry operational; Business ContinuityPlan developed; New Standard Operating Procedures developed• Working in Partnership: Memorandums <strong>of</strong> Understanding (MoUs) developed withDepartment <strong>of</strong> Agriculture & Rural Development and Environment & Heritage Service;sharing facilities with Ambulance Service and Coastguard at Bangor and Rathlin Island;New Rathlin Rescue Station opened; enhanced cross border working with DonegalCounty <strong>Fire</strong> Service• Incidents <strong>of</strong> Note: Floods June 07; Major <strong>Fire</strong> February 08; Training Exercise ‘Exodus’May 07• New Dimension: 3 new high volume pumping appliances and Hazardous Materialtraining• Consultation: IRMP; Customer Satisfaction Survey with 99% satisfaction rate for NIFRSEmergency Response; NIFRS Customer Charter19Operational StatisticsEmergency CallsDuring the past year we received 52,831 calls and responded to 31,773 emergency incidentscovering a wide range <strong>of</strong> situations including fires, road traffic collisions, collapsed buildings,specialist rescues and chemical spillages.2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08Received 58,834 53,838 52,302 52,988 52,831Mobilised 36,403 33,132 32,007 32,183 31,773% Mobilised 61.9% 61.5% 61.2% 60.7% 60.1%Road Traffic Collisions & Special ServiceIncidentsDuring 2007/08 NIFRS attended 743 RoadTraffic Collisions across <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>.NIFRS also attended 1,126 other SpecialService Incidents, eg, chemical spillages,hazardous materials and rescues - a 14%increase compared to the previous year - thisvery much reflects the move away from thesole need to fight fires to our broaderrescue role.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/082003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08Road Traffic Collisions 697 721 738 812 743Rescue or Release <strong>of</strong> People 236 249 250 269 272Lift Incident 142 144 123 123 131Making Incident Safe 74 97 98 158 136Animal Rescue 116 94 93 111 105Chemical Incident 37 78 98 66 62Effecting Entry at Incident 48 64 51 61 65Flooding 52 31 21 32 196Other 171 154 122 148 159Total 1,573 1,632 1,594 1,780 1,869Road Traffic Collisions20NIFRS's primary role in relation to RTCs isintervention to improve vehicle stablisation,casualty extrication and handling at thescene. NIFRS also has a contribution tomake, along with partner agencies, tocontinue to influence positive change in driverattitudes and behaviours by making additionalresources available to promote road safety.NIFRS continues to contribute to the widerdebate regarding vehicle safety standards atlocal, national and international levels.While the number <strong>of</strong> deaths and seriousinjuries on <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>'s roads hasdeclined in recent years, NIFRS and otherkey stakeholders will continue to work toachieve further road casualty reductions andpromote safer driver behaviour and attitudes.European Road Safety CharterIn recognition <strong>of</strong> our commitment to improveroad safety in <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>, NIFRSbecame the first <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service inEurope to receive the prestigious EuropeanRoad Safety Charter.The European Road Safety Charter is aEuropean Commission initiative aimed atimproving road safety and halving the number<strong>of</strong> road deaths by 2010 across Europe.NIFRS was <strong>of</strong>ficially presented with theCharter by representatives from the EuropeanCommission Road Safety Charter Group fromEU NI Commissioner presenting CFO with EURoad Safety CharterBarcelona at a ceremony in Dublin on26 June 2007.NIFRS Road Safety StrategyRoad safety is a key priority for NIFRS andthis is reflected in the development <strong>of</strong> theNIFRS Road Safety Strategy over the pastyear. The Strategy sets out the key strategicthemes which will contribute to theimprovement <strong>of</strong> road safety in <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong>. Public consultation on our Draft RoadSafety Strategy concluded on 24 March 2008with excellent feedback from NIFRS staff andexternal stakeholders.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Publication <strong>of</strong> NIFRS Road Safety Strategyfor 2008-2013 is anticipated in mid-June 2008and will be available to download from ourwebsite www.nifrs.org.the globe to put their everyday skills to thetest as they use state <strong>of</strong> the art equipment toextricate live casualties from vehicles, whichwill be impact damaged to simulate RTCs.NIFRS 1st in UK and 4th in World forRescue & Extrication at Road TrafficCollisionsNIFRS <strong>Fire</strong>fighters, for the second time in 3years, have been crowned UK Champions,after proving their skill and expertise atrescuing and cutting people free fromsimulated live road traffic collisions (RTCs), atthe UK Rescue & Extrication Championshipsheld from 12-14 July 2007 in Cardiff, Wales.The NIFRS Team from Crescent Link <strong>Fire</strong>Station in Londonderry beat 46 other UK <strong>Fire</strong>& Rescue Service teams to win thecompetition following fantastic performancesin both the individual and team events. The 6strong Crescent Link Team competed hardthroughout the 2 day challenge whichinvolved over 500 <strong>Fire</strong>fighters taking part inthe competition at the Cardiff InternationalArena.During the intensive individual competitionsthroughout the World Finals NIFRS Teamcame 3rd in the ‘Unlimited ExtricationChallenge’ and 3rd in the ‘Rapid ExtricationChallenge’. Team Captain, Sam Donnell, wasplaced 3rd in the world in the ‘Officer inCommand’ competition. Overall that placedNIFRS 4th in the world for rescuing casualtiesfrom RTCs.World Rally Championship<strong>Ireland</strong> hosted a stage <strong>of</strong> the World RallyChampionship for the first time from the 15-18November 2007. The rally was staged inparts <strong>of</strong> Western Area Command in CountiesFermanagh and Tyrone. NIFRS was involved,with the other emergency services andpartner agencies, in planning for this hugesporting and community event. The aim wasto ensure all the emergency services couldstill respond effectively to any emergencyincidents as well as supporting the importantroad safety messages being communicated tothe public.21UKRO CompetitionFollowing their success at the UKChampionships the NIFRS Team competed inthe World Finals Rescue & ExtricationCompetition held from 15-19 October 2007 inBarcelona, Spain.The World Rescue & Extrication Competitionis run by the World Rescue Organisation andchallenges teams <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fire</strong>fighters from acrossThe specific risks associated with anincreased number <strong>of</strong> cars and members <strong>of</strong>the public in the area (approximately 150,000spectators) and also the importance <strong>of</strong>providing a safe system <strong>of</strong> work for NIFRSpersonnel, were all taken into consideration atthe planning stages. Planning for the eventwas extensive and involved NIFRS Officersfrom Western Area Command, Chief <strong>Fire</strong>Officers in Counties Donegal, Leitrim, Sligoand Cavan, World Rally representatives,Police Service <strong>of</strong> <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>, Gardaiand Local Council representatives.During the Rally an Officer from Western AreaCommand was based at the main Rally

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Control Centre, at Rally Headquarters,Clarion Hotel in Sligo. Silver Command wasestablished at Enniskillen Police Station withrepresentatives from all the partner agenciesbased there.22In order to ensure the most accurateinformation was relayed to <strong>Fire</strong> Crewsresponding to potential incidents, a robustcommunication link (via telephone and TetraRadio) was established between the NIFRSOfficer at Rally HQ, NIFRS SilverCommander, NIFRS Regional Control Centre(RCC) and responding appliances, plus thePSNI Silver Commander.Due to the high volume <strong>of</strong> traffic it was crucialthat accurate information regarding approachroutes to any potential incident wascommunicated to <strong>Fire</strong> Crews to ensure thefastest response possible to any incident. Itwas the role <strong>of</strong> NIFRS Silver Commander toliaise with the PSNI Silver Commander anddetermine the appropriate response.NIFRS temporarily moved some SpecialistAppliances – a water carrier and foam tender– to Counties Tyrone and Fermanagh for theduration <strong>of</strong> the Rally given the increased risk<strong>of</strong> an incident caused by the volume <strong>of</strong>vehicles and people in the area.<strong>Fire</strong> Officers in Omagh and Enniskillen Districtcarried out an Operations Pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the Rallyroute, identifying major fire and other hazardsand water supply issues around the Rallyarea to plan in advance the best operationalresponse, if required. A risk assessment wasalso prepared due to the possibility <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fire</strong>Crews having to respond to an incident onone <strong>of</strong> the ‘live’ stages <strong>of</strong> the Rally.In an attempt to reduce the risk <strong>of</strong> fires orother emergency incidents household leafletdrops were arranged by Western AreaCommunity Development Department.World Rally ChampionshipRetained personnel distributed leaflets andgave both home fire safety and grassland fireadvice to householders and spectators in thearea.The World Rally was an enormous successand passed <strong>of</strong>f without any major incidents.The contingency plan developed by WesternArea Command will form the basis forplanning for the next World Rally in <strong>Ireland</strong>which is due to take place in January 2009.Integrated Risk ManagementPlanningIntegrated Risk Management Planning(IRMP) is our approach to providingemergency cover for the people <strong>of</strong> <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong> ensuring NIFRS has the rightresources in the right place at the right time.During the year substantial progress hasbeen made towards imminent completion <strong>of</strong>a number <strong>of</strong> IRMP projects including:• A Special Services Risk Assessment• A Review <strong>of</strong> Locations <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> Stations andResources in the Belfast Area• A Review <strong>of</strong> the use <strong>of</strong> Second PumpingAppliances in 12 Station Locations.The outcomes <strong>of</strong> these projects will be usedto inform NIFRS strategy relating to theallocation <strong>of</strong> appliances, equipment and

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08personnel to ensure we continue to providean effective and efficient service to thecommunity and continue to meet ouremergency response times.Enhancing Emergency CoverThrough IRMP we continued in 2007/08 tomodernise and enhance emergency coveracross <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>.Variable Crewing Shift SystemFollowing the introduction <strong>of</strong> the newemergency response standards a Review <strong>of</strong>Emergency Cover in <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> wascarried out during 2006. The Review identifieda number <strong>of</strong> Retained (part-time) <strong>Fire</strong>Stations that required additional Wholetime(full-time) <strong>Fire</strong>fighter cover to meet theemergency response times. A VariableCrewing Shift System was developed toprovide additional emergency cover inthose areas.A Variable Crewing Shift System, on a 2-Watch basis, provides a Wholetime <strong>Fire</strong>fighterresponse between the hours <strong>of</strong> 11am to11pm, 7 days per week. The additionalWholetime cover during these hourssupplements the already excellent emergencycover provided by the Retained personnel.Outside 11am to 11pm, emergencyresponse continues to be provided byRetained personnel.Variable Crewing in Coleraine <strong>Fire</strong> StationNew <strong>Fire</strong> Station in DunmurryA new <strong>Fire</strong> Station in Dunmurry becameoperational on 1 February 2008. A <strong>Fire</strong> Crewand fire appliance from Cadogan <strong>Fire</strong> Station(Lisburn Road, Belfast) are now based atDunmurry <strong>Fire</strong> Station during the definedhours <strong>of</strong> 11am to 11pm, 7 days per week.Outside these hours the area will continue tobe served by <strong>Fire</strong> Stations in Belfast andLisburn as normal.The new Station greatly enhances communityfire safety work and also emergency cover inthe greater Dunmurry area, includingPoleglass, Twinbrook, Lagmore andSeymour Hill.23Variable Crewing was introduced atNewtownards and Portadown <strong>Fire</strong> Stationsduring March 2007. Within this reporting year,Variable Crewing was introduced at Coleraine<strong>Fire</strong> Station with effect from 10 March 2008.The remaining 4 <strong>Fire</strong> Stations (Carrickfergus,Antrim, Omagh and Armagh) identified asrequiring similar Wholetime Crewing will beresourced on a phased basis. VariableCrewing is the first shift system <strong>of</strong> its kind inthe UK.Dunmurry <strong>Fire</strong> Station

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Further information on all our IRMPs andEnhanced Emergency Cover can be foundon our website, www.nifrs.org, OperationsSection.Business Continuity PlanningBusiness Continuity Planning enables NIFRSto plan in advance our recovery strategyfollowing disruptive events that could affectour ability to provide an effective fire andrescue service. Our Business Continuity Plan(BCP) details the procedures we mustimplement to ensure that we can still providean effective service during disruption.<strong>Fire</strong>fighters removing casualties from simulatedroad traffic collisionsDuring the past year NIFRS continued to takesteps towards the long term goal <strong>of</strong> achievingcertification to BS 25999, the BusinessContinuity Best Practice Standard.24Specific training was arranged for keymembers <strong>of</strong> staff on ‘Processes and Planningfor Business Continuity Management (BCM)’and ‘Developing and Embedding the BCMProgramme’, to ensure that the approachNIFRS adopts continues to follow bestpractice. Additional training was delivered topractitioners (BCP Team leaders) on the‘Validation and Communication <strong>of</strong> Plans’,which has greatly assisted to increaseawareness <strong>of</strong> BCP across the organisation.A new system to capture and record contactand emergency contact details for all staffwas devised to ensure the data held isaccurate at all times. This is essential to allowNIFRS to effectively co-ordinate the responseto any Business Continuity event.In addition NIFRS introduced a revisedEmergency Recall System which enablesNIFRS to quickly boost the numbers <strong>of</strong> staffand fire appliances available if a majorincident should occur in <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08BCM and BCP are used to ensure that NIFRScan continue to operate its core StandardOperating Procedures (SOPs) andOperations Policies functions in the event <strong>of</strong>any disruption.New Standard OperatingProcedures (SOPs)SOPs provide guidance to operationalpersonnel on procedures to be followed whendealing with specific types <strong>of</strong> operationalincidents. During 2007/08 a policy relating totactical ventilation was developed to ensureimproved <strong>Fire</strong>fighter safety at incidents. Inaddition, 3 new Operations Policies weredeveloped to provide guidance for operationalpersonnel at incidents involving rescues,personnel taken to hospital and High VolumePumps (HVPs).Working in PartnershipStrong partnerships remain at the heart <strong>of</strong>NIFRS operational activities. NIFRS hasMemorandums <strong>of</strong> Understanding (MoUs) withseveral partner agencies ensuring, throughthe development and application <strong>of</strong>pr<strong>of</strong>essional and effective working practices,that dangers to both our staff and the publicare minimised. MoUs provide the frameworkfor co-operation which clarifies roles andresponsibilities, on-scene management,training and use <strong>of</strong> each organisation’sresources at incidents.Through MoUs NIFRS ensures that bothcommunity safety and <strong>Fire</strong>fighter safety isenhanced by providing expertise, reducingduplication <strong>of</strong> effort and providing and workingto examples <strong>of</strong> best practice.MoU between NIFRS and the Environment& Heritage ServiceOn 30 April 2007 an MoU between NIFRSand the Environment & Heritage Service(EHS) was <strong>of</strong>ficially signed. This MoU aims tominimise the hazard to the environment fromfirefighting activities and to formulatepreventable measures at the planning stagefor special risk sites across <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>where there is potential for environmentaldamage to occur duringan incident.MoU between NIFRS and Department <strong>of</strong>Agriculture & Rural DevelopmentOn 3 December 2007 the Agriculture & RuralDevelopment Minister, Michelle GildernewMP MLA and the Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer, NIFRS,launched a new emergency planningagreement at Stormont in relation to theoutbreak <strong>of</strong> epizootic disease.With the potential <strong>of</strong> Avian Flu reaching<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> this MoU is part <strong>of</strong> theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Agriculture & RuralDevelopment’s (DARD) ongoing contingencyplanning process for enhancing preparednessfor dealing with any local outbreak <strong>of</strong>epizootic disease.Sharing FacilitiesNIFRS is committed to working closely withother emergency services across <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong>. During the year we continued to liaisewith <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Ambulance Service(NIAS) to share facilities at Carryduff, Comberand Dromore (Co Down). The sharedfacilities range from NIAS having possession<strong>of</strong> an entire building to NIFRS providingspace for NIAS to position a portacabin.We also share our Station facilities with theMaritime & Coastguard Agency at Bangor andon 1 June 2007 we opened the first ever UKjoint <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service and CoastguardStation on Rathlin Island. This new purposebuilt Station will greatly enhance emergencycover on the island, improving communitysafety for both residents and the many25

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08tourists who visit the island each year, as wellas providing better working facilities forNIFRS and Coastguard personnel.Cross Border WorkingIn April 2007 NIFRS and Donegal County <strong>Fire</strong>Service extended their long standing workingpartnership to further enhance public safety,resilience and community well-being on bothsides <strong>of</strong> the border through a new jointresponding agreement in the border areas <strong>of</strong>Belleek, Co Fermanagh and Ballyshannon,Co Donegal.This collaborative working is good news notonly for the people who live in the borderareas as it ultimately enhances theemergency cover for the local community, butit is also good news for our <strong>Fire</strong>fighters asRathlin Rescue Stationenhanced cover clearly contributes to<strong>Fire</strong>fighter safety. In order for this partnershiparrangement to work so effectively NIFRSand Donegal County <strong>Fire</strong> Service regularlyparticipate in joint training exercises andfamiliarisation visits, as well as undertake toshare best practices, skills and knowledge.Incidents <strong>of</strong> Note26Incidents <strong>of</strong> Note: 12 June 2007NIFRS received almost 400 calls following the heavy rain experienced across much <strong>of</strong><strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> on Tuesday, 12 June 2007.Heavy rainfall caused widespread flooding in many parts <strong>of</strong> Belfast, particularly in the eastand south <strong>of</strong> the city. Omagh and Cookstown in Co Tyrone also experienced very heavylocalised flooding.<strong>Fire</strong> Crews responded to a range <strong>of</strong> incidents helping to lead people to safety and rescuingpeople trapped in their cars, homes and businesses due to the floodwater. <strong>Fire</strong> appliancesand specialist equipment were used to pump water out <strong>of</strong> buildings that had been flooded.NIFRS Specialist Rescue Team wasalso in operation using their inflatableboat to bring people to safety.NIFRS worked closely with otherpartner agencies including Belfast CityCouncil, Department <strong>of</strong> theEnvironment, Water Service, HousingExecutive and the Police Service <strong>of</strong><strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> to ensure a coordinatedapproach in responding to thewidespread flooding.NIFRS Flooding Response - Picturecourtesy <strong>of</strong> Press Eye Photography

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Incidents <strong>of</strong> Note: 28 February 2008<strong>Fire</strong> crews tackled a major fire at the Tidy D<strong>of</strong>fer pub and restaurant in Lisburn. A fire brokeout in the restaurant area at approximately 13.00hrs on Thursday, 28 February 2008. Thethatched ro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the pub caught fire and the building was well alight upon the arrival <strong>of</strong> firecrews. 8 fire appliances and 3 specialist fire appliances including a water tanker, a high riseaerial appliance and the Command Support Unit were in attendance during the peak <strong>of</strong> thefirefighting operation.Approximately 50 <strong>Fire</strong>fighters were involved in tackling the blaze. The thatched ro<strong>of</strong> section<strong>of</strong> the bar was destroyed but fire crews managed to stop the fire from spreading to thenewer part <strong>of</strong> the building. The new Compressed Air Foam System was used to tackle thefire and proved to be a very effective method <strong>of</strong> firefighting using less water.27

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Exercise Exodus: 20 May 2007An exercise to test how <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>’s emergency services would deal with a majordisaster such as a plane crash took place on Sunday, 20 May 2007 at Belfast InternationalAirport.The skills <strong>of</strong> NIFRS, the Police Service <strong>of</strong> <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>, the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> AmbulanceService, hospital staff and airport workers were put to the test during the simulated disasterwhich involved over 1,200 people, 3 airports and 5 hospitals.The disaster scenario involved a plane from ‘Exodus Airlines’ carrying 100 passengersleaving Belfast City Airport en route to the City <strong>of</strong> Derry Airport. Soon after take-<strong>of</strong>f acatastrophic failure on board forced the plane to divert to Belfast International, where itmade a crash landing.Up to 50 nursing students from the University <strong>of</strong> Ulster acted as casualties to be rescuedfrom the burning plane. They were taken to a mocked up Triage Centre at the airport andfrom there transferred to either Antrim Area, The Mater, Belfast City, The Royal Victoria orthe Royal Children’s hospitals.The exercise tested all aspects <strong>of</strong> NIFRS response to such an incident, operational,contingency planning, media response and involved <strong>Fire</strong>fighters, Regional Control Centrestaff and Corporate Communications.28The exercise was an invaluable training opportunity and tested not only NIFRS internalsystems and procedures but tested our methods <strong>of</strong> communication and working togetherwith key partner agencies and the other emergency services.With <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> on the flight path for planescrossing the Atlantic, the likelihood <strong>of</strong> such a majordisaster is always present and one NIFRS needs to beprepared for. An exercise such as ‘Exodus’ provides aninvaluable opportunity for the various agenciesinvolved to discuss lessons learned and amendpolicies and procedures if required.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08New DimensionNIFRS’s New Dimension project aims tomodernise our operational response byequipping and training <strong>Fire</strong>fighters in a range<strong>of</strong> specialist rescue and chemicaldecontamination techniques.In line with resilience preparations in Englandand Wales aimed at strengthening the <strong>Fire</strong> &Rescue Service response to floodingincidents, NIFRS has taken delivery <strong>of</strong> andtrained personnel in the use <strong>of</strong> 3 specialisedHigh Volume Pumping Units. These unitswere successfully deployed at a number <strong>of</strong>localised flooding incidents during 2007/08.To strengthen our response to HazardousMaterials incidents, NIFRS has formed andequipped a team <strong>of</strong> Specialised Officers inthe use <strong>of</strong> a range <strong>of</strong> equipment that candetect, identify and monitor a range <strong>of</strong>hazardous materials so as to allow for aspeedier and safer resolution <strong>of</strong> complexHazmat incidents. This Team mirrors similararrangements introduced in England, Walesand currently being developed for the Scottish<strong>Fire</strong> and Rescue Services.29High Volume Pumping Appliance

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/0830ConsultationConsultation on Service ProvisionNIFRS is committed to consulting andengaging with its staff and the wholecommunity in <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> in relation tocurrent and future service provision. It isimportant to ensure that our services are, andremain relevant and responsive to the needs<strong>of</strong> our customers. Feedback is key tounderstanding the needs and expectations <strong>of</strong>individuals and groups.During the past year NIFRS continued toemploy quantitative and qualitative methods<strong>of</strong> consultation to fully understand theopinions and requirements <strong>of</strong> its staff and thecommunity it serves.In 2007/08 NIFRS Operations Departmentcarried out 2 major consultation exercises:• NIFRS Draft Integrated Risk ManagementPlan 2008/09• NIFRS Draft Road Safety Strategy.Both <strong>of</strong> these 12 week consultation exerciseswere widely advertised internally andexternally, targeting all NIFRS majorstakeholders, members <strong>of</strong> the public andstaff. All views received during consultationwere taken into account and considered bythe Board prior to any final decisions. Furtherdetails on NIFRS consultation exercises canbe viewed on our website, www.nifrs.org andclick on Consultation.Customer Satisfaction on ServiceProvisionNIFRS strives to achieve the very higheststandards <strong>of</strong> service delivery. To monitor andmeasure the public’s perception <strong>of</strong> the serviceprovided, NIFRS carried out 3 customersatisfaction surveys during the past year. Keyfindings include:• 99.75% <strong>of</strong> respondents were satisfied withthe quality <strong>of</strong> the Emergency ResponseService received from NIFRS• In relation to <strong>Fire</strong> Safety Inspections, 98%<strong>of</strong> respondents were satisfied with theservice they received from NIFRS.Summary reports from these surveys andprevious customer satisfaction surveys canbe found on our website www.nifrs.org andclick on Feedback.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08NIFRS Customer’s CharterBetween April 2007 and March 2008 NIFRSreceived 166 expressions <strong>of</strong> appreciation, 3relating to charitable events, 23 regarding firesafety, 114 following NIFRS attendance atincidents and 5 letters <strong>of</strong> thanks relating toNIFRS hospitality. 21 other appreciationswere also received for other achievementssuch as the provision <strong>of</strong> general talks andvisits to schools and business organisationsand comments about our website.2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08Number <strong>of</strong> 107 73 75 118 166AppreciationsNIFRS has a clearly defined complaintssystem and is committed to investigating allcomplaints received whether verbal or inwriting. The most common type <strong>of</strong> complaintreceived last year was in relation to drivingissues whilst responding to incidents.All complaints are investigated and, wherenecessary, improvements to the servicemade. The table below details the number<strong>of</strong> formal and informal complaints dealt withover the past 5 years. Since the previousyear, the number <strong>of</strong> formal complaintsreceived by NIFRS has decreased in total by9 and the number <strong>of</strong> informal complaints hasincreased by 5.2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08Number <strong>of</strong>Complaints:Formal 20 17 4 13 4Informal 44 51 32 27 3231

Developing a Safer Community<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/082007/08 Review: Developing a Safer CommunityReduce the incidence <strong>of</strong> fire and other emergencies by the provision <strong>of</strong> an efficient andeffective safety education, advice and legal enforcement service2007/08 At a Glance• Community Safety Education: a total <strong>of</strong> 24 key fire safety and community safetymessages delivered; NIFRS schools programme delivered to 795 Primary and 37Secondary schools; Year 11 Schools <strong>Fire</strong> Safety Programme completed and ongoing in30 schools• Community Engagement: 8,052 Free Home <strong>Fire</strong> Safety Checks completed and 7,500smoke alarms fitted in homes across <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>; 18,000 leaflet drops completed byfire crews; 3,770 premises whose fire alarm systems generate unwanted fire signalswere visited by NIFRS personnel; 25,000 leaflets distributed to businesses highlightingthe issue; 10% reduction in deliberate fires achieved through targeted pilot scheme inSouthern Area Command; 25 LIFE Schemes delivered across <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> duringthe year; new NIFRS Cadets Scheme in Carrickfergus• Legal Enforcement Service: a total <strong>of</strong> 6,279 Statutory Legislative Inspections carriedout in 2007/08; all Inspecting Officers trained on interpretation and application <strong>of</strong> theanticipated new <strong>Fire</strong> Safety Legislation• Health & Safety in the Workplace: 15% reduction in accidents at work from 198 in2006/07 to 170 in 2007/08; NIFRS received RoSPA Gold Award for third consecutiveyearCommunity Safety Education33Delivery <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> and Community SafetyMessagesDuring 2007/08 NIFRS has continued toensure that the people <strong>of</strong> <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>received at least 24 fire safety messagestargeted to assist the community to keepthemselves safer from fire in their homes.The ‘Smoke Kills’ campaign has ensured thatthe incremental learning process hascontinued, with the emphasis remaining onthe necessity to have a working smoke alarmin your home, while clearly demonstrating theimpact unabated smoke travel in a familyhome can have on the occupants. Thedelivery <strong>of</strong> fire and community safetymessages to the wider community has beensupported by the ongoing delivery <strong>of</strong> NIFRSschools programmes to 795 Primary Schoolsand 37 secondary Schools - all <strong>of</strong> which havecontributed to increased public awareness <strong>of</strong>fire and community fire safety. During 2007/08Assistant Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer Peter Craig and Mr deJager Launching <strong>Fire</strong> Safety Week 2007NIFRS won 2 prestigious advertising awards(SHARK Awards) for our ‘Stop Attacks’animated advertising campaign and our‘Waiting Room’ advertising campaign. Theawards are based on advertisingeffectiveness.Delivery <strong>of</strong> Road Safety MessagesNIFRS has continued to provide educationalmessaging targeted at young people andduring 2007/08 has developed a pilot schemewhich deals with the consequences <strong>of</strong> Road

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Traffic Collisions (RTCs) on young people.The initiative will underpin the work alreadybeing delivered right across <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>in schools and the community with our keypartners in Road Safety during 2008/09.Multi-Agency <strong>Fire</strong>work Safety Campaign –<strong>Fire</strong> Safety Week 2007NIFRS was a lead partner in the development<strong>of</strong> a first <strong>of</strong> its kind joint <strong>Fire</strong>works campaign,with the Police, <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Office andDepartment <strong>of</strong> Health, Social Services &Public Safety. The campaign was launchedduring <strong>Fire</strong> Safety Week 2007 at <strong>Fire</strong> &Rescue Training Centre. The multi-agencyadvertising campaign ‘Use your Head, Don’tLose your Hand’ was rolled out on the run upto Halloween, one <strong>of</strong> our busiest nights <strong>of</strong>the year.Community Engagement34Free Home <strong>Fire</strong> Safety ChecksOver the past year NIFRS has completedover 8,000 free home safety checks with over7,500 10-year smoke alarms being installedin homes across <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>. NIFRS hastargeted areas already identified as potentiallyhigh risk and over 18,000 leaflets have beendelivered to targeted homes throughout<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>.Unwanted <strong>Fire</strong> Signals – ‘Stop It’ InitiativeUnwanted fire signals still prevent operationalpersonnel being available for realemergencies and NIFRS has been workingwith key stakeholders to continue to reducethis burden on society. The ‘Stop It’ initiativehas been designed to assist businessesreduce the frequency <strong>of</strong> unwanted fire signals(false alarms) and has ensured that NIFRSremains on target to meets it performanceindicator in 2010. During 2007/08 over 25,000leaflets were distributed to businesseshighlighting the issue <strong>of</strong> unwanted firesignals, their impact on the community and

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08what businesses can do to resolve the issue.A total <strong>of</strong> 3,770 premises whose fire alarmsystems generate unwanted fire signals werevisited and advised by NIFRS personnel. Thishas contributed to overall awareness <strong>of</strong> theissue, increased community fire safety andalso reduced the risk <strong>of</strong> injury to operational<strong>Fire</strong>fighters responding to this type <strong>of</strong>incident.NIFRS Cadet <strong>Fire</strong>fighters SchemeThe Cadet <strong>Fire</strong>fighters Scheme has alsoexpanded over the past year with one newScheme developed in Carrickfergus. Thereare now 10 Cadet Schemes right across<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>. Like the LIFE Scheme, theCadets Scheme is a highly valued youthengagement initiative which is supported anddelivered by NIFRS personnel and volunteersfrom the local community. Together theseinitiatives are making a significant impact inincreasing young people’s citizenshipknowledge while contributing to a reduction indeliberate fire setting, anti-social behaviourand attacks on fire service appliances andpersonnel.Deliberate <strong>Fire</strong> SettingDeliberate fire setting remains an issue forNIFRS and during 2007/08 a pilot schemetargeting deliberate fire setting in rural areaswas implemented throughout Southern AreaCommand, working with key partner agenciesand the wider community. Environmentalprotection and community safety issues werealso addressed, which has contributed toNIFRS meeting the required 10% reduction indeliberate fire setting in <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>.35LIFE SchemesThe Local Intervention <strong>Fire</strong> Education (LIFE)Scheme, an initiative working with youngpeople, has been a major contributor toNIFRS Youth Engagement Programme withsome 25 courses being delivered all across<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> with over 250 young peoplebeing given the opportunity to becomeambassadors for NIFRS in their localcommunity.Legal Enforcement Service<strong>Fire</strong> Safety LegislationLegislatively NIFRS has continued in 2007/08to prepare for the introduction <strong>of</strong> new firesafety risk based legislation contained withinThe <strong>Fire</strong> and Rescue Services Order(<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) 2006.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Statutory InspectionsNIFRS is committed to achieving a highstandard <strong>of</strong> fire protection for the people <strong>of</strong><strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>. Consequently NIFRS hascontinued to meet its statutory obligations for2007/08 as an enforcing authority and anadvisory agency, carrying out a total <strong>of</strong> 6,279statutory inspections.The table below details the number <strong>of</strong>statutory inspections carried out by NIFRSduring 2007/08 and the preceding 3 years, aswell as the other community developmentactivities which help protect our community.Statutory Legislative Inspections and Community Development Activities362004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08Publicity Events includes 695 1,223 1,372 1,428Publicity EventsFS QuizzesTalks – General includes 555 589 590 514Talks – HomeTalks – GeneralTalks – Training/InstructionTalks – School includes 856 980 912 838Talks School – Key Stage 1Talks School – Key Stage 2Talks School – Key Stage 3Home Safety Checks/Visits 1,421* 1,388* 4,792 8,702Leaflet Drops - - 1,127 1,098Total – Community 3,527 4,180 8,793 12,580Development includesAll <strong>of</strong> the above inspectionsadded togetherTotal – Statutory Legislative 9,719 8,968 7,678 6,279Inspections includesBuilding Regulations/ConsultationsDuring Performance InspectionsFollow-Up InspectionsFull InspectionsOther Plans InspectionsRe-inspectionsSpecific InspectionsTOTAL 13,246 13,148 16,471 18,859* In <strong>Report</strong>ing Periods 2004/2005 and 2005/2006, the Leaflet Drop figures were included in the HomeSafety Checks/Visits figures. The period 2006/2007 column has been updated from last year to includeLeaflet Drops.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Health & Safety in the WorkplaceOver the past year NIFRShas worked closely withthe representativebodies to reduce thenumber <strong>of</strong> accidentsand injuries to NIFRSemployees by 15% from198 in 2006/07 to 170 in2007/08. Reflecting this sustained reductionyear on year, NIFRS won the prestigiousRoyal Society for the Prevention <strong>of</strong> Accidents(RoSPA) Health and Safety GOLD Award forthe third consecutive year. The awardhighlights NIFRS’s ongoing commitment tothe health and safety <strong>of</strong> all its employeesand recognises the emphasis we place onthis important aspect <strong>of</strong> our day to dayworking lives.Total On Duty AccidentsTotal On Duty <strong>Fire</strong>fighter Accidents2002/03 378 3542003/04 310 2912004/05 263 2392005/06 202 1942006/07 198 1852007/08 170 15937

Supporting our People<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/082007/08 Review: Supporting our PeopleProvide a well equipped, skilful and highly motivated workforce, able to work safely and whosecomposition reflects the diverse community that we serve2007/08 At a Glance• Workforce Planning & Recruitment:18 Trainee Wholetime <strong>Fire</strong>fighters; 55 Retained<strong>Fire</strong>fighters; 8 Regional Control Centre staff; 30 Non-Uniformed staff new appointments;62 promotions for operational personnel; Assessment & Development Centre programmecontinued• Training & Development: 19,221.75 training days completed at <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue TrainingCentre and <strong>Fire</strong> Service College; courses delivered in Breathing Apparatus, IncidentCommand, Aerial Appliances, Medical Trauma Care, Personal Development, NVQs;Training Needs Analysis devolved to Areas and Districts• Attendance Management & Occupational Health: Absenteeism improved to 10.4days/shifts lost per person; new fitness level agreed for operational personnel• Equality & Diversity: Equality & Diversity training continued for uniformed staff; NIFRScareers guidance booklet produced; 5 year Disability Action Plan produced; Silvergrading awarded for ‘Opportunity Now’ Gender Diversity• Employee Relations: Grievance procedure finalised; Discipline Policy & Proceduretraining with 226 managers complete; new industrial relations training programmedevelopedWorkforce Planning & RecruitmentNIFRS values developing and supporting itspeople and during 2007/08 recruitment <strong>of</strong>new staff and training for new and existingstaff remained a top priority for theorganisation.Uniformed Recruitment - <strong>Fire</strong>fighters& Regional Control Centre staff18 new Trainee Wholetime <strong>Fire</strong>fighters wereappointed and began the 12-week intensiveTrainee <strong>Fire</strong>fighter Course at the <strong>Fire</strong> &Rescue Training Centre, Belfast, on15 October 2007. All the new Trainee<strong>Fire</strong>fighters successfully graduated on 11January 2008 and are continuing theiron-station training at <strong>Fire</strong> Stations across<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>.55 new Retained <strong>Fire</strong>fighters were appointedto <strong>Fire</strong> Stations across <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>. Thisincluded 5 new female <strong>Fire</strong>fighters, bringingthe total number <strong>of</strong> female <strong>Fire</strong>fighters in theorganisation to 29.8 new Regional Control Centre staff werealso appointed during 2007/08. In addition, 2members <strong>of</strong> existing NIFRS staff were trainedas part <strong>of</strong> a new Regional Control CentreResilience Team for business continuityplanning. Future resilience training is planned.3936 additional new Trainee Wholetime<strong>Fire</strong>fighters were appointed in March 2008and commence their 12-week Trainee<strong>Fire</strong>fighter Course in May 2008.Top Trainee <strong>Fire</strong>fighter Lisa Hannan

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/0840Trainee <strong>Fire</strong>fighter Graduates 2008Promotions included 6 Group Commanders,17 Assistant Group Commanders, 27 WatchCommanders and 10 Crew Commanders. 2Temporary Station Commanders wereseconded to the Mobile Data Project and toBusiness Continuity Management.Substantive Watch Commanders have alsobeen appointed to each <strong>of</strong> the VariableCrewed Stations (Portadown, Newtownardsand Coleraine).The Assessment & Development Centreprogramme has continued and assessmentshave been completed for Supervisory andMiddle Management levels. Initial Tests <strong>of</strong>Potential were also held for StationCommander and Crew Commander levels.The Assessment & Development Centreprocess is a national process in common usethroughout <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Services in the UK.Support Staff Recruitment30 new support staff appointments weremade during 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008.A number <strong>of</strong> these appointments wereapproved following restructuring <strong>of</strong> theFinance, Technical and Estates Departments.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Training & DevelopmentNIFRS <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Training Centredelivered a total <strong>of</strong> 14,166.5 training daysduring 2007/08 in support <strong>of</strong> technical skillstraining and personal development <strong>of</strong> stafffrom across the organisation.Breakdown <strong>of</strong> training days delivered at both <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Training Centre(Belfast & Londonderry) and <strong>Fire</strong> Service College (England) during 2007/08Number <strong>of</strong> Driving Students 373LGVC 35EFAD 49EFADR 246EHLV 43First Aid Based Training 977Defibrillator Instructor 8Microvent Resuscitator 423First Aid at Work Initial 257First Aid at Work Refresher 245First Person on Scene Intermediate 44Student Days DeliveredAdministration & Management 466Aerial Appliances 440BA & CFFT 2827Driving 1473<strong>Fire</strong> Safety & Occupational Health 1203First Aid & Trauma 1851.75Information & Communications Technology 306Initial Trainee & Induction Programme 798NVQ 690Officer Development 2107.75Operational Core Skills 3901.25Special Service & New Dimension 1474.75Seminars & CPD 108Miscellaneous 1575.25Total <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service Training Centre Training Days 14,166.5<strong>Fire</strong> Service College Training Days 1416On Station Core Skill Training 3639.25Total Training Days 19,221.7541

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Breathing Apparatus TrainingInitial and refresher Breathing Apparatus (BA)courses were provided at our training facilitiesat Westland Road, Belfast and NorthlandRoad in Londonderry. An Officers’ BARefresher Course was also introduced. Thiscourse was designed for roles at GroupCommander and above and focused on thecommand and control <strong>of</strong> major incidentswhere breathing apparatus controlprocedures are required.Training Centre Instructors also developed arevised BA course for personnel who arerequired to wear new Extended DurationBreathing Apparatus (EDBA) sets, forincidents involving confined space rescue (16Urban Search & Rescue (USAR) Teammembers trained).Incident Command TrainingIncident command training was delivered toexisting and newly-appointed <strong>Fire</strong> Officersduring the year. The “Safe to Manage”development programme was delivered to 69Crew and Watch Commanders. Theseprogrammes included practical incidentcommand training courses at the <strong>Fire</strong> ServiceCollege and at Washington Hall inLancashire, where a total <strong>of</strong> 105 Officersreceived practical command training.42In addition, 2-day incident command courseswere introduced which combined one day <strong>of</strong>classroom theory followed by one day <strong>of</strong>practical assessments using the VectorCommand virtual reality command simulator.These courses were targeted at all Crew andWatch Commanders. Post-promotioninduction training (3 days) was made up <strong>of</strong> 2-day theory and practical decision exerciseswith a one day formal assessment forAssistant Group Commander level.Driver TrainingDriver training continued to be a high priorityfor NIFRS during 2007/08 with 373 personnelundergoing basic and advanced level training.Driver training was delivered in a number <strong>of</strong>vehicle types including cars, appliances and<strong>of</strong>f-road vehicles.The introduction <strong>of</strong> new NationalOccupational Standards (NOS) foremergency service drivers has necessitated areview <strong>of</strong> current driver training programmesto ensure that NIFRS drivers are operating tothe highest safety standards.10 senior <strong>Fire</strong> Officers also completed theprestigious RoSPA Advanced Driving Course,all receiving the highest standard possible –

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Gold. The Advanced Driving Course iscontinuing to be rolled out across theorganisation as part <strong>of</strong> NIFRS requirement forthe EU Road Safety Charter.Aerial Appliance TrainingThe introduction <strong>of</strong> the new aerial appliancesgenerated a substantial training requirement.440 personnel were trained in the operation<strong>of</strong> the new aerial appliances in both Belfastand Londonderry.Medical Trauma CareAs a result <strong>of</strong> the successful pilot <strong>of</strong> FirstPerson on Scene (FPOS) trauma caretraining, a further 44 personnel were trainedto the FPOS Intermediate standard. Thistraining, with its focus on dealing with medicaltrauma, was well received by operationalpersonnel who found the training to bedirectly relevant to the role <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Fire</strong>fighter.There are plans to deliver the FPOS trainingmore widely, including integrating the coursedelivery with road traffic collision scenarios.Personal DevelopmentDevelopment programmes have beendesigned and implemented for all uniformedroles. These structured developmentprogrammes have been mapped directly tothe National Occupational Standards (NOS)for all operational roles. The programmesincorporate the development needs foroperational staff at supervisory, middle andstrategic management levels.Development plans for all NIFRS support staffare currently being designed and will beimplemented by the end <strong>of</strong> 2008.Management training programmes are <strong>of</strong>feredto all staff at supervisory level and areaccredited by the Institute <strong>of</strong> Leadership andManagement (ILM). In 2007 the ILM Level 3qualification in First Line Management wassuccessfully completed by 102 uniformed andsupport staff.National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs)NVQs have now been fully embedded into the<strong>Fire</strong>fighter Development Programme. A robustassessor and internal verification structurehas been developed to support thequalifications. Training is continuing for allNIFRS personnel who perform the roles <strong>of</strong>Assessors and Verifiers to support the<strong>Fire</strong>fighters undertaking the Level 343

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Operations in the Community and Level 3Control Room Operations.underpinning knowledge required is coveredwithin the course.44Further work is in progress to implement aRetained <strong>Fire</strong>fighter Developmentprogramme. This will incorporate working toNational Occupational Standards, WorkBased Assessment and PersonalDevelopment Reviews which are allcomponents <strong>of</strong> the Integrated PersonalDevelopment System (IPDS) – the <strong>Fire</strong> &Rescue Service’s approach to training anddevelopment.Centralised Training Needs InformationCentralised training needs information (the“Traffic Lights” system) was devolved fromthe <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Training Centre to each <strong>of</strong>the 4 Areas and 14 Districts to improvetraining needs analysis, course planning,notification <strong>of</strong> courses and facilitate studentnominations.A weekend working rota for Training CentreInstructors was introduced, coupled with anincrease in the provision <strong>of</strong> training atdifferent locations across the organisationthrough the use <strong>of</strong>:• Satellite BA training facility at NorthlandStation• Mobile Hot <strong>Fire</strong> Unit• Road Traffic Collision (RTC) team training• Mobile Incident Command simulator.TraineesThere were 18 Wholetime and 55 Retained<strong>Fire</strong>fighters appointed during 2007/08 whoare now undergoing further development,having completed Phase 1 <strong>of</strong> their initialtraining.All new Wholetime Trainees are undertakinga Level 3 NVQ in Emergency <strong>Fire</strong> ServicesOperations in the Community. The Traineecourse is fully aligned to the NVQ and theThe course not only covers all the essentialexpertise needed to become a successful<strong>Fire</strong>fighter but also embraces a much moreprogressive and independent form <strong>of</strong> learning,with Trainees taking responsibility for theirown learning.Attendance Management &Occupational Health & WelfareConsistent and focused application <strong>of</strong> NIFRSAttendance Management Policy hassignificantly reduced sickness absence during2007/08. From 11.3 days absence perperson in 2006/07, the figure for 2007/08 wasreduced to 10.4 days per person. This has ledto an increase <strong>of</strong> over 1,000 additional daysbeing worked. NIFRS will continue to pursueits attendance management target in thecoming year and is striving for continuedimprovement in 2008/09.The Occupational Health & Welfare Unitcontinues to work closely with the AttendanceManagement Unit, Area Commands, HQDepartments, the external occupational health& welfare provider and the NIFRS SeniorMedical Adviser in developing a co-ordinatedapproach to reducing the number <strong>of</strong> days lostto long-term sickness / injury absence andmanaging long-term sickness cases throughto retirement or return to work. For the year2007/08 there were 5 Wholetime <strong>Fire</strong>fighterand 7 Retained <strong>Fire</strong>fighter ill-healthretirements which is a reduction <strong>of</strong> 55% and23% respectively on the 2006/07 figures.In 2007/08 the Occupational Health & WelfareUnit achieved agreement on a new fitnesslevel for all existing operational personnel.The first fitness tests have taken place in2007/08.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08NIFRS established its first case <strong>of</strong> reasonableadjustment to an operational role under theDisability Discrimination Act. This was theoutcome <strong>of</strong> close co-operation betweenOccupational Health & Welfare Unit, AreaCommand, the Senior Medical Adviser andthe individual.Equality & DiversityEquality & Diversity awareness training for<strong>Fire</strong> Station personnel commenced with stafffrom Eastern Area Command during 2007/08.The programme will continue to be rolled outfor personnel in Southern, <strong>Northern</strong> andWestern Area Commands.A new guidance booklet for Careers in NIFRSwas developed covering all careers optionswithin the <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service andhighlighting the organisation's commitment tomainstreaming equality. This was widelydistributed to schools across <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>and complementary training was delivered to65 Department <strong>of</strong> Employment & LearningCareers Advisers, these Advisers beingresponsible for over 140 schools in<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>.students aged 15 upwards and a female<strong>Fire</strong>fighter represented NIFRS to promotefirefighting as a viable career option.Employee RelationsDuring 2007/08 the new Grievance Procedurein line with current dispute resolutionlegislation was agreed and implemented. Thisfollowed intensive and constructive discussionwith the representative bodies and provides arobust mechanism for resolving workplacegrievances.To complement the new procedure and thenew Discipline Policy and Procedure alreadyin place, 226 managers received DisputeResolution training.In addition, a new Industrial Relationsprogramme was designed in conjunction withthe Labour Relations Agency and trainingcommenced at NIFRS Board level in March2008. The programme will be rolled-out to allmanagers over the next 18 months.45As part <strong>of</strong> our 5 year Disability Action Planactivities we welcomed a new PlacementTrainee into the HR Department from theStepping Stones Programme in Lisburn foradults with learning disabilities.During the reporting period we received‘Silver’ grading in the Opportunity NowGender Diversity Benchmarking exercise forthe 2006/07 period. This result demonstratesour long-term commitment to equality &diversity and gives a sound foundation forfuture improvement. We continued to supportthe ‘Opportunity Now’ campaign throughparticipation in the Challenging CareersConference at Belfast City Hall in May 2007.This Conference was aimed at female

Protecting the Environment<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/082007/08 Review: Protecting the EnvironmentTo contribute to a better and safer environment by developing NIFRS ‘Green’ initiatives in linewith environmental legislation and policy2007/08 At a Glance• Energy Conservation: Estates Surveys; Carbon Dioxide Emissions reduced by 20% atCentral <strong>Fire</strong> Station; Cycle to Work Scheme introduced with 300 staff participants• Recycling: NIFRS recycling initiative introduced• Working in Partnership: Memorandum <strong>of</strong> Understanding with Environment & HeritageServiceEnergy ConservationEstates SurveysDuring 2007/08 consultants were appointedby NIFRS to carry out a survey <strong>of</strong> all NIFRSpremises suitable for photovoltaic panelinstallation to help contribute to energyconservation. The results <strong>of</strong> this survey willprovide NIFRS with a programme <strong>of</strong> workover the next 3 years.In addition, an Estates survey wascommissioned this year to provide a detailedcondition report <strong>of</strong> all NIFRS premisesincluding energy conservation.Reduction <strong>of</strong> CO2 EmissionsIn line with Government policy to reduce CO2emissions on Combined Heating and Power(CHP), a CHP unit was installed at Central<strong>Fire</strong> Station in Belfast reducing the overallCO2 emission for that Station by 20%.NIFRS Cycle to Work SchemeNIFRS introduced the Government’s Cycle toWork Scheme to encourage more staff toexercise by leaving their cars at home andmaking use <strong>of</strong> eco-friendly transport bycycling to work. Across the organisationthere was great support for the schemewith over 300 staff participating. Thescheme was run in conjunction withMcConvey Cycles,Belfast, who providedthe bikesavailable for purchase at a discounted pricethrough a monthly payment scheme. Suchwas the demand for the Cycle to WorkScheme a second scheme is being rolled outin 2008/09.RecyclingDuring 2007/08 NIFRS introduced a recyclingscheme at its Headquarters in Lisburn. Staffmust recycle waste into the designated binsprovided for paper and general waste. Thescheme has proved to be a great successwith staff supporting the recycling initiative. Itwill be rolled out to other areas <strong>of</strong> NI whereLocal Councils provide the necessaryrecycling support.Working in PartnershipNIFRS works closely with its partner agenciesto help protect the environment. AMemorandum <strong>of</strong> Understanding (MoU) wasagreed between NIFRS and the Environment& Heritage Service to help protect theenvironment during incidents.The MoU aims to minimise the hazard to theenvironment from firefighting activities and t<strong>of</strong>ormulate preventable measures at theplanning stage for special risk sites across<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> where there is potential forenvironmental damage to occur during anincident.NIFRS also works closely with other agenciessuch as the Forest Service, Rivers Agencyand Water Service in responding to incidentswhich can cause environmental damage.47Environmental Grab Pack

Managing our Resources & Monitoring Performance<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/082007/08 Review: Managing our Resources & Monitoring PerformanceProvide a service that is committed to quality and continuous improvement and that representsvalue for money2007/08 At a Glance• Managing our Estate: new Dunmurry <strong>Fire</strong> Station; construction began <strong>of</strong> new Armagh<strong>Fire</strong> Station; 4 Retained <strong>Fire</strong> Stations refurbished for Variable crewing; 12 Retained <strong>Fire</strong>Stations redecorated; Comber <strong>Fire</strong> Station refurbished to share facilities with AmbulanceService; Estates Survey commissioned• Managing our Fleet:11 new fire appliances, one Rescue Pump and 2 Aerial LadderPlatforms replaced in line with Fleet Management Strategy representing almost£1.8million investment; 25 Emergency Response Cars and 8 Support Vans purchased• Managing our Equipment: new Gallet Helmet for <strong>Fire</strong>fighters purchased; newGeneration Breathing Apparatus sets and face masks and 67 road traffic collision‘mini-cutters’ purchased; 80 Rescue Suits purchased and issued to <strong>Fire</strong>fighters for pilotevaluation, 50 x 9m ladders purchased; new Breathing Apparatus compressors• Managing our Information Systems: New integrated ICT Department; Phase III <strong>of</strong> theWindows 2003 and Thin Client Project implemented and rolled out to all RetainedStations; new technology for Command Support Units; Mobile Data System ProjectTeam; Regional Control Centre Call Challenge; new Regional Control CentreResilience Team• Corporate Governance: new Strategic Planning Process; additional £14 million capitalinvestment secured for estate, fleet and equipment during 2007/08 for the next 3 years49Managing our EstateNIFRS Estate portfolio consists <strong>of</strong> 68 <strong>Fire</strong>Stations across <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>, NIFRSHeadquarters in Lisburn, <strong>Fire</strong> & RescueTraining Centre in Belfast and 4 AreaCommand Headquarters in Belfast,Londonderry, Portadown and Ballymena.Additional premises in the Dunmurry areawere acquired over the past year for the newDunmurry <strong>Fire</strong> Station, which wentoperational in February 2008 and providesfull-time emergency cover to the surroundingarea from 11am-11pm each day.Public Safety Minister Michael McGimpsey at theOpening <strong>of</strong> new Dunmurry <strong>Fire</strong> StationDuring 2007/08 total spend by the EstatesManagement Department for maintenanceand improvement to <strong>Fire</strong> Stations was£1.29 million.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08New BuildDuring 2007/08 construction work began onthe new Armagh <strong>Fire</strong> Station and is due to becompleted in December 2008. This <strong>Fire</strong>Station when completed will replace theexisting <strong>Fire</strong> Station in Upper English Street,Armagh, and will provide additionalemergency cover in the area with theintroduction <strong>of</strong> a Variable Crewed Stationtogether with the existing Retained (part-time)cover. In addition, this new Station will havethe facilities to provide the local communitywith the opportunity to participate in a range<strong>of</strong> community fire safety services.Programme is prioritised to ensure allpremises are fit for purpose.NIFRS and Ambulance Service Sharing FacilitiesManaging our Fleet50NIFRS Board Chairman Bill Gillespie, PublicSafety Minister Michael McGimpsey and AreaCommander Brian Gough at the site <strong>of</strong> the newArmagh <strong>Fire</strong> StationRefurbishmentDuring the year under review a number <strong>of</strong>existing Retained Stations were refurbished toaccommodate Variable crewing (additionalfull-time <strong>Fire</strong>fighter cover). These <strong>Fire</strong>Stations were Coleraine, Omagh, Antrim andCarrickfergus. In addition to this 12 existingRetained Stations were also redecorated.New <strong>Fire</strong> AppliancesA total <strong>of</strong> 11 new fire appliances werepurchased by NIFRS for <strong>Fire</strong> Stations across<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> during the 2007/08 FleetReplacement Programme. One Rescue Pumpand 2 Aerial Ladder Platforms were alsopurchased over the past year. These new fireappliances represented a total investment <strong>of</strong>almost £1.8 million in local services.All new appliances were equipped with themost up to date specialist equipmentincluding foam capability to improvefirefighting and new stowage systems tomaximise the amount <strong>of</strong> equipment which canbe carried to enable <strong>Fire</strong>fighters to deal with arange <strong>of</strong> emergency incidents including fires,road traffic collisions and other specialistrescue situations.In March 2008 Comber <strong>Fire</strong> Station wasrefurbished to accommodate <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>Ambulance Service (NIAS) who now sharethese premises with NIFRS and provide anemergency response within the area.During 2007/08 an Estates survey wascommissioned to provide a detailed conditionreport <strong>of</strong> all NIFRS property. This report willensure NIFRS Estates Refurbishment

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Managing our EquipmentNew Generation Operational EquipmentThroughout 2007/08 NIFRS invested heavilyin new equipment and the latest technologies- helping <strong>Fire</strong>fighters to do their job moreeffectively and ultimately helping to savemore lives.New <strong>Fire</strong>fighters HelmetIn 2007/08 NIFRS purchased a new state-<strong>of</strong>the-arthelmet – the latest model <strong>of</strong> the Gallethelmet for all its <strong>Fire</strong>fighters. NIFRS will bethe first <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service in the UK tohave these new helmets. After 3 years <strong>of</strong>extensive research to find the bestreplacement for the current fire helmet,NIFRS awarded MSA Britain the contract tosupply the new helmets. This helmet was one<strong>of</strong> the top performers during the nationalwearer trials conducted by the IntegratedClothing Group who conducted the largestand most comprehensive wearer trials everundertaken by the UK <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service.Latest Technology Breathing Apparatus(BA) SetDuring 2007/08 NIFRS has procured 150 sets<strong>of</strong> the new state-<strong>of</strong>-the-art BAcommunications system for all <strong>of</strong> our 112frontline pumping appliances, specialistrescue and marine response units and the<strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Training Centre. The new BAsets incorporate a new Draeger FPS 7000 BAface mask with an enhanced voiceamplification system. This equipment with a‘Press to Talk’ button on the face mask andenhanced voice amplifier, provides greatlyenhanced speech clarity enabling bettercommunication between <strong>Fire</strong>fighters.New Generation Breathing Apparatus (BA)FacemasksNIFRS also purchased a new BreathingApparatus face mask for all <strong>Fire</strong>fighters. Thenew face mask, the Drager FPS 7000, setsinnovative safety and comfort standards. Thecompletely redesigned full face maskprovides the best protection and optimal viewthrough the coated visor. There is also a builtin speech amplifier to ensure clearercommunication with other BA wearers. Thenew face mask can also be utilised as anindependent respirator when <strong>Fire</strong>fighters are‘damping down’ at an incident, or otherincidents when a Breathing Apparatus setmay be deemed cumbersome to use. Theprocurement <strong>of</strong> this new BA communicationsand BA face mask equipment will provideenhanced safety for all <strong>Fire</strong>fighters.51Road Traffic Collision ‘Mini-Cutters’In line with the NIFRS Road SafetyStrategy, NIFRS has enhanced the RTCequipment hydraulic kits carried on ourfrontline fire appliances, through thepurchase <strong>of</strong> 67 high-powered ‘minicutters’for placement on our first fireappliances. This equipment supersedes theaging hand-operated pedal cutters previouslycarried and will provide increased power andNew BA face mask incorporating voiceamplification and integrated BAcommunications system

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/0852greater flexibility when used in conjunctionwith the mainstream RTC equipment.Rescue Personal ProtectionEquipment (PPE)With the broader ‘rescue’ role now mandatoryfor a modern <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service NIFRShas re-examined all Personal ProtectionEquipment (PPE) to ensure it fully protectsfrom the wide range <strong>of</strong> risks that may occurwhen <strong>Fire</strong>fighters are responding to fires,road traffic collisions and other specialistrescue incidents. Research has clearly showna need to develop a dedicated Rescue PPE.4 different prototypes were trialled by NIFRSSpecialist Rescue Team during 2007/08 and afinal specification was agreed which providesthe best possible all round protection forresponding to a range <strong>of</strong> emergencysituations. Rescue PPE is a 2-pieceensemble with an outer shell using KermelTwin and incorporating a Gore-Tex PTFEmembrane. The clothing is red to reflect thenationally accepted rescue colour. Great carewas taken in the design <strong>of</strong> the garment toensure that the cut and style maximised itsperformance. The 2-piece garment, which isable to become a one piece by using a zipplaced at the back <strong>of</strong> the jacket, has adetachable hood large enough to cover aconventional helmet.LaddersAfter a review on the use <strong>of</strong> NIFRS ladders,the 13.5m ladders on all second fireappliances have been replaced with a new9m ladder incorporating drill handles, footingspigot and automatic pawls. This new lighterand more manoeuvrable ladder is extremelyversatile and will add to our operationalcapability, whilst meeting NIFRS requirements<strong>of</strong> a more diverse workforce.New Breathing Apparatus CompressorsOver the last year NIFRS has replaced itsaging fleet <strong>of</strong> BA compressors with new‘Bauer’ compressors, which <strong>of</strong>fer advancedmodern technology with reduced noise levels.These latest generation compressors willfacilitate greater efficiency in filling <strong>of</strong> BAcylinders and provide reduced maintenancecost at each <strong>of</strong> the strategically locatedcompressor sites, while also providing futurepro<strong>of</strong>for the organisation with a projectedproduct life <strong>of</strong> 20 years.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Managing our Information SystemsNew Integrated ICT StructureDuring the year there was a restructuring <strong>of</strong>the Information Technology andCommunications Departments to a newintegrated ICT Department. The consolidation<strong>of</strong> these structures has provided a unifiedframework for the alignment <strong>of</strong> informationand communication technologies and acombined wealth <strong>of</strong> knowledge and skills toaddress the many exciting technicalchallenges facing NIFRS.Thin-Client, Windows 2003, Internet andE-Mail RolloutDuring 2007/08 the ICT Departmentcompleted the rollout <strong>of</strong> Thin-Client, Windows2003, Internet and E-Mail to the RegionalControl Centre, Operations SupportDepartment and every Retained Stationacross <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>.New Technology for CommandSupport UnitsThe NIFRS Command Support Units whichare strategically placed across <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong> in Lisburn, Kilrea, Irvinestown andStrabane, have continued to be developedduring 2007/08. The latest capability includesremote viewing <strong>of</strong> Thermal Images and theability to transmit fireground plans andimages to remote locations such as GoldCommand Centre.Computer-based Risk Assessment s<strong>of</strong>twarehas been deployed at each <strong>Fire</strong> Station andis connected to a central information hubwhich allows personnel to collect and retrievepremise specific information when needed.This 2007/08 data collection initiative forms avital part <strong>of</strong> the Mobile Data Project which,when complete, will provide <strong>Fire</strong>fighter safetycritical information in every fire appliance.Mobile Data System for NIFRSOver the past year NIFRS has established aProject Team to procure a Mobile DataSystem (MDS) which will significantlyenhance the information available to<strong>Fire</strong>fighters attending incidents and to staff inthe Regional Control Centre (RCC).Since its establishment the project team hasbeen working with partner agencies, other<strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Services and industry, todevelop the concept and design criteria, aswell as solutions for any integration issues fora Mobile Data System that would suit theneeds <strong>of</strong> NIFRS.Each frontline fire appliance <strong>of</strong> NIFRS will befitted with a Mobile Data System terminalproviding:• Accurate updated mapping with satellitepositioning• Risk information on individual premises in<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>• Information for chemical incidents• Vehicle construction details for collisionrescues• The location <strong>of</strong> water supplies• Other information, for example, StandardOperating Procedures and aide memoirs• Status Messaging and Automatic VehicleLocation System (AVLS).Status Messaging is the facility to sendgeneric messages such as ‘mobile to incident’greatly reducing voice traffic between the fireappliances and the Regional Control Centre.Automatic Vehicle Location System (AVLS)employs satellite positioning technology, andwill give the RCC live information on thelocation <strong>of</strong> each fire appliance in the NIFRSfleet. This will facilitate ‘Dynamic Mobilisation’,ie, the mobilising <strong>of</strong> the nearest availableappliance to an incident helping to reduceresponse times.53

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Regional Control Centre Call Challenge2007/08 saw the full implementation <strong>of</strong> theNIIFRS Call Challenge and Call ManagementPolicies, including the delivery <strong>of</strong> training toall Regional Control Centre personnel. Thesepolicies are designed primarily to minimiseunnecessary waste <strong>of</strong> resources and provideguidance to the emergency call handler tohelp eliminate hoax calls at the point <strong>of</strong>receipt and therefore optimise the resourceallocation for individual emergency calls.Corporate GovernanceStrategic Planning ProcessNIFRS Priorities & Targets 2008-2013, whichcan be found on our website at www.nifrs.org,sets out the organisation’s objectives for thenext 5 years and key priorities for 2008/09.During 2007/08 NIFRS completed a review <strong>of</strong>its organisational objectives using a newlydeveloped prioritisation matrix which includedboth internal and external influences.54New Regional Control CentreResilience TeamDuring 2007/08 a Regional Control CentreResilience Team was developed as part <strong>of</strong>NIFRS overall Business Continuity Planningto provide necessary administrative andclerical support to Control Centre staff in busytimes or in spate conditions.2 members <strong>of</strong> existing NIFRS staff weretrained for the Resilience Team, successfullycompleting a 3-week training course in June2007. They continue to develop their skills inthe Regional Control Centre and it is plannedto increase the number <strong>of</strong> Resilience Teampersonnel in the coming year.Monitoring PerformanceSenior Officers meet DHSSPS <strong>of</strong>ficialsformally twice a year to discuss NIFRSprogress towards organisational objectiveachievements. To assist this process, NIFRSintroduced a traffic light system into itsmonitoring process in 2007/08. This trafficlight system uses colour coded keys (red /amber / green) to identify progress towardstarget and objective achievement.Capital Investment ProgrammeNIFRS continues to work with the EmergencyServices Investment Programme to progressour capital investment programme for theperiod 2008-18. During the year under reviewRegional Control Centre

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08NIFRS was successful in having an additional£14million capital investment allocated by theDHSSPS towards improving our estate, fleetand equipment over the next 3 years2008-11.Insurance SettlementsDuring 2007/08 the following insurance settlements were finalised and approved:Number Total Cost Reserve NotionalInsurance <strong>of</strong> Claims (£) (£) Savings %Employers' Liability 13 207,946.00 594,000.00 65Public Liability 1 22,687.00 40,000.00 43Motor 23 304,704.00 410,505.00 26The table below shows the total cost <strong>of</strong> insurance settlement claims covering Motor, Publicliability and Employer’s Liability over the last 5 years.Total Cost <strong>of</strong> Insurance Settlement Claims55Managing our BudgetMonitoring Performance & Planning forthe futureFinancial ReviewIn 2007/08 NIFRS received revenue funding<strong>of</strong> £72.658million from the Department <strong>of</strong>Health, Social Services &Public Safety.Achievements during the Year2007/08 was another successful financialyear for <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & RescueService and despite a number <strong>of</strong> financialpressures, we were able to operate withinavailable resources.During the year the <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Servicecontinued with the ambitious reform andmodernisation agenda and we continued torealign our finances to facilitate this process.We were able to re-align from within ourexisting budget:• An additional £364k funding was madeavailable to train Wholetime and Retained<strong>Fire</strong>fighters in our new statutoryresponsibilities• An additional £363k was provided toenhance our Community Safety andCommunity Education Programmes• Additional resources <strong>of</strong> £132k were made

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/0856available for further development <strong>of</strong> USARcapabilities• £34k <strong>of</strong> funding was utilised for therefurbishment <strong>of</strong> Variable crewing Stationsand for the provision <strong>of</strong> a temporary <strong>Fire</strong>Station in Dunmurry in accordance withthe IRMP strategy.During the year, Finance staff were involvedin the preparation <strong>of</strong> detailed budgetarysubmissions, under the CSR process, to bidfor and secure adequate resources for the3-year period 2008/09 to 2011/12. Aftersuccessful representations to DHSSPS wehave secured a reasonable settlement whichwill allow us to continue with our reform andmodernisation agenda.InvestmentThe main focus <strong>of</strong> our capital investmentduring the year was on replacement <strong>of</strong> ouremergency fleet. Some £3.2million was spenton replacement fire appliances and rapidresponse vehicles.planning model to identify our 10 yearinvestment requirements to inform the<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Investment Strategy. Thishas identified an investment need <strong>of</strong> some£200million over the next 10 years. This workhas also assisted us in securing additionalcapital resources during the new CSR 2007funding cycle.Remuneration <strong>Report</strong>NIFRS established a RemunerationCommittee in 2005 to comply with BestPractice in Corporate Governance andcomprised <strong>of</strong> the following Board Members at31 March 2008:Mr William Gillespie, Chairman <strong>of</strong>NIFRS BoardMrs Barbara GillilandMr Kenneth HarperMrs Paula TallyThe Terms <strong>of</strong> Reference for the Committeeare as detailed below:Work has also commenced on thereplacement <strong>Fire</strong> Station for Armagh and weincurred some £160k on site works during theyear. It is anticipated that this project will becompleted during the 2008/09 financial year.Some £159k was spent on New Dimensionequipment. This project will be finalised in2008/09 by which stage NIFRS will be fullyequipped in accordance with the Nationalmodel in respect <strong>of</strong> Mass Decontamination,Urban Search & Rescue and High VolumePumping.• To conduct an evaluation <strong>of</strong> the salaries <strong>of</strong>the 4 Principal Officers in comparison withsimilar positions in other Brigades takingaccount <strong>of</strong> all other relevant factors• To deal with all issues relating to thesalaries <strong>of</strong> Directors• Such other business as may be delegatedto it by the Board• To make recommendations to the fullBoard.During 2007/08 the Committee met on22 January 2008 and 26 February 2008.The transformational reform <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Fire</strong> &Rescue Service will need to be underpinnedby significant investment to ensure that wemeet our new response targets and have theappropriate facilities to effectively dischargeour new statutory responsibilities. During theyear Finance staff developed a financialThe governance arrangements for the NIFRSBoard consist <strong>of</strong> a Chair, the Chief <strong>Fire</strong>Officer and 10 non-executive Members, 4 <strong>of</strong>whom are District Councillors nominated bythe <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Local GovernmentAssociation (NILGA).

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08NIFRS is managed by a Senior ManagementTeam which consists <strong>of</strong> the Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer,Deputy Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer, 2 Assistant Chief<strong>Fire</strong> Officers and 3 Directors. Details <strong>of</strong>Chairman and Senior Managers’remuneration and pension information for theyear ended 31 March 2008 is set out in thetable below*.*Chairman and Senior Managers’ remuneration and pension information for the year ended31 March 2008Name & TitleSalaryincludingPerformancePay06/07£'000SalaryincludingPerformancePay07/08£'000Realincrease inPension &RelatedLump Sumat Age 60£'000TotalAccruedPension atAge 60 &RelatedLump Sum£'000CETV at31/3/07£'000CETV at31/3/08£'000RealIncrease inCETV afteradjustment£'000W GillespieChairmanC LammeyChief <strong>Fire</strong>Officer & ChiefExecutiveL JonesDeputy Chief<strong>Fire</strong> OfficerP CraigAssistantChief <strong>Fire</strong>Officer(CommunityDevelopment)T WrightAssistantChief <strong>Fire</strong>Officer(TechnicalDevelopment)Ms A ConleyDirector <strong>of</strong>HumanResourcesT McGonigalDirector <strong>of</strong>Finance &PerformanceManagementD MichailDirector <strong>of</strong>Planning &CorporateAffairs21-25106-11086-9080-8580-8556-6056-6050-5521-25126-130100-10590-9590-9560-6560-6556-60013216134440348278252247865680092970873074535516531408907697677903761893470-654217257182857No Benefits in Kind were received in either 2006/07 or 2007/08.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/0858A Cash Equivalent Transfer Value (CETV) isthe actuarially assessed capital value <strong>of</strong> thepension scheme benefits accrued by amember at a particular point in time. Thebenefits valued are the member’s accruedbenefits and any contingent spouse’s pensionpayable from the scheme. A CETV is apayment made by a pension scheme, orarrangement to secure pension benefits inanother pension scheme, or arrangementwhen the member leaves a scheme andchooses to transfer the benefits accrued intheir former scheme. The pension figuresshown relate to the benefits that the individualhas accrued as a consequence <strong>of</strong> their totalmembership <strong>of</strong> the pension scheme, not justtheir service in a senior capacity to which thedisclosure applies.The CETV figures include the value <strong>of</strong> anypension details, including the value <strong>of</strong> anypension benefits in another scheme orarrangement which the individual hastransferred. They also include any additionalpension benefit accrued to the member as aresult <strong>of</strong> their purchasing additional years <strong>of</strong>pension service in the scheme at their owncost. CETVs are calculated within guidelinesand framework prescribed by the Institute andFaculty <strong>of</strong> Actuaries.The “Real increase in CETV” reflects theincrease in CETV funded by the employeeand the employer. It takes account <strong>of</strong> theincrease in accrued pension due to inflation,contributions paid by the employee (includingthe benefits transferred from another pensionscheme or arrangements) and uses commonmarket valuation factors.Pension benefits for the Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer andAssistant Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officers are providedthrough the <strong>Fire</strong>fighters’ Pension Scheme.This is a statutory scheme which providesbenefits on a “final salary” basis. The normalretirement age is 55, but Officers may retireon full pension once they have attained 50years <strong>of</strong> age and have 30 years' service. TheChief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer requires the approval <strong>of</strong> theNIFRS Board to retire before he has attained55 years <strong>of</strong> age. Benefits accrue at the rate <strong>of</strong>1/60th <strong>of</strong> pensionable salary for each year <strong>of</strong>service up to 20 years and at 2/60th for eachyear <strong>of</strong> service thereafter. The maximumattainable is 40/60th. Members may commuteup to 25% <strong>of</strong> their pension in return for alump sum <strong>of</strong> up to 19 times the commutedamount, subject to age. Members paycontributions <strong>of</strong> 11% <strong>of</strong> pensionable earnings.Pensions increase in payment in line with theRetail Prices Index.On death, pensions are payable to thesurviving spouse at a rate <strong>of</strong> half themember's pension. On death in service, thescheme pays a lump sum benefit <strong>of</strong> twicepensionable pay and also provides a serviceenhancement on computing the spouse’spension. The enhancement depends onlength <strong>of</strong> service and cannot exceed 10years. Medical retirement is possible in theevent <strong>of</strong> serious ill-health. In this casepensions are brought into paymentimmediately without actuarial reduction.The pension benefits <strong>of</strong> the Directors areprovided through the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> LocalGovernment Officers’ SuperannuationScheme. This is a funded scheme whichprovides benefits on a “final salary” basis at anormal retirement age <strong>of</strong> 65. Benefits accrueat the rate <strong>of</strong> 1/80th <strong>of</strong> pensionable salary foreach year <strong>of</strong> service. In addition, a lump sumequivalent to 3 years’ pension is payable onretirement. Members pay contributions <strong>of</strong> 6%<strong>of</strong> pensionable earnings. Pensions increase inpayment in line with the Retail Prices Index.On death, pensions are payable to thesurviving spouse at a rate <strong>of</strong> half themember’s pension. On death in service, thescheme pays a lump sum benefit <strong>of</strong> twicepensionable pay and also provides a service

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08enhancement on computing the spouse’spension. The enhancement depends onlength <strong>of</strong> service and cannot exceed 6 2/3years. Medical retirement is possible in theevent <strong>of</strong> serious ill-health. In this casepensions are brought into paymentimmediately without actuarial reduction andwith service enhanced as for widow(er)pensions.The Chairman is not a member <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Local Government Officers’Superannuation Committee Pension Scheme.The terms and conditions for the Chairmanand Senior Managers are as follows:• The Chairman is appointed by theMinister, usually for a period <strong>of</strong> up to 4years under the Department’s PublicAppointment Procedures and based onguidance issued by the Commissioner forPublic Appointments for <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>.• The Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer, Deputy Chief <strong>Fire</strong>Officer and Assistant Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officers’terms and conditions are negotiated andregulated through the National JointCouncil for Principal <strong>Fire</strong> Officers. Thisbody sets a minimum salary for PrincipalOfficers and local adjustments are madeby the individual Authorities. The DeputyChief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer’s salary is based on 80%<strong>of</strong> the Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer’s notional rate (ie,80% <strong>of</strong> the minimum rate <strong>of</strong> pay for theappropriate population band which iscurrently band 4) whilst the Assistant Chief<strong>Fire</strong> Officers’ salaries are based on 75% <strong>of</strong>the Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer’s notional rate. In2007/08 the Officers received a one <strong>of</strong>fpayment under Article 10(b) <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Fire</strong>and Rescue Services (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>)Order 2006.• The Directors are employed under NJC forLocal Government Services Terms andConditions and their salaries wereevaluated by ATM Consultants in 2004.The Executive Directors are not bound by afixed contract; a 3 month notice periodapplies. No compensation for early retirementwas paid to Executive Directors during theyear and no amounts were paid to a thirdparty for services <strong>of</strong> an Executive Director.59Senior Employees’ RemunerationDuring the year the number <strong>of</strong> Officers and Support staff who received remuneration in excess<strong>of</strong> £50,000, excluding pension contributions were:2008 2007 2006£50,000 - £60,000 38 35 35£60,001 - £70,000 7 5 5£70,001 - £80,000 0 0 0£80,001 - £90,000 0 3 3£90,001 - £100,000 2 0 0£100,001 - £110,000 1 1 1£110,001 - £120,000 0 0 0£120,001 - £130,000 1 0 049 44 44

Financial <strong>Statement</strong>s<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08NORTHERN IRELAND FIRE & RESCUE SERVICEFINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARENDED 31 MARCH 2008IndexPagesForeword 62Certificate <strong>of</strong> Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer 66<strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> the NIFRS Board and Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer's Responsibilities 67NIFRS Board Members 68<strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> Internal Control 69The Certificate and <strong>Report</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Comptroller & Auditor General to the 72House <strong>of</strong> Commons and the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> AssemblyIncome and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31 March 2008 74Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2008 75Cashflow <strong>Statement</strong> for the year ended 31 March 2008 76<strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> Recognised Gains and Losses for the year ended 31 March 2008 7761Notes to the <strong>Accounts</strong> 78<strong>Accounts</strong> Direction 107

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08NORTHERN IRELAND FIRE & RESCUE SERVICEFOREWORD£4,029,000 <strong>of</strong> Grant-In-Aid funding.621 Statutory Basis<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> and Rescue ServiceBoard is a body corporate which wasestablished by The <strong>Fire</strong> and RescueServices (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order 2006. Itis a Non-Departmental Public Body withthe Department <strong>of</strong> Health, Social Services& Public Safety as it’s sponsoringDepartment.These <strong>Accounts</strong> have been prepared inaccordance with Article 3 (15) <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Fire</strong>and Rescue Services (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>)Order 2006 and cover the year ended 31March 2008. The <strong>Accounts</strong> have beenprepared in a form directed by theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Health, Social Services &Public Safety with the approval <strong>of</strong> theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Finance & Personnel inaccordance with Article 3 (3) & Schedule 1(15) <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Fire</strong> and Rescue Services(<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order 2006.The accounting policies adopted follow UKgenerally accepted accounting practice(UK GAAP) to the extent that it ismeaningful and appropriate to the publicsector. The accounting policies areselected in accordance with the principlesset out in FRS 18 “Accounting Policies” asthe most appropriate for giving a true andfair view. The accounting policies havebeen applied consistently in dealing withitems considered material in relation to theaccounts.2 Results<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service isfunded substantially by grants under theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Health, Social Services &Public Safety. For 2007/2008 we received£72,658,000 <strong>of</strong> grant revenue funding andFor the year ended 31 March 2008 thedeficit, on ordinary activities excluding anotional negative cost <strong>of</strong> capital, was£109,741,000 (see page 74). This deficitdoes not take account <strong>of</strong> the Grant receivedfrom the Department <strong>of</strong> Health, SocialServices & Public Safety.To comply with FRS 17, <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service received GAD’sActuarial Valuation <strong>of</strong> the liabilities for thetwo Operational Pension Schemes. Thisresulted in a decrease in the provision <strong>of</strong>£25,949,000 (see Note 14d, page 96). TheDepartment currently funds <strong>Fire</strong>fighterspension costs annually.GAD also valued the CompensationScheme under FRS 12 and the currentvalue <strong>of</strong> the provision is £45,583,000 (seeNote 14b, page 95).The NIFRS NILGOSC Pension Schemeactuarial valuation was carried out as at 31March 2008 in accordance with FRS 17which resulted in a scheme liability <strong>of</strong>£2,009,000 (see Note 14(e), page 97).The pension deficits to date have resultedin <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Servicehaving net liabilities <strong>of</strong> £300,815,000 (seepage 75). As <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> &Rescue Service is adequately funded on acash basis, it is not regarded as beingoperationally insolvent.3 Business ReviewA <strong>Report</strong> on the functions carried out by theBoard during the year is contained in the<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service's<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>. In accordance with Article 3(3) & Schedule 1 (16) <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Fire</strong> andRescue Services (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/082006 the report is to be submitted to theHead <strong>of</strong> the Department <strong>of</strong> Health, SocialServices & Public Safety and is to be laidbefore the Assembly.4 Research and DevelopmentA number <strong>of</strong> Research and Developmentactivities have been carried out during theyear and the details are included in the<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.5 Post Balance Sheet EventsThere were no Post Balance Sheet events.6 Charitable Donations9 Board MembersThe <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & RescueService Board was established on 1 July2006 with powers granted under The <strong>Fire</strong>and Rescue Services (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>)Order 2006.The NIFRS Board comprises <strong>of</strong> a nonexecutiveChair, the Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer and10 non-executive Members, 4 <strong>of</strong> whom areDistrict Councillors nominated by the<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Local GovernmentAssociation (NILGA). A full list <strong>of</strong>Members who served during the year 1April 2007 to 31 March 2008 is set outon page 68.There were no charitable donations madeduring the year.10 <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> Board Members'Responsibilities7 Fixed AssetsThe movement in fixed assets during theyear is set out at Note 8, pages 89-92 tothe Financial <strong>Statement</strong>s. <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service is <strong>of</strong> the view thatthere is a material difference between themarket and book value <strong>of</strong> its land andbuildings. This is because the valuation <strong>of</strong>its <strong>Fire</strong> Stations shown in the accounts ison the basis <strong>of</strong> depreciated replacementcost. The price that could be achieved ifthe premises were sold on the openmarket is approximately 62% <strong>of</strong> theexisting depreciated replacement costwhich is shown on the balance sheet. Thiscould amount to a difference <strong>of</strong>approximately £41,110,000.8 Future DevelopmentsFuture Development within NIFRS isdriven by our Priorities and Targets 2008-2013 as detailed in the <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.Members <strong>of</strong> the NIFRS Board havecorporate responsibility for ensuring that<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Servicecomplies with any statutory (or other)requirements for the use <strong>of</strong> public funds.Other important responsibilities <strong>of</strong> BoardMembers include:• establishing the overall strategicdirection <strong>of</strong> <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> &Rescue Service within the policy andresources framework agreed with theMinister;• formulating a strategy for implementingthe Code <strong>of</strong> Practice on Access toGovernment Information, includingprompt response to public requests forinformation;• ensuring <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> &Rescue Service operates soundenvironmental policies and practices inaccordance with practices set out in the1990 White Paper "This CommonInheritance" (a copy <strong>of</strong> which isavailable in the library at <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue63

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/0864Service Headquarters) and otherrelevant guidance;• ensuring that the high standards <strong>of</strong>corporate governance are observed atall times;• overseeing the delivery <strong>of</strong> plannedresults by monitoring performanceagainst agreed strategic objectives andtargets;• ensuring that, in reaching decisions,<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & RescueService has taken into account anyguidance issued by the Department;and• ensuring that <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong>& Rescue Service operates within thelimit <strong>of</strong> its statutory authority; within thelimits <strong>of</strong> the Service's delegatedauthority agreed with the Department;and in accordance with any otherconditions relating to the use <strong>of</strong> publicfunds.11 Employee InvolvementThe NIFRS Board encourages employeeparticipation and considers staffcommunication and involvement as a keysuccess factor within the Organisation.The relevant Representative Bodies areinvolved in the development <strong>of</strong> policywithin NIFRS through informal consultativeprocesses such as Joint Working Partiesand also the more formal negotiatingcommittee framework. In particular, theyhave had an integral role in thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> employment practices andprocedures, including appointments andpromotions and, with the Board, theycontinue to review these to ensurecompliance with legislation and Codes <strong>of</strong>Practice.12 Disabled Applicants and Employees<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Serviceoperates the following policies:• It is the policy <strong>of</strong> NIFRS to provide fulland fair consideration for disabledpeople throughout their employment.This may involve taking reasonablesteps to reduce, or remove a physicalfeature or employment arrangementthat would cause a disabled employeeor job applicant any substantialdisadvantage.• All job advertisements carry aWelcoming <strong>Statement</strong> in line withDepartmental policy which confirmsthat the principle <strong>of</strong> equal treatment willapply to all applicants irrespective <strong>of</strong>disability;• For each post, disabled applicants aremonitored under the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service's EqualOpportunities Monitoring procedures;and• A Textphone system has been installedat <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & RescueService Headquarters so that thosewith a hearing impairment can obtain<strong>Fire</strong> Safety advice and audio tapes on<strong>Fire</strong> Safety are also available onrequest.NIFRS is subject to statutory disabilityduties under the Disability Discrimination(NI) Order 2006. This requires NIFRS, incarrying out its functions, to have dueregard to the need to promote positiveattitudes towards disabled people; andencourage participation by disabled peoplein public life. NIFRS has an approvedDisability Action Plan in compliance withthe Order.13 Health and Safety<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service iscommitted to adhering to all existinglegislation on health and safety at work toensure that staff and customers enjoy thebenefits <strong>of</strong> a safe environment. NIFRS haswon the prestigious Royal Society for the

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Prevention <strong>of</strong> Accidents (RoSPA) Health &Safety Gold Award for the third yearrunning.14 Prompt Payment Policy<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service iscommitted to the prompt payment <strong>of</strong> billsfor goods and services received inaccordance with the Confederation <strong>of</strong>British Industry's Prompt Payers Code.Unless otherwise stated in the contract,payment is due within 30 days <strong>of</strong> thereceipt <strong>of</strong> the goods or services, onpresentation <strong>of</strong> a valid invoice or a similardemand, whichever is later.So far as the Accounting Officer is aware,there is no relevant audit information <strong>of</strong> whichthe entity’s auditors are unaware, and he hastaken all the steps that ought to have beentaken to make himself aware <strong>of</strong> any relevantaudit information and to establish that theentity’s auditors are aware <strong>of</strong> that information.Regular reviews conducted to measurehow promptly <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> &Rescue Service paid its bills found that96.92% <strong>of</strong> bills were paid within thisstandard.The Late Payment <strong>of</strong> Commercial Debts(Interest) Regulations 2002 provides smallbusinesses with a statutory right to claiminterest on the late payment <strong>of</strong> commercialdebt. During the year, <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service incurred no interestpayments.6515 AuditorThe Comptroller & Auditor General wasappointed the statutory Auditor from 1 April2003 following the Audit & Accountability(<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order 2003. He is theHead <strong>of</strong> <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Audit Office andhe and his staff are wholly independent <strong>of</strong><strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Serviceand report his findings to Parliament.Details <strong>of</strong> the external audit fees arehighlighted in Note 7 (page 88) to the<strong>Accounts</strong>.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08CERTIFICATE OF CHIEF FIRE OFFICERI certify that the <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> set out in the Financial <strong>Statement</strong>s and Notes to the<strong>Accounts</strong> (pages 74 to 106) <strong>of</strong> <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service have been compiledfrom, and are in accordance with the accounts and financial records maintained by <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service and with the accounting standards and policies for Non-Departmental Public Bodies approved by the Department <strong>of</strong> Health, Social Services& Public Safety.Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer24 June 2008Date66

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08STATEMENT OF THE NORTHERN IRELAND FIRE & RESCUE SERVICEBOARD AND CHIEF FIRE OFFICER'S RESPONSIBILITIESUnder Article 3 (15) <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Fire</strong> and RescueServices (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order 2006,<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service isrequired to prepare Financial <strong>Statement</strong>s foreach financial year in the form and on thebasis determined by the Department <strong>of</strong>Health, Social Services & Public Safety withthe approval <strong>of</strong> the Department <strong>of</strong> Finance &Personnel. The Financial <strong>Statement</strong>s areprepared on an accruals basis and mustpresent a true and fair view <strong>of</strong> the state <strong>of</strong>affairs <strong>of</strong> <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & RescueService, <strong>of</strong> its income and expenditure,recognised gains and losses and cash flowsfor the financial year.In preparing the Financial <strong>Statement</strong>s,<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service isrequired to:• observe the <strong>Accounts</strong> Direction issued bythe Department <strong>of</strong> Health, Social Services& Public Safety including relevantaccounting and disclosure requirements,and apply suitable accounting policies ona consistent basis;• pursue and demonstrate value for moneyin the services the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> &Rescue Service provides and in its use <strong>of</strong>public assets and the resources it controls.The Permanent Secretary for the Department<strong>of</strong> Health, Social Services & Public Safety, asAccounting Officer for Health and PersonalSocial Services in <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>, hasdesignated the Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer as theAccounting Officer for <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong>& Rescue Service. His relevantresponsibilities as Accounting Officer,including his responsibility for the proprietyand regularity <strong>of</strong> the public finances for whichhe is answerable and for the keeping <strong>of</strong>proper records, are set out in the AccountingOfficer Memorandum, issued by theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Health, Social Services &Public Safety. The Accounting Officer is alsoresponsible for safeguarding the assets <strong>of</strong><strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service andhence for taking reasonable steps to preventand detect fraud and other irregularities.67• make judgements and estimates on areasonable basis;• state whether applicable accountingstandards have been followed, anddisclose and explain any materialdepartures in the financial statements;• prepare the Financial <strong>Statement</strong>s on thegoing concern basis, unless it isinappropriate to presume that <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service willcontinue in operation;• keep proper accounting records whichdisclose with reasonable accuracy at anytime the financial position <strong>of</strong> <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service; and

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08NORTHERN IRELAND FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE BOARD MEMBERS1 APRIL 2007 - 31 MARCH 2008CHAIRMANMr W F Gillespie OBE TD MBA JP DL FCIOB FSCAMEMBERSMr C Lammey MSc FCIPD FI<strong>Fire</strong>E, Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer/Chief ExecutiveMr J Beattie MCIPDMr P Bradley CBE MAMr J B Clarke (appointed 1 June 2007)Mrs B J GillilandMrs P TallyMr J Campbell BA MBA FAIA FCIS FInstAM FCMI68Mr G A Hatch TFA (appointed 1 June 2007)Mr K Harper MI<strong>Fire</strong>EMr J F McKeeverMr R Pollock

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08STATEMENT OF INTERNAL CONTROL1 Scope <strong>of</strong> ResponsibilityAs Accounting Officer, I have responsibilityfor maintaining a sound system <strong>of</strong> internalcontrol that supports the achievement <strong>of</strong><strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Servicepolicies, aims and objectives, whilstsafeguarding the public funds and NIFRSassets for which I am personallyresponsible, in accordance with theresponsibilities assigned to me inGovernment Accounting <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>.NIFRS agrees with its sponsoringDepartment, after extensive publicconsultation, a Corporate Plan whichsets out objectives over a three yearperiod and a Business Plan whichdetails the business objectives for thefirst year <strong>of</strong> the Corporate Plan,together with appropriate targets andperformance measures. Results againsttargets on performance measures arereported monthly and in the annualreport at the year end.<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Servicehas established a Business Risk Registerwhich monitors and records the control <strong>of</strong>risk within the NIFRS Board. The BusinessRisk Register has been designed usingrecommended Department <strong>of</strong> Health,Social Services and Public Safetyguidance.rather than to eliminate all risk <strong>of</strong> failure toachieve policies, aims and objectives; itcan therefore only provide reasonable andnot absolute assurance <strong>of</strong> effectiveness.The system <strong>of</strong> internal control is based onan ongoing process designed to identifyand prioritise the risks to the achievement<strong>of</strong> <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Servicepolicies, aims and objectives, to evaluatethe likelihood <strong>of</strong> those risks being realisedand the impact should they be realised,and to manage them efficiently, effectivelyand economically. The system <strong>of</strong> internalcontrol has been in place in <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service for the yearended 31 March 2008 and up to the date<strong>of</strong> approval <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> and<strong>Accounts</strong>, and accords with Department <strong>of</strong>Finance and Personnel guidance.3 Capacity to Handle RiskI have carried out appropriate proceduresto ensure that I have identified the Board'sobjectives and risks and determined acontrol strategy for each <strong>of</strong> the significantrisks. As a result, risk ownership has beenallocated to the appropriate staff and theBoard has set out its attitude to risk to theachievement <strong>of</strong> the Board's objectives.Each Principal Officer and Director hascompleted a Management Assurance<strong>Statement</strong> which is designed to highlightimportant issues.69The Board's Business Risk Register isthen forwarded to the Department <strong>of</strong>Health, Social Services and Public Safetywhere its data forms part <strong>of</strong> theDepartment's Business Risk Register.2 The Purpose <strong>of</strong> the System <strong>of</strong> InternalControlThe system <strong>of</strong> internal control is designedto manage risk to a reasonable levelMy Management Team has ensured thatprocedures are in place for verifying thataspects <strong>of</strong> risk management and internalcontrol are regularly reviewed andreported on. There has been a full risk andcontrol assessment prior to reporting onthe year ending 31 March 2008.Risk management has been incorporatedmore fully into the corporate planning anddecision-making processes <strong>of</strong> NIFRS.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08704 The Risk and Control FrameworkKey Organisational objectives are set bythe Board and my Management Team.Risks associated with the nonachievement<strong>of</strong> these objectives areidentified and appropriate mechanisms tocontrol these risks are established. Thelikelihood and impact <strong>of</strong> the risk upon theBoard is calculated and the appropriaterisk response is determined by myManagement Team using experience andnational best practice.Furthermore, risk management is anagenda item on each Principal Officersand Directors monthly managementmeeting, to enable reporting and review<strong>of</strong> new risks, the effectiveness <strong>of</strong>controls over risks identified, theprogress <strong>of</strong> action plans and t<strong>of</strong>acilitate early corrective action.NIFRS risk priorities during 2007/2008included:• Following the introduction <strong>of</strong> newemergency response standards forNIFRS, a review <strong>of</strong> emergency cover in<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> was carried out toprovide the optimum solution inresource allocation while ensuringNIFRS meets its new standards;• Implementing a Community <strong>Fire</strong> SafetyStrategy to reduce identified risk,particularly to achieve targetedreductions in death/injury among the NIpublic and a reduction in attacks onemergency service personnel andappliances;• Developing a comprehensive BusinessContinuity Plan which details theprocedures we will implement to ensurethat we can still provide an effectiveservice during disruption; and• Submitting an ambitious capitalinvestment programme to implementover the next 10 years that will ensurethat NIFRS is capable <strong>of</strong> meeting futureservice requirements and challenges.5 Review <strong>of</strong> EffectivenessAs Accounting Officer, I have responsibilityfor reviewing the effectiveness <strong>of</strong> thesystem <strong>of</strong> internal control. My review <strong>of</strong>the effectiveness <strong>of</strong> the system <strong>of</strong> internalcontrol is informed by the work <strong>of</strong> theinternal auditors and the executivemanagers within NIFRS, who haveresponsibility for the development andmaintenance <strong>of</strong> the internal controlframework, and comments made by theexternal auditors in their ManagementLetter and other reports.I have been advised on the implications <strong>of</strong>the results <strong>of</strong> my review <strong>of</strong> theeffectiveness <strong>of</strong> the system <strong>of</strong> internalcontrol by the Board, the Audit Committee,and a plan to address weaknesses andensure continuous improvement <strong>of</strong> thesystem is in place.The Board receives periodic reportsconcerning internal control. Theappropriate steps are being taken tomanage risks in significant areas <strong>of</strong>responsibility and monitor progress on keyprojects.Due to the operational procedures <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service, there is a culture<strong>of</strong> risk awareness and risk assessmentwithin the Organisation. NIFRS has aService Delivery Committee, which isresponsible for monitoring and developing

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08policies to ensure that it is meeting itsstatutory obligations in relation to allaspects <strong>of</strong> safety. It also has an AuditCommittee which is responsible forensuring that all <strong>of</strong> NIFRS financial andoperating systems reflect best practiceand ensure adequate safeguards againstfraud and theft.I recognise my responsibility asAccounting Officer to ensure I receiveindependent assurance from an InternalAudit Service organised in accordancewith Government Audit Standards. During2006-07 and 2007-08 the Quality ServicesUnit has been operating at below its fullestablishment level however extraresources have been provided to conductinternal audits. A backlog <strong>of</strong> Internal Auditwork, which I referred to in the 2006-07<strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> Internal Control, has beenreduced and at this point in time only one<strong>of</strong> the eight audit reviews scheduled for2007-08 remains outstanding. The vacantpositions within the Quality Services Unit(including the Head <strong>of</strong> the Unit) will beadvertised shortly. Should the vacanciesimpact on the capacity <strong>of</strong> the QualityServices Unit to deliver planned InternalAudit work for 2008-09 extra resources willbe provided to meet this shortfall.We are also aware that there are 2 areaswhere we are not fully compliant withGIAS. These comprise:• There are no formal terms <strong>of</strong> referencein place for the scope <strong>of</strong> Internal Auditactivity• There has been no formal qualityreview <strong>of</strong> Internal Audit activityundertaken since 2001.This situation will be reviewed in 2008-09to ensure the appropriate level <strong>of</strong> InternalAudit assurances is provided, consistentwith Government Internal Audit Standards.NIFRS has an Internal Audit Unit – theQuality Services Unit (QSU), whichoperates to standards defined in theGovernment Internal Audit Manual. TheUnit submits regular reports which includethe Head <strong>of</strong> Internal Audit’s independentopinion on the adequacy and effectiveness<strong>of</strong> the Organisation's system <strong>of</strong> internalcontrol together with recommendations forimprovement.A Management Assurance <strong>Statement</strong> issubmitted by each PrincipalOfficer/Director which is based on thework <strong>of</strong> each Directorate in relation toapprovals given, risks identified andcontrolled, and on regularity andcompliance action.6 Internal Control IssuesOne issue remains a priority for the <strong>Fire</strong>and Rescue Service senior managementteam:- to address the identified InternalAudit resource deficit NIFRS willimplement a strategy to recruit for, andresource, the Internal Audit function. Thiswill be in accordance with GovernmentInternal Audit Standards.Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer:Date: 24 June 200871

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08THE CERTIFICATE AND REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER & AUDITORGENERAL TO THE HOUSE OF COMMONS AND THE NORTHERNIRELAND ASSEMBLY72I certify that I have audited the financialstatements <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> andRescue Service for the year ended 31 March2008 under the <strong>Fire</strong> and Rescue Services(<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order 2006. Thesecomprise the Income and ExpenditureAccount, the Balance Sheet, the Cash Flow<strong>Statement</strong> and <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> RecognisedGains and Losses and the related notes.These financial statements have beenprepared under the accounting policies setout within them. I have also audited theinformation in the Remuneration <strong>Report</strong> thatis described in that report as having beenaudited.Respective responsibilities <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> and Rescue Service, Chief <strong>Fire</strong>Officer and AuditorThe <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> and RescueService and the Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer areresponsible for preparing the <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>,the Remuneration <strong>Report</strong> and the financialstatements in accordance with the <strong>Fire</strong> andRescue Services (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order2006 and Department <strong>of</strong> Health, SocialServices & Public Safety directions madethereunder and for ensuring the regularity <strong>of</strong>financial transactions. These responsibilitiesare set out in the <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> and Rescue Service and Chief<strong>Fire</strong> Officer’s Responsibilities.My responsibility is to audit the financialstatements and the part <strong>of</strong> the remunerationreport to be audited in accordance withrelevant legal and regulatory requirements,and with International Standards on Auditing(UK and <strong>Ireland</strong>).I report to you my opinion as to whether thefinancial statements give a true and fair viewand whether the financial statements and thepart <strong>of</strong> the Remuneration <strong>Report</strong> to beaudited have been properly prepared inaccordance with the <strong>Fire</strong> and RescueServices (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order 2006 andDepartment <strong>of</strong> Health, Social Services &Public Safety directions made thereunder. Ireport to you whether, in my opinion, theinformation which comprises the forewords <strong>of</strong>the Chairman and the Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer; KeyPerformance Targets; Vision, Mission andValues; Organisational Structure; Awards andAchievements; and 2007-08 Review, given inthe <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>, is consistent with thefinancial statements. I also report whether inall material respects the expenditure andincome have been applied to the purposesintended by the Assembly and the financialtransactions conform to the authorities whichgovern them.In addition, I report to you if the <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> and Rescue Service has not keptproper accounting records, if I have notreceived all the information and explanations Irequire for my audit, or if information specifiedby the Department <strong>of</strong> Finance and Personnelregarding remuneration and othertransactions is not disclosed.I review whether the <strong>Statement</strong> on InternalControl reflects the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> andRescue Service’s compliance with theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Finance and Personnel’sguidance, and I report if it does not. I am notrequired to consider whether this statementcovers all risks and controls, or form anopinion on the effectiveness <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> and Rescue Service’s corporategovernance procedures or its risk and controlprocedures.I read the other information contained in the<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> and consider whether it isconsistent with the audited financialstatements. This other information comprisesthe forewords <strong>of</strong> the Chairman and the Chief<strong>Fire</strong> Officer; Key Performance Targets;Vision, Mission and Values; OrganisationalStructure; Awards and Achievements; and2007-08.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Basis <strong>of</strong> audit opinionI conducted my audit in accordance withInternational Standards on Auditing (UK and<strong>Ireland</strong>) issued by the Auditing PracticesBoard. My audit includes examination, on atest basis, <strong>of</strong> evidence relevant to theamounts, disclosures and regularity <strong>of</strong>financial transactions included in the financialstatements and the part <strong>of</strong> the Remuneration<strong>Report</strong> to be audited. It also includes anassessment <strong>of</strong> the significant estimates andjudgments made by the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong>and Rescue Service and the Chief <strong>Fire</strong>Officer in the preparation <strong>of</strong> the financialstatements, and <strong>of</strong> whether the accountingpolicies are most appropriate to the <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> and Rescue Service’scircumstances, consistently applied andadequately disclosed.2006 and directions made thereunder by theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Health, Social Services &Public Safety, <strong>of</strong> the state <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> and Rescue Service’s affairs asat 31 March 2008 and <strong>of</strong> its deficit/surplusfor the year then ended;• the financial statements and the part <strong>of</strong> theRemuneration <strong>Report</strong> to be audited havebeen properly prepared in accordance withthe <strong>Fire</strong> and Rescue Services (<strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong>) Order 2006 and Department <strong>of</strong>Health, Social Services & Public Safetydirections made thereunder; and• information given within the <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>,which comprises the Directors’ <strong>Report</strong>,Management Commentary, and theRemuneration <strong>Report</strong> is consistent with thefinancial statements.I planned and performed my audit so as toobtain all the information and explanationswhich I considered necessary in order toprovide me with sufficient evidence to givereasonable assurance that the financialstatements and the part <strong>of</strong> the Remuneration<strong>Report</strong> to be audited are free from materialmisstatement, whether caused by fraud orerror and that in all material respects theexpenditure and income have been applied tothe purposes intended by the Assembly andthe financial transactions conform to theauthorities which govern them. In forming myopinion I also evaluated the overall adequacy<strong>of</strong> the presentation <strong>of</strong> information in thefinancial statements and the part <strong>of</strong> theRemuneration <strong>Report</strong> to be audited.Audit OpinionIn my opinion:Audit Opinion on RegularityIn my opinion, in all material respects theexpenditure and income have been applied tothe purposes intended by the Assembly andthe financial transactions conform to theauthorities which govern them.<strong>Report</strong>I have no observations to make on thesefinancial statements.JM Dowdall CBComptroller and Auditor General<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Audit Office106 University StreetBelfast BT7 1EUJune 200873• the financial statements give a true andfair view, in accordance with the <strong>Fire</strong> andRescue Services (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED31 MARCH 2008RestatedGROSS INCOME2007/08 2006/07Note £'000 £'000Income from Fees and Charges 3 158 186Other Income 4 1,590 8201,748 1,006EXPENDITUREStaff Costs – normal costs 5.1 47,683 46,527Staff Costs – pension costs 5.1 15,701 1,432Other Operating Expenses 7 13,956 11,111Notional Cost <strong>of</strong> Capital (credit) (11,362) (11,346)65,978 47,72474(Deficit) On Ordinary Activities Before Provisions (64,230) (46,718)and InterestProvision for Future Obligations – Insurance 14(a) (475) (992)Provision for Future Obligations – Compensation 14(b) (9,003) 22,500Provision for Retained <strong>Fire</strong>fighter Pension 14(c) (3,478)(Deficit) on Ordinary Activities Before Interest (77,186) (25,210)PayableFinancing Costs – unwinding <strong>of</strong> discounts 14(a,b,d) (21,339) (21,154)Net Return on Assets 14(e) 146 176Notional Cost <strong>of</strong> Capital (11,362) (11,346)(Deficit) on Ordinary Activities excluding Notional (109,741) (57,534)Cost <strong>of</strong> CapitalAll amounts relate to continuing activities.The notes on pages 78 to 106 form part <strong>of</strong> these accounts.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 MARCH 2008Restated2007/08 2006/07Note £'000 £'000FIXED ASSETSIntangible Assets 8(a) 68 89Tangible Assets 8(d) 127,114 102,504127,182 102,593CURRENT ASSETSStock 9 665 639Debtors 10 2,669 3,015Short Term Deposits 11 6,225 5,400Cash at Bank and in Hand 12 7,369 3,37816,928 12,432CREDITORSAmounts falling due within one year 13(a) (4,095) (4,337)NET CURRENT ASSETS 12,833 8,095TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 140,015 110,68875PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGESInsurance Provision 14(a) (2,265) (2,190)Pension Provision – <strong>Fire</strong>fighters Compensation 14 (b) (45,583) (36,600)Pension Provision – Retained <strong>Fire</strong>fighter 14 (c) (3,478) 0Pension Provision – <strong>Fire</strong>fighters 14(d) (387,495) (413,444)Pension Provision – NILGOSC 14(e) (2,009) (6,474)NET LIABILITIES (300,815) (348,020)CAPITAL AND RESERVESGeneral Fund 15 (417,977) (444,121)Government Grant Reserve 16 116,953 95,893Donated Asset Reserve 17 209 208(300,815) (348,020)I certify that the <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> set out in the Financial <strong>Statement</strong>s and the Notes to the<strong>Accounts</strong> (pages 78 to 106) have been submitted and duly approved by the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service.Chairman: Date: 24 June 2008Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer:

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08CASHFLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008Restated2007/08 2006/07Note £'000 £'000Net Cash (Outflow) from Operating Activities 21(a) (69,018) (66,127)RETURNS ON INVESTMENT AND SERVICINGOF FINANCEInterest Receivable 4 991 420CAPITAL EXPENDITUREPayments to acquire Tangible Fixed Assets 8(b) (3,913) (6,762)Capital Grant-In-Aid Received 4,029 6,729Proceeds from sale <strong>of</strong> Fixed Assets 69 20Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) from Investing Activities 185 (13)MANAGEMENT OF LIQUID RESOURCES76Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) from management 0 0<strong>of</strong> Liquid ResourcesNet Cash (Outflow) before Financing (67,842) (65,720)FINANCINGRevenue Funding 72,658 72,111Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) from Financing 0 0Increase in Cash and Bank Balances 21(c) 4,816 6,391The notes on pages 78 to 106 form part <strong>of</strong> this statement.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08STATEMENT OF RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES FOR THE YEARENDED 31 MARCH 2008MOVEMENT IN REVENUE RESERVESRestated2007/08 2006/07£'000£'000(Deficit) for the Financial Year – Revenue (Pg 74) (109,741) (57,534)Revenue Funding Received 72,658 72,111Grant-In-Aid Funding Received 3,774 6,590Actuarial Gain/(Loss) on Pension Scheme (Note 14d) 54,700 (59,400)Actuarial Gain/(Loss) on Pension Scheme (Note 14e) 4,753 (5,423)NILGOSCTotal for Movement in Revenue Reserves 26,144 (43,656)MOVEMENT IN CAPITAL RESERVESUnrealised surplus on revaluation <strong>of</strong> fixed assets purchased 20,921 555(Note 16)Transferred from deferred income 139 172Unrealised surplus on revaluation <strong>of</strong> fixed assets donated (Note 17) 1 0Donated assets received in the year 0 8Total for Movement in Capital Reserves 21,061 73577Total <strong>of</strong> recognised Gain/(Loss) relating to the year 47,205 (42,921)Impact <strong>of</strong> prior year adjustmentDeficit for the Financial Year (32,600)Actuarial Loss on Pension Scheme 15,100

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS781 ACCOUNTING POLICIES(a)(b)(c)AuthorityThe <strong>Accounts</strong> have been preparedin a form determined by theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Health, SocialServices & Public Safety with theapproval <strong>of</strong> the Department <strong>of</strong>Finance & Personnel in accordancewith the requirements <strong>of</strong> Article 3(15) <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Fire</strong> and RescueServices (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order2006.Accounting ConventionThe <strong>Accounts</strong> have been preparedunder the historical cost convention(as modified to reflect changes inthe cost <strong>of</strong> fixed assets, see (d)below).Basis <strong>of</strong> Preparation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong>Without limiting the informationgiven, the <strong>Accounts</strong> comply with theaccounting and disclosurerequirements <strong>of</strong> the Companies(<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order 1986, theaccounting standards issued oradopted by the AccountingStandards Board and accountingand disclosure requirements issuedby the Department <strong>of</strong> Finance &Personnel, ins<strong>of</strong>ar as thoserequirements are appropriate.(d)The <strong>Accounts</strong> are prepared inaccordance with the principles setout in the Financial <strong>Report</strong>ingStandard 18 (FRS 18) “AccountingPolicies” as the most appropriate forthe purpose <strong>of</strong> giving a true andfair view.Tangible and Intangible Assets• Capitalisation LevelAssets costing less than £5,000per individual item are written <strong>of</strong>fto the income and expenditureaccount in the period <strong>of</strong>acquisition unless they areregarded as a Grouped Asset.• Grouped Asset“Grouped Assets” are acollection <strong>of</strong> assets whichindividually may be valued atless than £5,000 but whenamalgamated form a singlecollective asset <strong>of</strong> £5,000.Grouped Assets also need to beinterlinked, each item has avalue <strong>of</strong> at least £1,000, havethe same replacement date,controlled by a single managerand subject to the same wearand tear.• Land and Buildings –including DepreciationAt the year end liabilities exceedassets due to the pension provision.The Board and Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officerare satisfied that <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service remains agoing concern on the basis thatpension costs, as they arise,continue to be met through fundingby the Department.<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & RescueService has 3 types <strong>of</strong> buildings:Specialised, which are valued atdepreciated replacement cost;Non-specialised, which arevalued at existing use value; and

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Non-operational, which arevalued at open market value.Land and buildings acquiredsince the last valuation areinitially included in the balancesheet at cost. All land andbuildings are indexed usingDHSSPS indices, and a fullvaluation is carried out at fiveyearly intervals by the Lands &Property Service Agency. A fullvaluation was undertaken at31/1/08. Freehold land is notdepreciated and freehold andleasehold buildings aredepreciated over their expecteduseful economic life to <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service <strong>of</strong>up to 50 years.Grants in aid received forspecific capital expenditure ondepreciable assets are creditedto the Government GrantReserve on the Balance Sheet.The same proportion <strong>of</strong> theamount <strong>of</strong> the revaluation thatthe amount <strong>of</strong> grant bears to theasset’s acquisition cost is alsocredited to the GovernmentGrant Reserve.• Depreciation on Assets otherthan Land(e)(f)• Fixtures, fittings and equipment5 to 20 years• Computers 5 to 7 years• Vehicles 5 to 15 yearsIt should be noted that during theyear <strong>of</strong>fice and IT equipment movedfrom accelerated depreciation to astraight line depreciation basis.• Donated AssetsDonated assets are credited tothe Donated Asset Reserve onthe Balance Sheet and they arevalued and depreciated on thesame basis as purchasedassets. Revaluations are takento the Donated Asset Reserveand a depreciated charge for theyear is released from theDonated Asset Reserve to theoperating cost statement. Nocost <strong>of</strong> capital charge isimposed.StocksStocks are stated at the lower <strong>of</strong>cost and net realisable value.Where necessary, provision is madefor obsolete, slow moving anddefective stocks.Government Grants79Depreciation is calculated towrite <strong>of</strong>f the valuation <strong>of</strong> tangibleand intangible fixed assets lesstheir estimated residual valueson a straight line basis over theirexpected useful economic live.NIFRS use the following usefuleconomic lives:A cash limited grant system is inoperation. Under this, amounts canbe drawn to finance payments madeduring the year which are properlychargeable against the grant,provided that in total they do notexceed the cash limit.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08(g)(h)IncomeIncome from contracts and otherservices provided is included to theextent <strong>of</strong> the completion <strong>of</strong> thecontract or service concerned. Allincome from short-term deposits iscredited to the income andexpenditure account in the period inwhich it is earned.Pensionsincreased annually in line with therise in the Retail Price Index afterleaving service.The Department currently fund the<strong>Fire</strong>fighter pension deficit.In addition NIFRS makes one <strong>of</strong>fpayments in respect <strong>of</strong> ill-healthretirements which effectivelyincreases the employers’contributions to 26.5% and 14.2%respectively.80<strong>Fire</strong>fighters’ Pension Schemes<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & RescueService operates two <strong>Fire</strong>fighters’Pension Schemes, namely:• The <strong>Fire</strong>fighters’ PensionScheme (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) 2007• The New <strong>Fire</strong>fighters’ PensionScheme (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) 2007These are governed by theprovisions <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Fire</strong>fighters’Pension Scheme Order (<strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong>) 2007 and The New<strong>Fire</strong>fighters’ Pension Scheme Order(<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) 2007 respectively.The Schemes are final salaryschemes providing a combination <strong>of</strong>pension and lump sum benefits on arange <strong>of</strong> contingencies and areunfunded. These benefits arerelated to each individual’s salary onleaving the Scheme and areEmployees and employers contributions are as follows:NIFRS Scheme members may alsoelect to pay additional contributionsto purchase added years <strong>of</strong> service.NIFRS also operates aCompensation Scheme under The<strong>Fire</strong>fighters’ Compensation SchemeOrder (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) 2007. ThisScheme makes provision for thepayment <strong>of</strong> pensions, allowancesand gratuities to and in respect <strong>of</strong>persons who die or are permanentlydisabled as the result <strong>of</strong> an injurysustained or disease contractedwhile employed by the NIFRS.The actuarial valuation at 31 March2007 valued the two PensionSchemes and the CompensationScheme under FRS 17 whichresulted in the calculation <strong>of</strong> oneprovision. At 31 March 2008 afterdiscussions with GAD it wasSCHEME EES ERSRATERATEThe <strong>Fire</strong>fighters’ Pension Scheme (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) 2007 11% 21.3%The New <strong>Fire</strong>fighters’ Pension Scheme (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) 2007 8.5% 11%

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08decided that the CompensationScheme should be reflected in aprovision <strong>of</strong> its own and accountedfor under FRS12. The 2006/07figures have been restated toaccount for this change.Pension ProvisionAn actuarial valuation was carriedout on 31 March 2008 in relation tothe two Pension Schemes. Thisvaluation was in accordance withFRS 17 and Non-DepartmentalPublic Bodies (NDPB) Guidance2006/2007 and the results aredetailed on Pg96 in Note 14(d).The total net pension deficit as at 31March 2008 is £387 million,representing the sum <strong>of</strong> theliabilities at that date. See Pg96Note 14(d).The <strong>Fire</strong>fighters’ Pension Scheme(<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) 2007 is closed tonew entrants which means that theaverage age <strong>of</strong> this Scheme wouldbe expected to increase insuccessive years hence the CurrentService Cost can be expected toincrease also.The principal financial assumptions for valuing the liabilities were:% per Annum2008 2007 2006Rate <strong>of</strong> inflation 2.75 2.75 2.5Rate <strong>of</strong> increase in salaries 4.3 4.3 4Rate <strong>of</strong> increase in pensions 2.75 2.75 2.5Rate for discounting scheme liabilities 5.3 4.6 5.481The charge to the income andexpenditure account consists <strong>of</strong> theCurrent Service Cost (includedwithin staff costs) and interest costs(shown on the Income &Expenditure <strong>Statement</strong>). Actuarialgains and losses are taken toreserves and shown in the<strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> Recognised Gains andLosses.Compensation SchemeThe Compensation Scheme hasbeen valued under FRS12 and isshown separately from the PensionProvision. The total net deficit forthe Compensation Scheme as at 31March 2008 is £45.5 million. SeePg95 Note 14(b).The liabilities under the Schemeshave been valued using thestandard actuarial technique knownas the Projected Unit Method for allgroups <strong>of</strong> staff.The principal financial assumptions for valuing the liabilities were:% per Annum2008 2007Rate <strong>of</strong> inflation 2.75 2.75Rate <strong>of</strong> increase in salaries 4.3 4.3Rate <strong>of</strong> increase in pensions 2.75 2.75Rate for discounting scheme liabilities 5.0 5.0

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/081 Current Service Cost is theincrease in the present value <strong>of</strong> thescheme liabilities expected to arisefrom employee service in thecurrent period2 Interest Cost:The expected increase duringthe period in the present value <strong>of</strong> thescheme liabilities because thebenefits are one period nearer tosettlement.3 Actuarial Gains andLosses:Changes in actuarial deficits orsurpluses that arise because eventshave not coincided with the actuarialassumptions made for the lastvaluation (experience gains andlosses) or the actuarial assumptionshave changed.been fixed at either 5% or 6% <strong>of</strong>their pensionable remuneration,while employer contribution ratesare determined by the Scheme’sactuary every three years. The2007/08 employer contribution ratewas 13% and increased to 15% in2008/09.An actuarial valuation was carriedout on 31 March 2008 inaccordance with FRS 17 and Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPB)Guidance 2003/2004 and theresults <strong>of</strong> valuation are detailedin Note 14(e).82NI Local GovernmentOfficers’ SuperannuationCommittee SchemeThe <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & RescueService also participates in the<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Local GovernmentOfficers’ Superannuation CommitteeScheme for the majority <strong>of</strong> its Non-Uniformed and Control Roompersonnel.The Pensions Scheme is a definedbenefit statutory scheme,administered in accordance with theLocal Government Pension SchemeRegulations (NI) 2002, as amended.The charge to the income andexpenditure account consists <strong>of</strong> theCurrent Service and SettlementCosts (included within staff costs)and interest costs (shown on theIncome & Expenditure <strong>Statement</strong>).Actuarial gains and losses are takento reserves and shown in the<strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> Recognised Gains andLosses.The liabilities under the Schemehave been valued using thestandard actuarial technique knownas the Projected Unit Method for allgroups <strong>of</strong> staff.The Scheme is funded bycontributions made by bothemployees and employers whohave been admitted to the Scheme.Employee contribution rates haveThe principal financial assumptions for valuing the liabilities were:% per Annum2008 2007 2006Rate <strong>of</strong> inflation 3.6 3.2 3.1Rate <strong>of</strong> increase in salaries 5.1 4.7 4.6Rate <strong>of</strong> increase in pensions 3.6 3.2 3.1Rate for discounting scheme liabilities 6.9 5.4 6.0

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08(i)Foreign Currency Transaction(k)Operating Leases(j)Transactions in foreign currenciesare recorded using the rate <strong>of</strong>exchange ruling at the date <strong>of</strong> thetransaction. Monetary assets andliabilities denominated in foreigncurrencies are translated at therates <strong>of</strong> exchange ruling at the end<strong>of</strong> the financial period with allresulting exchange differencesbeing taken to the income andexpenditure account in the period inwhich they arise.Taxation<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & RescueService benefits by being exemptfrom corporation tax on income itreceives from fees and interest. VATincurred by <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> &Rescue Service is reclaimed.(l)Rentals payable under operatingleases are charged to the incomeand expenditure account on anaccruals basis over the terms <strong>of</strong>the lease.Notional Cost <strong>of</strong> CapitalThe income and expenditureaccount bears a non-cash credit forinterest relating to the use <strong>of</strong> capitalby the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> &Rescue Service. The basis <strong>of</strong> thecharge is 3.5% <strong>of</strong> the averagecapital employed during the year,(defined as total assets less allliabilities excluding donated assets).83

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Restated2007/08 2006/07£'000£'0002 GRANT RECEIVEDGrant from Department <strong>of</strong> Health, SocialServices & Public SafetyGrant Received 76,687 78,840Less transfer to/from DeferredIncome – Revenue 0 0Grant Receivable 76,687 78,840Less transfer (to) Deferred Income – Capital (255) (139)Grant credited to Revenue Reserve 76,432 78,7013 INCOME FROM FEES AND CHARGES84Provision <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> Cover – Other Bodies 70 56<strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Report</strong>s/Certificates 31 51Training Courses 37 21Trade Union Deduction Service 20 19Sundry Income from Fees and Charges 0 39158 186Sundry Income includes amounts receivedfor special services, hire <strong>of</strong> equipment andcourse expenses.4 OTHER INCOMELoss Prevention Council 211 184Insurance Claims 17 30Telephone Calls 5 7Interest Receivable 991 420Miscellaneous Income 366 1791,590 820

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Restated2007/08 2006/07£'000£'0005 STAFF COSTS AND MEMBERS’REMUNERATION5.1 Staff Costs(a) The costs <strong>of</strong> employing staff –whether recorded in the statement <strong>of</strong>financial performance or capitalised –are as follows:Salaries and Wages 43,970 42,887Social Security Costs 3,176 3,211Agency/Temporary Staff 537 433Less Recovered Staff Costs Re:- Secondees 0 (4)- Staff costs 47,683 46,527Funded Pension Costs- Current Service Costs 1,034 805- Settlements 111 0Unfunded Pension Costs- Current Service Costs 14,328 10,530- Past Service Credit (10,100)Transfers In 228 197Pension costs 15,701 1,43263,384 47,95985(b)Total Costs can be analysedas follows:Members 47 60<strong>Fire</strong>fighters (Full-Time) 44,480 29,574<strong>Fire</strong>fighters (Part-Time) 10,592 10,505Control Room/Ops Support/Admin personnel 7,728 7,387Agency/Temporary Staff 537 43363,384 47,959

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Restated2007/08 2006/07£'000£'0005 STAFF COSTS AND MEMBERS’REMUNERATION cont’d5.1 Staff Costs cont’d(c)The average number <strong>of</strong> full-timeequivalents (including Members)employed by the NIFRS duringthe year was as follows:86NoNoMembers 11 17<strong>Fire</strong>fighters (Full-Time) 863 865<strong>Fire</strong>fighters (Part-Time) 926 914Control Room Personnel 50 48Administrative/Manual 198 194Agency/Temporary 35 312,083 2,069There are 4 Principal Officers includedwithin <strong>Fire</strong>fighters (Full-Time) and3 Directors included withinAdministrative/Manual.(d)The average number <strong>of</strong> pensionerspaid by the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> &Rescue Service during the period was:NoNo780 771(e)The number <strong>of</strong> Board Membersin receipt <strong>of</strong> remuneration fallingwithin the range below was:(excluding Chief Executive)NoNo£0,000 to £4,999 10 16£10,000 to £14,999 0 0£20,000 to £24,999 1 1

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/085 STAFF COSTS AND MEMBERS’ REMUNERATION cont’d5.2 Chairman and Members <strong>of</strong> the Senior Management Team Emoluments(The salary and pension entitlements <strong>of</strong> the Chairman and Members <strong>of</strong> the SeniorManagement Team for the year ended 31 March 2008 are detailed on page 57 <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.)Senior Employees’ RemunerationDuring the year the number <strong>of</strong> Officers and Support Staff who received remuneration inexcess <strong>of</strong> £50,000, excluding pension contributions were:2008 2007£50,000 - £60,000 38 35£60,001 - £70,000 7 5£70,001 - £80,000 0 0£80,001 - £90,000 0 3£90,001 - £100,000 2 0£100,001 - £110,000 1 1£110,001 - £120,000 0 0£120,001 - £130,000 1 049 44876 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONSThe <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service is a Non-Departmental Public Bodysponsored by the Department <strong>of</strong> Health, Social Services & Public Safety.The Department <strong>of</strong> Health, Social Services & Public Safety is regarded as a relatedparty. During the year the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service has had variousmaterial transactions with the Department.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Restated2007/08 2006/07£'000£'0007 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES88Vehicle Running Costs 1,060 1,122Operational Equipment & 1,330 527Maintenance CostsComms Equipment & 843 988Maintenance CostsPremises 3,857 3,235Training 1,366 949Uniforms 916 556Medical Expenses, Subsistence 563 444and other AllowancesContract Catering and KitchenEquipment & Maintenance 503 480Insurance Policies 65 108<strong>Fire</strong> Safety Publicity 1,470 1,109Office Equipment & Running Costs 835 622Postage and Telephones 164 180Auditors' Remuneration - External Audit 33 15Government Grant Reserve (5,701) (5,850)Release (Note 16)Donated Asset Reserve (9) (9)Release (Note 17)Loss (Pr<strong>of</strong>it) on Disposal <strong>of</strong> Fixed Assets 175 (15)Depreciation (Note 8, a, b & c) 5,710 5,859Other Miscellaneous Expenses 776 79113,956 11,111

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08ComputerS<strong>of</strong>twareTotal£’000 £’0008aINTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETSCost/ValuationAt 1 April 2007 99 99Movement in Categories 0 0Assets under Construction 0 0Indexation (10) (10)Revaluation 0 0Additions 0 0Disposals 0 0At 31 March 2008 89 89DepreciationAt 1 April 2007 10 10Movement in categories 0 0Indexation (2) (2)Revaluation 0 0Charge for the year 13 13Disposals 0 0At 31 March 2008 21 2189Net book valueAt 31 March 2008 68 68At 31 March 2007 89 89

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/088bTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETSOperationalLand & Fixtures & Computer & CommsBuildings Fittings Vehicles Equipment Equipment TotalPURCHASED £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000Cost/ValuationAt 1 April 2007 84,878 348 26,828 1,884 10,489 124,427Movement in 0 224 (192) (224) 192 0CategoriesAssets under 274 0 1,040 4 32 1,350ConstructionIndexation 4,426 4 253 (153) 243 4,773Revaluation 18,724 0 0 0 0 18,724Additions 14 15 2,185 17 332 2,563Disposals (38) 0 (2,484) (110) (3,291) (5,923)At 31 March 2008 108,278 591 27,630 1,418 7,997 145,91490DepreciationAt 1 April 2007 1,794 162 14,566 823 4,786 22,131Movement in 163 (105) (163) 105CategoriesIndexation 101 2 138 (70) 109 280Revaluation (3,413) 0 0 0 0 (3,413)Charge for the year 1,821 54 1,743 194 1,876 5,688Disposals (3) 0 (2,354) (71) (3,251) (5,679)At 31 March 2008 300 381 13,988 713 3,625 19,007Net book valueAt 31 March 2008 107,978 210 13,642 705 4,372 126,907At 31 March 2007 83,084 186 12,262 1,061 5,703 102,296

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Land &BuildingsTotal£’000 £’0008cTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETSDONATEDCost/ValuationAt 1 April 2007 217 217Movement in Categories 0 0Assets under Construction 0 0Indexation 10 10Revaluation (19) (19)Additions 0 0Disposals 0 0At 31 March 2008 208 208DepreciationAt 1 April 2007 9 9Indexation 0 0Revaluation (17) (17)Charge for the year 9 9Disposals 0 0At 31 March 2008 1 191Net book valueAt 31 March 2008 207 207At 31 March 2007 208 208

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/088dTOTAL TANGIBLE AND INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETSOperationalLand & Fixtures & Computer & CommsBuildings Fittings Vehicles Equipment Equipment TotalNet Book Value £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000Purchased 107,978 210 13,642 705 4,372 126,907Donated 207 0 0 0 0 207108,185 210 13,642 705 4,372 127,114Add intangible 0 0 0 68 0 68Total 108,185 210 13,642 773 4,372 127,1828eASSETS UNDER CONSTRUCTIONOperationalLand & Fixtures & Computer & CommsBuildings Fittings Vehicles Equipment Equipment Total£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’00092Opening Balance 131 0 975 20 0 1,1261 April 2007Movement in 0 (40) 0 40 0CategoryTransfers out (27) 0 (935) 0 (40) (1,002)Purchases in year 274 0 1,040 4 32 1,350Closing Balance 378 0 1,040 24 32 1,47431 March 2008

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/082007/08 2006/07£'000£'0009 STOCKS<strong>Fire</strong> fighting Equipment 113 97Uniforms 291 336Transport 137 127Fuel 102 59Stationery, etc 22 20665 63910 DEBTORS: AMOUNTS FALLING DUEWITHIN 1 YEARTrade & Other Debtors 220 91Prepayments and Accrued Income 1,384 1,816VAT Debtor 1,065 1,1082,669 3,01511 SHORT TERM DEPOSITSShort Term Deposits 6,225 5,4006,225 5,4009312 CASH AT BANK AND IN HANDBank Current <strong>Accounts</strong> 7,359 3,368Cash in Hand 10 107,369 3,37813aCREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING DUEWITHIN 1 YEARTrade Creditors 1,832 1,947Other Creditors 1,830 2,093Bank Overdraft 0 0Taxation and Social Security 178 158Deferred Income - Capital 255 139Deferred Income - Revenue 0 04,095 4,33713bCREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING DUEAFTER MORE THAN 1 YEARTrade Creditors - -Other Creditors - -- -

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Restated2007/08 2006/07£'000£'00014 PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIESAND CHARGES14(a) Insurance ClaimsAt 1 April 2,190 1,765Arising during the year 741 1,299Utilised during the year (339) (522)Reversed Unused (266) (306)Unwinding <strong>of</strong> Discount (61) (46)At 31 March 2,265 2,19094Expected timing <strong>of</strong> Cash Flows:Within 1 year 1,015 1,6291 - 5 years 1,250 561Over 5 years 0 0Total 2,265 2,190The charge to the Income andExpenditure Account is as follows:Arising during the year 741 1,299Reversed, Unused (266) (305)475 992Unwinding <strong>of</strong> Discount (61) (46)The provision relates to outstanding Employer's Liability, Public Liability and VehicleInsurance Claims together with Employment Law Claims.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Restated2007/08 2006/07£'000£'00014 PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIESAND CHARGES cont’d14(b) Compensation Scheme ProvisionOpening Balance from Pensions 53,000Provision (14(d) Page 96)Restatement under FRS 12 5,200At 1 April 36,600 58,200Arising during the year 1,500 1,800Utilised during the year (1,817) (1,900)Reversed, Unused 0 0Unwinding <strong>of</strong> Discount 1,800 2,800Actuarial (Gain)/Loss 7,500 (24,300)At 31 March 45,583 36,600Expected timing <strong>of</strong> Cash Flows:Within 1 year 1,9111 - 5 years 7,219Over 5 years 36,453Total 45,58395The charge to the Income and ExpenditureAccount is as follows:Arising during the year 1,500 1,800Reversed, Unused, Actuarial (Gain)/Loss 7,503 (24,300)9,003 (22,500)Unwinding <strong>of</strong> Discount 1,800 2,800The <strong>Fire</strong>fighter’s Compensation Scheme Order (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) 2007 makes provisionfor the payment <strong>of</strong> pensions, allowances and gratuities to and in respect <strong>of</strong> persons whodie or are permanently disabled as the result <strong>of</strong> an injury sustained or disease contractedwhile employed.In 2006/07 the Compensation Scheme valuation was included within the Pensionprovision and accounted for under FRS17. For 2007/08 it has been accounted for underFRS12 as Injury Benefits are not provided in exchange for services rendered by anemployee and employees do not build up an entitlement to any injury awards. Theopening balances have been moved from the Pension Provision and the 2006/07 yearhas been restated to provide comparative figures.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/082007/08 2006/07£'000£'00014 PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIESAND CHARGES cont’d14(c) Retained <strong>Fire</strong>fighters Access to PensionsAt 1 April 2007 0 0Arising during the year 3,478 0Utilised during the year 0 0Reversed Unused 0 0Unwinding <strong>of</strong> Discount 0 0At 31 March 3,478 0This provision relates to Retained <strong>Fire</strong>fighters in <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> being given theopportunity to join the <strong>Fire</strong>fighters pension scheme from the year 2000 and represents<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service’s contribution to the pension liability. Theprovision is based on the assumption that 32% <strong>of</strong> Retained <strong>Fire</strong>fighters decide to join thepension scheme and backdate to July 2000.9614(d) Pensions relating to <strong>Fire</strong>fighter StaffRestatedScheme Liability at 1 April 413,444 394,500Reapportion Opening balance 0 (53,000)Compensation Scheme 14(b) 413,444 341,500Current Service Cost 14,328 10,200Employee Contributions 3,472 3,20017,800 13,400Past Service Credit (10,100)Interest on Pension Scheme Liability 19,600 18,40019,600 8,300Enhancements 0Pension Transfers In 228 197Benefits Paid (8,877) (9,353)Actuarial (Gain)/ Loss (54,700) 59,400Scheme Liability at 31 March 387,495 413,444The provision relates to the outstanding liability to pensions, deferred pensions and activemembers <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Fire</strong>fighters’ Pension Scheme (NI) 2007 and The New <strong>Fire</strong>fightersPension Scheme (NI) 2007. The Benefits Paid figure within the provision is calculated onan accruals basis so differs slightly from the figures provided by GAD.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Restated2007/08 2006/07£'000£'00014 PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIESAND CHARGES cont’d14(e) Pensions relating to Control/Admin/Manual StaffScheme Liability at 1 April 6,474 1,000Current Service Cost 1,034 805Past Service Cost 0 0Net return on assets (146) (176)7,362 1,629Enhancements 111 0Pension transfers in 0 0Benefits paid (711) (578)Actuarial (Gain)/ Loss (4,753) 5,423Scheme Liability at 31 March 2008 2,009 6,47497The provision relates to the outstanding liability in relation to NIFRS NILGOSC Pensions.It should be noted that the Benefits Paid figure within the provision is calculated on anaccruals basis so differs slightly from the figures provided by NILGOSC.The fair value <strong>of</strong> the assets held by the Fund as at 31st March together with the presentvalue <strong>of</strong> the scheme liabilities is set out in the table below:Assets 2008 2007 2006£000 £000 £000Equities 22,382 21,455 21,400Bonds 3,290 4,017 3,200Property 2,305 2,929 1,900Cash 439 325 400Total Estimated Employer Assets 28,416 28,726 26,900Present Value <strong>of</strong> Scheme Liabilities 30,428 35,200 27,900Net Pension Asset (liability) (2,012) (6,474) (1,000)The expected return on assets is based on the long-term expected investment return for eachclass as at the beginning <strong>of</strong> the period i.e. as at 31st March and is set out in the table(see pg 98):

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Assets 2008 2007 2006% pa % pa % paEquities 7.7 7.8 7.4Bonds 5.7 4.9 4.6Property 5.7 5.8 5.5Cash 4.8 4.9 4.6History <strong>of</strong> experience gains and losses:31 March 08 31 March 07£000 £000Difference - Expected and Actual Return on Assets (3,110) (322)Value <strong>of</strong> Assets 28,416 28,726Percentage <strong>of</strong> Assets (10.9%) (1.1%)Experience Gains/(Losses) on Liabilities 970 -Total Present Value <strong>of</strong> Liabilities 30,428 35,200Percentage <strong>of</strong> the Total Present Value <strong>of</strong> Liabilities 3.2% -Actuarial Gains / Losses Recognised in STRGL 4,753 (5,426)Total Present Value <strong>of</strong> Liabilities 30,428 35,200Percentage <strong>of</strong> the Total Present Value <strong>of</strong> liabilities 15.6% (15.4%)Analysis <strong>of</strong> Amount Recognised in <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> Recognised Gains & Losses98Year To Year To31 March 08 31 March 07£000 £000Actual Return Less Expected Return on PensionScheme Assets (3,110) (322)Experience Gains and Losses Arising on theScheme Liabilities 970 -Changes in Assumptions Underlying the PresentValue <strong>of</strong> the Scheme Liabilities 6,893 (5,104)Actuarial Gains / (Loss) in Pension Plan 4,753 (5,426)Increase/(Decrease) in irrecoverable Surplusfrom Membership Fall and Other Factors - -Actuarial Gain/(Loss) Recognised in STRGL 4,753 (5,426)

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Restated2007/08 2006/07£'000£'00015 MOVEMENT ON THE GENERAL FUNDBalance at 1 April (444,121) (395,265)Revenue Funding from DHSSPS 72,658 72,111Grant-In-Aid Funding from DHSSPS 3,774 6,590Actuarial (Gain)/Loss on Pension 4,753 (5,423)(See Note 14(e))Actuarial (Gain)/Loss on Pension 54,700 (59,400)(See Note 14(d))Restatement <strong>of</strong> Compensation Scheme 0 (5,200)FRS17 to FRS12 (See Note 14(b))(Deficit) for year (See page 74) (109,741) (57,534)Balance at 31 March (417,977) (444,121)16 MOVEMENT ON THE GOVERNMENTGRANT RESERVECapital allocations not yet released tothe income and expenditure account:99Balance at 1 April 95,893 95,166Transferred from Deferred Income 139 172Revaluation & Indexation in year 26,622 6,405Released to Income and Expenditure (5,701) (5,850)Account (Note 7)Balance at 31 March 116,953 95,893As a result <strong>of</strong> changes in FREM any Capital Grant-In-Aid received from 2006/07onwards is credited to the Income and Expenditure Reserve17 DONATED ASSET RESERVEBalance at 1 April 208 200Revaluation and indexation in year 10 17Released to Income and Expenditure (9) (9)Account (Note 7)Received in year 0 0Balance as at 31 March 209 20818 POST BALANCE SHEET EVENTSThere were no post balance sheet events at date <strong>of</strong> signature <strong>of</strong> these accounts whichwould materially affect the figures.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/082007/08 2006/07£'000£'00019 CAPITAL COMMITMENTSCapital expenditure that has been contracted 3,767 1,714for but has not been provided for in thefinancial statements20 LEASESHome Computer InitiativeIn 2006/07 NIFRS undertook the Government sponsored Home Computer InitiativeScheme which enabled employees to loan a home computer through their workplace,paying for it in monthly instalments, tax free. 352 staff and 52 retained fire fightersparticipated in the HCI Scheme and entered a Hire Agreement with NIFRS for hirepayments to be deducted by way <strong>of</strong> a salary sacrifice scheme. NIFRS subsequentlyentered into two Master Lease Agreements with Fujitsu Siemens Computers Ltd andNicator. Details <strong>of</strong> the outstanding lease balances are as set out below:100£000 £000 £000Principal Interest TotalInitial Lease Cost 370 24 394Payments 06/07 82 5 87Opening Balance 1/4/07 288 19 307Payments 07/08 124 8 132Closing Balance 31/3/08 164 11 175Cashflow ProjectionWithin 1 year 123 8 1311-5 years 41 3 44Over 5 years 0 0 0

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/0820 LEASES cont’dCycle to Work SchemeIn 2007/2008 NIFRS undertook the Government sponsored Cycle to Work Scheme thatenabled employees to hire a bicycle through their workplace. Payment is deducted inmonthly instalments, tax free. 197 staff and 82 retained fire fighters participated in theCycle to Work Scheme and entered into a Hire Agreement with NIFRS for hire paymentsto be deducted by way <strong>of</strong> a salary sacrifice scheme. NIFRS subsequently entered into aLease Agreement with BNP Paribas Lease Group. Details <strong>of</strong> the outstanding leasebalance is set out below£000 £000 £000Principal Interest TotalInitial Lease Cost 155 14 169Payments 07/08 86 8 94Closing Balance 31/3/08 69 6 75Cashflow ProjectionWithin 1 year 69 6 751-5 years 0 0 0Over 5 years 0 0 0101

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08Restated2007/08 2006/07£'000£'00021 NOTES TO CASH FLOW STATEMENT(a)Reconciliation <strong>of</strong> Operating Deficit toNet Cash Inflow from Operating Activities102Operating Surplus (77,186) (25,210)Adjustments for Non-Cash TransactionsDepreciation on Fixed Assets 5,710 5,859Less Disposal <strong>of</strong> Fixed Assets 175 (15)Notional Costs (11,362) (11,346)Insurance Provision charge to I&E (Note 14a) 136 470Provision – Compensation Scheme (Note 14b) 7,185 (24,400)Provision – Restatement Compensation SchemeCurrent Serv Cost & Employee Contributions – FF (Note 14d) 17,800 13,400Past Service Credit (10,100)Current Service Cost – NILGOSC (Note 14e) 1,034 805Enhancements – NILGOSC (Note 14e) 111 0Provision Retained FF access to pension (Note 14c) 3,478 0Deferred Grant Release (Note 16) (5,701) (5,850)Donated Asset Release (Note 17) (9) (9)Adjustment for Cash TransactionsInterest Received (Note 4) (991) (420)Pensions – FF (Note 14d) (8,877) (9,353)Pensions – NILGOSC (Note 14e) (711) (578)Transfers In 228 197Adjustments for movements in working capitalDecrease/(Increase) in Stock (26) (21)Decrease/(Increase) in Debtors 346 (1,074)Decrease/(Increase) in Creditors (358) 1,518Net Cash (Outflow) from Operating Activities (See page 76) (69,018) (66,127)(b)Reconciliation <strong>of</strong> net cash flow to movement in net fundsIncrease/(Decrease) in Cash in the Period 4,816 6,391Cash Inflow from New Debt 0 0Cash Outflow from Debt Repaid 0 0Cash (Inflow)/Outflow from (Decrease)/Increasein Liquid Resources 0 0Change in Net Funds resulting from Cash Flows 4,816 6,391Non-Cash change in DebtNet Funds at 1 April 8,778 2,387Net Funds at 31 March (See note 11 & 12) 13,594 8,778

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08(c)Analysis <strong>of</strong> changes in net funds/debtAt 1 April Cash Non-Cash At 31 March2007 Flows changes 2008£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000Cash at Bank and in Hand 8,778 4,816 0 13,594Bank Overdrafts 0 0 0 0Debt due within 1 year 0 0 0 0Debt due after 1 year 0 0 0 0Finance Leases 0 0 0 0Current Asset Investments 0 0 0 08,778 4,816 0 13,59422 CONTINGENT LIABILITIESInsurance<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service operates a policy <strong>of</strong> limited self insuranceand has detailed at note 14(a) a provision <strong>of</strong> £2,265,000 in respect <strong>of</strong> Public Liability,Employer's Liability, Vehicle Liability and Breach <strong>of</strong> Employment Law claims which wereunsettled at 31 March 2008. While this is the anticipated sum to meet the liability there ispotential for a further £514,743,000. Our policy is to vigorously defend all cases.103Retained <strong>Fire</strong>fighters and the Part-time Workers (Prevention <strong>of</strong> Less FavourableTreatment) Regulations: Employment tribunalIn September 2000 numerous Retained <strong>Fire</strong>fighters in <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> lodged claimswith the Office <strong>of</strong> Industrial Tribunals in respect <strong>of</strong> access to pension schemes and thePart-Time Workers (Prevention <strong>of</strong> Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations.The Hearing <strong>of</strong> the claims had been stayed pending the outcome <strong>of</strong> a lead case onsimilar multiple claims lodged throughout the rest <strong>of</strong> the United Kingdom which is beingcontested by <strong>Fire</strong> Authorities nationally.The House <strong>of</strong> Lords had ruled that earlier decisions on the matter were unsound anddecided to remit the case to the Employment Appeals Tribunal for reconsideration.In March 2008 the Retained <strong>Fire</strong>fighters were successful with their claim in respect <strong>of</strong>Access to Pension Rights and Sick Pay Rights.In respect <strong>of</strong> pensions, a provision has been included within the accounts <strong>of</strong> £3,478,000representing <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service's contribution to the pension liability,see note 14 (c). While this is the anticipated amount to meet the liability there is potentialfor a further £7,391,000 depending on the number <strong>of</strong> Retained <strong>Fire</strong>fighters who decide tojoin the pension scheme and back date to July 2000.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08No provision has been calculated for sick pay arrangements as we have insufficientinformation to enable a reliable estimate to be made and NIFRS await further directionfrom National Joint Council.23 SUMMARY OF LOSSES AND SPECIAL PAYMENTSa) Cash LossesNo cash losses were incurred in the financial year over the set diminimus level.b) Special PaymentsNumber <strong>of</strong> Cases £’000Compensation Payments/Legal Obligations 49 339Ex-Gratia Payments -- Extra-Contractual 0- Compensation Payments 0- Other Payments 0Extra Statutory Payments 024 PRIOR YEAR ADJUSTMENTS104The <strong>Fire</strong>fighter’s Compensation Scheme Order (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) 2007 makes provisionfor the payment <strong>of</strong> pensions, allowances and gratuities to and in respect <strong>of</strong> persons whodie or are permanently disabled as the result <strong>of</strong> an injury sustained or diseasecontracted while employed.In 2006/07 the Compensation Scheme valuation was included within the Pensionprovision and accounted for under FRS17. For 2007/08 it has been accounted for underFRS12 as Injury Benefits are not provided in exchange for services rendered by anemployee and employees do not build up an entitlement to any injury awards. The2006/07 accounts have been restated to show comparatives and the opening balancehas been adjusted from the Pension Provision.The impact on the 2006/07 Income and Expenditure Account and closing Balance Sheetas originally reported is set out below:

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08As reported Prior year As restatedadjustment under FRS 12£ 000 £ 000 £ 000Income and Expenditure AccountGross Income 1,006 0 1,006Expenditure 58,132 47,724Insurance Payments note 7 (522)Past Service Credit note 5 (10,100)Notional Negative Cost <strong>of</strong> Capital 214Surplus/(deficit) on Ord Activities Before (57,126) 10,408 (46,718)Provisions and InterestProvisions for Future ObligationsInsurance movement (424) (568) (992)Compensation Injury movement 0 22,500 22,500Surplus/(deficit) on Ord Activities (57,550) 32,340 (25,210)Before InterestInterest Payable (21,200) 46 (21,154)Net Return on Assets 176 0 176Notional Cost <strong>of</strong> Capital (11,560) 214 (11,346)Deficit on Ordinary Activities excluding (90,134) 32,600 (57,534)Notional Cost <strong>of</strong> Capital105

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08As reported Prior year As restatedadjustment under FRS 12£ 000 £ 000 £ 000Balance SheetFixed Assets 102,593 0 102,593Current Assets 12,432 0 12,432Creditors (4,337) 0 (4,337)Net Current Assets 8,095 0 8,095Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 110,688 0 110,688Insurance Provision (2,190) 0 (2,190)Compensation Provision 0 (36,600) (36,600)Pension Provision <strong>Fire</strong>fighters (462,344) 48,900 (413,444)Pension Provision NILGOSC (6,474) 0 (6,474)Net Liabilities (360,320) 12,300 (348,020)106General Fund (463,011) 18,890 (444,121)Government Grant Reserve 102,483 (6,590) 95,893Donated Asset Reserve 208 0 208(360,320) 12,300 (348,020)

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - <strong>Accounts</strong> DirectionThe Department <strong>of</strong> Health, Social Services and Public Safety(a), in exercise <strong>of</strong> thepowers conferred by article 12(1) and (2)(a) <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Fire</strong> Services (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order1984(b) and now vested in IT(c) and with the approval <strong>of</strong> the Department <strong>of</strong> Finance andPersonnel hereby directs as follows:The annual <strong>Accounts</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service shall give a true and fairview <strong>of</strong> the income and expenditure and cash flows for the financial year, and the state <strong>of</strong>affairs as at the year end. Subject to this requirement, the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & RescueService shall prepare accounts for the financial year ended 31 March 2002 and subsequentfinancial years in accordance with:abcNon-Departmental Public Bodies <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>s and <strong>Accounts</strong> Guidance;Other guidance which the Department <strong>of</strong> Finance and Personnel may issued from time totime in respect <strong>of</strong> accounts which are required to give a true and fair view; andAny other specific disclosures required by the Department <strong>of</strong> health, Social Services andPublic Safety;except where agreed otherwise with the Department <strong>of</strong> Finance & Personnel, in which case theexception shall be described in the Notes to the <strong>Accounts</strong>. The <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & RescueService <strong>Accounts</strong> Direction (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) 2001 is hereby revoked, but without prejudice toanything done or suffered or to any right, privilege, obligation or liability required, accrued orincurred thereunder.Senior Officer <strong>of</strong> the Department <strong>of</strong> Health, Social Service and Public SafetyDate: 16th August 2006107(a) See S.1. 1999/283 (N.J. 1) Article 3(6)(b) S.1. 1984/1821 (N.I. 11)(c) See Article 6(c) <strong>of</strong> S.R. 1999 No 4S1

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - <strong>Accounts</strong> Direction continuedSchedule 1Application <strong>of</strong> the accounting and disclosure requirements <strong>of</strong> the companies (<strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong>) order 1986 and Accounting StandardsCompanies (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order 19861 The disclosure exemptions permitted by the Companies (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order 1986 shallnot apply to <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service unless specifically approved by theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Finance & Personnel.2 The Companies (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order 1986 requires certain information to be disclosedin the Director’s <strong>Report</strong>. To the extent that it is appropriate, the information relating to the<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service shall be contained in the foreword.3 When preparing its income and expenditure account, <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & RescueService shall have regard to the pr<strong>of</strong>it and loss account format 2 prescribed in Schedule 4to the Companies (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order 1986.4 When preparing its balance sheet, <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service shall haveregard to the balance sheet format 1 prescribed in Schedule 4 <strong>of</strong> the Companies (<strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong>) Order 1986. The Balance Sheet totals shall be struck at “Total assets less currentliabilities”.1085 <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service is not required to provide additional informationrequired by paragraph 33(3) <strong>of</strong> Schedule 4 to the Companies (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order 1986.6 The foreword and balance sheet shall be signed by the Accounting Officer and dated.Accounting Standards7 <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service is not required to include a note showing historicalcost pr<strong>of</strong>its and and losses as described in FRS 3.

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - <strong>Accounts</strong> Direction continuedSchedule 2Additional Disclosure Requirements1 The foreword shall, inter alia:a State that the <strong>Accounts</strong> have been prepared in a form directed by the Department withthe consent <strong>of</strong> the Department <strong>of</strong> Finance & Personnel in accordance with Article 12(1)and (2)(a) <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Fire</strong> Services (<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order 1984; adb Include a brief history <strong>of</strong> <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue Service and its statutorybackground.2 The Notes to the <strong>Accounts</strong> shall include details <strong>of</strong> the key corporate financial targets set bythe Department <strong>of</strong> Health, Social Services & Public Safety, together with the performanceachieved.109

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> & <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2007/08INTERNAL AUDIT VALIDATION CERTIFICATEIn accordance with Best Practice the Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer is required to make arrangements forthe independent validation <strong>of</strong> the performance levels being reported by the organisation againstits published targets.The organisation’s Internal Auditors have completed an exercise to validate the organisation’sperformance against its targets for 2007/08.The indicators examined were as follows:• Number <strong>of</strong> accidental fire deaths;• Number <strong>of</strong> civilian injuries in fires;• Number <strong>of</strong> dwelling fires;• Number <strong>of</strong> deliberate property fires (arson);• Percentage <strong>of</strong> working smoke alarms in private dwellings;• Proportion <strong>of</strong> working days/shifts lost to sickness absence by all staff; and• Average cost <strong>of</strong> services provided per head <strong>of</strong> population.Opinion110On the basis <strong>of</strong> the data provided by the relevant Departments within NIFRS, Internal Audit canconfirm that the performance against key targets for 2007/08 has been accurately reported bythe organisation in the <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.Deborah ReynoldsVerifying OfficerColin LammeyChief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer & Accounting OfficerDate: 19 June 2008Printed in the UK for The Stationery Office Limitedon behalf <strong>of</strong> the Controller <strong>of</strong> Her Majesty’s Stationery OfficePC2343 08/08

<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><strong>Fire</strong> & Rescue ServiceHeadquarters1 Seymour StreetLisburn BT27 4SXT 028 9266 4221F 028 9267 7402enquiries@nifrs.orgwww.nifrs.orgPublished by TSO (The Stationery Office) and available from:Onlinewww.tso.co.uk/bookshopMail, Telephone, Fax & E-mailTSOPO Box 29, Norwich, NR3 1GNTelephone orders/General enquiries: 0870 600 5522Fax orders: 0870 600 5533Order through the Parliamentary Hotline Lo-Call 0845 7 023474E-mail book.orders@tso.co.ukTextphone 0870 240 3701TSO Shops16 Arthur Street, Belfast BT1 4GD028 9023 8451 Fax 028 9023 540171 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH3 9AZ0870 606 5566 Fax 0870 606 5588TSO@Blackwell and other Accredited Agents

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