A guide for parents and carers on admissions to Secondary School

A guide for parents and carers on admissions to Secondary School A guide for parents and carers on admissions to Secondary School

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lowest score to qualify ong>forong> entry) will be placedon the Waiting List.Oversubscription of CoursesEvery efong>forong>t will be made to accommodatestudents who are offered places ong>andong> who meetthe entry requirements ong>forong> a place in Year 12 todo the subjects of their initial choice. However,applicants should appreciate that some subjectsmay become full. This will be most relevant tolate applicants, to those offered places from thewaiting list ong>andong> to those who wish to changetheir original subject choices. Whilst the offer ofa place will remain valid, students’ options maybe governed by availability in individual subjects.Confirmation of PlacesProvisional offers made by 15 March 2013 (orsubsequently, in the case of late applicationsong>andong> waiting list applications) will be conditionalon the applicant meeting the entryrequirements in general ong>andong> ong>forong> the chosensubjects in particular. Offers are conditional onapplicants confirming the place by 27 March2013 or, in the case of late application / waitinglist offers, by the deadline given. Offers willlapse if written confirmation is not received bythe school by the given deadline.Fraudulent ApplicationsAny inong>forong>mation that is subsequently proven tobe inaccurate will potentially invalidate thatapplication.Passport RequirementsAll students must be entitled to hold a fullBritish Passport or to have the right of residencein the United Kingdom. (see Appendix I).AppealsWhere an applicant is not offered a place, she orher ong>parentsong> / ong>carersong> may feel that thecircumstances surrounding the applicationprocess gives them grounds ong>forong> appeal. Detailsabout the appeal process are available onapplication to the Admissions Officer at theschool.Open EveningThursday 13 September 20125.00pm - 8.00pm.No parking available on the school site37If you have any queries please contact the Admissions Team on 0118 937 2550 or email: admissions.team@reading.gov.ukApply online at www.reading.gov.uk/schooladmissions

Prospect SchoolCockney Hill, Reading RG30 4EXTel: 0118 959 0466Fax: 0118 950 4172email:enquiries@prospect.reading.sch.ukwww.prospect.reading.sch.ukHeadteacher: Richard KearseySchool Type: Academy. Specialist SchoolStatus ong>forong> Sport ong>andong> ICT.School DfE number: 870 5410 Age Range: 11-18Number of children on roll: 1164Admission Number ong>forong> September 2013: 240including 24 spaces that may be allocatedbased on sports aptitude.Number of applications (all preferences)2010 : 473, 2011 : 547, 2012 : 496The table below shows how places wereallocated according to the oversubscriptioncriteria on 1 March ong>forong> 2010 ong>andong> 2011.Places allocated in 2012 : 2401234562011 2012Children with a statement of special 10needs naming the school ong>andong>children in care of a Local AuthorityChildren living in the designated 1area ong>andong> have strong medical socialgrounds ong>forong> admissionChildren living in the designated 60area with a sibling at the school inYears 7 – 11Children living in the designatedareaChildren with a sibling at the schoolin years 7-11Other applicants – it was notpossible to offer places to allapplicants from this category ong>andong>the tie-breaker was169*0*Tie breaker used in this category last distance offered 1.544 miles0All preferences allocatedapplied. The last place offered wasto a child whose home address is1.327 miles from the schoolAppeals heardAppeals granted20 03 0Over-subscription CriteriaThe following criteria will be applied if thereare more applicants than places available.Children with a statement of specialeducational needs that names the school willbe allocated a place above all otherapplicants1. Children in the care of a local authoritywhere the corporate parent namesProspect School. (LAC) Children whowere looked after but ceased to be sobecause they were adopted (or becamesubject to a residency order)immediately after they had been lookedafter providing appropriate evidence issubmitted.2. Up to 10% of 240 students (24) will beselected by aptitude in Sport.Assessment will be by means ofaptitude tests in sport ong>andong> rankedaccording to the results.The remaining places up to a total of 240 willbe allocated according to the followingcriteria:3. Children who have strong medical orsocial grounds ong>forong> admission (seedefinition of social/medical groundsbelow).4. Children whose permanent homeaddress is in the designated area ong>andong>have siblings or have had siblingspreviously at the school5. Children whose permanent homeaddress is in the designated area of theschool6. Children whose permanent homeIf you have any queries please contact the Admissions Team on 0118 937 2550 or email: admissions.team@reading.gov.ukApply online at www.reading.gov.uk/schooladmissions 38

lowest score <strong>to</strong> qualify <str<strong>on</strong>g>for</str<strong>on</strong>g> entry) will be placed<strong>on</strong> the Waiting List.Oversubscripti<strong>on</strong> of CoursesEvery ef<str<strong>on</strong>g>for</str<strong>on</strong>g>t will be made <strong>to</strong> accommodatestudents who are offered places <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> who meetthe entry requirements <str<strong>on</strong>g>for</str<strong>on</strong>g> a place in Year 12 <strong>to</strong>do the subjects of their initial choice. However,applicants should appreciate that some subjectsmay become full. This will be most relevant <strong>to</strong>late applicants, <strong>to</strong> those offered places from thewaiting list <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>to</strong> those who wish <strong>to</strong> changetheir original subject choices. Whilst the offer ofa place will remain valid, students’ opti<strong>on</strong>s maybe governed by availability in individual subjects.C<strong>on</strong>firmati<strong>on</strong> of PlacesProvisi<strong>on</strong>al offers made by 15 March 2013 (orsubsequently, in the case of late applicati<strong>on</strong>s<str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> waiting list applicati<strong>on</strong>s) will be c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>al<strong>on</strong> the applicant meeting the entryrequirements in general <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>for</str<strong>on</strong>g> the chosensubjects in particular. Offers are c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>al <strong>on</strong>applicants c<strong>on</strong>firming the place by 27 March2013 or, in the case of late applicati<strong>on</strong> / waitinglist offers, by the deadline given. Offers willlapse if written c<strong>on</strong>firmati<strong>on</strong> is not received bythe school by the given deadline.Fraudulent Applicati<strong>on</strong>sAny in<str<strong>on</strong>g>for</str<strong>on</strong>g>mati<strong>on</strong> that is subsequently proven <strong>to</strong>be inaccurate will potentially invalidate thatapplicati<strong>on</strong>.Passport RequirementsAll students must be entitled <strong>to</strong> hold a fullBritish Passport or <strong>to</strong> have the right of residencein the United Kingdom. (see Appendix I).AppealsWhere an applicant is not offered a place, she orher <str<strong>on</strong>g>parents</str<strong>on</strong>g> / <str<strong>on</strong>g>carers</str<strong>on</strong>g> may feel that thecircumstances surrounding the applicati<strong>on</strong>process gives them grounds <str<strong>on</strong>g>for</str<strong>on</strong>g> appeal. Detailsabout the appeal process are available <strong>on</strong>applicati<strong>on</strong> <strong>to</strong> the Admissi<strong>on</strong>s Officer at theschool.Open EveningThursday 13 September 20125.00pm - 8.00pm.No parking available <strong>on</strong> the school site37If you have any queries please c<strong>on</strong>tact the Admissi<strong>on</strong>s Team <strong>on</strong> 0118 937 2550 or email: admissi<strong>on</strong>s.team@reading.gov.ukApply <strong>on</strong>line at www.reading.gov.uk/schooladmissi<strong>on</strong>s

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