ASpen peAk-mAgAzine.com - Sue Hostetler

ASpen peAk-mAgAzine.com - Sue Hostetler

ASpen peAk-mAgAzine.com - Sue Hostetler


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c l o c k w i s e f r o m l ef t: The living room is anchored by a massivestone fireplace; Asian-inspired pieces are thoughtfully placedthroughout the house; Multiple seating areas in the kitchen give ita social feel; Pat Cooperwith light. “John worked with Gretchen and reallydrove the structural renovation,” says Pat. Slidingglass doors were added, bringing the cinematicview inside.The home’s exterior is wrapped in a multilevelflagstone terrace, which provides a blissfulentertainment space in the alpine setting. Theamount of steel needed to support the decks wasso great that construction ground to a halt whenthe Coopers couldn’t receive their massive orderon time (everything of that size was reportedlygoing to China to build infrastructure for the 2008Summer Olympics).The new floor plan allows the grand, 13,000-square-foot, eight-bedroom home to feel moreintimate and cozy. Public rooms, including thekitchen, various seating areas and the diningroom, are all on the south- and east-facing entrylevel. The master suite and several guest roomsare located on the other side of the residence, staggeredalong a hallway to the top floor. The lowerlevel is dedicated to leisure activities, with a barand billiards area, TV lounge and two more guestrooms. An elevator connects the three levels, concealedbehind a wall covered with an oversizephotograph of a 19th-century geisha; producedby the Maya Romanoff <strong>com</strong>pany, the blown-upreproduction is finished with tiny glass beads onthe surface and adds a dash of bling to the otherwiseunderstated surroundings. Another strikingp h o t o g r a p h b y r o b i n p r o c t o r (p at c o o p e r)aspen peak-magazine.<strong>com</strong> 4

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