Noteables Interactive Study Notebook (26491.0K) - McGraw-Hill ...

Noteables Interactive Study Notebook (26491.0K) - McGraw-Hill ... Noteables Interactive Study Notebook (26491.0K) - McGraw-Hill ...
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Chapter 2 BUILD YOUR VOCABULARYVocabulary TermFoundon PageDefinitionDescription orExamplemeanmeasures ofcentral tendencymedianmodenegative numbersoppositesoutlierpositive numbersrangescalestem-and-leaf plotstemCopyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.vertical axis28 Math Connects, Course 1

2–1 Problem-Solving Investigation:Make a TableEXAMPLEMAIN IDEA• Solve problems bymaking a table.EYE COLOR Make a frequency table of the data. Howmany more students have brown eyes than green eyes?blue gray brown green brownbrown gray blue grayUNDERSTAND You need to find the number of students whohave brown eyes and the number of studentswho have green eyes. Then find the difference.PLANMake a frequency table of the data.Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.HOMEWORKASSIGNMENTPage(s):Exercises:SOLVEDraw a table withthree columns asshown. In the firstcolumn, list eacheye color. Thencomplete the tableby indicating thefrequency ornumber of timeseach color occurs.Eye ColorColor Tally Frequencyblue ‖ 2gray 3brown 3green 1students have brown eyes andgreen eyes. So, 3 − 1 orhave brown eyes than green eyes.hasmore studentsCHECK Go back to the data. There should be 3students who have brown eyes and 1 studentCheck Your Progresswho has green eyes. So, an answer ofstudents is correct.MARKETING Make a frequencytable of the data. How many morepeople responded yes than no?OpinionY Y N Y YN N Y Y NY N N Y YN N Y Y YMath Connects, Course 1 29

Chapter 2 BUILD YOUR VOCABULARYVocabulary TermFoundon PageDefinitionDescription orExamplemeanmeasures ofcentral tendencymedianmodenegative numbersoppositesoutlierpositive numbersrangescalestem-and-leaf plotstemCopyright © Glencoe/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.vertical axis28 Math Connects, Course 1

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