Import & Export Tari.. - PNG Customs Service

Import & Export Tari.. - PNG Customs Service Import & Export Tari.. - PNG Customs Service
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536TariffItemDescription of GoodsDuty RateFrom 1stJan 2006until 31stDec 2011Duty RateFrom 1stJan 2012Until 31stDec 2014Duty RateFrom 1stJan 2015until 31stDec 2017DutyRate onandFrom 1stJan 2018Unit Remarks8450.11.00 -- Fully-automatic machines Free Free Free Free No. -8450.12.00 -- Other machines, with built-in Free Free Free Free No. -centrifugal drier8450.19.00 -- Other Free Free Free Free No. -8450.20.00 - Machines, each of a dry linen capacity Free Free Free Free No. -exceeding 10 kg8450.90.00 - Parts Free Free Free Free No. -84.51 MACHINERY (OTHER THANMACHINES OF HEADING 84.50)FOR WASHING, CLEANING,WRINGING, DRYING, IRONING,PRESSING (INCLUDING FUSINGPRESSES), BLEACHING, DYEING,DRESSING, FINISHING, COATINGOR IMPREGNATING TEXTILEYARNS, FABRICS OR MADE UPTEXTILE ARTICLES ANDMACHINES FOR APPLYING THEPASTE TO THE BASE FABRIC OROTHER SUPPORT USED IN THEMANUFACTURE OF FLOORCOVERINGS SUCH AS LINOLEUM;MACHINES FOR REELING,UNREELING, FOLDING, CUTTINGOR PINKING TEXTILE FABRICS.8451.10.00 - Dry-cleaning machines Free Free Free Free No. -8451.2 - Drying machines:8451.21.00 -- Each of a dry linen capacity not Free Free Free Free No. -exceeding 10 kg8451.29.00 -- Other Free Free Free Free No. -8451.30.00 - Ironing machines and presses Free Free Free Free No. -(including fusing presses)8451.40.00 - Washing, bleaching or dyeing machines Free Free Free Free No. -Customs Tariff Act of 1990(Harmonized System 2012 Version)

537TariffItemDescription of GoodsDuty RateFrom 1stJan 2006until 31stDec 2011Duty RateFrom 1stJan 2012Until 31stDec 2014Duty RateFrom 1stJan 2015until 31stDec 2017DutyRate onandFrom 1stJan 2018Unit Remarks8451.50.00 - Machines for reeling, unreeling, Free Free Free Free No. -folding, cutting or pinking textile fabrics8451.80.00 - Other machinery Free Free Free Free No. -8451.90.00 - Parts Free Free Free Free No -84.52 SEWING MACHINES, OTHERTHAN BOOK-SEWING MACHINESOF HEADING 84.40; FURNITURE,BASES AND COVERS SPECIALLYDESIGNED FOR SEWING MACHINES;SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES.8452.10.00 - Sewing machines of the household type Free Free Free Free No. -8452.2 - Other sewing machines:8452.21.00 -- Automatic units Free Free Free Free No. -8452.29.00 -- Other Free Free Free Free No. -8452.30.00 - Sewing machine needles Free Free Free Free No. -8452.90.00 - Furniture, bases and covers for sewing 25% 20% 15% 10% No. -machines and parts thereof; other parts ofsewing machines84.53 MACHINERY FOR PREPARING,TANNING OR WORKING HIDES,SKINS OR LEATHER OR FORMAKING OR REPAIRINGFOOTWEAR OR OTHER ARTICLESOF HIDES, SKINS OR LEATHER,OTHER THAN SEWING MACHINES.8453.10.00 - Machinery for preparing, tanning or Free Free Free Free No. -working hides, skins or leather8453.20.00 - Machinery for making or repairing Free Free Free Free No. -footwear8453.80.00 - Other machinery Free Free Free Free No. -8453.90.00 - Parts Free Free Free Free No -Customs Tariff Act of 1990(Harmonized System 2012 Version)

537<strong>Tari</strong>ffItemDescription of GoodsDuty RateFrom 1stJan 2006until 31stDec 2011Duty RateFrom 1stJan 2012Until 31stDec 2014Duty RateFrom 1stJan 2015until 31stDec 2017DutyRate onandFrom 1stJan 2018Unit Remarks8451.50.00 - Machines for reeling, unreeling, Free Free Free Free No. -folding, cutting or pinking textile fabrics8451.80.00 - Other machinery Free Free Free Free No. -8451.90.00 - Parts Free Free Free Free No -84.52 SEWING MACHINES, OTHERTHAN BOOK-SEWING MACHINESOF HEADING 84.40; FURNITURE,BASES AND COVERS SPECIALLYDESIGNED FOR SEWING MACHINES;SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES.8452.10.00 - Sewing machines of the household type Free Free Free Free No. -8452.2 - Other sewing machines:8452.21.00 -- Automatic units Free Free Free Free No. -8452.29.00 -- Other Free Free Free Free No. -8452.30.00 - Sewing machine needles Free Free Free Free No. -8452.90.00 - Furniture, bases and covers for sewing 25% 20% 15% 10% No. -machines and parts thereof; other parts ofsewing machines84.53 MACHINERY FOR PREPARING,TANNING OR WORKING HIDES,SKINS OR LEATHER OR FORMAKING OR REPAIRINGFOOTWEAR OR OTHER ARTICLESOF HIDES, SKINS OR LEATHER,OTHER THAN SEWING MACHINES.8453.10.00 - Machinery for preparing, tanning or Free Free Free Free No. -working hides, skins or leather8453.20.00 - Machinery for making or repairing Free Free Free Free No. -footwear8453.80.00 - Other machinery Free Free Free Free No. -8453.90.00 - Parts Free Free Free Free No -<strong>Customs</strong> <strong>Tari</strong>ff Act of 1990(Harmonized System 2012 Version)

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