Import & Export Tari.. - PNG Customs Service

Import & Export Tari.. - PNG Customs Service Import & Export Tari.. - PNG Customs Service
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214Notes.1. This Chapter does not cover:(a) Yeasts (heading 21.02);(b)(c) Enzymatic preparations for pre-tanning (heading 32.02);(d) Enzymatic soaking or washing preparations or other products of Chapter 34;(e) Hardened proteins (heading 39.13); or(f) Gelatin products of the printing industry (Chapter 49).CHAPTER 35ALBUMINOIDAL SUBSTANCES; MODIFIED STARCHES; GLUES; ENZYMESBlood fractions (other than albumin not prepared for therapeutic or prophylactic uses), medicaments orother products of Chapter 30;2.For the purposes of heading 35.05, the term "dextrins" means starch degradation products with areducing sugar content, expressed as dextrose on the dry substance, not exceeding 10%Such products with a reducing sugar content exceeding 10% fall in heading 17.02.TariffItemDescription of GoodsDuty RateFrom 1stJan 2006until 31stDec 2011Duty RateFrom 1stJan 2012Until 31stDec 2014Duty RateFrom 1stJan 2015until 31stDec 2017DutyRate onandFrom 1stJan 2018Unit Remarks35.01 CASEIN, CASEINATES AND OTHERCASEIN DERIVATIVES; CASEIN GLUES.3501.10.00 - Casein Free Free Free Free Kg -3501.90.00 - Other Free Free Free Free Kg -35.02 ALBUMINS, ALBUMINATES ANDOTHER ALBUMIN DERIVATIVES.3502.1 - Egg albumin:3502.11.00 -- Dried Free Free Free Free Kg Qr3502.19.00 -- Other Free Free Free Free Kg Qr3502.20.00 - Milk albumin, including concentrates of Free Free Free Free Kg -two or more whey proteins3502.90.00 - Other Free Free Free Free Kg -Customs Tariff Act of 1990(Harmonized System 2012 Version)

215TariffItemDescription of GoodsDuty RateFrom 1stJan 2006until 31stDec 2011Duty RateFrom 1stJan 2012Until 31stDec 2014Duty RateFrom 1stJan 2015until 31stDec 2017DutyRate onandFrom 1stJan 2018Unit Remarks3503.00.00 Gelatin (including gelatin in rectangular Free Free Free Free Kg -(including square) sheets, whether or notsurface-worked or coloured) and gelatinderivatives; isinglass; other glues of animalorigin, excluding casein glues of heading35.01.3504.00.00 Peptones and their derivatives; other protein Free Free Free Free Kg -substances and their derivatives, notelsewhere specified or included; hide powder,whether or not chromed.35.05DEXTRINS AND OTHER MODIFIEDSTARCHES (FOR EXAMPLE,PREGELATINISED OR ESTERIFIEDSTARCHES); GLUES BASED ONSTARCHES, OR ON DEXTRINS OROTHER MODIFIED STARCHES.3505.10.00 - Dextrins and other modified starches Free Free Free Free Kg -3505.20.00 - Glues Free Free Free Free Kg -35.06PREPARED GLUES AND OTHERPREPARED ADHESIVES, NOT ELSEWHERESPECIFIED OR INCLUDED; PRODUCTSSUITABLE FOR USE AS GLUES ORADHESIVES, PUT UP FOR RETAIL SALE ASGLUES OR ADHESIVES, NOT EXCEEDINGA NET WEIGHT OF 1Kg.3506.10.00 - Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, 15% 12.5% 10% 10% Kg -put up for retail sale as glues or adhesives, notexceeding a net weight of 1 Kg3506.9 - Other:3506.91.00 -- Adhesives based on polymers of Free Free Free Free Kg -headings 39.01 to 39.13 or on rubber3506.99.00 -- Other Free Free Free Free Kg -35.07 ENZYMES; PREPARED ENZYMES NOTELSEWHERE SPECIFIED OR INCLUDED.3507.10.00 - Rennet and concentrates thereof Free Free Free Free Kg -3507.90.00 - Other Free Free Free Free Kg -Customs Tariff Act of 1990(Harmonized System 2012 Version)

215<strong>Tari</strong>ffItemDescription of GoodsDuty RateFrom 1stJan 2006until 31stDec 2011Duty RateFrom 1stJan 2012Until 31stDec 2014Duty RateFrom 1stJan 2015until 31stDec 2017DutyRate onandFrom 1stJan 2018Unit Remarks3503.00.00 Gelatin (including gelatin in rectangular Free Free Free Free Kg -(including square) sheets, whether or notsurface-worked or coloured) and gelatinderivatives; isinglass; other glues of animalorigin, excluding casein glues of heading35.01.3504.00.00 Peptones and their derivatives; other protein Free Free Free Free Kg -substances and their derivatives, notelsewhere specified or included; hide powder,whether or not chromed.35.05DEXTRINS AND OTHER MODIFIEDSTARCHES (FOR EXAMPLE,PREGELATINISED OR ESTERIFIEDSTARCHES); GLUES BASED ONSTARCHES, OR ON DEXTRINS OROTHER MODIFIED STARCHES.3505.10.00 - Dextrins and other modified starches Free Free Free Free Kg -3505.20.00 - Glues Free Free Free Free Kg -35.06PREPARED GLUES AND OTHERPREPARED ADHESIVES, NOT ELSEWHERESPECIFIED OR INCLUDED; PRODUCTSSUITABLE FOR USE AS GLUES ORADHESIVES, PUT UP FOR RETAIL SALE ASGLUES OR ADHESIVES, NOT EXCEEDINGA NET WEIGHT OF 1Kg.3506.10.00 - Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, 15% 12.5% 10% 10% Kg -put up for retail sale as glues or adhesives, notexceeding a net weight of 1 Kg3506.9 - Other:3506.91.00 -- Adhesives based on polymers of Free Free Free Free Kg -headings 39.01 to 39.13 or on rubber3506.99.00 -- Other Free Free Free Free Kg -35.07 ENZYMES; PREPARED ENZYMES NOTELSEWHERE SPECIFIED OR INCLUDED.3507.10.00 - Rennet and concentrates thereof Free Free Free Free Kg -3507.90.00 - Other Free Free Free Free Kg -<strong>Customs</strong> <strong>Tari</strong>ff Act of 1990(Harmonized System 2012 Version)

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