Import & Export Tari.. - PNG Customs Service

Import & Export Tari.. - PNG Customs Service Import & Export Tari.. - PNG Customs Service
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1364. For the purposes of subheading 2710.12, “light oils and preparations” are those of which 90% or more by volume(including losses) distil at 210⁰C (ASTM D 86 method).5.- For the purposes of the subheadings of heading 27.10, the term "biodiesel" means mono-alkyl esters of fatty acidsof a kind used as a fuel, derived from animal or vegetable fats and oils whether or not used.TariffItemDescription of GoodsDuty RateFrom 1stJan 2006until 31stDec 2011Duty RateFrom 1stJan 2012Until 31stDec 2014Duty RateFrom 1stJan 2015until 31stDec 2017DutyRate onandFrom 1stJan 2018UnitRemarks27.01COAL; BRIQUETTES, OVOIDS ANDSIMILAR SOLID FUELS MANUFACTUREDFROM COAL.2701.1 - Coal, whether or not pulverised, butnot agglomerated:2701.11.00 -- Anthracite Free Free Free Free tonne2701.12.00 -- Bituminous coal Free Free Free Free tonne -2701.19.00 -- Other coal Free Free Free Free tonne -2701.20.00 - Briquettes, ovoids and similar solid Free Free Free Free tonne -fuels manufactured from coal27.02 LIGNITE, WHETHER OR NOTAGGLOMERATED, EXCLUDING JET.2702.10.00 - Lignite, whether or not pulverised, but Free Free Free Free tonne -not agglomerated2702.20.00 - Agglomerated lignite Free Free Free Free tonne -2703.00.00 Peat (including peat litter), whether or Free Free Free Free tonne -not agglomerated.2704.00.00 Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lignite or Free Free Free Free tonne -of peat, whether or not agglomerated;retort carbon.2705.00.00 Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and Free Free Free Free tonne -similar gases, other than petroleum gasesand other gaseous hydrocarbons.2706.00.00 Tar distilled from coal, from lignite or Free Free Free Free tonne -from peat, and other mineral tars,whether or not dehydrated or partiallydistilled, including reconstituted tars.Customs Tariff Act of 1990(Harmonized System 2012 Version)

137TariffItemDescription of GoodsDuty RateFrom 1stJan 2006until 31stDec 2011Duty RateFrom 1stJan 2012Until 31stDec 2014Duty RateFrom 1stJan 2015until 31stDec 2017DutyRate onandFrom 1stJan 2018UnitRemarks27.07 OILS AND OTHER PRODUCTS OF THEDISTILLATION OF HIGH TEMPERATURECOAL TAR; SIMILAR PRODUCTS INWHICH THE WEIGHT OF THEAROMATIC CONSTITUENTS EXCEEDSTHAT OF THE NON-AROMATICCONSTITUENTS.2707.10.00 - Benzole (benzene) Free Free Free Free Lt -2707.20.00 - Toluole (toluene) Free Free Free Free Lt -2707.30.00 - Xylole (xylenes) Free Free Free Free Lt -2707.40.00 - Naphthalene Free Free Free Free Lt -2707.50.00 - Other aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures of which Free Free Free Free Lt -65% or more by volume (including losses) distilsat 250°C by the ASTM D 86 method2707.9- Other:2707.91.00 -- Creosote oil Free Free Free Free Lt -2707.99.00 -- Other Free Free Free Free Lt -27.08PITCH AND PITCH COKE, OBTAINEDFROM COAL TAR OR FROM OTHERMINERAL TARS.2708.10.00 - Pitch Free Free Free Free tonne -2708.20.00 - Pitch coke Free Free Free Free tonne -2709.00.00Petroleum oils and oils obtained frombituminous minerals, crude.Free Free Free Free Lt -Customs Tariff Act of 1990(Harmonized System 2012 Version)

1364. For the purposes of subheading 2710.12, “light oils and preparations” are those of which 90% or more by volume(including losses) distil at 210⁰C (ASTM D 86 method).5.- For the purposes of the subheadings of heading 27.10, the term "biodiesel" means mono-alkyl esters of fatty acidsof a kind used as a fuel, derived from animal or vegetable fats and oils whether or not used.<strong>Tari</strong>ffItemDescription of GoodsDuty RateFrom 1stJan 2006until 31stDec 2011Duty RateFrom 1stJan 2012Until 31stDec 2014Duty RateFrom 1stJan 2015until 31stDec 2017DutyRate onandFrom 1stJan 2018UnitRemarks27.01COAL; BRIQUETTES, OVOIDS ANDSIMILAR SOLID FUELS MANUFACTUREDFROM COAL.2701.1 - Coal, whether or not pulverised, butnot agglomerated:2701.11.00 -- Anthracite Free Free Free Free tonne2701.12.00 -- Bituminous coal Free Free Free Free tonne -2701.19.00 -- Other coal Free Free Free Free tonne -2701.20.00 - Briquettes, ovoids and similar solid Free Free Free Free tonne -fuels manufactured from coal27.02 LIGNITE, WHETHER OR NOTAGGLOMERATED, EXCLUDING JET.2702.10.00 - Lignite, whether or not pulverised, but Free Free Free Free tonne -not agglomerated2702.20.00 - Agglomerated lignite Free Free Free Free tonne -2703.00.00 Peat (including peat litter), whether or Free Free Free Free tonne -not agglomerated.2704.00.00 Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lignite or Free Free Free Free tonne -of peat, whether or not agglomerated;retort carbon.2705.00.00 Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and Free Free Free Free tonne -similar gases, other than petroleum gasesand other gaseous hydrocarbons.2706.00.00 Tar distilled from coal, from lignite or Free Free Free Free tonne -from peat, and other mineral tars,whether or not dehydrated or partiallydistilled, including reconstituted tars.<strong>Customs</strong> <strong>Tari</strong>ff Act of 1990(Harmonized System 2012 Version)

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