Tellabs Off-Net Solutions with Tellabs 6325 Edge Node

Tellabs Off-Net Solutions with Tellabs 6325 Edge Node

Tellabs Off-Net Solutions with Tellabs 6325 Edge Node


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Application note<strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>Off</strong>-<strong>Net</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> <strong>with</strong><strong>Tellabs</strong> ®<strong>6325</strong> <strong>Edge</strong> <strong>Node</strong>Many service providers find it increasingly difficult to meet therequirements of end users, who demand increased bandwidth,available at all locations and at an affordable price. Everybodyseems to agree that end users’ demand will result in a stronggrowth in bandwidth requirements and that Ethernet servicesbest support this increasing bandwidth demand. The challenge,however, is to make the service ubiquitously available.OverviewThe problem that service providers are facing delivering solutionsto many customers is two-fold.In off-net applications where the service provider does not ownthe fiber or cables that provide access to the customer, it will bevery expensive to establish a new Point of Presence (PoP) andestablish the access connection. Although it will be economicallyfeasible to re-sell a leased line PDH or SDH service provided bythe local PTT’s wholesale division, such a service would notprovide any additional benefits to the end user and would not becompetitive compared to what the PTT can already offer.In on-net applications where the service provider does own thenetwork, the existing infrastructure may not be able to supportthe end user’s increased bandwidth requirements in aneconomical way.In both scenarios the cost-effectiveness of the <strong>Tellabs</strong> ® <strong>6325</strong> <strong>Edge</strong><strong>Node</strong> enables the end users’ needs to be met, by:• Delivering new flexible Ethernet services to end users in off-netconfigurations using Ethernet-over-PDH and Ethernet-over-SDHtechnology.• Delivering high bandwidth to end users in on-net configurations,by increasing the capacity of the existing network and addingaggregation capabilities to the edge of the network.BenefitsThe flexibility of the <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>6325</strong> node allows it to be cost-effectivelyconfigured as Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) for both off-netand on-net scenarios thereby enabling service providers to meetend users’ demands.In off-net areas, the service provider re-uses existing PDH or SDHinterfaces and leases the required capacity from the local PTT.When there are enough customers in an off-net area, the serviceprovider can then establish a new Point of Presence (PoP) andestablish the access connection.The use of ITU-T Standardized EoPDH and EoSDH based on GFPprotects the service provider’s investment and allows new servicesto be easily introduced in the future.Finally, secure and remote management for both off- and on-netconfigurations is supported by the flexible DCN solution offered bythe <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>6325</strong> node. This also includes DCC GFP-Fand DCCvc-12support, which enables in band management of an off-net ADM asDCCR and DCCM channels are typically not available in the leasedbandwidth from the PTT.Service ProviderCentral <strong>Off</strong>iceUbiquitousPTT <strong>Net</strong>work(<strong>Off</strong>-net)PTTPoPPoPOwn <strong>Net</strong>work(On-net)PTTPoPN x 2 MbpsPoPNew PoPNew or leasedfiberNew or leasedfiberSTM -1/4PoPN x 2 MbpsfiberCustomerPremisesNew Potential CustomerUses 2 Mbps Services TodayCustomerPremisesExisting CustomersFigure 1: The off-net / on-net scenario.

application note — tellabs off-net solutions <strong>with</strong> <strong>Tellabs</strong> ® <strong>6325</strong> edge nodeApplicationsThe modular design of the <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>6325</strong> node enables it to be usedas CPE in both off-net and on-net applications to deliver flexibleEthernet services:<strong>Off</strong>-net and on-net applications can be based on either EoPDHusing the EMAP module and on EoSDH using the EMAP or theETEX10S module.EoSDH:The Ethernet signals are transported over an SDH infrastructureusing N x VC-12, VC-3 or VC-4 leased capacity. The Ethernetsignals are GFP mapped into virtually concatenated VC-12(2 Mbit/s), VC-3 (45 Mbit/s) or VC-4 (155 Mbit/s) signals. Theresultant STM-1/4/16 multiplex is then transported over anSDH infrastructure.EoPDH:The Ethernet signals are transported over a PDH (2 Mbit/s)infrastructure using N x E1 leased capacity.The Ethernet signals are GFP mapped into virtually concatenated nx E1 (n = 1-16) signals, equal to 2-32 Mbit/s. The E1 signals arethen transported through a PDH infrastructure.Central <strong>Off</strong>iceN x 2 MbpsUbiquitousPTT <strong>Net</strong>work(<strong>Off</strong>-net)PTTPoPLeased capacity inPTT STM -1/4PTT wiII groomn x E1 in to STM -1/4PTTPoPCarrier InterconnectSTM -1/4/16PoPSTM -1/4N x 2 MbpsOwn <strong>Net</strong>work(On-net)PoPfiberNew CustomerWith Flexible Ethernet Services<strong>6325</strong> CPE <strong>6325</strong> CPECustomerCustomerPremisesPremisesExisting CustomersFigure 2: New services <strong>with</strong> <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>6325</strong> node.Statements herein may contain projections or otherforward-looking statements regarding future events,products, features, technology and resulting commercialor technological benefits and advantages. Thesestatements are for discussion purposes only, are subject tochange and are not be construed as instructions, productspecifications, guarantees or warranties. Actual resultsmay differ materially.The following trademarks and service marks are owned by<strong>Tellabs</strong> Operations, Inc., or its affiliates in the United Statesand/or other countries: TELLABS ® , TELLABS andT symbol ® , and T symbol ® .North America<strong>Tellabs</strong>One <strong>Tellabs</strong> Center1415 West Diehl RoadNaperville, IL 60563U.S.A.+1 630 798 8800Fax: +1 630 798 2000Asia Pacific<strong>Tellabs</strong>3 Anson Road#14–01 Springleaf TowerSingapore 079909Republic of Singapore+65 6215 6411Fax: +65 6215 6422Europe, Middle East &Africa<strong>Tellabs</strong>Abbey Place24–28 Easton StreetHigh Wycombe, BucksHP11 1NTUnited Kingdom+44 870 238 4700Fax: +44 870 238 4851Latin America &Caribbean<strong>Tellabs</strong>1401 N.W. 136th AvenueSuite 202Sunrise, FL 33323U.S.A.+1 954 839 2800Fax: +1 954 839 2828Any other company or product names may be trademarksof their respective companies.© 2007 <strong>Tellabs</strong>. All rights reserved.74.1634E Rev.B 03/07 Application Note<strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>Off</strong>-<strong>Net</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Tellabs</strong> ® <strong>6325</strong> <strong>Edge</strong> <strong>Node</strong>

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