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(all) Ages - Nimbin Good Times

(all) Ages - Nimbin Good Times


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Janelle’sPageParents need to keep receiptsfor education tax refundfrom Janelle Saffin, MPAlthough we arefacing tougheconomic times,it has been encouraging tostart the New Year on sucha positive note, with retailersaround the electoratereporting good sales figuresand local tourism operatorsalso reporting a good season.As part of its EconomicSecurity Strategy, the RuddGovernment put morethan $50 million into thepockets of local families andpensioners in December andit seems a lot of that moneyhas been spent loc<strong>all</strong>y.Health checksSo while the local economyis off to a healthy start, thistime of year is also a goodtime to think about personalhealth checks too.The Government hasannounced that fromFebruary 1, women under50 with a high risk ofbreast cancer, but with nosymptoms, will be able toclaim a Medicare rebate foran MRI breast scan.Women at high risk arethose, for example, withthree or more close bloodrelatives diagnosed withbreast or ovarian cancer.Health Minister to PageI am always keen to haveFederal Ministers visit Pageto get to know the localpeople and the needs of thisarea, so I was delighted tohave the Minister for Healthand Ageing, Nicola Roxonfor a return visit in January.The minister attended thepublic consultation on theProgress. Federal Health minister Nicola Roxon (left), JanelleSaffin and David Keeler from State Commerce Dept visited theconstruction site of the new cancer care unit at Lismore hospital.GP Super clinic in Grafton,and in Lismore visited theconstruction site of the newCancer Care unit and openednew student accommodationfor the Universitydepartment of Rural Health.The Minister spoke aboutthe importance of the newGovernment programssupporting GP training inrural areas, to encouragemore GPs to practice in thecountry.Volunteers GrantsI was pleased to see that45 local organisations weresuccessful in applying forgrants under the AustralianGovernment’s 2008Volunteer Grants Program.In Page we have tens ofthousands of volunteersand these grants, from$1,000 to $5,000, can makea significant differenceto sm<strong>all</strong> communityorganisations, <strong>all</strong>owing ourvital volunteer communityto continue to givegenerously.For the first time, thisround of funding includesfunds to cover petrol costsso volunteers aren’t outof pocket for carrying outimportant community work.Local recipients in thisround include:Mary of the AngelusAssociation (which helpsthe ment<strong>all</strong>y ill anddisadvantaged members ofthe community)• Collins Creek P and C• Collins Creek H<strong>all</strong> ReserveTrust• Brain Injury SupportService• The Organic Federation ofAustraliaBack to schoolRemember to keepyour receipts so you canclaim 50 per cent ofeducation expenses such ascomputers, text books andstationery under the RuddGovernment’s Education TaxRefund. (Details continued inJustine’s column – Ed.)JanelleMember for Page63 Molesworth StreetLismorePhone 1300-301-735from Justine Elliot, MPIwould like to take thisopportunity to remindparents of school childrento keep their receipts foreducation expenses as theyprepare for the new schoolyear.The back-to-school periodis often a re<strong>all</strong>y expensiveone coming off the back ofChristmas and the holidays,and parents should makethe most of the benefitsavailable under the RuddGovernment’s $4.4 billionEducation Tax Refund.Every bit counts when you’refaced with the prospect of<strong>all</strong> those expenses associatedwith getting the kids ready togo for the new school year.We understand that, andit’s even more the case in themidst of the global financialcrisis and the downturn in theworld economy.The refunds parents canaccumulate at this time ofyear will no doubt come inre<strong>all</strong>y handy come the end ofthe 2008-09 financial year,just six months away.But to make the most of therefund parents in Richmondhave to be organised and keeptheir receipts in a safe place.The Rudd Governmentannounced the Education TaxRefund in the last electioncampaign and is simplyhonouring its commitment tothe Australian people.It will provide parentswith much-needed help foreducation expenses, withrefunds of up to $375 perprimary school student and$750 per secondary schoolstudent.Eligible expenses for theEducation Tax Refundinclude:• laptops;• home computers andassociated costs;• home internet connections;• printers;• education software;• trade tools for use at school;• school text books; andstationery.Where a family haseducational costs in excess ofthe refund limit, these costscan be carried over to the nextfinancial year.Parents bringing up the nextgeneration of Australiansare doing one of the mostimportant jobs in Australiaand they deserve a helpinghand.It’s also a central part ofthe Rudd Government’sEducation Revolution aimedat giving kids in Richmond,and <strong>all</strong> over Australia, thebest possible start in life.For more information go towww.educationtaxrefund.gov.au/home/Medicare Rebate for MRIBreast ScansA Medicare rebate for anMRI breast scan will beavailable to women under 50at high risk of breast cancerand with no symptoms from1st February 2009.Being at high risk of breastcancer can cause significantanxiety and these scans canhelp reduce unnecessaryconcern, and help pick upbreast cancer early.The Australian Governmentis reducing the financialbarrier of the cost of aMagnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) scan to encouragethese women in the high riskcategory to monitor theirhealth. Women at high riskof breast cancer include, forexample, women with threeor more close blood relativesdiagnosed with breast orovarian cancer.The new measure followsa recommendation from theMedical Services AdvisoryCommittee that breastMRI, when combined withmammography, is a safe andeffective way to diagnosebreast cancer in youngerwomen with no symptomsat high risk of this disease.MRI uses magnetic fieldsto generate images that canhelp diagnose illnesses. Itis especi<strong>all</strong>y effective onsoft tissue - making it animportant tool for workingwith diseases such as cancerand strokes.The Government alreadysupports the diagnosis ofbreast cancer in women withsymptoms or a past historyof breast cancer throughMedicare funding. This coversa variety of procedures otherthan MRI - such as diagnosticmammography, ultrasoundand guided biopsies.Further details aboutthe women eligible for thisMedicare rebate will beavailable from 1st February2009 on MBS online at www.health.gov.au.Celebrating a milestone?If you or a family member arecelebrating a milestone 90thor 100th birthday, or a 50thor 60th wedding anniversaryI am able at arrangecongratulatory messages fromthe Prime Minister, Leader ofthe Opposition and in somecases the Governor Generaland the Queen.Contact my office on 1300720 675 for further details.‘Til next time,JustineMember for Richmond107 Minjungbal DriveTweed Heads SouthPhone 1300-720-675Page 10 The <strong>Nimbin</strong> <strong>Good</strong><strong>Times</strong>February 2009www.nimbingoodtimes.com

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