(all) Ages - Nimbin Good Times

(all) Ages - Nimbin Good Times

(all) Ages - Nimbin Good Times


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Lettersnimbin.goodtimes@gmail.comNoticesRegional asset?Over the holidays we havehad a few visitors stay frominterstate and are frequentlyasked, why the local councildoes not do more to beautifyand upgrade facilities in<strong>Nimbin</strong>. Their home townsoften have beautiful parksand gardens, maintained bypaid council staff...not justpaid to come every so oftento prune and chop - butregular maintenance involvingreplanting, feeding andwatering.I can’t help coming back tothis sense of discriminationthat exists when it comes to<strong>Nimbin</strong>. We still have a greatbig ugly fence and containerin the middle of the CBD forTelstra with a row of phonebooths that sit in the fullafternoon sun...it’s <strong>all</strong> verystrange. In other towns, Ihave seen beautiful creeperscovering such ugly fencesand modern phone facilitiesbuilt with planning andconsideration.I believe we deserveplanning and consideration,beautification, shade andregular maintenance of ourparks and gardens....whichwe need more of. <strong>Nimbin</strong>does not consist of only afew hundred people living inthe town (although numbersshouldn’t matter), we aremany thousands of peopleliving in and around <strong>Nimbin</strong>’shills and v<strong>all</strong>eys.Added to that, manythousands of visitors everyyear hang around in a townthat is sometimes so stiflinglyhot, with very few friendlyfacilities besides the cafesand shops. These visitorsbring in income, not only to<strong>Nimbin</strong>, but to many of thesurrounding towns – it seemsas though <strong>Nimbin</strong> should beconsidered a regional asset,not a liability!Tarang BatesA WarningI had an associate from theGold Coast visit <strong>Nimbin</strong> lastyear – a nice woman whofound <strong>Nimbin</strong> town a tadconfronting, she is marriedto a developer. Over lunch, asshe tentatively brushed theimaginary germs from herDisability Support WorkerJoin a local dynamic team in <strong>Nimbin</strong> that is re<strong>all</strong>y making adifference in the lives of people with disabilities.We can offer you a supportive, friendly workplace with a strongfocus on learning skills you can use throughout your life.• Weekends and night penalties• Salary packaging to increase income• Extensive training• 50+ hours per fortnightExperience and qualifications in the disability field aredesirable. For a selection criteria form, please see our website.People from Indigenous, cultur<strong>all</strong>y and linguistic<strong>all</strong>y diversebackgrounds are encouraged to apply.If you want to know more before applying, please register forour information session on Wednesday 11th February at 6pm byc<strong>all</strong>ing 02 6627-5000 or emailing employment@multitask.org.auOr for an application pack to apply direct, see our website:www.multitask.org.au/join usClosing date: Friday20th February 2009sandwich, she confided thatthe Mebbin Estate wouldnever go forward because itwas too close to ‘this place’.This place, being <strong>Nimbin</strong>.It got me to thinking aboutthe blessings of the streetscene here. <strong>Nimbin</strong> town iscolourful, friendly and a littlegrubby. Person<strong>all</strong>y I wouldnot change it for the world.It is a bit of a dilemma forme because heavy drugs thatblow holes in auric fields andleave one feeling miserableand sick later, are definitelynot my favourite thing.In the days when peopleonly smoked bush gunga,many had an attitude ofcommunity through loveand peace. <strong>Nimbin</strong> was sobeautiful, although it wasrough living for many as theyattempted to bring in a newway of being.But even then, my developerfriend would have beenbrushing her sandwich andlooking around with nervousapprehension.So this is a little warning tothose who want to clean upthe streets of <strong>Nimbin</strong>.Even though we <strong>all</strong> bitchabout it at times, let’s face it,this place is still absolutelyunique. It gives an economythrough the young touristsand most important of<strong>all</strong>, apparently it keeps thedevelopers of air-conditionedconcrete pads well away.Perhaps if we clean up thestreets we may soon find ourspecial country spaces beinginvaded by one hundredconcrete blocks or so withincooee of our front doors,such as is happening inMurwillumbah.Tonia HaynesHell bentI’d just like to say that anyarticles I have written in theNGT, unless explicitly statingotherwise, have been my ownpersonal opinions. If anyarticles were on behalf of the<strong>Nimbin</strong> Branch of the LaborParty, then they have beensigned off as its secretary, andfollowing a branch motion onthat issue.Addition<strong>all</strong>y I now am nolonger a member of the ALP,largely because of the Internetcensorship, which the FederalGovernment seems hell benton imposing on Australia.Peter GoddenRepco R<strong>all</strong>yWhose idea was it to want torace petrol-guzzling mufflerlessmotorcars through theforested alternative district? IsRepco corporation in dangerof being seen as ignorant, orarrogant?Imagine the media pack,and the uncouth cola-swillingtypes, who would tag along inBig Opportunity<strong>Nimbin</strong>Rare shopfront vacancy on the main streetApproved as a bakery, but also suitable for anumber of retail/commercial enterprises.No goodwillWalk in – Set up – TradeThree (3) or five (5) year lease available.Premises will be vacant from 28/4/09Interested parties should contact Mal Rothwell, ph.6689-7228 or write to PO Box 202, <strong>Nimbin</strong> 2480.Next Market8th FebruaryBand of the Day:Samba BlistasCharity of the Day:Tuntable Creek H<strong>all</strong> TrustEnquiries phone:6688-6433“Make It, Bake It, Grow It”Wanted to rentA 3 bedroom house in <strong>Nimbin</strong> or out of town. Very good,clean and tidy tenant, reliable and honest. Contact Tammyon 0421-153845Room to LetRoom to Let at the <strong>Nimbin</strong> Community Centre. Nonresidential,52sqm, freshly painted with long termlease available. $89 pw plus bond and bills. ContactMarcus at the NCC Office on 6689-0000 or emailncci@nimbincommunity.org.auRainbow café get-togetherThe date for the evening of reminiscing for past staff of theRainbow Cafe will be Friday 13th February from 6pm.bring stories and photos. Thanks, JodeePeace and Love in <strong>Nimbin</strong> on Valentine’s DayNear the pond in <strong>Nimbin</strong> Community Centre groundsfrom 5pm, Saturday 14th February.Food, drinks, sing a song, then dance to love beats andlight show by Kaliedoscope Chris. Donations to <strong>Nimbin</strong>Aquarius Foundation Inc., supporting <strong>Nimbin</strong>’s murals.Tuntable Celtic CafeThe Friday cafe and acoustic folk session is on Friday 6thFebruary from 5pm with down-home leek and potato soupand home brew and again on 20th February with yummyJamaican food. All musicians and singers are invited to joinin, on the terrace at the shop, or inside if its raining.Tuntable Sunday dinnersThe Douvris family is hosting a “Tuntable Cafe” night oneSunday evening a month for members, guests and friendsof the community. Musicians are very welcome too.. Nextdinner is Sunday 22nd February, from 6pm at the shop.the exhaust fumes. The USfried chicken boxes strewnalong the roadside; the toiletstops. Perhaps Repco could goback to Indianapolis.Upson and his crew woulddo well to get to work in anorganic garden. One supposesthat such rev-heads wouldhave no idea the planet is indifficulties.However, I believe our localmen (sic) will be able to defendus against these motorisedcolumns.Vyvyan StottLeycester CreekAbout usEditor: Bob DooleyAssistant Editor: Sue StockLayout: Bob Dooley andAndy GoughPhotographers: Sue Stock,Len Martin, Pam Bourne,Thorsten Jones, Paul TaitDistribution: Angus, Tonia,Geoff & Terry, Peter & Pixie,Pip (Bellingen), Matt (Glebe)Bookkeeper: Jayne WoolfeSkate Park motionI’d just like to point outa factual error in yourlast NGT re the <strong>Nimbin</strong>skatepark. Vanessa did notput forward a motion tofund the park to the tuneof $50,000 – it was me,seconded by Dave Yarnell.There are on-goingdiscussions about theskatepark and I’m hopefulwe will have a resolution thatwill see the young (and not soyoung) people skating etc on afully functioning facility.Cr Simon CloughWebsite: David McMinnwww.nimbingoodtimes.comNGT is auspiced by the<strong>Nimbin</strong> Community SchoolCo-operative Ltd.Next deadline:Wednesday 25th FebruaryEmail: nimbin.goodtimes@gmail.com or put stuff inthe pigeonhole at the <strong>Nimbin</strong>Community Centre.Please limit contributions to600 words or less, includingphoto.<strong>Nimbin</strong> Visitor Centre“Information for locals and visitors”Souvenirs, maps, books, localarts, crafts and produceMonday to Saturday 10am to 4pmSundays on <strong>Nimbin</strong> Market Weekend80 Cullen Street <strong>Nimbin</strong>6689 1388nimbin@lismore.nsw.gov.auPage 8 The <strong>Nimbin</strong> <strong>Good</strong><strong>Times</strong>February 2009www.nimbingoodtimes.com

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