(all) Ages - Nimbin Good Times

(all) Ages - Nimbin Good Times

(all) Ages - Nimbin Good Times


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Tuntable kitchen fundraiserRock of (<strong>all</strong>) agesPerhaps this should have beenc<strong>all</strong>ed a Kitchen (Tun-) Tableproduction, as there were so manywell-known Tuntable type involedin every stage of the organisation.From arrival, where a welcomingcommittee (above left) were on stamping andfanning duty, to the catering and refreshmentstands, to the lights and sound, even tomost of the bands themselves (such as TheHoochers, above right), there was a Tuntableconnection everywhere at this 11-hour gig onthe long weekend.And the centrepin of that connectionwas Tim Tonkin, who was everywhere insupport, includingperforming with theDurga Babies, nowMick Daleyboasting new bassistShannon Tait.Feature act, King Farook (above centre) fromSydney, kept the packed h<strong>all</strong> rocking until2am. No-one went home disappointed.Alright, it was huge, Another is planned.Aussie Day at the BowloPatriotic to the bootstraps. You can’t get much more Australian than going to a Bowling Club forAustralia Day, can you? All the flags were flying at the <strong>Nimbin</strong> Bowlo, where a real Aussie BBQ wasserved, and social bowls enjoyed between showers of rain.The Tuntable Bush Band (above), featuring Bob Campbell, entertained locals and visitors alike,scattering a few Irish tunes into the session, “to keep the Aussies on their toes.”by PampussycatThe <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Times</strong> wereupon us again, atByron’s Red Devil Parkon Saturday 31st January,where Eddie Boekelman andpartner Cathleen Wilsonput together the Legends ofRock concert, with a line upof many of the Aussie rockand roll greats.Eddie said he wanted toput on an event and seehis musician friends playtogether on the NorthCoast. He played keyboardswith Stevie Wright on thenight.His partner, Cathleengrew up in <strong>Nimbin</strong>. She saidthat each of us has limitedtime on the earth, and someof the musicians have hadhealth scares. “It was goodfor the musicians to do theshow, we never know whenour number will be c<strong>all</strong>ed,”she said.Indeed some performershave had big health scares.Stevie Wright, who toppedthe bill for the night, hasrecovered from illness,as has his partner. KevinBorich has undergonechemotherapy for a rareform of cancer, which otherslike Marc Hunter of Dragonhave already succumbed to.The Cancer Council had aninformation and fundraisingtent.The rain stayed away forthe day, although cloudsand wet weather envelopedthe rest of the north coast.The sound was big, and thecrowd were ecstatic, dancingand singing loudly alongwith the songs.The line-up was mindblowing. The Last, 1989(from Brisbane), TheBostocks, Smokin Jo,Ferramones, Buffalo’sDave Tice, Mark Evans ofAC/DC, Phil Emmanuel(guitar great!), GANGajang,Stevie WrightThe BostocksKevin Borich (Kevin BorichExpress), The Party Boys,John Swan (Swanee),Masters Apprentices, IanMoss (Cold Chisel and solofame), Angry Anderson(Rose Tattoo), and StevieWright (Easybeats and solofame).There was also a secondstage where Future Legendswere playing. Amongstthem were locals Jay Jacksonand Jo Daley, and DanielPearson. I was amazedto see some of the HOTyouth guitarists and singers.Special mention goes to 11-year old Steffi, who’s gotthe voice and the moves tomake it!Smokin Jo is only 17 andis one of the guitar greats ofAustralia. From Kempseywhere there were only 3kids in the music class, hehad classical piano training,but was more interested inguitar. His first tutor toldhim after a year of lessonsthat there was no more hecould teach him. He met hisidol Phil Emmanual, whoworked with the talentedAngry AndersonSteffiJo. Smokin Jo has played inEurope, America, and wonas top guitrist at Tamworth.Watch out for him!The night ended with ahot performance by thelegendary Stevie Wright. Hehowled out the Easybeatsclassics, and his own hits,and the crowd went wild!Red Devil Park resonatedwith the sounds of severalthousand voices during“Evie” and “Friday on myMind”.Rock is not dead. TheClassic Legends live on.Catch these artists as theydo a few gigs on the northcoast. What a night!<strong>Nimbin</strong>BowloSibley Street <strong>Nimbin</strong>, phone 6689-125053 Cullen Street, <strong>Nimbin</strong>Phone 6689-1246February Gig GuideThursday 5thFriday 6thFriday 13thSunday 15thFriday 20thSunday 22ndFriday 27thAlyannya + Steve ParkThora ZooThe VueBassixThe Wishing WellClaude Hay+Solo SupportInvisible Friend– Friday gigs start 7.30pm –Accommodation • TAB facilitiesHummingbird BistroOpen Tues-Sun: noon - 3pm, 6pm - 8pmWhat’s On in February?• Valentines Day at the BowloSaturday 14th February – Enjoy a romanticdinner, decor by the Ladies Club and MarcusMakin entertaining at the keyboard from 7pm.• Twilight Bowls every Friday• Sunday Social Bowls from 9.30amSupportYourBowlo• Air-conditionedlounge, bar anddining room• Courtesy Bus• Lunch & dinnerTuesday - SundayFebruary:8th – Antibodies+ Ilona Harker+ DJ Mercer + Koa1 – 515th – Sonic Soundwaves22nd – ImandanMarch 1st – OsmosisGreatSummerMenuwww.sphinxrockcafe.comwww.nimbingoodtimes.com February 2009 The <strong>Nimbin</strong> <strong>Good</strong><strong>Times</strong> Page 7

Lettersnimbin.goodtimes@gmail.comNoticesRegional asset?Over the holidays we havehad a few visitors stay frominterstate and are frequentlyasked, why the local councildoes not do more to beautifyand upgrade facilities in<strong>Nimbin</strong>. Their home townsoften have beautiful parksand gardens, maintained bypaid council staff...not justpaid to come every so oftento prune and chop - butregular maintenance involvingreplanting, feeding andwatering.I can’t help coming back tothis sense of discriminationthat exists when it comes to<strong>Nimbin</strong>. We still have a greatbig ugly fence and containerin the middle of the CBD forTelstra with a row of phonebooths that sit in the fullafternoon sun...it’s <strong>all</strong> verystrange. In other towns, Ihave seen beautiful creeperscovering such ugly fencesand modern phone facilitiesbuilt with planning andconsideration.I believe we deserveplanning and consideration,beautification, shade andregular maintenance of ourparks and gardens....whichwe need more of. <strong>Nimbin</strong>does not consist of only afew hundred people living inthe town (although numbersshouldn’t matter), we aremany thousands of peopleliving in and around <strong>Nimbin</strong>’shills and v<strong>all</strong>eys.Added to that, manythousands of visitors everyyear hang around in a townthat is sometimes so stiflinglyhot, with very few friendlyfacilities besides the cafesand shops. These visitorsbring in income, not only to<strong>Nimbin</strong>, but to many of thesurrounding towns – it seemsas though <strong>Nimbin</strong> should beconsidered a regional asset,not a liability!Tarang BatesA WarningI had an associate from theGold Coast visit <strong>Nimbin</strong> lastyear – a nice woman whofound <strong>Nimbin</strong> town a tadconfronting, she is marriedto a developer. Over lunch, asshe tentatively brushed theimaginary germs from herDisability Support WorkerJoin a local dynamic team in <strong>Nimbin</strong> that is re<strong>all</strong>y making adifference in the lives of people with disabilities.We can offer you a supportive, friendly workplace with a strongfocus on learning skills you can use throughout your life.• Weekends and night penalties• Salary packaging to increase income• Extensive training• 50+ hours per fortnightExperience and qualifications in the disability field aredesirable. For a selection criteria form, please see our website.People from Indigenous, cultur<strong>all</strong>y and linguistic<strong>all</strong>y diversebackgrounds are encouraged to apply.If you want to know more before applying, please register forour information session on Wednesday 11th February at 6pm byc<strong>all</strong>ing 02 6627-5000 or emailing employment@multitask.org.auOr for an application pack to apply direct, see our website:www.multitask.org.au/join usClosing date: Friday20th February 2009sandwich, she confided thatthe Mebbin Estate wouldnever go forward because itwas too close to ‘this place’.This place, being <strong>Nimbin</strong>.It got me to thinking aboutthe blessings of the streetscene here. <strong>Nimbin</strong> town iscolourful, friendly and a littlegrubby. Person<strong>all</strong>y I wouldnot change it for the world.It is a bit of a dilemma forme because heavy drugs thatblow holes in auric fields andleave one feeling miserableand sick later, are definitelynot my favourite thing.In the days when peopleonly smoked bush gunga,many had an attitude ofcommunity through loveand peace. <strong>Nimbin</strong> was sobeautiful, although it wasrough living for many as theyattempted to bring in a newway of being.But even then, my developerfriend would have beenbrushing her sandwich andlooking around with nervousapprehension.So this is a little warning tothose who want to clean upthe streets of <strong>Nimbin</strong>.Even though we <strong>all</strong> bitchabout it at times, let’s face it,this place is still absolutelyunique. It gives an economythrough the young touristsand most important of<strong>all</strong>, apparently it keeps thedevelopers of air-conditionedconcrete pads well away.Perhaps if we clean up thestreets we may soon find ourspecial country spaces beinginvaded by one hundredconcrete blocks or so withincooee of our front doors,such as is happening inMurwillumbah.Tonia HaynesHell bentI’d just like to say that anyarticles I have written in theNGT, unless explicitly statingotherwise, have been my ownpersonal opinions. If anyarticles were on behalf of the<strong>Nimbin</strong> Branch of the LaborParty, then they have beensigned off as its secretary, andfollowing a branch motion onthat issue.Addition<strong>all</strong>y I now am nolonger a member of the ALP,largely because of the Internetcensorship, which the FederalGovernment seems hell benton imposing on Australia.Peter GoddenRepco R<strong>all</strong>yWhose idea was it to want torace petrol-guzzling mufflerlessmotorcars through theforested alternative district? IsRepco corporation in dangerof being seen as ignorant, orarrogant?Imagine the media pack,and the uncouth cola-swillingtypes, who would tag along inBig Opportunity<strong>Nimbin</strong>Rare shopfront vacancy on the main streetApproved as a bakery, but also suitable for anumber of retail/commercial enterprises.No goodwillWalk in – Set up – TradeThree (3) or five (5) year lease available.Premises will be vacant from 28/4/09Interested parties should contact Mal Rothwell, ph.6689-7228 or write to PO Box 202, <strong>Nimbin</strong> 2480.Next Market8th FebruaryBand of the Day:Samba BlistasCharity of the Day:Tuntable Creek H<strong>all</strong> TrustEnquiries phone:6688-6433“Make It, Bake It, Grow It”Wanted to rentA 3 bedroom house in <strong>Nimbin</strong> or out of town. Very good,clean and tidy tenant, reliable and honest. Contact Tammyon 0421-153845Room to LetRoom to Let at the <strong>Nimbin</strong> Community Centre. Nonresidential,52sqm, freshly painted with long termlease available. $89 pw plus bond and bills. ContactMarcus at the NCC Office on 6689-0000 or emailncci@nimbincommunity.org.auRainbow café get-togetherThe date for the evening of reminiscing for past staff of theRainbow Cafe will be Friday 13th February from 6pm.bring stories and photos. Thanks, JodeePeace and Love in <strong>Nimbin</strong> on Valentine’s DayNear the pond in <strong>Nimbin</strong> Community Centre groundsfrom 5pm, Saturday 14th February.Food, drinks, sing a song, then dance to love beats andlight show by Kaliedoscope Chris. Donations to <strong>Nimbin</strong>Aquarius Foundation Inc., supporting <strong>Nimbin</strong>’s murals.Tuntable Celtic CafeThe Friday cafe and acoustic folk session is on Friday 6thFebruary from 5pm with down-home leek and potato soupand home brew and again on 20th February with yummyJamaican food. All musicians and singers are invited to joinin, on the terrace at the shop, or inside if its raining.Tuntable Sunday dinnersThe Douvris family is hosting a “Tuntable Cafe” night oneSunday evening a month for members, guests and friendsof the community. Musicians are very welcome too.. Nextdinner is Sunday 22nd February, from 6pm at the shop.the exhaust fumes. The USfried chicken boxes strewnalong the roadside; the toiletstops. Perhaps Repco could goback to Indianapolis.Upson and his crew woulddo well to get to work in anorganic garden. One supposesthat such rev-heads wouldhave no idea the planet is indifficulties.However, I believe our localmen (sic) will be able to defendus against these motorisedcolumns.Vyvyan StottLeycester CreekAbout usEditor: Bob DooleyAssistant Editor: Sue StockLayout: Bob Dooley andAndy GoughPhotographers: Sue Stock,Len Martin, Pam Bourne,Thorsten Jones, Paul TaitDistribution: Angus, Tonia,Geoff & Terry, Peter & Pixie,Pip (Bellingen), Matt (Glebe)Bookkeeper: Jayne WoolfeSkate Park motionI’d just like to point outa factual error in yourlast NGT re the <strong>Nimbin</strong>skatepark. Vanessa did notput forward a motion tofund the park to the tuneof $50,000 – it was me,seconded by Dave Yarnell.There are on-goingdiscussions about theskatepark and I’m hopefulwe will have a resolution thatwill see the young (and not soyoung) people skating etc on afully functioning facility.Cr Simon CloughWebsite: David McMinnwww.nimbingoodtimes.comNGT is auspiced by the<strong>Nimbin</strong> Community SchoolCo-operative Ltd.Next deadline:Wednesday 25th FebruaryEmail: nimbin.goodtimes@gmail.com or put stuff inthe pigeonhole at the <strong>Nimbin</strong>Community Centre.Please limit contributions to600 words or less, includingphoto.<strong>Nimbin</strong> Visitor Centre“Information for locals and visitors”Souvenirs, maps, books, localarts, crafts and produceMonday to Saturday 10am to 4pmSundays on <strong>Nimbin</strong> Market Weekend80 Cullen Street <strong>Nimbin</strong>6689 1388nimbin@lismore.nsw.gov.auPage 8 The <strong>Nimbin</strong> <strong>Good</strong><strong>Times</strong>February 2009www.nimbingoodtimes.com

Monte Dwyer visits <strong>Nimbin</strong>One of the legends of brekkyTV, Monte Dwyer, c<strong>all</strong>edinto <strong>Nimbin</strong> at the end ofJanuary, looking for stories forhis self-produced segmentsBush Postcards on Channel 7’sSunrise program.His Winnebago, ““kitted-outto the back teeth with Telstra’sflashest communication gear”has been around most ofAustralia since he set off fromthe Sunrise Sydney studios on20th October last year, “takingthe pulse of society”.A more practical reasonfor his trip is to promote hisbook and CD of songs, Redin the Centre, written during a70,000 km trip around Australia in 2007.Born in Newcastle and trained as apsychiatric nurse, Monty has worked as aprofessional fisherman, fashion model, foreignaid worker and (failed) property developer,before training in Theatre Arts in Darwin inthe late ‘80s and ending up presenting theweather for the local ABC TV station.His antics were so outrageous that he wasnoticed by Channel 9 and given the same gigon their national breakfast show, Today, a rolehe performed from 1991 until 2002.From 2007, Monte travelled aroundAustralia recording interviews for CharlesWooley’s radio series “Across Australia”, whichled to the Red in the Centre project.He returned to breakfast TV on 7’s Sunriseprogram in October 2008, saying, “Afterbeing away from the medium for so long I’mby Councillor Simon Clough<strong>Nimbin</strong>’s extensiverange of communityorganisations (I sometimesfeel it’s the “CommunityCapital of Australia”) havebeen hard at it, even over theChristmas-New Year break.<strong>Good</strong> to see you are keepingus on our toes!Unfortunately my motionat the last Council meetingfailed to have the <strong>Nimbin</strong>skate park funded fromthe “Rudd money”. Sincethen the new ExecutiveDirector of Development andGovernance Brent McAlisterhas taken up the issue andwill be holding a meetinglater in the month. He iscommitted to trying to finda solution for this vital partof community infrastructure.You know it IS vital whenthe Local Area PoliceCommander voluntarilysupports the funding of theskate park.Blue Knob H<strong>all</strong> is seekingFullyequipped.Monty Dwyer,with van, andfan (inset),Vicki Hunter.Simon says...some relief from the s94contributions that it has topay for its new workshop.With the $5,000 grants to <strong>all</strong>rural h<strong>all</strong>s from the “Ruddmoney”, Blue Knob andother local h<strong>all</strong>s should beable to attack some priorityprojects. I wish Councilwas in a position to give <strong>all</strong>non-profit organisations acomplete exemption froms94 contributions.I will be proposing at thenext meeting that Councilwaives its requirement thatthe <strong>Nimbin</strong> NeighbourhoodCentre provide mortgagesecurity before it gives aseriously lookingforward to running amok again.”But Monty’s Odessey has not <strong>all</strong> been asmooth ride. On 26th November he wrote inhis blog, “Christ, how I’m supposed to keepthis fresh I’ve no idea. I’m six weeks into thePostcards trip now and I’m ready to be takenaway in a bin.”Perhaps that feeling led to his decision tovisit <strong>Nimbin</strong>. His greeting by the locals wascertainly, well, fresh.Monte’s Sunrise segments air on Fridays.community grant underthe s94 funding. It doesnot seem fair that thisextraordinary communityorganisation should losesome of its independencewhen the H<strong>all</strong> Committeehas not had to offer anysecurity for a similar grant.2009 is looking like ademanding year on Council.The February meeting willbe considering Champion’sQuarry at Tucki, a verylarge project. March shouldsee the consideration of theNorth Lismore Industrialdevelopment, another largeproject. I already have 12workshops or Councilmeetings booked in forFebruary and March.They never told me thatwhen I was dazzled bythe glory of becoming aLismore City Councillor!In preparation before theonslaught I have forcedmyself to read a few booksand watch a lot of tennis (thelatter to convince Trish thatwe are spending quality timetogether!).Wishing everyone a happyand healthy 2009.by Jenny DowellMayor of Lismorephone 6625-2206Jenny.Dowell@lismore.nsw.gov.auAustralia DayIt was such a joy to beMayor of Lismore at lastweek’s Australia Dayceremony. Hundreds ofour community attendedthis special day onwhich we reflect on ournational journey. For me,Australia Day is a day ofacknowledging our past,rejoicing in the good thingsof our present and lookingwith confidence into ourfuture. Our Australia DayAmbassador was CraigGoozee, a man who losthis young daughter to arare form of bone cancer10 years ago and has sinceraised thousands of dollarsfor the Children’s CancerInstitute by undertakinggruelling running, cyclingand paddling ultramarathonsaround andacross Australia.At our ceremony, wealso recognised almost60 wonderful andinspirational locals who,through their involvementin a variety of communityorganisations, are makingLismore a better placein which to live. Elevenof those nominatedtook out the categoryawards in Sporting, Art/Cultural, Environment,Multicultural,Reconciliation andCommunity Services. Ourtwo over<strong>all</strong> winners forCitizen of the year wereGrahame Bonamy (Senior)and Sam Stead (Junior).Graham has been a tirelessvolunteer and treasurerfor a variety of communitygroups including Mealson Wheels, Lions andhis local golf club. Samis a Richmond River HSstudent with impressiveleadership credentials bothFrom the mayor’s deskwithin his school and atthe regional level as well asbeing a great role model forAboriginal students.In addition to presentingthese awards, I had thegreat honour of presidingover the taking of theoath or affirmation for 16applicants for Australiancitizenship. This is the finalstage in the citizenshipprocess and gave theaudience an opportunityto warmly welcome peoplefrom Iran, UK, Germany,Switzerland, Papua NewGuinea, Italy and USA asnew Aussies.Council meetingAfter the Christmas andNew Year break, Councilmeetings resume onFebruary 10 at 6pm. TheBusiness Paper is not yetavailable, but readers whoare interested to see whatmight be on the agendamight like to check outthe Council web site oneweek prior to the meeting– www.lismore.nsw.gov.auMeetings are open to thepublic and often providemuch more entertainmentthat the usual Tuesdaynight TV viewing so whynot give us a go sometimethis year?One motion that willbe of interest to <strong>Nimbin</strong>people is the proposal thatwe waive the need for amortgage over the <strong>Nimbin</strong>Community Centre asCouncil’s security forSection 94 contributions.The major item expectedon the agenda will be theproposed expansion ofChampions Quarry atTucki but as to other items,we’ll just have to wait alittle longer to see what isup for debate.WorkshopsApart from the monthlyCouncil meetings,councillors are usu<strong>all</strong>yat Chambers on otherTuesdays from 6pm toparticipate in workshops ona variety of matters likelyto come before Councilat a formal meetingat some future date.Workshops are less-formalgatherings that provide anopportunity for staff topresent information and forcouncillors to ask questionsand engage in discussionon a topic without theconstraints of meetingprocedure or time limits.Again the community iswelcome to attend althoughthere is no scope forparticipation.While subject to change,the proposed schedule ofworkshops for the comingmonth is:• February 3 – ChampionsQuarry;• February 4 – The newStrategic Plan;• February 17– CommunityConsultation;• February 24 – <strong>Nimbin</strong>Visitor InformationCentre, Budgetparameters, Section 94plan, LEP update;• March 3 – NorthLismore Industrial Landproposed rezoning.GSACLast week I had a tourof the nearly completedGoonellabah Sports andAquatic Centre and wasgreatly impressed. This$17 million facility has a2 court sports h<strong>all</strong>, youthactivity centre, gymnasiumand recreational swimmingpool and is sure to be apopular place not only forGoonellabah residents butthose from the broaderCouncil area and beyond.Developer contributionshave been accumulatingfor 10 years for this facilityand Council can fin<strong>all</strong>ydeliver on a promise madea long time ago to thecommunity’s young peoplethat we would build a pooland activity centre forthem. With the help of theFederal government’s recentinfrastructure grants, theoutdoor youth plaza willalso be delivered ratherthan being shelved throughlack of funds.PersonalThank you to the many<strong>Nimbin</strong> <strong>Good</strong><strong>Times</strong> readerswho enquire about myhealth and continue towish me well. I am verypleased to say that I havecompleted chemotherapyand am starting to feelbetter. It will be sometime before I have my hairand energy levels backcompletely but I knowI’m well on the road torecovery. The next step isa daily hormone-blockingtablet that I will gladlytake for at least five yearsin an effort to keep thosepesky cancer cells at bay.Tax Returns from $80Saturday mornings, other times by appointmentDr Michael J. KiddLawyerP.O. Box 77 <strong>Nimbin</strong> 2480Barrister (NZ), Solicitor (NSW)Mobile: +64(0)2102794611michael.kidd@xtra.co.nzStill serving the <strong>Nimbin</strong> area<strong>Nimbin</strong> PostOpen 7am- 5pm Mon - FriFull counter postal services.Open 7am - 5pm Monday - FridayFull counter postal servicesHome of the Next Grange of pre-paid phonesNew stocknow in!New stocknow in!Loc<strong>all</strong>y owned and operatedwww.nimbingoodtimes.com February 2009 The <strong>Nimbin</strong> <strong>Good</strong><strong>Times</strong> Page 9

Janelle’sPageParents need to keep receiptsfor education tax refundfrom Janelle Saffin, MPAlthough we arefacing tougheconomic times,it has been encouraging tostart the New Year on sucha positive note, with retailersaround the electoratereporting good sales figuresand local tourism operatorsalso reporting a good season.As part of its EconomicSecurity Strategy, the RuddGovernment put morethan $50 million into thepockets of local families andpensioners in December andit seems a lot of that moneyhas been spent loc<strong>all</strong>y.Health checksSo while the local economyis off to a healthy start, thistime of year is also a goodtime to think about personalhealth checks too.The Government hasannounced that fromFebruary 1, women under50 with a high risk ofbreast cancer, but with nosymptoms, will be able toclaim a Medicare rebate foran MRI breast scan.Women at high risk arethose, for example, withthree or more close bloodrelatives diagnosed withbreast or ovarian cancer.Health Minister to PageI am always keen to haveFederal Ministers visit Pageto get to know the localpeople and the needs of thisarea, so I was delighted tohave the Minister for Healthand Ageing, Nicola Roxonfor a return visit in January.The minister attended thepublic consultation on theProgress. Federal Health minister Nicola Roxon (left), JanelleSaffin and David Keeler from State Commerce Dept visited theconstruction site of the new cancer care unit at Lismore hospital.GP Super clinic in Grafton,and in Lismore visited theconstruction site of the newCancer Care unit and openednew student accommodationfor the Universitydepartment of Rural Health.The Minister spoke aboutthe importance of the newGovernment programssupporting GP training inrural areas, to encouragemore GPs to practice in thecountry.Volunteers GrantsI was pleased to see that45 local organisations weresuccessful in applying forgrants under the AustralianGovernment’s 2008Volunteer Grants Program.In Page we have tens ofthousands of volunteersand these grants, from$1,000 to $5,000, can makea significant differenceto sm<strong>all</strong> communityorganisations, <strong>all</strong>owing ourvital volunteer communityto continue to givegenerously.For the first time, thisround of funding includesfunds to cover petrol costsso volunteers aren’t outof pocket for carrying outimportant community work.Local recipients in thisround include:Mary of the AngelusAssociation (which helpsthe ment<strong>all</strong>y ill anddisadvantaged members ofthe community)• Collins Creek P and C• Collins Creek H<strong>all</strong> ReserveTrust• Brain Injury SupportService• The Organic Federation ofAustraliaBack to schoolRemember to keepyour receipts so you canclaim 50 per cent ofeducation expenses such ascomputers, text books andstationery under the RuddGovernment’s Education TaxRefund. (Details continued inJustine’s column – Ed.)JanelleMember for Page63 Molesworth StreetLismorePhone 1300-301-735from Justine Elliot, MPIwould like to take thisopportunity to remindparents of school childrento keep their receipts foreducation expenses as theyprepare for the new schoolyear.The back-to-school periodis often a re<strong>all</strong>y expensiveone coming off the back ofChristmas and the holidays,and parents should makethe most of the benefitsavailable under the RuddGovernment’s $4.4 billionEducation Tax Refund.Every bit counts when you’refaced with the prospect of<strong>all</strong> those expenses associatedwith getting the kids ready togo for the new school year.We understand that, andit’s even more the case in themidst of the global financialcrisis and the downturn in theworld economy.The refunds parents canaccumulate at this time ofyear will no doubt come inre<strong>all</strong>y handy come the end ofthe 2008-09 financial year,just six months away.But to make the most of therefund parents in Richmondhave to be organised and keeptheir receipts in a safe place.The Rudd Governmentannounced the Education TaxRefund in the last electioncampaign and is simplyhonouring its commitment tothe Australian people.It will provide parentswith much-needed help foreducation expenses, withrefunds of up to $375 perprimary school student and$750 per secondary schoolstudent.Eligible expenses for theEducation Tax Refundinclude:• laptops;• home computers andassociated costs;• home internet connections;• printers;• education software;• trade tools for use at school;• school text books; andstationery.Where a family haseducational costs in excess ofthe refund limit, these costscan be carried over to the nextfinancial year.Parents bringing up the nextgeneration of Australiansare doing one of the mostimportant jobs in Australiaand they deserve a helpinghand.It’s also a central part ofthe Rudd Government’sEducation Revolution aimedat giving kids in Richmond,and <strong>all</strong> over Australia, thebest possible start in life.For more information go towww.educationtaxrefund.gov.au/home/Medicare Rebate for MRIBreast ScansA Medicare rebate for anMRI breast scan will beavailable to women under 50at high risk of breast cancerand with no symptoms from1st February 2009.Being at high risk of breastcancer can cause significantanxiety and these scans canhelp reduce unnecessaryconcern, and help pick upbreast cancer early.The Australian Governmentis reducing the financialbarrier of the cost of aMagnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) scan to encouragethese women in the high riskcategory to monitor theirhealth. Women at high riskof breast cancer include, forexample, women with threeor more close blood relativesdiagnosed with breast orovarian cancer.The new measure followsa recommendation from theMedical Services AdvisoryCommittee that breastMRI, when combined withmammography, is a safe andeffective way to diagnosebreast cancer in youngerwomen with no symptomsat high risk of this disease.MRI uses magnetic fieldsto generate images that canhelp diagnose illnesses. Itis especi<strong>all</strong>y effective onsoft tissue - making it animportant tool for workingwith diseases such as cancerand strokes.The Government alreadysupports the diagnosis ofbreast cancer in women withsymptoms or a past historyof breast cancer throughMedicare funding. This coversa variety of procedures otherthan MRI - such as diagnosticmammography, ultrasoundand guided biopsies.Further details aboutthe women eligible for thisMedicare rebate will beavailable from 1st February2009 on MBS online at www.health.gov.au.Celebrating a milestone?If you or a family member arecelebrating a milestone 90thor 100th birthday, or a 50thor 60th wedding anniversaryI am able at arrangecongratulatory messages fromthe Prime Minister, Leader ofthe Opposition and in somecases the Governor Generaland the Queen.Contact my office on 1300720 675 for further details.‘Til next time,JustineMember for Richmond107 Minjungbal DriveTweed Heads SouthPhone 1300-720-675Page 10 The <strong>Nimbin</strong> <strong>Good</strong><strong>Times</strong>February 2009www.nimbingoodtimes.com

Garage Sale Successby Jak MurphyThe <strong>Nimbin</strong> Environmentcentre has been having asuccessful time in the shopover the past few months.Thanks for <strong>all</strong> your support.The garage sale – well re<strong>all</strong>yyard sale, since it was heldin Mingle Park – was verysuccessful, and we raised quitea few months’ rent on theshop. Thank you to those whocontributed goods for sale.We found it to be soworthwhile we are goingto do it again, probably inMarch. So once again we arelooking for local support.If you are clearing out theback room or the gardenshed keep us in mind. WeHemp PartyNewsby Max StoneThe AustralianH*E*M*P*Party thrives inthe space formerly knownas the H*E*M*P*Bar,in the annex inside theH*E*M*P*Embassy.January 2009 was a recordmonth for both signatureson the petition and ‘party’registration and not justbecause it was the firstmonth of the year, fact is,more people registered inJanuary than registered inthe last quarter of 2008,Every day, more and moredon’t want junk. It costs us todispose of it.There were a few uselessthings donated at the lastcollection, which ultimatelyhad to be taken to the dump.But if you have unwantedfurniture, working whitegoods etc. please contact theenvironment centre shop.We can arrange collection.We have to be cautious withelectrical items, of course.The usual crew hasbeen busy with a coupleof projects. On-going isMountaintop logging,Hurford’s dubious activitiesat Warrazambil and thecurrent big one is theplease go away Repco R<strong>all</strong>ycampaign (see page 3).members,each prepared totell whoever contacts themthat they intend to vote forAU H*E*M*P in the senateat the next election. All ofthe new members told methat they love their newHead Quarters. “Funkiestpolitical office I ever seen,”remarked one.• Mardi GrassWith less than 100 daysto MardiGrass XVII,the M.O.B. meetings arehappening every Friday inthe space formerly known asthe H*E*M*P*Bar startingat about 4.20pm.Latest rumor: anappearance by Cheech andChong! For real! Follow thedeveloping story at www.nimbinmardigrass.comby Unda CuvvaHemp Bar coffee bustThe undacuvva wires havebeen running hot with there-opening of the HempBar. Most people think itwas closed because of thedreaded weed, but no, it wasthe coffee, always the coffee.Undacuvvas have to spendhours hanging in places likethe Hemp Bar, other WellKnown Tourist Attractions(WKTAs), the bank, thehardware, etc.If you drew The Hemp Barstraw in the morning raffleyou immediately bought atakeaway, even two at times.Eventu<strong>all</strong>y the takeawayswere what got us discoveredand that was the beginningof the end for The Bar.Undacuvvas could standit no longer and orderedthe closure. That’s why theMuseum gets to stay open,excellent coffee, Rod, andthat’s why we hang there alot as you may have noticed.Village cropA WKTA was apparentlygrowing cannabis in theirbackyard without realisingit. It’s said that there wasa considerable amount ofmoney made by personsunknown (valued at thestandard $2000 perplant the crop was worth$160,000) but no, it’s notwhat you think. The moneywas made from betting onhow many days until policediscovered the crop. Recentrains apparently sprouteda patch of seeds that fewseemed to notice; else theywould have been smoked,surely, in this town. As thecrop grew, day after day,so did the size of the bet,doubling daily. The loser<strong>all</strong>egedly lost his car as wellas a year’s savings, it tookthe police so long to notice.And the mobile phonemovie of a certain policemanunaware he’s standingamidst the crop has beensent in to Funniest HomeVideos. Talk about can’t seethe forest for the trees.Undacuvva did a quickcount this morning of howmany cannabis plants wecould spot in the plantersand garden edges of justNIMBIN STREET SHUFFLEMuseum lessee, Elspeth Jones, with the new laneway fence.Cullen Street and it waswell over $250,000 worth!Growing in our main street,right under our noses.Makes a bit of a mockeryof the whole weed thingre<strong>all</strong>y, and very hard forundacuvvas to keep ourhearts in the job when yousee something like that.The damned youth nowhave a photo competitionhappening.Misfits fenced inAnyway, the police haveresponded immediatelywith a new fence downRainbow Lane. “The net isclosing in on you misfits,why don’t you take legal pillslike everyone else,” said aspokesperson who fled whenasked their name.It’s believed the enclosedspace known as MinglePark is to be form<strong>all</strong>yreclassified as a VoluntaryDetention Centre. Therewas something about thepolice leaving the Minglersalone so long as they behave,though some will have towear a b<strong>all</strong> and chain like inthe olden days.Should suit the Museumtheme perfectly, and thebald and the stoned werevery happy saying, “Itmight even slow the littlebuggers down a bit.” It’sbelieved similar plans areafoot for the camps onthe edge of town for thosebanned from actu<strong>all</strong>yentering the village.Police to join Kyogler<strong>all</strong>y?On a more serious note,undacuvva was surprisedto see unhelmetedmotorcyclists tearingthrough the village one nightlast week but dismayed tosee a pursuit car after them,ignoring the local policeofficer running out of thestation buckling on her gun.Undacuvva learned laterthat they had been chased <strong>all</strong>the way from Goonellabah.All survived in the endsomewhere along Blue KnobRoad and no harm was doneto police officers.Faeries still beingbulliedThe Ganja Faeries remainunder attack with the theftof an un-named musicalinstrument out of a carwhile parked a stoner’sthrow from the policestation. Undacuvva regardsthis with suspicion after thenear running over the toesof another faery last monthby a police vehicle at anotherWKTA by the bridge at theedge of the village.Cliplock dreadsThe local police meanwhilehave been searchinginformants and undercuvvasquite a bit this monthwhich tells you a lot if youthink about it. They’ve beenpushing hard, keen to getthe arrest up there in theState’s Top 40.Unfortunately of coursethe harder they pushthe deeper into the darkcorners go the dealers. Thisweek you couldn’t see ifit was mugwort, weed ordreadlocks you were buying,it was so hard to see underthe buildings. Apart fromthe huge laundry bills, Ican tell you, the undacuvvaboss doesn’t like it when youspend his money on grassclippings.Spot the UndaTo help police and localsalike, here are five questionsyou can ask personsyou suspect of beingundercuvvas. It’s importantto be friendly when you ask.1. Are you working for thepolice?2. Are you wearingundapants? (Hippiesnever do and aren’t shy ofproving it.)3. Will you join us for acone? (Use mugwort ifthey say yes.)4. Can I borrow yourphone? (Police never lendtheir phone. Never, ever. Ifhe or she won’t lend - it’s asure sign).5. Can I have $2 pleaseto get into the Museum(Locals know you don’thave to pay).Check out thenew decor!“The Oasis”Now with a huge Salad,Pasta & Sandwich Barwww.nimbingoodtimes.com February 2009 The <strong>Nimbin</strong> <strong>Good</strong><strong>Times</strong> Page 11

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