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To serve the community by fostering safety and quality patient care inanaesthesia, perioperative medicine and pain medicineTerms of ReferenceforANZCA <strong>Councillor</strong>sVersion No: 1Date of issue: 21 April 2012PURPOSEA councillor is a member of the ANZCA Council, the board or governing body of the College. As directorsof the College, councillors must act honestly and in the bona fide interests of ANZCA as a whole, whileexercising care, skill and diligence.TERMS OF REFERENCEThe councillor roles are defined by the:1. ANZCA Constitution.2. Corporations law.3. Council charter.4. Council protocol.5. Regulation 1.The roles of the councillors do NOT include:1. Undertaking the roles of ANZCA staff, although it is acknowledged that, at times, ANZCA dependsupon councilors to take on an operational as well as a governance role.2. Performance management of ANZCA staff.CO-ORDINATION/COMMUNICATIONThe important groups/roles for co-ordination/communication for the councillor are the:1. Council and the president.2. CEO.3. PA Council (for administrative arrangements).4. Executive Committee.5. Respective regional or national committee (of which he or she is an ex officio member).6. Training accreditation committee (for training and participation in accreditation reviews).7. Committees, sub-committees and working groups of which he or she is a chair and/or member.Each councillor undertakes their work in accordance with relevant ANZCA policies. Bullying,discrimination and harassment will be managed, as relevant, in accordance with the ANZCA Policy onBullying, Discrimination and Harassment for Fellows and Trainees Acting on behalf of the College orundertaking College functions (available at www.anzca.edu.au/resources/corporate-policies), and staffpolicies (available by contacting the CEO at ceo@anzca.edu.au).Questions arising in the course of the work of the councillor should be raised with the president. If theconcern is about the president, this should be raised in the first instance with the vice-president.APPOINTMENTThe appointment of each councillor is by election of the fellowship or by co-option, under the terms ofthe ANZCA Constitution.REAPPOINTMENT

<strong>Councillor</strong>s are appointed and reappointed according to the constitution.ADMINISTRATIVE RELATIONSHIPSFellows and trainees often work closely with College staff. Each College staff member has a jobdescription, which includes details about how they will support the activities of Fellows and traineesoccupying significant roles. Each staff member has a manager who is responsible for the staff member’sday-to-day performance, annual performance appraisal and performance management where required.Ultimately, every staff member reports through to the chief executive officer (CEO). The CEO reportsthrough to ANZCA Council, the governance body of the College.It is expected that communication by Fellows and trainees with staff will meet normal social standardsof respectfulness. Staff members welcome feedback about positive aspects of their performance. If aFellow or trainee is concerned about the performance of a staff member, this is best raised with thestaff member’s manager, CEO or a councillor (for consultation). This does not apply to minor things suchas amendments to minutes that can be directly raised with the staff member. The manager can beidentified by referring to the organisational chart on the ANZCA website under “About ANZCA/Structureand governance”. Fellows and trainees in key roles, particularly committee chairs, may be invited bythe manager to participate in formal staff performance review.CHANGE CONTROL REGISTERVersion Author Reviewed by Approved by Changes1 Roberts Reeves,Council – April CreationMulligan 20121 (amended) Roberts Executive Council February2014Amendment to standardwording for ANZCA policiesDate of next review 20152

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