VGC News/Newsletters - Lakes Gliding Club

VGC News/Newsletters - Lakes Gliding Club

VGC News/Newsletters - Lakes Gliding Club


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I see that you are looking for overseas members to become<strong>VGC</strong> representatives. I am quite happy to take on that role ifyou would like me to, although I cannot imagine that anyoneelse in this part of the world would be interested in joining.We are always happy to welcome visitors to om clubs soshould any <strong>VGC</strong> members or members of your local club bevisiting Zimbabwe, please ask them to contact me on telephoneNo 754032 Harare (Business)(For Mike '05 benefit we are including a three-view of theSpalinger 18 taken from Martill Simon's book "VintageSailplanes" and also point out that the S18 is the subject ofone ofour Technical Articles Ed)Frederico Fiori in Brazil has written a long letter to theEditOl; the first part of which dwelt on the problems of contactingother vintage enthusiasts in such a vast country asBrazil and also the cost of sending the subscriptions to lanDunkley. A reply to this part has been sent, but in talking tohis fellow enthusiasts in Brazil he raised some points aboutthe future ()fthe <strong>VGC</strong> and the <strong>News</strong>lettel: We print this part ofhis letter without comment, so that we may have the opinionsofother members......Since the Rallies are held in Europe, it is not easy for usto attend, so the <strong>VGC</strong> <strong>News</strong> is what we can count on aroundhere. I found out that four numbers a year is not enough. Ithink that it is the cost that limits the <strong>VGC</strong> <strong>News</strong> editions, butin our opinion, we should have at least six numbers of it, eachyear. This is important for us.About the <strong>VGC</strong> <strong>News</strong> We really like it the way it is. Whatto do to improve it? We feel that a balance with articles aboutthe glider's history and what is happening today is important.It is very interesting to learn about the history of other countries'gliders and also it's wonderful to see good photos aboutthe past. Why not create a "Gliders A to Z" section, featuringone or two gliders, with photos, 3-views and technical aspectsand a resume of its development and history.The Vintage Glider Association of the USA publish a listof all its members once a year. This is good, because themembers can be in touch with other members in other countries,exchanging inf'ormation, let1ters, etC'. With this list, theyalso publish the list of the old gliders belonging to members.We think our <strong>Club</strong> should do the same,Well, I think that is it for the moment. Please let me knowwhat you think about our ideas and if we can do anything forour <strong>Club</strong> and thank you for all the good work.Frederico Fiori & all the Brazilian Members, Pca, EugenioJardim 34 apto. 102,22061-040 Rio de Janiero RJ, Brazil.From Peter Saunders, 17, Sycamore Drive, Thame, O:WIl OX92ATYour photos of my PWS 101 came out well (in <strong>VGC</strong> <strong>News</strong> 88Ed) - I'm honoured to have a full page.We had' our Annual Vintage Scale Model Comp at WhiteSheet Hill, Mere, Wilts, recently. Hill lift was s01newhat ficklewhich gave me Some anxious moments sCl"utchillg with thePWS 10 I. Another PWS 101 to 1/4 scale from MartinSimon's design appeared on the scene, which flew well. Wealso had Harald Penrose with us during the afternoon and myPenrose Pegasus had an airing when the lift improved, A fewother models I recall were:- Short Nimbus, Oly, Condor 4,Ka8, Ka 18, T21, Weihe, Minimoa, Rhbnsperber, Goevier,Bergfalke, Avia 40P & Rhbnbussard.The Rhbnbussard photos were taken on Ivinghoe BeaconPeter Saunders picture ofhis 9ft 4in span model ofthe Rhonbussard,but was it taken at the Wasserkuppe? See lelferspage.and your eagle eye may notice another eagle! I enlarged aphoto-copy of the Wasserkuppe Monument and put it on afretted-out ply backing and stuck it in the ground. The flatlandscape and the long grass gives the game away but mightfool someone who hasn't been to the Wasserkuppe. (Cananyone produce a similar photo actually taken at theWasserkuppe? Ed)From Raul Blacksten to the EditOl; but we hope he won'tobject to it being printed.To paraphrase Mark Twain, the reports of my stroke are premature.Despite what was published on page 22 in theSummer 1996 issue of the <strong>VGC</strong> <strong>News</strong>, I did not have a stroke.What I did have was a heart attack, on the 12tb of May(Mother's Day). I am fine now. I am not on any diet. My cholesterolis normal. My blood pressure is normaL My stress testwas passed with flying colours and was only terminatedbecause I began to drag my right leg (due to a 1989 backinjury) and was afraid of tripping. As of this writing (27thJuly) I have been back at work for about two weeks and haveno restrictions.I tried to keep my health problems quiet, but it seems tohave gotten around anyway. In fact, it seems to have gottenout wrong. I did not want to bother anyone with my problemsplus I did not want any sympathy (I have not even openedmost of the get well cards which I received) Still, consideringwhat got into <strong>VGC</strong> <strong>News</strong>, I guess it is time to go public. Iguess I am lucky they did not put me on the next page, in theObituaries! Ijust want to set the record straight.(Raul's many friends will be glad to have the news that hehas jitlly recovered and is his usual ebullient self Ed)From Peter Chamberlain, 32 Fyne Drive, Linslade, LeightonBIJssard, Beds, LU7 7YQHaving dominated the last issue of the <strong>VGC</strong> <strong>News</strong> wilth ourlittle Meet at Haddenham in May (my father even got his caron the Back Cover!) I would like to pass on my appreciationof the efforts made by the organisers of another Ran),. I amreferring to our International Rally at Farkashegy in Hungaryfrom which We have just returned. From the inoment wem.rived it seemed that everybody we met was only interestedin what they could do to help \.Is. From Booking-in, whichinvolved the minimum of formality, to the daily briefings, itwas obvious that the organisers wanted everybody to have agood time. ) have never been to a site wnere upon landing I30

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