VGC News/Newsletters - Lakes Gliding Club

VGC News/Newsletters - Lakes Gliding Club

VGC News/Newsletters - Lakes Gliding Club


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THE 24TH INTERNATIONAL VINTAGE GLIDERCLUB RALLYFarkashegy, Hungary, 6th to 15th August 1996Gliders enteredNord 2000 Meise OO-ZQH Belgium - Firmin HenrardRhoenlerch Ka4 BGA 41 16 France - Didier FulchironCastel 30 IS F-CRBJ France - Maurice RenardMinimoa D-8064 Germany - Ada1bert Schul,tz,Gunter ReichWeihe 50 D-0084 Germany - Adalbert Schultz,Gunter ReichKa 80-4011 Germany - Andreas HahnKa2B0-1959 Germany - Klaus S"Chick,ingKranich 3 0-9176 Germany - Christoph& Franz MertensGrunau Baby 3 0-1052 Germany - Dietrich KaudererSlingsby T2tb BGA 782 Germany - Christian Stachu'llaGrunau Baby 2b 0-7078 Germany - Markus LemmerZugvogel I 0-8773 Germany - Rainer Karch,Heinz NierholzJ S Weihe 0-0700 Germany - Peter OckerOlympia Meise 0-6934. German - Rudiger HeinsCumulus 3f 0-6059 Gelmany - Christian KrollFutar R22 HA-4059 Hungary - Aero <strong>Club</strong> MiskolcVocsok HA-2336 Hungary - Basti JozsefCimbora HA-5135 Hungary - Revi LaszloKranich 2A-2 PH-103 Holland - Neelco OsingaSlingsby T21 b PH-1045 Holland - Willem de BaarsZlin 23 Honza OM-5619 Slovak & Czech RepublicsJosef OttNord 1300 (GB2b) HB-348 Swiss - Pierre-Alain RuffieuxSpalinger S 18-3 HB-411 Swiss - Willi SchwarzenbachGrunau Baby 2b HB-234 Swiss - Bemard DuvanelSlingsby Prefect BGA 701 Britain - MalcolmWilton-JonesSlingsby Swallow BGA 3469 Britain - David ShrimptonL-SpatzKing KiteKranich 2b-lWLM-2BGA 2276 Britain - Vemon Jennings,Peter ChamberlainBGA 2769 Britain - David JonesBGA 964HB-562Britain - Chris WillsUSA - AI. UsterIt had taken almost 12 hours to travel with trailers from Rana,60 kms NW of Prague, to Farkashegy, Budapest, via theSlovak Republic. Windscreens were gradually being obscuredby the Autobahn stickers which had to be purchased beforetravelling on autobahns through the Czech and SlovakRepublics. At last, Farkashegy airfield was reached in themiddle of the night. We were well received, in spite of thelateness of the hour, and trailers were directed to the parkingarea.It was soon apparent, in spite of the most hospitablewelcome on the airfield, that this was the first (out of three)International <strong>VGC</strong> Rallies at Farkashegy which was being runby Private Enterprise rather than by massive Communist StateSponsorship. However, most of the Hungarian heroes whohad so successfully run our two previous rallies, were thereagain to help run this one. Gone were the AmlY and the CommunistState's youth. The latter was replaced by new youngHungarian glider pilots, who were told that if they helpedmove our gliders and pack the hangar, etc their flying wouldCimbora, Grunau Baby, Norc/2000 and two Slingsby T21 satthe 251h Intemational Rally. Photo Peter Chamberlain.be subsidised by us! This they did, good natureelly, anel wereable to fly the 6 Gobes and the Cimbora whenever possible.Monday 5th August During ,the opening ceremony beforethe White House (Feher Haz) ie cen'tra'l offices of the clubs,speeches were made by several people, including the Mayorof Budakesci in English, and the <strong>VGC</strong>'s bell was rung byChris Wills to open the Rally, as is 'tradi>tionaLImre Mitter had seen Chris approaching the opening ceremonywith two flags, those of Hungary and the VGc. In notime at all, he arranged to have them attached to the top of theflag pole to lend colour to the proceedings.Then, a small but adequate air display took place when theCimbora and the Vocsok were aerotowed over by the famousHungarian PO-2 and Gerle vintage aeroplanes, and all of themwere landed before the White House. This was followed bysome very "hot" aerobatics by two German aeroplanes flownby Hungary's best aerobatic pilots.Thesday 6th August On this day was our first Briefing atlOam. It was pointed out that the Rally was for <strong>VGC</strong>members, and that those who had arrived but who were notalready members should join before participating. Everybodywas expected to register in the office, and new HlIngarianflying maps could be bought 'by t'hose who wished to :fly crosscountry. Cars could be used to tow gliders but shou'ld beremoved from the airfield afterwards.The office would beopen during mornings 0 sell winch and aerotow tickets. Officialst,u'f {,ime for flights started when the wing tip man raiseshis hand. Care should be taken during winch launches aswinches were not powerful. Signals to the winch driver were:Rudder, for too fast and Aileron for too slow.Tllis is 'as in Britain, but in Germany it is the other wayround. 8anks in Budakesci would not change TravellersCheques but a bank in Budaors would. Concerning airspace,1300m asl was allowed over Farkashegy. Long landings to thehangar would be allowed in the evenings but only with priorpermission of the Duty Pilof. After flying, gliders should be,left on the grass to await packing by the Hangar PackingMeister and his Team.Wednesday 7th August Good local flights were had byRainer Karch in the Zugvogel I, which reached the bestheight. Other good heights were achieved by Willi in his S 18,Jochen Ewald in the Cumulus, Malcolm Wilton-Jones in thePrefect, Ruffieux in the Swiss GB 2, Neelco Osinga ,in h,isKranich. Most of the thermals were dry but the best of themwere capped by cloud. Overcast clouds tended to cut off thesun.14

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