VGC News/Newsletters - Lakes Gliding Club

VGC News/Newsletters - Lakes Gliding Club VGC News/Newsletters - Lakes Gliding Club
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in my Meise up to a height of 4300111 above the airfield.The warm-heal'ted hospitality, with many generous andvaried menus, and wonderful wines in sunny surroundings, allhelped to make it a rally which we shall remember with greatpleasure. By way of welcome, we were kidnapped and drivento a house in the mountains where a team of Pavullo memberswith aprons round their middles kept up supplies of lashingsof delicious spaghetti dishes and the good local wines, at along convivial table, which set the tone for the rally right atthe start.Who invited us to this rally? It was again a Swiss-Italianco-operative effort. Frederic Fischer, the Swiss pianist andaeromodeller, and Vincenzo Pedrielli had once more gottogether with the Aeroclub Pavullo in order to organise thismeeting. This invitation was taken up by a small group ofglider pilots from Engl/E_"\. --' ,~,llrrUmu - t."'N)- [LOw,,'l(vNJ7i,E', ,/A,,'i) L.£IJENJ/(::iJJIT(c i "" _-:1:f".: •.'V">~ IN trfurj,En HAH,.......... _-- ._---~------, -, ----------- .._---"4£'1 "/""'i sA.:]J"""~~~ vo" '?/rlJ()L'-tJ / ,....... .:]""lio...; 17ft, - y J"JJ..v..: (...- f\J~ - t--l~ ;u.-,'~Caricature ofCW by Wemer Meier10

THE THIRD CZECH NATIONAL VINTAGE GLIDER RALLY AND THE VGC'S RENDEZVOUS RALLYRana u Loun 29th July to 4th August, 1996.Gliders emteredDemantLunakLunakPionyrOrlik 2HonzaKranich 3Kranicb 2 a-2Kranich 2 B-1)(jng KiteGoevier 2Goevier 3Cumulus 3FStd Austria SVSM-40LF-I07LF-I07LF-I09VT-116Zlin 23D-9176PH-103BGA 964BGA 2769D-I080PH- 209D-6059D-4131OK-9902 Aero club SumperkOK-0975 VI.Fiala.BenesovOK-0819 St.Baran, Frydlant noOK-22 I5 Delta System Air, Hradec KraloveOK-6922 Sliva/Dostal, HronovOY-5619 Josef Ott, SlovakiaChristof & Franz Mertens, GermanyNeelco Osinga, HollandChris Wills BritainDJones BritainI.Tegen, G. Dreskornfeld GermanyHans Dijksta, HollandChristian Kroll, GermanyH.Rieth, T. Krans, GermanyDesigned19571947194719531966194619521939193519361953195219531961Built195919501950199619541943198419542 Kranich 2s together at last at one ofour rallies. Neelco Osinga has bought PH- 103 which was built in Spain in 1952, fromGumer Wehhofer. Photo Chris Wills.When the participants arrived on the 29th July they wereimmediately struck by the beauty of the mountain and the siteand by the large number of motorised gliders. These were:­Bergfalke, 4 Rhoenterches, a Pionyr and a Czech Orlik. Thelatter type had been forbidden to fly because of its glue whenwe were at Zbrasl,avice. Now, not only can they be restored,but an engine has been fitted to one of these fine sailplanes.Almost all engines in use were from Trabants (ie they weretwo-strokes) These aircl'aflt were all without regiSh"ations andbelong to an abso'lu!ely free organisation, without state controland can be flown t'rom aeroclubs. Christian Kroll was heard tosay "Don't leave your ghder for ten minutes or the Czechs willput an engine on. it", and, later," It might have only a slightlybetter chance of not ~laving this done to it if it has a woodenfuselage as the Czechs seem to prefer attaching the engines tosteel tube fuselages."That even they were not entirely safe wasevidenced by Ithe wooden fuse'laged Orlik. This was sad as theOrlik 2 ~s a super laminar flow profiled competition sailplane.lIhe absolute c1~max was when someone rode up on a bicycleand attached it to the wing stmt of a Rhoenlerch. Leaving therear bicycle wheel in contact with the ground, to balance theaircraft, the Rl10enlerch theR took. off with the bicycle attached,and flew away. One has only to go to a scrap yard to find aderelict Trabant and then to find a no-more needed Germantwo-seater glider and there you have the makings of your aeroplanewhich can fl:y without a C of A. There is a differentadministration for these motorgliders, which is apart from theone that controls sajlplanes. There is clearly a very keen movemeAtfor them ill the Czech Republic, but we think that it is asad fate for good, vintage sailplanes.II

THE THIRD CZECH NATIONAL VINTAGE GLIDER RALLY AND THE <strong>VGC</strong>'S RENDEZVOUS RALLYRana u Loun 29th July to 4th August, 1996.Gliders emteredDemantLunakLunakPionyrOrlik 2HonzaKranich 3Kranicb 2 a-2Kranich 2 B-1)(jng KiteGoevier 2Goevier 3Cumulus 3FStd Austria SVSM-40LF-I07LF-I07LF-I09VT-116Zlin 23D-9176PH-103BGA 964BGA 2769D-I080PH- 209D-6059D-4131OK-9902 Aero club SumperkOK-0975 VI.Fiala.BenesovOK-0819 St.Baran, Frydlant noOK-22 I5 Delta System Air, Hradec KraloveOK-6922 Sliva/Dostal, HronovOY-5619 Josef Ott, SlovakiaChristof & Franz Mertens, GermanyNeelco Osinga, HollandChris Wills BritainDJones BritainI.Tegen, G. Dreskornfeld GermanyHans Dijksta, HollandChristian Kroll, GermanyH.Rieth, T. Krans, GermanyDesigned19571947194719531966194619521939193519361953195219531961Built195919501950199619541943198419542 Kranich 2s together at last at one ofour rallies. Neelco Osinga has bought PH- 103 which was built in Spain in 1952, fromGumer Wehhofer. Photo Chris Wills.When the participants arrived on the 29th July they wereimmediately struck by the beauty of the mountain and the siteand by the large number of motorised gliders. These were:­Bergfalke, 4 Rhoenterches, a Pionyr and a Czech Orlik. Thelatter type had been forbidden to fly because of its glue whenwe were at Zbrasl,avice. Now, not only can they be restored,but an engine has been fitted to one of these fine sailplanes.Almost all engines in use were from Trabants (ie they weretwo-strokes) These aircl'aflt were all without regiSh"ations andbelong to an abso'lu!ely free organisation, without state controland can be flown t'rom aeroclubs. Christian Kroll was heard tosay "Don't leave your ghder for ten minutes or the Czechs willput an engine on. it", and, later," It might have only a slightlybetter chance of not ~laving this done to it if it has a woodenfuselage as the Czechs seem to prefer attaching the engines tosteel tube fuselages."That even they were not entirely safe wasevidenced by Ithe wooden fuse'laged Orlik. This was sad as theOrlik 2 ~s a super laminar flow profiled competition sailplane.lIhe absolute c1~max was when someone rode up on a bicycleand attached it to the wing stmt of a Rhoenlerch. Leaving therear bicycle wheel in contact with the ground, to balance theaircraft, the Rl10enlerch theR took. off with the bicycle attached,and flew away. One has only to go to a scrap yard to find aderelict Trabant and then to find a no-more needed Germantwo-seater glider and there you have the makings of your aeroplanewhich can fl:y without a C of A. There is a differentadministration for these motorgliders, which is apart from theone that controls sajlplanes. There is clearly a very keen movemeAtfor them ill the Czech Republic, but we think that it is asad fate for good, vintage sailplanes.II

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