PulseTech Catalog - WCS Distributing, Inc.

PulseTech Catalog - WCS Distributing, Inc. PulseTech Catalog - WCS Distributing, Inc.

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ABOUT: Pulse TechnologyPatented Pulse TechnologyToday’s vehicles and equipment are moretechnologically advanced, yet they stillrely on basically the same lead-acid batterytechnology developed almost 100years ago.There is actually enough reactive materialin lead-acid batteries to keep themoperating reliably for eight to 10 years ormore, but they don’t. The average life ofa battery, depending on usage, is 6 to 48months but, according to a recent study,only 30% of all batteries actually reachthe 48-month point.The primary reason for battery failure isa series of problems caused by sulfationbuildup on the battery plates.Our patented high-frequency pulse technologyworks to actually reduce the buildupof sulfation on the battery plates resultingin the battery working at peak efficiency.For over a decade the U. S. military hasbeen using our patented pulse productson their vehicles and equipment all overthe world!Pulse WaveformsAfterBeforeSulfation buildup occurs when chemicals in the battery acid discharge to the point where theycrystallize and coat the battery’s lead plates. The more the plates are coated, the less energythey will accept and release. Before long they become so coated that battery efficiency isreduced and, finally, the battery fails.This buildup is the main reason for over 80% of all battery failures. Sulfation buildup and therelated problems are natural by-products of battery operation.White crystallized lead sulfatecan be easily seen on this batteryplate. The plate was deeplydischarged. Discharge time wasjust over 13 minutesOur patented pulse technologywas applied for 18 days. Theplates were completely cleanand the battery lasted over 33minutes. The discharge capacityof the battery increased byover 250% and the dischargetime increased to 33 minutes.Using this patented pulse technology, our products emit a pulsing dc current into thebattery. This very high-energy pulsing reenergizes the sulfates, removes them from theplates and returns them to the battery acid as active material. When used regularly or installedpermanently, our products will keep the damaging crystals from forming again.Compare Typical Competitors’ “Pulse” WavesOther chargers using pulsing technology traditionally use one of 3 pulses: Sine, Square and Negative Pulse waves. There are significant problems associatedwith each type of wave:Sine Pulse Wave Square Pulse Wave Negative Pulse WaveThis wave fluctuates gradually between positiveand negative charge. The main problem with thispulse is it is too “soft” to affect the crystal growth.In addition, the upper voltage limit must be carefullycontrolled to prevent overcharging and gassingthe battery.The square pulse has a relatively long dwell timeat max voltage and is limited in effect because thetop of the wave must be voltage limited to providethe safety required during charging.<strong>PulseTech</strong>’s True Patented Pulse WaveformWith the proper training and use, our test, charge and maintenance products have consistentlyachieved a 70-80% reduction in battery consumption. <strong>PulseTech</strong>’s True PatentedTechnology is simply the most effective method for the removal of damaging battery sulfationand for performance-enhancing battery conditioning available in the world today!This wave has similar limitations to the squarewave pulse plus the added concern that the chargeis restricted during the down cycle of the pulse.This has a negative impact on charging.Our patented, high-frequency pulse waveform is precisely controlled by microprocessorsand is of a specific amplitude and frequency. It rapidly rises inless than one microsecond to its maximum amplitude and gradually returnsto zero. There is no abrupt stop and no battery drain. Make no mistake – ourpatented conditioning process is NOT pulse charging or a burst or high voltagepulse provided within the charging regimen! Instead, the low-voltage, highfrequencyconditioning pulse is introduced into the battery via a separate circuitindependent of the charging circuit. This precisely-controlled waveformhas proven to be the best at removing sulfation from the battery plates andreturning it back to the electrolyte solution.2©2008 <strong>PulseTech</strong> Products Corporationwww.xtremecharge.com 800-580-7554

CHARGE Pages 4-10Charge, Maintain and ConditionOur Patented Pulse Technology works with all types of 12-volt lead-acid batteries includingsealed, flooded, gel cell and AGM. By keeping the plates clean, a battery charges faster anddeeper so it works harder and lasts longer than you ever thought possible. It also allows forgreater charge acceptance to recharge faster and release more of its stored energy. With moreavailable energy, your vehicles and equipment last longer between recharges and your electronicaccessories work better. You get the true power of your batteries.ABOUT: IntroductionTEST Page 11Analyze Battery ConditionEnsure power reliability with our battery analysis tools to reliably test your batteries without usinga load tester. Our battery analyzers will help analyze the performance of 6- and 12-volt batteriesas well as 12- and 24-volt systems.As technology continues to advance rapidly, the availability of reliable power is no longer a luxury. Ourmonitoring and maintenance products assure power availability and cost-effective management.MAINTAIN Pages 12-15Extend Battery Life up to 5XContinued and consistent use of our Patented Pulse Technology works to keep battery platesclean, so your battery works harder and more efficiently than you ever thought possible. Itmaintains a greater reserve capacity to recharge faster and release more of its stored energy.With more available energy, your battery can last up to five times longer, making your electronicaccessories work more efficiently and reliably.LegendRequires AC power<strong>Inc</strong>ludes clamp connectorsSelf-Powered by BatteryWorks with 48 V Batteries or SystemsNeeds full sun<strong>Inc</strong>ludes lug connectorWorks with 12 V BatteriesWill work with very shaded sunFeatures Quick-Disconnect cablesWorks with 24 V Batteries or SystemsWill work with partial sunPerforms Battery TestWorks with 36 V Batteries or Systems800-580-7554 www.xtremecharge.com3

CHARGE: Xtreme Charge ®12 V Xtreme Charge ®Smart, Safe And Simple Pulse Maintenance Charger• Works with any 12-volt lead-acid batteryincluding Gel and AGM batteries• Fully-automatic microprocessor controlled• Can not overcharge or overheat a battery• Infinitely variable 0 - 2.5 A outputThis innovative, state-of-the-art battery chargerautomatically knows what to do so you don’t haveto be a battery expert to use it. Unlike other smartchargers on the market, you don’t need to selectthe battery type or the proper charge rate to avoidthe risk of unsafe or improper charging.There’s no guess work involved because fuseprotected,spark-proof Xtreme Charge ® works onevery type of 12-volt lead-acid battery – standard,AGM, sealed or Gel. Proprietary algorithms combinedwith microprocessor controlled technologymeasure the battery’s voltage and current toautomatically determine and deliver the precisecharge rate based on the size and condition of theindividual battery, both initially and continuouslythroughout the 5-stage charge process.Xtreme Charge is more than a battery charger andmaintainer. During the maintenance cycle, <strong>PulseTech</strong>’spatented, optimized high frequency pulsing constantlyworks to minimize and reduce naturally occurring batterysulfation – the main cause of battery failures. Byreducing the size and number of lead sulfate depositsinside your battery that negatively affect your battery’sability to accept, store and release energy, your batterywill charge deeper, maintain greater reserve capacityand last longer – up to five times longer.FeaturesABCDEStatus light column shows you when the unit ispulsing and chargingBattery light column indicates the percentagestate of charge — 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%Fuse-protected, quick disconnect feature allowsyou to permanently attach lugs to the battery andeasily switch between lugs and clampsBoth heavy-duty clamps and lugs attached to 2foot cablesRugged, plastic protective caseCAB100X010 XC100-P Xtreme Charge ®FMain battery cable reaches 6 feetSpecifications5-Stage ChargingInput Voltage: 100-250 V acMax Charge Current: 2.5 AOvercharge Protection: YesMain Battery Cable Length: 6'Lug/Clamp Cable Length: 2'Reverse Polarity ProtectedFuse-Protected CablesQuick-Disconnect at Battery5-Year Limited WarrantyStage 1Stage 2Stage 3Charge Evaluation/Test and InitializationBulk Charges at 0.5-2.5A (5 A Effective*)Absorption and Saturation ChargeStage 4Stage 5Infinitely Variable Float Maintenance ChargeContinually PULSE Charges to Minimize theSize of Lead Sulfate Crystals*Note: Model XC-100 is rated at a maximum of 2.5 amps per station, but the utilization of <strong>PulseTech</strong>’s patented pulse technology combined with ourproprietary charge algorithms typically allows it to outperform many chargers safely with much higher output ratings.4www.xtremecharge.com 800-580-7554

EIntelligent DesignProprietary microprocessor-controlled technology built into every XtremeCharge ® measures both voltage and current to determine the appropriateamount of charge the battery is able to accept at any given time during the5-stage process. As the Patented Pulse Waveform and saturation chargeimprove the battery’s condition, the charge rate may be increased safely toan optimal level. Proprietary algorithms protect the battery from the risk ofdamage due to overcharging.CHARGE: Xtreme Charge ®DFThe Xtreme Charge also utilizes a variable float charge. <strong>PulseTech</strong>’s intelligentcircuitry imposes the correct amount of charge rate as determinedby the continual evaluation of the battery’s condition. The charge rate maybe as small as 200 mA during typical float up to the full 2.5 A bulk chargefor more deeply discharged batteries. This variable float charge ensuresoptimal charge rate is applied to the battery.See Page 7For XC100 Accessories!Xtreme Charge ® ParallelFor Multiple Batteries Connected in ParallelIf you own an 18-wheeler, diesel pick-up truck, agenerator, a telecom battery backup system or anyother application using multiple 12-volt batteriesconnected in parallel, Xtreme Charge ® Parallel wasspecifically designed to save you time and money.Input Voltage: 100-250 V acMax Charge Current: 2.5 ABattery Cable Length: 6'Lug/Clamp Cable Length: 2'Fuse-Protected CablesQuick-Disconnect at Battery5-Year Limited WarrantyYou get all the same features as the regular XtremeCharge single battery charger, but you can chargeall the batteries connected in parallel at the sametime. There’s no need to disconnect the batteriesbefore charging and there’s no need to have morethan one charger. That’s because the proprietarymicroprocessor software has been modified especiallyfor parallel connected batteries. XtremeCharge Parallel works on every type of 12-voltlead acid battery – standard, AGM, sealed or Gel.100X013 XC-PARALLEL800-580-7554 www.xtremecharge.com 5

CHARGE: Xtreme Charge ®Specialty Xtreme Charge ®Color-Coded for Channel Marketing• Motorcycle, auto and marine versions• Works on ANY 12-volt lead-acid battery– flooded, maintenance-free, AGM or gel• Automatically monitors both voltage andcurrent throughout the 5-stage charge/maintenance process• Features infinite variable charge outputfrom 100 mA - 2.5 A• Uses patented high frequency pulsingOur Specialty Xtreme Charge ® 5-stage maintenancebattery chargers allow you to selectivelytarget your customer by personalizing their chargerto the individual category of vehicle they use– YELLOW for motorcycles, RED for autos andRVs or BLUE for marine. Since motorcyclists don’tshop for battery chargers in a hunting and fishingstore, and boat owners are more likely to buy abattery charger from a marine retailer, the SpecialtyXtreme Charge models let you reach yourcustomer from a retail outlet that caters to theirspecific hobby and needs.Whether your customer is a motorcycle enthusiast,fisherman, antique car collector, or an RVowner, there is a Specialty Xtreme Charge modelthat keeps their vehicle battery charged andmaintained for peak performance and ready togo when they are. Since all models are from thesame Xtreme Charge family, they all offer a combinationof microprocessor controlled circuitry andoptimized high frequency pulsing that will maketheir batteries charge faster and deeper and lastup to 5 times longer no matter what vehicle theyare powering.SpecificationsXtreme PackagingOur new Xtreme Chargepackaging lets you know at aglance the industry the chargerwas designed for.ANY one of these icons onpackaging indicates that it isapplicable to any vehicle inthat industry.For example, any YELLOWicon on packaging is for usewith any 12-volt motorcycle,scooter, sport, super sport,cruiser or even a snowmobile.Any RED icon indicates thecharger is for use with any12-volt automotive application.Similarly, all marine applicationsare represented byany BLUE icons.YELLOW icons represent any application in the motorcycle industry.Input Voltage: 100-250 V acMax Charge Current: 2.5 APulse Frequency: 40-50 kHzOvercharge Protection: YesMain Battery Cable Length: 6'Lug/Clamp Cable Length: 2'Reverse Polarity ProtectedFive-Year Limited WarrantyRED icons signify the charger is designed for any automotive application.BLUE icons indicate the charger is for use with any 12-volt marine application.6www.xtremecharge.com 800-580-7554

All Specialty Xtreme Chargers include two 2'fuse-protected, quick-disconnect battery leads,one with heavy-duty clamps and one with “leaveon”eyelet lugs, protective rubber boot, safetyinstructions and a Quick-Start guide.Xtreme MotorcycleThe YELLOW Xtreme Charge Motorcycle modelis the best 12-volt battery maintenance chargerto keep your motorcycle, scooter, moped, touringbike or cruiser ready to ride.Xtreme AutoThe RED Xtreme Charge Auto model takes care ofall your vehicle’s battery needs whether you driveit every day or only occasionally – use it on yourauto, pick-up truck and collector cars.CHARGE: Xtreme Charge ®Xtreme MarineThe BLUE Xtreme Charge Marine model ensuresyou won’t be caught at the lake with a dead battery.For all your Personal Watercraft (PWC) vehiclesor any watercraft with a 12-volt battery.Plug and Play DesignJust attach the cables to the battery terminals andplug it in. If your cables are attached to the wrongbattery terminals, all LEDs will flash and an alarmwill sound. If your battery cannot be recharged,the “Bad Battery” LED lets you know immediately.Status display indicates the percentage state ofcharge from 25% to 100% to let you know whenyour battery is ready to go!100X020 XC100-M Xtreme Charge Motorcycle100X010 XC100-P Xtreme Charge Auto100X030 XC100-W Xtreme Charge MarineWorks as advertised! My Harley battery, despite being 6 years old, was on its last legs,or so I thought. After a few weeks on your charger, new life has been breathed into it andnow it turns over the engine like a brand new battery. Plus, it’s holding a charge betterthan ever. For a $50 one-year battery that I bought in 2002, I’ve sure gotten my money’sworth. You guys are building a great product.Wade RamseyMontgomery, AlabamaXtreme Charge ® AccessoriesWorks With All XC100 and X2 Chargers“Leave-On”Eyelet LugsDesigned to be permanently installedon your vehicle or equipment battery.7.5-amp, fuse protected, two feetlong. Utilizes standard quick-disconnectconnectors.100X830 XC-LUGSLeads withClipsClip directly to battery terminals forcharging. 7.5-amp, fuse protected,two feet long. Utilizes standard quickdisconnectconnectors.100X827 XC-CLIPS25' LeadExtensionIdeal for garages or places whereequipment is located far away fromoutlets. Utilizes standard quick-disconnectterminals on both ends.100X825 XC-EXT-25QuickMountBracketOpen design allows you to unclipyour Xtreme Charge and take itwith you. Ideal for shop use. XtremeCharge not included.100X808 XC-QMFull-EnclosureBracketHeavy-duty, semi-permanent wallmount design for commercial useon trailers and generators. XtremeCharge not included.100X810 XC-BKT800-580-7554 www.xtremecharge.com 7

CHARGE: X2 Dual ChargerX2 Dual-Station ChargerDouble The Charging Capability, Double The Versatility• Same 5-stage patented pulse chargingtechnology as Xtreme Charge ®• Independently monitors, charges andmaintains two batteries simultaneously• Works with all types of 12-volt batteries— standard flooded and maintenancefreeAGM and gel cell• Plug-and-play design for long-term use• Quick disconnect at battery• Sealed design – can be used outdoors• Absolutely safe – cannot overchargeDoubling your charging capability saves time andmoney. Now you don’t need two chargers, twopairs of hands and two AC outlets to do the job!The dual station capability of the X2 can separatelymonitor, charge and maintain two 12-voltbatteries with one AC outlet without overcharging.You simply plug it in and walk away.With both consumer and commercial applications,you also get two times the versatility. Most consumershave more than one piece of equipmentthey want ready to go when they are – such asautomobiles, light trucks, boats, motorcycles, lawntractors and ATVs. But this unique charger can alsobe used for many 24-volt commercial systemscomposed of two 12-volt batteries connected inseries, including generators, transit and charterbuses, heavy trucks, fork and scissor lifts and offhighway/constructionequipment.100X200 X2 Dual-Station ChargerSpecifications5-Stage ChargingInput Voltage: 100-250 V acMax Charge Current (per station): 2.5 APulse Frequency: 40-50 kHzOvercharge Protection: YesPower Cord Length: 6'Main Battery Cable Length (2): 6'Lug/Clamp Cable Length: 2'Fuse-Protected CablesQuick Disconnect at BatteryReverse Polarity ProtectedStage 1Stage 2Stage 3Charge Evaluation/Test and InitializationBulk Charges at 0.5-2.5A (5 A Effective*)Absorption and Saturation ChargeStage 4Stage 5Infinitely Variable Float Maintenance ChargeContinually PULSE Charges to Minimize theSize of Lead Sulfate Crystals*Note: Model X2 is rated at a maximum of 2.5 amps per station, but the utilization of <strong>PulseTech</strong>’s patented pulse technology combined with ourproprietary charge algorithms typically allows it to outperform many chargers safely with much higher output ratings.8www.xtremecharge.com 800-580-7554

HD Xtreme Recovery Charger20-Amp Shop Charger Built to Recover Batteries• Recovers deeply sulfated batteries• Innovative “In Case” clamp, cable andpower cord storage• Heavy-duty, replaceable battery clamps• Ideal for larger 12-volt batteries includinggroup 31, 4-D and 8-DCHARGE: XCR-20• Software optimized for battery recoveryIf you service vehicles and equipment with larger,expensive batteries, you need the state-of-the-artXtreme Recovery charger. Finally it’s possible torecover heavily discharged and sulfated batteriesyou may think are dead or useless! Avoid prematurereplacement costs and save money by makingyour existing batteries last longer and performmore efficiently.Self-enclosed in a convenient, water-resistant,heavy-duty case, this charger interrogates the batteryprior to charging and immediately lets you knowif you have a bad battery. Next, the patented, microprocessorcontrolled circuitry monitors and adjuststhe charging current to allow the battery to reach itsoptimum level charge. During the Bulk, Saturationand Float stages, the Xtreme Recovery introduces ahigh frequency pulse mode to remove sulfate depositsfrom the battery’s plates, increasing the battery’sability to accept, store and release energy.This advanced technology, utilizing our patentedpulse technology, has been successfully usedin both military and commercial battery shopsaround the world with unparalleled results.100X500 XCR-20 Battery Recovery ChargerThe XCR-20 is housed in a convenient,portable, heavy-duty case.SpecificationsLED IndicatorsStatusBatteryON – Charger is receiving proper input voltageONPULSING100%75%TEST – Charger is testing the battery’s conditionNO CONNECTION – Charger is not connected to a batteryPULSINGPULSINGCHARGING50%25%TESTNOCONNECTIONBADBATTERYBAD BATTERY – Battery connected is not recoverableCHARGING – Charger is providing bulk charge to the batteryPULSING – Charger is applying reconditioning charge to the battery25% - 75% – Indicates current state of charge100% – Charge complete. Charger is providing float charge to maintain the battery at 100% .Output Current: 20 A dcInput Voltage: 110-240 V ac, 50-60 HzOvercharge Protection: YesWeight: 10.5 lbsDimensions: 14.2"L x 11.5"W x 6.5"H2 HD output cables with industrial pliertypeclampsApplicationsWorks anywhere in the world on all types of 12-volt batteries—flooded conventional, sealed maintenancefree, AGM or Gel batteries—deep cycle and standard designs.800-580-7554 www.xtremecharge.com 9

CHARGE: SC-12 ChargerXtreme 12-Station HD ChargerCharge and Desulfate Up to 12 Batteries Simultaneously• Charges, recovers and maintains one to12 batteries simultaneously• Rugged HPX plastic cabinet has wheelsfor maximum portability• Software optimized for battery recovery• Variable charge to 8 A per channel•Patented pulse technology removes sulfatedeposits on battery platesNo need to move the batteries – this rugged, portablecharging system lets you charge and conditionone to 12 batteries on the pallet, in a shop orwherever they’re being stored. Hook up one to 12batteries, flip the switch and walk away. There areno switches or dials to set and no possibility ofovercharging. Completely safe, it makes old stylebus bar and gang chargers obsolete.The SC-12 and all ofits connectors fit easilyin this rugged portablerolling case.The 12 independent charging channels profile thecondition of each battery and then automaticallycycle through a charge/recovery process that appliesthe correct charge current (variable up to 8A) and our optimized high frequency pulse to eachbattery. This patented technology removes sulfatedeposits on the battery plates, increasing the battery’sability to accept, retain and release energy,making existing batteries last longer.The flexible, replaceable cables fit in the case foreasy storage and are easy to disconnect and safelymove to the next battery, since no current flowsthrough the cable until connected to the battery.746X810 SC-12 12-Station HD Charger740X359 SC-EXT 25' Extension CableSC-EXT 25' Extension CableSpecificationsLED IndicatorsIndicators next to each cable connection show status of each battery channel.Input Voltage: 110-240 V ac,15-7.5 A, 50-60 HzOutput Voltage: 12 V 8.0 A dc per outputMax Charging DC Voltage: 14.8 V dcMax Charging DC Current: 8.0 ADimensions: 24.6"L x 19.7"W x 8.6"HWeight: 57 lbs.10www.xtremecharge.com 800-580-7554

390PT Battery AnalyzerTest for Battery And Charging System Problems• Tests flooded-cell, Gel or AGM - both 6 Vand 12 V batteries• Determines state of charge, cold crankingamps (CCAs) and good/bad batteryTEST: 390PT• Tests batteries IN or OUT of the vehicle• Tests 12 V and 24 V charging systemsfor proper operationAn absolute necessity for your battery shop ormaintenance bay, this economical tester lets youquickly, safely and accurately identify the batteriesor starting systems that require attentionwhile still inside the vehicle.The combination of patented “conductance” testingand algorithms based on OEM vehicle requirementsdisplays easy to understand results in 15seconds. The handy “QUICKSTART” instructionguide is printed on the back of the tester so youcan’t lose it.741X390 390PT Battery and System TesterFAST AND EASY TO USE1. Turn off ignition, all accessories and loads, close all car doors and trunk.2. Make sure battery terminals are clean. Attach black lead to negative battery terminal and redlead to positive battery terminal3. Press st indicators and press key to select battery test, battery type and battery rating.4. Battery test results will display one of the following: GOOD & PASS, GOOD & RECHARGE,RECHARGE & RETEST, BAD & REPLACE or BAD CELL & REPLACE5. Press st indicators and press key to select system test.6. System test results will display one of the following: CRANKING VOLTS NORMAL, CRANKINGVOLTS LOW, or CRANKING VOLTS NOT DETECTEDSpecificationsOperating Range: 40-2000 CCA, 40-2000 CA,40-2000 AGMOperating Temperature: 32 to 120° F(0 to 50° C)Display: Backlit, graphicalWeight: 1 lb. (454 g)Dimensions: 7.75" x 4" x 2"One-Year Limited WarrantyQuick Battery TesterChecks 12 V Battery’s Condition• Indicates battery’s state of charge• Can be used directly on battery or remotelywith quick-disconnect connectionPocket-sized tester instantly shows an indication ofyour 12-volt battery’s state of charge as 100%, 75%,50% or 25%.Quick GO, NO/GO alternator test.Negative removable probe allows foreasy testing on battery terminals.Dual design allows you to insert the test probes directlyinto the standard quick disconnect connectionwithout touching the battery posts, or to remove thetip probes and touch the battery terminals directly.100X822 XC822-TEST Quick Battery TesterUse the quick-disconnect to testwithout touching the batteryRemovable negative probe easily snaps back into placefor storage or to test using quick-disconnect terminals.800-580-7554 www.xtremecharge.com 11

MAINTAIN: SolarPulse ®SolarPulse ®Work with Every Type of 12-Volt, Lead-Acid Battery• Commercial-grade “monocrystalline” cellsare 30% smaller per watt and twice as efficientas typical panels• Restores and maintains the normal lossof battery power on seldom used vehiclesand equipment• Patented pulse technology continuouslydesulfates batteries as it chargesAll of our SolarPulse ® family models utilize our unrivaledsolar charging system combined with ourpatented optimized high frequency pulsing circuitto ensure your unused batteries will start when youneed them and last up to five times longer.If you’ve used solar chargers before, you know it’simportant to choose the right solar panel for theamount of power you need and the size and place ofthe mounting location. In the past, to get the poweryou need you had to struggle with panels that aretoo big, too bulky and too fragile. With SolarPulse,you can get the power you need with the most installationoptions for your outdoor vehicles or equipment.SolarPulse’s higher efficiency, higher qualitymonocrystalline silicone cells pack more power persquare inch than standard amorphous “thin film”cells and are more durable than polycrystallinecells. That means you can get the power you needin a sturdier, smaller sized solar panel.Instead of a breakable glass coating, SolarPulse’ssolar panels are protected with a clear, polyurethaneplastic coating that makes them virtually indestructibleand impervious to weather, aging and damagefrom bumps and knocks. Choose the power youneed from 5-Watt, 2-Watt or 6-Watt models.SpecificationsKey-Off Parasitic Loads(Daily Cumulative)Selection GuideMinimal to None 4 4 420 mA (480 mAh) 4 4 440 mA (960 mAh) 4 460 mA (1.45 mAh) 4 480 mA (1.92 Ah) 4 4100 mA (2.4 Ah) or more 4Max Charging DC Voltage: 16.5 V dc,250 mA (SP2); 350 mA (SP5), 400 mA (SP6)Reverse Polarity Protected: YesCircuit Box Dim.: 3.25"L x 2.25"W x 1.5"H5-Year Limited WarrantySolar Panel Dim.: 4.75" x 8.56" x 0.125" (SP2)8.875" x 8.75" x 0.125" (SP5)16" x 4.93" x 0.125" (SP6)Wire Length: Box to lug: 3 feetBox to panel: 17 feet (SP2, SP5)14 feet (SP6)Applications• Gel Cell or AGM, Single Battery• Flooded Cell, Single Battery:Up to 50 Ah (Group 24, 27)51 and Over Ah (Group 31, 4D, 8D)• 12-Volt Parallel Connections• 24-Volt Systems (One SP5 per 12V battery)12www.xtremecharge.com 800-580-7554

5-Watt SolarPulse ®This SolarPulse model offers a full 5-watts of powerin a compact, durable 8.875" x 8.75" x .0125"solar panel. That’s almost half the size of solarpanels used in other solar chargers so that youhave the most installation options for your vehicleor equipment.Since the solar cells are placed directly on a lowprofile aluminum panel instead of thicker, bulkiersteel frames, you can flush mount the solar panel soit has less chance of being accidentally damaged.All SolarPulse models combine the efficiency ofsolar charging with the benefit of our patentedpulse technology to reverse the naturally occurringprocess of battery sulfation – the main causeof battery failure.MAINTAIN: SolarPulse ®735X305 SP-5 5-Watt SolarPulse ®2-Watt Solarpulse ®The SolarPulse SP2 provides a full 2-watts ofpower in a small, durable 4.75" x 8.56" x 0.125".This solar panel to replaces the natural dischargeof batteries and the power loss from electrical accessoriesthat occurs even when the ignition isswitched off.Like all SolarPulse models, the 2-watt model usesour patented, high frequency pulsing cycles tocontinuously break up and reduce the number andsize of crystalline deposits on battery plates thatcut back the battery’s efficiency to accept, storeand release energy.735X302 SP-2 2-Watt SolarPulse ®735X834 CupSet 4 Suction Cup Mounting SystemSuction cup mounting system for the SP2and SP5 SolarPulse available separately.6-Watt ERV SolarPulse ®Built for Easy Light Bar Installation• Designed for easy installation on emergencyand law enforcement vehicles• Supplied with unterminated wires for simpleinstallation without connector removalThe longer, narrow-profile 6-watt SolarPulse is designedto be installed easily on the light bar of emergencyand law enforcement vehicles. It has all thesuperior characteristics, exceptional charging andpulse technology features of the 2-and 5-watt solarpanels with more power to offset the higher parasiticload these types of vehicles require.735X613 ERV 6-Watt SolarPulse ® ERVWire Length: Panel to bare end: 1.5 feetBare end to box: 12.5 feetBox to Lugs: 3 feet800-580-7554 www.xtremecharge.com 13

PowerPulse ®Applies Patented Pulse Technology• <strong>Inc</strong>reases battery life by up to 5X• Provides greater charge acceptance sobatteries charge faster• Works on all lead-acid batteries includingconventional flooded, sealed maintenance-free,AGM, Gel cell, antimony,hybrid and calcium-plate designs• Safe, reliable and weatherproofPowerPulse ® is not a charger. Charging doesn’teliminate the main cause of premature battery failures– energy-robbing sulfate deposits on batteryplates. During this process, the plates graduallybecome more and more clogged with microscopiclead sulfate deposits. These deposits eventuallylimit the surface area available for energy transferand cut back the battery’s ability to accept, storeand release energy.MAINTAIN: PowerPulse ®PowerPulse generates an intermittent, optimizedhigh frequency pulse that reduces existing sulfatedeposits and keeps them from building up again.The patented pulse technology circuit dramaticallyimproves your battery’s ability to accept and keepa charge and extend your battery’s life.This small, weatherproof product can be used asa supplement to your existing charging system.You don’t need an electrical outlet because PowerPulsedraws a small portion of the current fromthe battery. Accordingly, it should only be used onvehicles or equipment that is regularly used andfrequently charged.PowerPulse is available in four models, each witha five-year limited warranty.735X012 PP-12-L 12-Volt PowerPulse ®735X036 PP-36-L 36-Volt PowerPulse ®735X024 PP-24-L 24-Volt PowerPulse ® 735X048 PP-48-L 48-Volt PowerPulse ®SpecificationsExample PowerPulse ConfigurationsSingle BatteryBatteries in ParallelOne 36 V Power-Pulse for one 36 Vbattery.One 12 V PowerPulse for three 12 V batteries connected in parallel.Batteries in Series/ParallelContact your battery professional or visit our website for more informationabout any other battery configuration not seen here.Batteries in SeriesWeight: 0.5 lbsCircuit Box Dimensions: 4"L x 1.75"W x 1"HWire Length: 3'Five-Year Limited WarrantyOne 36 V PowerPulse for three 12 V batteries connected in series or one 12 V PowerPulse per battery.Note: Installing one PowerPulse per battery when connected in series increases performance by 33-50%.Please contact our technical department at 1-800-580-7554 with any questions.800-580-7554 www.xtremecharge.com 15

Battery Maintenance SolutionsCHARGE • TEST • MAINTAINwww.xtremecharge.com 800-580-7554Part # 998X6007 3/09

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