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medical and biological sciences - Collegium Medicum - Uniwersytet ...

medical and biological sciences - Collegium Medicum - Uniwersytet ...


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Effect of Low Level Laser Therapy <strong>and</strong> High Intensity Laser Therapy on endothelial cell proliferation in vitro... 81was not subjected to irradiation. Energy doses of 5.71J/cm 2 <strong>and</strong> 11.43 J/cm 2 caused not a large increase ofthe cells proliferation. Achieved results were similar<strong>and</strong> amounted in turn to about 104% <strong>and</strong> 107%. So, theincrease of energy intensity by the constant power didnot influence the increase of proliferation – the resultscame out to be worse than it was noticed in the firstexperiment. The change of wavelength from 660 nm to670 nm may also modify the stimulation of epitheliumcells.Table IV. Results of experiment 3Tabela IV. Wyniki eksperymentu 3Parameters20 mWEds [J/cm 2 ] 2.86 5.71 11.43 Controlt [s] 50s 100s 200sTest 1 1.083 1.566 1.661 1.311Test 2 1.257 1.573 1.509 1.624Test 3 1.314 1.596 1.781 1.773Test 4 1.339 1.642 1.589 1.407Medium 1.248 1.594 1.635 1.529Control% 81.64 104.27 106.93p 0.0119 NS NSThere were five trials of irradiation of energy doseswithin the range of 2.86-11.43 J/cm 2. power of 10 mW<strong>and</strong> 20 mW <strong>and</strong> the wavelength of 670 nm introducedin the fourth experiment. The results are shown inTable V.Table V. Results of experiment 4Tabela V. Wyniki eksperymentu 4Parameters 10 mW 20mWEds [J/cm 2 ] 2.86 5.71 11.43 Control 2.86 5.71 11.43t [s] 100s 200s 400s 50s 100s 200sControlTest 1 1.056 1.247 1.331 1.36 0.763 1.453 1.588 0.848Test 2 1.355 1.792 1.711 1.293 1.373 1.86 1.846 1.297Test 3 1.122 1.78 1.763 1.072 1.412 1.84 1.99 1.267Test 4 0.935 1.926 1.86 1.017 1.451 1.827 1.53 1.096Test 5 - 1.668 1.814 - 1.367 1.673 1.671 0.939Medium 1.117 1.6826 1.6958 1.1855 1.2732 1.7306 1.725 1.0894Control % 94.22 141.93 143.05 116.87 158.86 158.34p NS 0.037 0.0039 NS 0.005 0.004The application of energy dose of 2.86 J/cm 2 <strong>and</strong> apower of 10 mW caused the decrease of proliferationwith reference to the control group. However the sameenergy dose but the power of 20 mW caused the increaseof cells proliferation – 117% in comparison tothe control. The results were not as significant as it wasnoticed at the power of 40 mW. Energy doses of 5.71J/cm 2 <strong>and</strong> 11.43 J/cm 2 caused the increase of the cellproliferation by the power of 10 mW as well as 20mW. However, best result was achieved in case of 20mW – 160% of control group. So, the number of cellswithin the culture exposed to radiation increased alongwith the increase of the power of laser irradiation.Another examination (5) was anticipated to be carriedout in a form of double irradiation of the cell culture,using the energy doses within the range of 2-8J/cm 2 with a one-day interval. The results are shown inTable VI.Table VI. Results of experiment 5Tabela VI. Wyniki eskperymentu 5Parameters20 mWEds [J/cm 2 ] 2 4 8 Controlt [s] 35s 70s 140sTest 1Test 2Test 3Test 4Test 5Test 6Medium1.657 1.531 1.912 1.2751.801 1.792 1.926 1.5281.952 1.574 1.771 1.6121.553 1.755 1.671 1.5711.517 1.382 1.547 1.7631.475 1.219 1.097 1.111.659 1.542 1.654 1.477Control %112.37 104.45 112.02p NS NS NSThe results were similar to those from examinationno. 3. i.e. the one with comparable intensity doses ofenergy but single exposure to irradiation. So, the influenceof double irradiation on the increase of the cellsproliferation of HUVEC line was not revealed. Themost significant increase of proliferation (112%) wasobserved at the energy dose of 2 J/cm 2 <strong>and</strong> 8 J/cm 2 .The application of energy dose of 4 J/cm 2 caused theincrease of cell proliferation, which amounted 104% incase of the control group.There were six trials of irradiation of energy doseswithin the range of 2-8 J/cm 2. at the power of 10 mW<strong>and</strong> 20 mW performed in the sixth experiment, howeverthe researches were carried out using frozen cells.The results are shown in Table VII. A significant differencewithin the living cell culture after the terminationof test was observed – the number of cells decreased.Decreased number of cells used in the experimentsto 10 000 – greater distances between cells <strong>and</strong>smaller possibility of interaction – could influence theresults. It was the only test on cells which were previ-

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