medical and biological sciences - Collegium Medicum - Uniwersytet ...

medical and biological sciences - Collegium Medicum - Uniwersytet ...

medical and biological sciences - Collegium Medicum - Uniwersytet ...


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Medical <strong>and</strong> Biological Sciences, 2008, 22/4, 49-53ORIGINAL ARTICLE / PRACA ORYGINALNAJan Styczyński 1 , Anna Jaworska 2QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN EXPRESSION OF LEUKEMIC MARKERSDURING SHORT-TERM PREDNISOLONE THERAPY IN VITROILOŚCIOWA ANALIZA ZMIAN EKSPRESJI ANTYGENÓW BIAŁACZKOWYCHPODCZAS KRÓTKOTRWAŁEJ TERAPII PREDNIZOLONEM IN VITRO1 Chair <strong>and</strong> Clinic of Pediatric Hematology <strong>and</strong> Oncology, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń,<strong>Collegium</strong> <strong>Medicum</strong> in BydgoszczHead: Mariusz Wysocki, MD, PhD, professor of medicine2 Students’ Scientific Society, Nicolaus Copernicus University <strong>Collegium</strong> <strong>Medicum</strong> in BydgoszczSummaryI n t r o d u c t i o n . Response to treatment in childhoodacute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) depends on numerousvariables, including the clinicobiologic features of the disease,chemotherapy regimens <strong>and</strong> interactions, <strong>and</strong> the abilityof individual patients to metabolize antileukemic drugs.The objective of the study. The analysis ofin vitro changes in expression of leukemic markers in leukemic/lymphoidcell lines <strong>and</strong> in children with ALL after shottermincubation with prednisolone.Patients <strong>and</strong> methods. Sixty children withALL <strong>and</strong> four leukemic/lymphoid cell lines were tested forimmunophenotype changes occurring after three-day incubationwith prednisolone. Immunophenotype analysis wasperformed with the use of flow cytometry.R e s u l t s . After 72 hours of incubation with prednisolone,the expression of CD19 decreased in Raji <strong>and</strong> Daudicell lines, while CD10 expression increased in both cell lines.The expression of dominating immunophenotype inT-lineage CCRF-CEM <strong>and</strong> Jurkat cell lines decreased duringthe culture. In patient samples, the expression of specificleukemic markers decreased after 3-day prednisolone therapyin B-lineage samples. In common-ALL, CD10 <strong>and</strong> CD19expression decreased 2-fold (p

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