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Element-element interactions in theblood of white stork (Ciconia ciconia) chicks from pollutedSW Pol<strong>and</strong> environments. In: “The white stork inPol<strong>and</strong>: studies in biology, ecology <strong>and</strong>30. conservation” (Eds.: P.Tryjanowski, T.H. Sparks,L.Jerzak). Bogucki Wyd. Nauk., Poznań, pp. 471-480.31. Bowerman W.W., Stickle J.E., Sikarskie J.G., BetlemC.A., White N.D., Stout J.S., Crawford R.B., Giesy J.P.1994. Hematology <strong>and</strong> blood biochemistries in nestlingBald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). J. Zool. Wildl.Med. 133: 5-19.Address for correspondence:Piotr KamińskiDepartment of Ecology <strong>and</strong> Environmental ProtectionNicolaus Copernicus University<strong>Collegium</strong> <strong>Medicum</strong> in Bydgoszcz,Skłodowska-Curie 9 St.,85-094 BydgoszczPol<strong>and</strong>tel.: + 48 52 585 38 05, fax +48 52 585 38 07e-mail: piotr.kaminski@cm.umk.plReceived: 28.10.2008Accepted for publication: 10.12.2008

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