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34Piotr Kamiński et al.both in Pomeranian (Cecenowo) <strong>and</strong> polluted(Głogów) areas (Figs. 3, 4, Tab. II). The remainingmacroelements Na, K, <strong>and</strong> Ca were in most concentrationin chicks from suburbs <strong>and</strong> polluted regions, whilethe level of microelements Zn, <strong>and</strong> Co - in suburbs <strong>and</strong>7polluted, <strong>and</strong>6Cu, <strong>and</strong> Mn –5in chicks from43polluted <strong>and</strong>2Pomeranian regions(Tab. II).10-1Thus we canobserve theMean± SD high intensity± 1,96*SDEnvironment1 of degree of14environmental12pollution in the108Pomeranian region,which was64studied in this20paper.Cd [mg/kg]Pb [mg/kg]Mg [mg/kg]Fe [mg/kg]-28000700060005000400030002000504540353025201510ControlControlControlControlPomeranian villagePomeranian villageSuburbsSuburbsEnvironmentPomeranian villagePomeranian villageSuburbsEnvironmentSuburbsEnvironmentPolluted areaPolluted areaPolluted areaPolluted areaMean± SD± 1,96*SDMean± SD± 1,96*SDMean± SD± 1,96*SDControl – terenkontrolnyPomeranian village– wieś pomorskaSuburbs – terenypodmiejskiePolluted area – terenzanieczyszczonyEnvironment –środowiskoMean – średniaSD – odchyleniest<strong>and</strong>ardoweFigs. 1-4. Mean <strong>and</strong> SD concentration of Cd, Pb, Mg, <strong>and</strong> Fein blood of White Stork Ciconia ciconia chicks indifferentiated Pol<strong>and</strong> regions.Ryc. 1-4. Średnie arytmetyczne i odchylenia st<strong>and</strong>ardowekoncentracji kadmu, ołowiu, magnezu i żelaza wekrwi piskląt bociana białego Ciconia ciconiaw zróżnicowanych regionach Polski234Table II. Mean <strong>and</strong> SD concentration of elements in blood ofWhite Stork Ciconia ciconia chicks in different Pol<strong>and</strong>regionsTabela II. Średnie arytmetyczne i odchylenia st<strong>and</strong>ardowekoncentracji pierwiastków we krwi piskląt bocianabiałego Ciconia ciconia w zróżnicowanychregionach PolskiControl Pomeranian village Suburbs Polluted areaNa [mg/kg] 147.810 4.4567 150.833 3.1669 143.318 2.2759 143.222 5.0707K [mg/kg] 3.612 0.6754 3.304 0.7087 4.649 0.7798 3.824 0.5958Ca [mg/kg] 112.496 14.2104 122.193 29.5120 126.805 28.2778 115.893 18.2428Mg [mg/kg] 3856.556 493.7636 7060.556 359.0185 4933.048 376.8301 5938.278 367.2127Fe [mg/kg] 25.263 2.1198 29.409 2.3916 31.884 8.0717 34.463 2.1202Zn [mg/kg] 6.872 4.8774 9.626 0.3084 10.151 0.2958 9.664 0.2650Cu [mg/kg] 7.609 3.4453 11.044 1.4891 4.037 1.1779 10.879 4.6693Mn [mg/kg] 38.189 9.1337 42.187 6.6311 37.782 7.6669 47.611 4.8838Co [mg/kg] 2.413 1.6977 1.752 0.8950 2.713 1.1492 5.584 1.8477Cd [mg/kg] 1.452 0.6195 2.691 1.6818 2.168 1.0076 2.197 1.1607Pb [mg/kg] 0.844 0.6546 1.147 0.8274 1.731 1.0750 7.167 2.4899Significantly higher Fe level in the blood of youngstorks from polluted areas as compared with thosefrom controls was likely to be related to lower concentrationof toxic heavy metals in chicks from the control.It was also higher in chicks from unpolluted areas,which may be indicative of their better development.The results of present studies show that concentrationof hardly toxic heavy metals gradually increasedover nestling development, <strong>and</strong> in polluted areas wereabout twice as high as in a control. This was probablydue to a higher contamination of soils in polluted regions.It is evidence for importance of anthropogenic activityin the environment in the past, which influencedthe course of biogeochemical processes <strong>and</strong> causedbioaccumulation of toxic heavy metals locally. Thiscase took place in Pomeranian village Cecenowo,which we investigated. We can concluded that use ofhematological researches assess the health <strong>and</strong> conditionof birds is questionable, <strong>and</strong> given the positiveassociation with miscellaneous environmental loads.DISCUSSIONChanges of chemical elements concentration in nestlingsdepends not only on their concentration in theenvironment <strong>and</strong> development strategy, but also onmutual interactions between elements. Moreover, softtissues, bones <strong>and</strong> feathers are the organs which arehelpful for permanent regulation of chemical elementshomeostasis in chicks starting from hatching.

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