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26Anna Budzyńska et al.Gram-dodatnie). Najczęściej izolowanym drobnoustrojembyła Klebsiella oxytoca. Wśród bakterii Gram-dodatnichdominowały gronkowce. Żaden ze szczepów Gramujemnychpałeczek nie wytwarzał beta-laktamaz o poszerzonymspektrum substratowym (ESβLs). Wśród pałeczekniefermentujących stwierdzono 2 szczepy oporne na imipenem.U prawie 90% szczepów gronkowców koagulazoujemnychwykryto oporność na beta-laktamazy (meticylinooporność).Wnioski. Pomimo że w badaniach wykazano niewielkiodsetek (4,6%) zakażeń odcewnikowych, cewnikitypu Broviac mogą stanowić poważne ryzyko bakteriemiiwśród dzieci z chorobami nowotworowymi. Prawidłowadiagnostyka mikrobiologiczna zakażeń odcewnikowychpowinna opierać się na analizie krwi pobranej równocześniez żyły i Broviaca.Key words: bacteriemia, catheter-related infection, BroviacSłowa kluczowe: bakteriemia, zakażenia odcewnikowe, BroviacINTRODUCTIONPatients with neoplastic diseases frequently requireplacement of a permanent external venous catheter orimplantation of a subcutaneous venous port (totallyimplanted device, TID) [1]. Introduction of treatmentmethods based on central venous catheters has manyadvantages, one of them being the diminished risk ofchemotherapy-related skin inflammation <strong>and</strong> reducedneed for venipuncture [2]. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, permanentcentral catheters have many disadvantages relatedto technical complications during their placement(catheter rupture; malfunction due to thrombosis at thetip or within the lumen; catheter migration), skin infectionat placement site, deep venous thrombosis orbloodstream infections (catheter-related bloodstreaminfections, CRBSI) [3, 4, 5, 6]. The development ofcatheter-related infection in pediatric patients withneoplastic diseases carries a high risk, primarily due toimpaired immune response [2].The aim of this study was an attempt to assess theincidence of catheter-related infections among thechildren treated in the Clinic of Pediatric Hematology<strong>and</strong> Oncology of the dr A. Jurasz University Hospitalin Bydgoszcz, Pol<strong>and</strong> as well as to perform an analysisof the microorganisms isolated from blood culturesharvested simultaneously from the Broviac catheter<strong>and</strong> a peripheral vein.MATERIAL AND METHODSThe study included 2941 blood samples obtainedfrom peripheral veins <strong>and</strong> Broviac catheters from 519patients of the Clinic of Pediatric Hematology <strong>and</strong>Oncology of the dr A. Jurasz University Hospital inBydgoszcz, in the period of one <strong>and</strong> a half years. All ofthe samples were harvested according to recommendedprotocols <strong>and</strong> referred to the Dept. of Microbiology.The blood cultures were analyzed with the use ofthe BacT/Alert (bioMerieux) <strong>and</strong> Bactec (Becton Dickinson)automated systems. The samples indicated aspositive by the system were cultured on a set of media:Columbia Agar Base with 5% sheep blood, chocolateagar, Pyocyanosel agar, Sabouraud Agar (bioMerieux),MacConkey agar (Becton Dickinson). The Petri disheswere incubated at 37 o C for 24-48 hours in an oxygenatmosphere <strong>and</strong> in an atmosphere of 5% CO 2 (chocolateagar cultures). Colony morphology <strong>and</strong> the productionof bound <strong>and</strong> free coagulase were taken intoconsideration in identification of staphylococci. Speciesdetermination was based on biochemical features,with the use of the following assays: API 20 STREP,ID 32 STAPH, ID 32 E, ID 32 GN, API CORYNE(bioMerieux) which were read by using an ATB Expressioninstrument <strong>and</strong> ATB Expression software(version 2.8.8, bioMerieux).Antibiotic susceptibility was determined by theKirby-Bauer disk diffusion method, according to therecommendations of the CLSI (Clinical <strong>and</strong> LaboratorySt<strong>and</strong>ards Institute) [7] <strong>and</strong> the National ReferenceCenter for Antimicrobial Susceptibility [8].A McFarl<strong>and</strong> 0.5 inoculum strength was used on Mueller-HintonII Agar (Becton Dickinson). The antibiogramdishes were incubated for 18-20 hours at35 o C. Methicillin resistance of staphylococci was assessedwith the use of 1µg/ml oxacillin disks(bioMerieux). In order to detect extended-spectrumβ-lactamases, the two disk test was performed accordingto CLSI [7] <strong>and</strong> the National Reference Center forAntimicrobial Susceptibility [8] st<strong>and</strong>ards. The resultswere read after 18-20 hours of incubation at 35 o C. Thegrowth inhibition zones around the disks were interpretedaccording to the current CLSI tables [7].

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