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14Dorota Gregorowicz-Warpascalled contacts in case of syphilis <strong>and</strong> gonorrhea;relative increase of women number, where syphilisduring pregnancy or childbirth was recognized;childbirths with innate syphilis [15]. Inadequaterecognition of latent syphilis is a result of restrictionsin performing screening towards syphilis in pregnantwomen <strong>and</strong> blood donors. An obligation of women tobe examined twice during pregnancy is not fullyrealized. At present syphilis is affirmed in the samenumber of pregnant women as when the number ofchildbirths was 4 times higher. It is worth mentioningthat the decrease of registered (but not actual)incidences of sexually transmitted diseases takes placedue to an oversight of doctors of different specialtiesalthough reporting incidences is a statutory duty [15].The testing for syphilis is recommended forpregnant women. In the field of pre-delivery care fornormal pregnancy, Polish Gynecological SocietyManagement recommended in 2005 examination ofVDRL (flocculation reagin with cardiolipin antigen) asas a m<strong>and</strong>atory. It is recommended to perform VBRLexamination during the first visit between 7th <strong>and</strong> 8thweek of pregnancy up to 10th week of pregnancy. Ina group of women with increased population orindividual risk of infection another examinationsshould be performed between 33rd <strong>and</strong> 37th week ofpregnancy. The course of innate syphilis may varydepending on its escalation. Innate syphilis may causefetal atrophy or premature birth of ill <strong>and</strong> unable to livechild, or an infant is seemingly healthy <strong>and</strong> onlypositive serological reaction confirms that infectiontook place in mother’s womb. In that case the changesmay occur after many years or not occur at all [14].A program of hospital accreditation worked out bythe Health Protection Quality Monitoring Centerassumes fulfillment of determined st<strong>and</strong>ardsinfluencing the quality of healthcare given to patients.In order to complete the st<strong>and</strong>ards of hospital infectioncontrol for psychiatric healthcare there is a need towork out effective mechanisms allowing earlydetection of spreading sexually transmitted diseases.The second st<strong>and</strong>ard concerns realization ofa program which promotes body <strong>and</strong> mouth cavityhygiene [16].Center of Diagnosis <strong>and</strong> Treatment of SexuallyTransmitted Diseases in Warsaw in a letter to thehospital recommends to perform screening tests forsyphilis especially in patients hospitalized inobstetrical, gynecological, psychiatric <strong>and</strong> neurologicalwards.TESTING FOR STREPTOCOCCUS AGALACTIAEI STREPTOCOCCUS PYOGENESAt the beginning of the seventies of the 20thcentury invasive infections caused by Streptococcusagalactiae turned out to be a leading factor causingmortality of neonates <strong>and</strong> infants in the USA. Thatalarming information in the eighties led to a series ofclinic examinations utilizing chemoprophylaxis inorder to diminish or eliminate incidence rate. Theexaminations proved that intradeliverychemoprophylaxis application in pregnant carriers ofStreptococcus agalactiae essencially protectednewborn infants against incidence [17, 18].In 1996 the Center for Disease Control <strong>and</strong>Prevention in cooperation with the American Collegeof Obstetricians <strong>and</strong> Gynecologists <strong>and</strong> the AmericanAcademy of Pediatrics worked out a prophylacticrecommendation for women during pregnancy, servingto prevent infections from Streptococcus agalactiae inneonates <strong>and</strong> infants [17, 18,19].The pattern recommends to applicate one of the twoprevention methods: the first – applying antibiotictherapy based on the risk evaluation (risk-basedstrategy) <strong>and</strong> the second – utilizing micro<strong>biological</strong>screening (screening strategy). The doctors using thefirst method qualify a woman to intradeliverychemoprofylaxis when one of the following risk factorsis affirmed: childbirth before 37th week of pregnancy,body temperature during delivery ≥38°C or when timewhich elapsed from fetal membrane fracture exceeded18 hours. In case of the second method it isrecommended to perform micro<strong>biological</strong>examinations: inoculation from vagina <strong>and</strong> smear testfrom anus in all pregnant women between 35th <strong>and</strong>37th week of pregnancy. Positive infection test resultdetermines serving antibiotics during delivery [17, 18,19].The conditions in urinary <strong>and</strong> sexual tractsappearing during pregnancy, the vicinity of anus,chronic inflammation processes, the vicinity ofdelivery channel are the factors which predestine toinfections coming from vagina microflore. A seriousproblem are infections of neonates, which are closelyconnected with the bacteria colonizing mother’sdelivery channel . Bacteremia usually appears duringthe first week of life but meningitis in the course of 2-3weeks. Inflammation caused by microflore may bea result of the fetal bladder’s injury <strong>and</strong> also may

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