QOF Plus Year 1 - Imperial College London

QOF Plus Year 1 - Imperial College London QOF Plus Year 1 - Imperial College London

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ReferencesAniansson, G., Alm, B., Andersson, B., Hakansson, A., Larsson, P., Nylen, O., Peterson, H., Rigner, P.,Svanborg, M., Sabharwal, H (1994) A prospective cohort study on breast-feeding and otitis media inSwedish infants Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal; 13 (3) 183-188.Bick, D., MacArthur, C., Knowles, H., Winter, H. (2002), Postnatal Care. Evidence and Guidelines forManagement. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.Bolling K, Grant C, Hamlyn B, Thornton A. (2007) Infant Feeding Survey 2005. The Information Centre.Burr, M. L., Miskelly, F. G., Butland, B. K., Merrett, T. G., & Vaughan-Williams, E. (1989) Environmentalfactors and symptoms in infants at high risk of allergy Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health43 (2) 125-132.Demott K, Bick D, Norman R, Ritchie G, Turnbull N, Adams C, Barry C, Byrom S, Elliman D, Marchant S,Mccandlish R, Mellows H, Neale C, Parkar M, Tait P, Taylor C, (2006) Clinical Guidelines And EvidenceReview For Post Natal Care: Routine Post Natal Care Of Recently Delivered Women And Their BabiesLondon: National Collaborating Centre For Primary Care And Royal College Of General Practitioners.Department of Health. (1996), Breastfeeding: good practice guidance to the NHS Department ofHealth.Department of Health (2004), National Service Framework for Children, Young People and MaternityServices: Core Standards. London: Department of Health.Department of Health (2004) Choosing Health: Making healthy choices easier. The Stationary Office.LondonDyson L, Renfrew M, McFadden A, et al. (2006) Promotion of breastfeeding initiation and duration:Evidence into practice briefing. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.Dyson L, McCormick F, Renfrew MJ (2007). Interventions for promoting the initiation of breastfeeding.(Cochrane Review). In: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 2, Chichester: WileyInterscience.Hamlyn, B., Brooker, S, Oleinikova, K. (2002) Infant Feeding 2000: a survey conducted on behalf of theDepartment of Health, the Scottish Executive, the National Assembly for Wales and the Department ofHealth Social Services and Public Health in Northern Ireland. London: Stationary Office.HM Treasury (2007) PSA Delivery Agreement 12: Improve the health and wellbeing of children andyoung people. The Stationary Office: LondonHowie, P. W., Forsyth, J. S., Ogston, S. A., Clark, A., & Florey, C. D.(1990) Protective effect of breastfeeding against infection British Medical Journal; 300(6716) 11-16.NICE Clinical Guideline (2008) Antenatal Care. National Institute for Health and Clinical ExcellenceNICE public health guidance 11 (2008) Improving the nutrition of pregnant and breastfeeding mothersand children in low-income households. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.Oddy, W. H., Holt, P. G., Sly, P. D., Read, A. W., Landau, L. I., Stanley, F. J., Kendall, G. E., & Burton, P. R.(1999) Association between breast feeding and asthma in 6 year old children: findings of aprospective birth cohort study British Medical Journal; 319(7213) 815-819.Pisacane, A., Graziano, L., Mazzarella, G., Scarpellino, B., & Zona, G. (1992) Breast-feeding and urinarytract infection Journal of Pediatrics; 120 (1). 87-89.UNICEF UK. UNICEF UK baby friendly initiative: seven point plan. 2004 [Accessed 30.7.08]; Availablefrom URL:www.babyfriendly.org.uk/commun.aspWilson, A. C., Forsyth, J. S., Greene, S. A., Irvine, L., Hau, C., & Howie, P. W. (1998) Relation of infantdiet to childhood health: seven year follow up of cohort of children in Dundee infant feeding studyBritish Medical Journal 316 (7124) 21-25.World Health Organisation (2003) Global strategy for infant and young child feeding. Geneva: WorldHealth Organisation.Zeuner, D (2008) Annual Report of the Director of Public Health 2007-2008 Hammersmith and FulhamPCT50

QOF+ report on ethnicityProposed IndicatorsIndicatorQOF+pointsPaymentstages+ ETHNICITY 1. The percentage of patients on one or morepractice registers for: CVD At-Risk, Hypertension, CHD,Diabetes, Mental Health and Stroke and TIA whose notesrecord their ethnicity and first language+ ETHNICITY 2. The percentage of patients who have newlyregistered with the practice on or after December 01 2008whose notes record their ethnicity and first language30 60-90%20 90-100%It is recognised that this indicator set partly overlaps with the existing RECORDS 21 QOF Indicatorand also partly overlaps with the recently announced Directed Enhanced Service (DES) forEthnicity for 2009/10 (which provides incentives for collection of data on ethnicity and religion).BackgroundIt is now recognised that health-seeking behaviour, use of health services, and differential accessto health services among different ethnic groups in the UK may explain patterns of ill-health(Hargreaves, 2007).The cultural appropriateness of health-care provision in the UK has been questioned, and there isevidence of inequity in access to services, both at the referral level from GPs and in the quality ofcare offered, which may differ both within individual ethnic groups and between ethnic groupsand the White population (Arai et al., 2002).Through the use of good and robust ethnic group data on patients and service users, the NHS andcouncils will be in a better position to address health inequalities, difficulties in access anddiscrimination experienced by some black and minority ethnic individuals and communities. As aresult, the NHS will be better placed to contribute to national targets and meet local corestandards (DoH, 2007b).51

ReferencesAniansson, G., Alm, B., Andersson, B., Hakansson, A., Larsson, P., Nylen, O., Peterson, H., Rigner, P.,Svanborg, M., Sabharwal, H (1994) A prospective cohort study on breast-feeding and otitis media inSwedish infants Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal; 13 (3) 183-188.Bick, D., MacArthur, C., Knowles, H., Winter, H. (2002), Postnatal Care. Evidence and Guidelines forManagement. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.Bolling K, Grant C, Hamlyn B, Thornton A. (2007) Infant Feeding Survey 2005. The Information Centre.Burr, M. L., Miskelly, F. G., Butland, B. K., Merrett, T. G., & Vaughan-Williams, E. (1989) Environmentalfactors and symptoms in infants at high risk of allergy Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health43 (2) 125-132.Demott K, Bick D, Norman R, Ritchie G, Turnbull N, Adams C, Barry C, Byrom S, Elliman D, Marchant S,Mccandlish R, Mellows H, Neale C, Parkar M, Tait P, Taylor C, (2006) Clinical Guidelines And EvidenceReview For Post Natal Care: Routine Post Natal Care Of Recently Delivered Women And Their Babies<strong>London</strong>: National Collaborating Centre For Primary Care And Royal <strong>College</strong> Of General Practitioners.Department of Health. (1996), Breastfeeding: good practice guidance to the NHS Department ofHealth.Department of Health (2004), National Service Framework for Children, Young People and MaternityServices: Core Standards. <strong>London</strong>: Department of Health.Department of Health (2004) Choosing Health: Making healthy choices easier. The Stationary Office.<strong>London</strong>Dyson L, Renfrew M, McFadden A, et al. (2006) Promotion of breastfeeding initiation and duration:Evidence into practice briefing. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.Dyson L, McCormick F, Renfrew MJ (2007). Interventions for promoting the initiation of breastfeeding.(Cochrane Review). In: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 2, Chichester: WileyInterscience.Hamlyn, B., Brooker, S, Oleinikova, K. (2002) Infant Feeding 2000: a survey conducted on behalf of theDepartment of Health, the Scottish Executive, the National Assembly for Wales and the Department ofHealth Social Services and Public Health in Northern Ireland. <strong>London</strong>: Stationary Office.HM Treasury (2007) PSA Delivery Agreement 12: Improve the health and wellbeing of children andyoung people. The Stationary Office: <strong>London</strong>Howie, P. W., Forsyth, J. S., Ogston, S. A., Clark, A., & Florey, C. D.(1990) Protective effect of breastfeeding against infection British Medical Journal; 300(6716) 11-16.NICE Clinical Guideline (2008) Antenatal Care. National Institute for Health and Clinical ExcellenceNICE public health guidance 11 (2008) Improving the nutrition of pregnant and breastfeeding mothersand children in low-income households. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.Oddy, W. H., Holt, P. G., Sly, P. D., Read, A. W., Landau, L. I., Stanley, F. J., Kendall, G. E., & Burton, P. R.(1999) Association between breast feeding and asthma in 6 year old children: findings of aprospective birth cohort study British Medical Journal; 319(7213) 815-819.Pisacane, A., Graziano, L., Mazzarella, G., Scarpellino, B., & Zona, G. (1992) Breast-feeding and urinarytract infection Journal of Pediatrics; 120 (1). 87-89.UNICEF UK. UNICEF UK baby friendly initiative: seven point plan. 2004 [Accessed 30.7.08]; Availablefrom URL:www.babyfriendly.org.uk/commun.aspWilson, A. C., Forsyth, J. S., Greene, S. A., Irvine, L., Hau, C., & Howie, P. W. (1998) Relation of infantdiet to childhood health: seven year follow up of cohort of children in Dundee infant feeding studyBritish Medical Journal 316 (7124) 21-25.World Health Organisation (2003) Global strategy for infant and young child feeding. Geneva: WorldHealth Organisation.Zeuner, D (2008) Annual Report of the Director of Public Health 2007-2008 Hammersmith and FulhamPCT50

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