QOF Plus Year 1 - Imperial College London

QOF Plus Year 1 - Imperial College London QOF Plus Year 1 - Imperial College London

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Health impactThere are significant health gains to both foetus and mother associated with cessation of smokingin pregnancy. Walsh et al. (1996) estimated that that if all pregnant women stopped smoking, a10% reduction in infant and foetal deaths would be seen.Workload and training implicationsCollecting the data required for the indicators proposed should be a routine part of communityantenatal care. A survey by Bishop et al. (1998) found that time constraints meant thatprofessionals felt they did not have sufficient time to consider smoking cessation, and reportedthat health professionals felt under-resourced in terms of finances and numbers of staff. Trainingfor primary care staff in offering brief interventional advice would support delivery of theseindicators. For details of the proposed training package see section 14.3.3 (p93).42

ReferencesBritish Medical Association (2004) Smoking and reproductive life: the impact of smoking on sexual,reproductive and child health. London: British Medical Association.Cnattingius S, Lindmark G, Meirik O (1992). Who continues to smoke while pregnant? Journal ofEpidemiology and Community Health 46: 218-21.Department of Health. (2002) Improvement, expansion and reform: the next three years. Prioritiesand planning framework 2003 to 2006. The Stationary Office: London.Department of Health. (1998) Smoking kills: a white paper on tobacco. The Stationary Office: London.DiFranza JR, Lew RA (1995). Effect of maternal cigarette smoking on pregnancy complications andsudden infant death syndrome. Journal of Family Practice 40: 385-94.Mas R, Escriba V, Colomer C (1996). Who quits smoking during pregnancy? Scandinavian Journal ofSocial Medicine 24: 102-106Haslam C, Draper ES, Goyder E (1997) The pregnant smoker: a preliminary investigation of the socialand psychological influences. Journal of Public Health Medicine 1997; 19: 187-92.Haug K, Fugelli P, Aaro LE, Foss OP (1994). Is smoking intervention in general practice more successfulamong pregnant than non-pregnant women? Family Practice 11: 111-16.Hughes JR, Epstein LH, Andrasik F, Neff DF, Thompson DS (1982). Smoking and carbon monoxidelevels during pregnancy. Addictive Behaviour 7: 271-76.Innes KE, Byers TE (2001). Smoking during pregnancy and breast cancer risk in very young women(United States). Cancer Causes Control 12: 179-85.Law M, Tang JL (1995). An analysis of the effectiveness of interventions intended to help people stopsmoking. Archives of Internal Medicine 155:1933–41.Lumley J, Oliver S, Waters E (2001). Interventions for promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy.Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2). 2001.NICE Clinical Guideline (2008) Antenatal Care. National Institute for Health and Clinical ExcellenceOwen L, McNeill A, Callum C (1998). Trends in smoking during pregnancy in England, 1992-97: quotasampling surveys British Medical Journal 317: 728.Senore C, Battista RN, Shapiro SH, Segnan N, Ponti A, Rosso S, et al. (1998). Predictors of smokingcessation following physicians' counselling. Preventative Medicine 27: 412-21Silagy C (2000). Physician advice for smoking cessation. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2:CD000165.West R (2002) Smoking cessation in pregnancy. Foetal and Maternal Medicine Review 13:3 181-194Zeuner, D (2008) Annual Report of the Director of Public Health 2007-2008 Hammersmith and FulhamPCT43

ReferencesBritish Medical Association (2004) Smoking and reproductive life: the impact of smoking on sexual,reproductive and child health. <strong>London</strong>: British Medical Association.Cnattingius S, Lindmark G, Meirik O (1992). Who continues to smoke while pregnant? Journal ofEpidemiology and Community Health 46: 218-21.Department of Health. (2002) Improvement, expansion and reform: the next three years. Prioritiesand planning framework 2003 to 2006. The Stationary Office: <strong>London</strong>.Department of Health. (1998) Smoking kills: a white paper on tobacco. The Stationary Office: <strong>London</strong>.DiFranza JR, Lew RA (1995). Effect of maternal cigarette smoking on pregnancy complications andsudden infant death syndrome. Journal of Family Practice 40: 385-94.Mas R, Escriba V, Colomer C (1996). Who quits smoking during pregnancy? Scandinavian Journal ofSocial Medicine 24: 102-106Haslam C, Draper ES, Goyder E (1997) The pregnant smoker: a preliminary investigation of the socialand psychological influences. Journal of Public Health Medicine 1997; 19: 187-92.Haug K, Fugelli P, Aaro LE, Foss OP (1994). Is smoking intervention in general practice more successfulamong pregnant than non-pregnant women? Family Practice 11: 111-16.Hughes JR, Epstein LH, Andrasik F, Neff DF, Thompson DS (1982). Smoking and carbon monoxidelevels during pregnancy. Addictive Behaviour 7: 271-76.Innes KE, Byers TE (2001). Smoking during pregnancy and breast cancer risk in very young women(United States). Cancer Causes Control 12: 179-85.Law M, Tang JL (1995). An analysis of the effectiveness of interventions intended to help people stopsmoking. Archives of Internal Medicine 155:1933–41.Lumley J, Oliver S, Waters E (2001). Interventions for promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy.Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2). 2001.NICE Clinical Guideline (2008) Antenatal Care. National Institute for Health and Clinical ExcellenceOwen L, McNeill A, Callum C (1998). Trends in smoking during pregnancy in England, 1992-97: quotasampling surveys British Medical Journal 317: 728.Senore C, Battista RN, Shapiro SH, Segnan N, Ponti A, Rosso S, et al. (1998). Predictors of smokingcessation following physicians' counselling. Preventative Medicine 27: 412-21Silagy C (2000). Physician advice for smoking cessation. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2:CD000165.West R (2002) Smoking cessation in pregnancy. Foetal and Maternal Medicine Review 13:3 181-194Zeuner, D (2008) Annual Report of the Director of Public Health 2007-2008 Hammersmith and FulhamPCT43

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