QOF Plus Year 1 - Imperial College London

QOF Plus Year 1 - Imperial College London

QOF Plus Year 1 - Imperial College London


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Patient experience Chapter 12 (p77)Indicator+ PATIENT EXPERIENCE 1. The practice takes part in a PCT-led local versionof the Picker Institute patient satisfaction survey+ PATIENT EXPERIENCE 2. The practice takes part in a PCT-led feedbacksession based on the results of the local version of the Picker Institutepatient satisfaction survey and agrees an action plan including explicit andappropriate targets that can be used in the following 2 years to assess theextent to which the action plan is implemented+ PATIENT EXPERIENCE 3. The practice shares with patients the results andaction plan from the local version of the Picker Institute patient satisfactionsurvey. This should be through information leaflets and poster(s) in thepractice’s waiting and reception area, and through the Practice’s PatientParticipation Group where this exists+ PATIENT EXPERIENCE 4. The practice can show satisfactory objectiveevidence of implementing and achieving the action plan agreed with thePCT following the PCT-led feedback session based on the results of the localversion of the Picker Institute patient satisfaction survey. Deviations fromthe action plan must be described and explained+ PATIENT EXPERIENCE 5. The practice has a register of patients who needsigning and interpreting support for appointments, including a record offirst language spoken+ PATIENT EXPERIENCE 6. The practice offers double length appointmentsto patients identified as needing interpreting and signing support and to allpatients on the learning disabilities register+ PATIENT EXPERIENCE 7. 100% of carers who are newly registered with thePractice on or after December 01 2008 have a record of being advised bythe Practice that they can ask Social Services for an assessment of their ownneeds+ PATIENT EXPERIENCE 8. The practice has a system in place for taking thespecial needs of carers into account, including when allocatingappointments and issuing prescriptions+ PATIENT EXPERIENCE 9. A named carer is recorded for at least 90% ofpatients on the learning disability register+ PATIENT EXPERIENCE 10. The practice scores better than the nationalaverage on the local Picker survey response to the statement “I waitedmore than 2 working days for a GP appointment”+ PATIENT EXPERIENCE 11. The practice scores better than the nationalaverage on the local Picker survey response to the question “Have you hada problem getting through to your GP practice/health centre on thephone?”<strong>QOF</strong>+points35103057555202016

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