QOF Plus Year 1 - Imperial College London

QOF Plus Year 1 - Imperial College London QOF Plus Year 1 - Imperial College London

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Doran T, Fullwood C, Kontopantelis E, Reeves D (2008). Effect of financial incentives on inequalities inthe delivery of primary clinical care in England: analysis of clinical activity indicators for the quality andoutcomes framework. Lancet 372:728-36Fleetcroft, R and Cookson, R (2006) Do the incentive payments in the new NHS contract for primarycare reflect likely population health gains? Journal of Health Care Research and Policy 11:27–31.Fleetcroft R, Steel N, Cookson R, Howe A (2008) “Mind the gap!" Evaluation of the performance gapattributable to exception reporting and target thresholds in the new GMS contract: National databaseanalysis. BMC Health Services Research 8: 131Gray J, Millett C, Saxena S, Netuveli G, Khunti K, Majeed A (2007) Ethnicity and Quality of DiabetesCare in a Health System with Universal Coverage: Population-Based Cross-sectional Survey in PrimaryCare. Journal of General Internal Medicine 22:1317-20.Hippisley-Cox J, O'Hanlon S, Coupland C (2004). Association of deprivation, ethnicity, and sex withquality indicators for diabetes: population based survey of 53 000 patients in primary care. BritishMedical Journal 329:1267-9.Institute of Medicine (2001). Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century.Washington, DC: National Academy PressLeech P (2008) QOF; Key benefits and challenges in long term conditions management.[Online, Accessed August 10 2008] Available at:www.pcc.nhs.uk/events/uploads/dr_philip_leech_17th_october.pptLester H (2008) The UK Quality and outcomes framework. British Medical Journal 337:a2095Mant D (2008) The problem with usual care. British Journal of General Practice 58:755-6Majeed FA, Voss S (1995). Performance indicators for general practice. British Medical Journal311:209-10Majeed FA, Lester H, Bindman AB (2007) Measuring Quality through Performance: Improving thequality of care with performance indicators. British Medical Journal 335: 916-8Maxwell R (1983) Seeking quality. Lancet 8314-5:45–8Medical Professionalism Project: ABIM Foundation (2002): Medical Professionalism in the NewMillennium: A Physician Charter. Annals of Internal Medicine 136:243-46Middleton E, Baker J (2003) Comparison of social distribution of immunisation with measles, mumps,and rubella vaccine, England, 1991-2001. British Medical Journal 326:854National Audit Office (2008) NHS Pay Modernisation: New Contracts for General Practice Services inEngland. The Stationary Office. LondonRoland M (2004). Linking physician pay to quality of care—a major experiment in the United Kingdom.New England Journal of Medicine 351:1448-54Rose G, Day S (1990). The population mean predicts the number of deviant individuals. British MedicalJournal 301:1031–34.Short K (2007) QOF vs NICE. British Journal of General Practice 57:748Starfield B (2001). New paradigms for quality in primary care. British Journal of General Practice51:303-9.Victora CG, Vaughan JP, Barros FC, Silva AC, Tomasi E (2000). Explaining trends in inequities: evidencefrom Brazilian child health studies. Lancet 356:1093-88

Summary of indicatorsHigher thresholds for existing Clinical QOF indicatorsPractices will receive a fixed number of QOF+ points for reaching or exceeding a revised upperthreshold for the indicators detailed below. Point awards will be in addition to those allocatedunder QOF and based on attainment at close of business on March 31 2010.QOFQOF+IndicatorUpperThresholdThreshold& (Tolerance) †PointsASTHMA 6. The percentage of patients withasthma who have had an asthma review in theprevious 15mthsBP 5. The percentage of patients withhypertension in whom the last blood pressure(measured in the previous 9 months) is ≤150/90CHD 6. The percentage of patients withcoronary heart disease in whom the last bloodpressure reading (measured in the previous 15months) is ≤150/90CHD 8. The percentage of patients withcoronary heart disease whose last measuredtotal cholesterol (measured in the previous 15months) is ≤5mmol/lCHD 10. The percentage of patients withcoronary heart disease who are currentlytreated with a beta blocker (unless acontraindication or side-effects are recorded)CS 1. The percentage of patients aged from 25to 64 whose notes record that a cervical smearhas been performed in the last five yearsDM 12. The percentage of patients withdiabetes in whom the last blood pressure is≤145/8570% 95% (3%) 1070% 90% (2%) 2970% 98% (1%) 670% 87% (2%) 760% 87% (1%) 1480% 88% (7%) 3560% 86% (1%) 5Continues overleaf9

Doran T, Fullwood C, Kontopantelis E, Reeves D (2008). Effect of financial incentives on inequalities inthe delivery of primary clinical care in England: analysis of clinical activity indicators for the quality andoutcomes framework. Lancet 372:728-36Fleetcroft, R and Cookson, R (2006) Do the incentive payments in the new NHS contract for primarycare reflect likely population health gains? Journal of Health Care Research and Policy 11:27–31.Fleetcroft R, Steel N, Cookson R, Howe A (2008) “Mind the gap!" Evaluation of the performance gapattributable to exception reporting and target thresholds in the new GMS contract: National databaseanalysis. BMC Health Services Research 8: 131Gray J, Millett C, Saxena S, Netuveli G, Khunti K, Majeed A (2007) Ethnicity and Quality of DiabetesCare in a Health System with Universal Coverage: Population-Based Cross-sectional Survey in PrimaryCare. Journal of General Internal Medicine 22:1317-20.Hippisley-Cox J, O'Hanlon S, Coupland C (2004). Association of deprivation, ethnicity, and sex withquality indicators for diabetes: population based survey of 53 000 patients in primary care. BritishMedical Journal 329:1267-9.Institute of Medicine (2001). Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century.Washington, DC: National Academy PressLeech P (2008) <strong>QOF</strong>; Key benefits and challenges in long term conditions management.[Online, Accessed August 10 2008] Available at:www.pcc.nhs.uk/events/uploads/dr_philip_leech_17th_october.pptLester H (2008) The UK Quality and outcomes framework. British Medical Journal 337:a2095Mant D (2008) The problem with usual care. British Journal of General Practice 58:755-6Majeed FA, Voss S (1995). Performance indicators for general practice. British Medical Journal311:209-10Majeed FA, Lester H, Bindman AB (2007) Measuring Quality through Performance: Improving thequality of care with performance indicators. British Medical Journal 335: 916-8Maxwell R (1983) Seeking quality. Lancet 8314-5:45–8Medical Professionalism Project: ABIM Foundation (2002): Medical Professionalism in the NewMillennium: A Physician Charter. Annals of Internal Medicine 136:243-46Middleton E, Baker J (2003) Comparison of social distribution of immunisation with measles, mumps,and rubella vaccine, England, 1991-2001. British Medical Journal 326:854National Audit Office (2008) NHS Pay Modernisation: New Contracts for General Practice Services inEngland. The Stationary Office. <strong>London</strong>Roland M (2004). Linking physician pay to quality of care—a major experiment in the United Kingdom.New England Journal of Medicine 351:1448-54Rose G, Day S (1990). The population mean predicts the number of deviant individuals. British MedicalJournal 301:1031–34.Short K (2007) <strong>QOF</strong> vs NICE. British Journal of General Practice 57:748Starfield B (2001). New paradigms for quality in primary care. British Journal of General Practice51:303-9.Victora CG, Vaughan JP, Barros FC, Silva AC, Tomasi E (2000). Explaining trends in inequities: evidencefrom Brazilian child health studies. Lancet 356:1093-88

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