QOF Plus Year 1 - Imperial College London

QOF Plus Year 1 - Imperial College London QOF Plus Year 1 - Imperial College London

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Patient experienceLearning disabilities awareness training, carers awareness training, cultural awareness trainingand training in communication skills and customer care skills will further support delivery of theseindicators.Proposed training resource(s)Training in communication skillsIt is proposed that primary care practitioners have access to training in enhancedcommunication skills. This may include training in motivational interviewing skills and inapproaches such as neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and the cognitive behaviouralmodel (an approach based on cognitive behaviour therapy and adapted for use inprimary care.)Information on self-directed online training resources1 Training in Cultural Awareness - see section on Ethnicity and First Language Section 14.3.5, p93.2 The self assessment toolkit ‘Good Practice Guide: to Highlight the Needs ofCarers’ enables practices to assess themselves against criteria for the servicesthey provide for patients and their carers.http://www.carers.org/data/files/a-good-practice-guide-to-highlight-the-needsof-carers-2865.pdf3 The NHS Core Learning Unit provides a curriculum of online work-based trainingcourses. The courses address a range of topics including The courses aretransferable, accredited, nationally endorsed, as well as being mapped to theKnowledge and Skills Framework (KSF), NHS Litigation Authority (NHSLA),Healthcare Commission (HCC) and sector skills competencies. E-learning andwork-based training modules for Equality and Diversity, Disability Awareness andCustomer Care are freely available to those working in the NHS. Automaticallygenerated certificates of completion are awarded for each completed module.The courses can be accessed through the website of the NHS Core Learning Unit.Relevant modules include Equality and Diversity, Disability Awareness andCustomer Care.http://www.corelearningunit.com98

Patient safetyTraining relating to patient safety generally (including reporting mechanisms and SignificantEvent Analysis) and for protection of children and vulnerable adults will be an integral aspect ofdelivery of these indicators.Proposed training resource(s)Provision of relevant guidelines1 The guidance “Significant Event Audit: Guidance for Primary Care Teams”provides a tool for practices to help conduct an effective Significant Event Audit(SEA).http://www.npsa.nhs.uk/nrls/improvingpatientsafety/primarycare/significantevent-audit/2 The toolkit “Safeguarding Children and Young People in General Practice: AToolkit” has been produced jointly by the Royal College of General Practitionersand by the NSPCC. It provides guidance notes, templates of child protectionpolicies, procedures and a good practice code. The document also containsfurther guidance related to caring for children and young people in generalpractice.http://www.rcgp.org.uk/PDF/CIR_Toolkit%20document%20final%20edit.pdfSelf-directed online training resourcesThe NHS Core Learning Unit provides a free E-learning training module on Patient Safety.This is transferable, accredited, nationally endorsed, as well as being mapped to theKnowledge and Skills Framework (KSF), NHS Litigation Authority (NHSLA), HealthcareCommission (HCC) and sector skills competencies.These can be accessed through the website of the NHS Core Learning Unit.http://www.corelearningunit.comAn automatically generated certificate of completion is awarded on completion of themodule. The Core Learning Unit will shortly be making available e-learning modulesrelating to the protection of children and vulnerable adults.14.6 ReferencesOxman AD TMDDHRB (1995) No magic bullets: a systematic review of 102 trials of interventions toimprove professional practice. Canadian Medical Association Journal 153(10):1423-31.99

Patient safetyTraining relating to patient safety generally (including reporting mechanisms and SignificantEvent Analysis) and for protection of children and vulnerable adults will be an integral aspect ofdelivery of these indicators.Proposed training resource(s)Provision of relevant guidelines1 The guidance “Significant Event Audit: Guidance for Primary Care Teams”provides a tool for practices to help conduct an effective Significant Event Audit(SEA).http://www.npsa.nhs.uk/nrls/improvingpatientsafety/primarycare/significantevent-audit/2 The toolkit “Safeguarding Children and Young People in General Practice: AToolkit” has been produced jointly by the Royal <strong>College</strong> of General Practitionersand by the NSPCC. It provides guidance notes, templates of child protectionpolicies, procedures and a good practice code. The document also containsfurther guidance related to caring for children and young people in generalpractice.http://www.rcgp.org.uk/PDF/CIR_Toolkit%20document%20final%20edit.pdfSelf-directed online training resourcesThe NHS Core Learning Unit provides a free E-learning training module on Patient Safety.This is transferable, accredited, nationally endorsed, as well as being mapped to theKnowledge and Skills Framework (KSF), NHS Litigation Authority (NHSLA), HealthcareCommission (HCC) and sector skills competencies.These can be accessed through the website of the NHS Core Learning Unit.http://www.corelearningunit.comAn automatically generated certificate of completion is awarded on completion of themodule. The Core Learning Unit will shortly be making available e-learning modulesrelating to the protection of children and vulnerable adults.14.6 ReferencesOxman AD TMDDHRB (1995) No magic bullets: a systematic review of 102 trials of interventions toimprove professional practice. Canadian Medical Association Journal 153(10):1423-31.99

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