QOF Plus Year 1 - Imperial College London

QOF Plus Year 1 - Imperial College London QOF Plus Year 1 - Imperial College London

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Information on self-directed online training resources1 As part of its e-GP project, The RCGP will shortly be making available for GPs ane·learning module on equality and diversity. GPs who are members of the RCGPcould be directed to this, if they are not already aware of its existence.http://www.rcgp-curriculum.org.uk/information__resources/elearning_project.aspx2 The ‘multiethnic teaching and learning in nursing project’ on the MarySeacole Centre for Nursing Practice website is an online educationalresource on raising awareness in relation to ethnicity, culture and health care.It addresses cultural diversity, models of transcultural care, essential aspects ofcare and the lifespan approach, including scenarios.http://www.health.tvu.ac.uk/maryseacole/melting/validated.asp3 The Health for Asylum Seekers and Refugee portal (HARPWEB) providesinformation and practical tools written by people with expert knowledge ofworking with asylum seekers and refugees, both in the UK and other countriesto enable health care practitioners to develop a culturally sensitive and informedapproach to their practice. Materials are provided on general health, mentalhealth and multilingual information.http://www.harpweb.org/index.php4 The refugee health team for Lambeth PCT have produced a resource pack tohelp primary healthcare professionals in their work with refugees and asylumseekers. This could be adapted for use in Hammersmith and Fulham.5 The NHS Core Learning Unit has produced an e-learning module on Equalityand Diversity. This course is freely available to those working in the NHS.Automatically generated certificates of completion are awarded for eachcompleted module. The courses can be accessed through the website of theNHS Core Learning Unit.http://www.corelearningunit.comIndividual practice training sessionsThis could include training relating to the above areas, tailored to the needs of individualpractice teams. The training should address how best to work with on how best to workwith diverse populations, including refugees and asylum seekers, to meet their healthneeds.94

RecordsIt is proposed that the PCT provides additional administrative support and training for practiceswith respect to administration. This process will be greatly facilitated by IT support.A data warehouse held centrally securely within the NHS net by the PCT will host all generalpractice data for reporting purposes. The following data will be extracted from general practicessystems for the data warehouse, subject to the practices’ agreement, for all patients from April01 2003 onwards:A data warehouse held centrally securely within the NHS net by the PCT will host all generalpractice data for reporting purposes. The following data will be extracted from general practicessystems for the data warehouse, subject to the practices’ agreement, for all patients from April01 2003 onwards:1 Patient detailsPractice patient IDAgeSexEthnicityLanguageCountry of birthLSOA code for the patient’s main address postcodeMosaic code for the patient’s main address postcode2 Registration details (including status and associated dates)3 Patient recordAll coded data (without any free text information)All appointment data (without any free text information)These data will enable us to analyse and monitor QOF+ achievements for all practices centrallyand feed back to practices their achievement. The process will be with time automated butinitially will involve semi-automated processes.The data will enable the QOF+ support team to centrally systematically search for each practicetheir patient records and identify patients at highest risk and in need for CVD primary prevention.Data will also enable central monitoring and pro-active approach in a number of other diseaseareas. This will represent significant support to practices.Proposed training resource(s)General practice research database recording guidelinesThis is a support document for reference and training. The guidelines are intended toprovide a more detailed explanation of the requirements. It clarifies the patientinformation that needs to be recorded and how to appropriately enter it.http://www.gprd.com/_docs/recordingguidelines.pdf95

RecordsIt is proposed that the PCT provides additional administrative support and training for practiceswith respect to administration. This process will be greatly facilitated by IT support.A data warehouse held centrally securely within the NHS net by the PCT will host all generalpractice data for reporting purposes. The following data will be extracted from general practicessystems for the data warehouse, subject to the practices’ agreement, for all patients from April01 2003 onwards:A data warehouse held centrally securely within the NHS net by the PCT will host all generalpractice data for reporting purposes. The following data will be extracted from general practicessystems for the data warehouse, subject to the practices’ agreement, for all patients from April01 2003 onwards:1 Patient detailsPractice patient IDAgeSexEthnicityLanguageCountry of birthLSOA code for the patient’s main address postcodeMosaic code for the patient’s main address postcode2 Registration details (including status and associated dates)3 Patient recordAll coded data (without any free text information)All appointment data (without any free text information)These data will enable us to analyse and monitor <strong>QOF</strong>+ achievements for all practices centrallyand feed back to practices their achievement. The process will be with time automated butinitially will involve semi-automated processes.The data will enable the <strong>QOF</strong>+ support team to centrally systematically search for each practicetheir patient records and identify patients at highest risk and in need for CVD primary prevention.Data will also enable central monitoring and pro-active approach in a number of other diseaseareas. This will represent significant support to practices.Proposed training resource(s)General practice research database recording guidelinesThis is a support document for reference and training. The guidelines are intended toprovide a more detailed explanation of the requirements. It clarifies the patientinformation that needs to be recorded and how to appropriately enter it.http://www.gprd.com/_docs/recordingguidelines.pdf95

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