1 - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

1 - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

1 - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

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A dual cache structure (K = 2) is shown in Figure 6. The 1 megaword main memory is divided into 1024 sets of 256 fourwordblocks. In this example, AO and A 1 are used to select which one of the four words within a block are accessed, andA2 - A 10 select which of the 51 2 block labels are to be compared. Addresses A 1 2 - A 1 9 form the eight-bit label for theblock. Address A 11 is used by the cache control logic in conjunction with the possible processor status lines as chip selectinputs. The match outputs from the two TMS21 50s A 1 and A2 are NANDed to form an active low enable to the cache databuffers and to serve as request to the control logic. The match outputs from B 1 and B2 also are NANDed to perform a similarfunction for cache RAM B. If no match is found in cache RAM A or B, the control logic will initiate an access from mainmemory. The purpose of the dual cache architecture is to allow for rapid switching between multiple tasks or programs sincethe processor can have access to one cache while the controller moves data between main memory and the other cache. Thedual or mUltiple cache approach also yields more replacement options than the single cache architecture. When an access'results in a miss in the single cache system, the data in cache is replaced by the current data even though the old data maystill be useful. By using "independent" caches, the control can determine which data is most expendible and replace thatblock while the other caches keep their potentially useful data.Cache memory architecture can enhance the throughput of many micr~processor systems, allowing large, low-cost memoryto perform like high speed RAM. The TMS21 50 reduces the tag memory implementation cost and complexity and provideslabel comparison times comparible to the access times of high-speed memories. These additional benefits make highperformancemicroprocessor designs that can utilize the same techniques of optimizing cost/memory size/throughput thathad previously been found only in larger computer applications.MOS MemoryApplications EngineeringPROCESSORCACHECONTROLLOGIC~ lsIle, 00-016. r I CACHE00-016RAM BCACHE RAM AA12-A1900- 01BA1-A19CACHE RAM ARRANGED INDUAL 4K WORD CACHE9,A2-A10S ±A12-A19DO 074 AO-ASCACHE RAMB1 TAG M~_CACHE TAG M M'ATCii1iI-J __ ~ ________ ~ ____________________ ~ ________ ~~- RAMB2______-1..1-00-07AD-ASCACHE TAGS RAM A1 ~ l-Jl-TISM hh..1 _ C~~~ ;:G M1 SMAINMEMORYUPTO1M WORDS-: s MEMORYMEMORY DIVISION1024 SETS256 BLOCKS/SET4 WORDS/BLOCKCONTROL-L..Er-co'';:CO.. E..- o.EtnCo'';:CO,~Q.c,;

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