1 - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

1 - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

1 - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

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1MS276465,536-B11 ERASABLE PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORYFUNCTION(PINS)E(20)G(22)PGM(27)Vpp(1)Vee(28)01-08ReadMODEOutput Power Down Fast Program InhibitDisable (Standby) Programming Verification ProgrammingVIL X VIH VIL VIL VIHVIL VIH XVIH VIL XVIH VIH X VIL VIH XVee Vee Vee Vpp Vpp XVee Vee Vee Vee Vee Vee(11 to 13, 0 HI-Z HI-Z 0 0 HI-Z15 to 19)readThe dual control pins (E and G) must have low-level TTL signals in order to provide data at the outputs. ehip eanble(E) should be used for device selection. Output enable (G) should be used to gate data to the output pins.power downThe power-down mode reduces the maximum active current from 100 mA to 35 mAo A TTL high-level signal appliedto E selects the power-down mode. In this mode, the outputs assume a high-impedance state, independent of G.m."::rJo3:cm

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