Why EU Lobby Register still fails to deliver - web version

Why EU Lobby Register still fails to deliver - web version

Why EU Lobby Register still fails to deliver - web version

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New and Improved?<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>Alliance for <strong>Lobby</strong>ing Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-<strong>EU</strong>)January 2015

Executive summaryThis new research, published by the Alliance for<strong>Lobby</strong>ing Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-<strong>EU</strong>), shows how the voluntary approach <strong>to</strong> <strong>EU</strong> lobbytransparency regulation <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> provide citizens withan accurate picture of the lobby scene in Brussels.Some of the main groups that are actively lobbyingthe <strong>EU</strong> institutions have <strong>still</strong> not registered in the <strong>EU</strong>’sTransparency <strong>Register</strong>. These include:uuFinancial lobbyists such as Standard & Poors, City ofLondon Corporation and Credit Suisse;uu<strong>Lobby</strong> consultancies, such as <strong>Why</strong>te CorporateAffairs;uuLaw firms such as Coving<strong>to</strong>n & Burling and FreshfieldsBruckhaus Deringer;uuMajor corporations such as Electrabel, AngloAmerican and General Mo<strong>to</strong>rs.Meanwhile, <strong>to</strong>o many of the register’s entries areunreliable: lobby firms and law firms fail <strong>to</strong> discloseclients - which is a clear breach of the rules for theregister - or they mask their identities behind meaninglessacronyms. In addition lobby spending andlobbyist numbers are often under-reported, and thereare far <strong>to</strong>o many implausible entries. For example:uuGoogle and Novartis list more European Parliamententry passes than the <strong>to</strong>tal number of lobbyists theysay they employ, which cannot be correct according<strong>to</strong> the register rules.uuGoldman Sachs and Honeywell under-report theirlobby expenditures as the amounts they declareare less than the amounts they have paid <strong>to</strong> lobbyconsultancies.uuMeanwhile, some entries are simply absurd:BearingPoint, a professional consultancy, states thatits lobby turnover is a staggering €552,795,000!The European Parliament, alongside transparencycampaigners including ALTER-<strong>EU</strong>, have long demandeda <strong>to</strong>ugher approach <strong>to</strong> <strong>EU</strong> lobby regulation. It is nowtime for the European Commission <strong>to</strong> take up thischallenge. The revamped register currently beinglaunched, will not significantly improve the accuracyof the lobby data (as outlined in this report) and willnot enable any interested person <strong>to</strong> really know whois lobbying whom, and how much is being spen<strong>to</strong>n lobbying in Brussels - surely the key tests of anyproper transparency register. Despite numerous commitments<strong>to</strong> improve the poor quality of informationin the register, <strong>to</strong>o little has happened and even themost obvious absurd entries have not been corrected.The Juncker Commission is now proposing <strong>to</strong>introduce a so-called manda<strong>to</strong>ry lobby register via aninter-institutional agreement. This is very misleading,as such an inter-institutional agreement would not bebinding on lobbyists and thus not properly manda<strong>to</strong>ry.What is needed is a proposal for <strong>EU</strong> legislation <strong>to</strong>introduce a legally-binding <strong>EU</strong> lobby register, whichwould ensure that lobbyists are obliged <strong>to</strong> be fullyopen and honest about all their lobbying activities.This would allow the register secretariat <strong>to</strong> investigateincorrect and misleading entries, and ensure thateffective sanctions can be applied in cases of breachesof the register rules. That is the only way <strong>to</strong> ensurethat we know who is influencing the decisions comingout of Brussels, which affect <strong>EU</strong> citizens’ daily lives.New and Improved?<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>3

IntroductionIn 2011 the European Commission and Parliamentlaunched the joint lobby transparency register, whichreplaced the Commission’s <strong>Register</strong> of Interest Representativesthat was in place from 2008-2011. Todaythe register lists nearly 7500 individuals and organisationsand Maroš Šefčovič, the previous Commissionerresponsible for the register, described it as being “... atthe leading edge of most public bodies in the world”. 1This statement is at odds with the reality of theregister, which lags behind other lobbying disclosuresystems operating around the world, particularly asthe <strong>EU</strong> register is based on a voluntary approach; andthere are no sanctions for non-registration.In recent months, the Juncker Commission hasannounced steps <strong>to</strong> incentivise registration under thevoluntary approach. Now, for example, unregisteredlobbyists cannot meet with Commissioners 2 . CommissionVice President Frans Timmermans has alsopromised <strong>to</strong> introduce a draft inter-institutionalagreement for a “manda<strong>to</strong>ry” lobby register 3 withthe European Parliament, and will seek <strong>to</strong> bring theEuropean Council in<strong>to</strong> the framework.Yet Timmermans’ proposal would only createmanda<strong>to</strong>ry rules for the <strong>EU</strong> institutions, and lobbyiststhemselves would not be affected. This is hugelyproblematic because it is vital that lobbyists who donot register, who act unscrupulously or who provideinaccurate or misleading information in the register,face effective fines or other meaningful sanctions.The only way <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong> this change is through <strong>EU</strong>legislation. Legislation would also allow for properenforcement mechanisms <strong>to</strong> verify informationprovided in the register. In addition, a legally-bindingregister backed by legislation would be permanentand therefore not dependent on the whim of currentand future political leaders. The legislative processalso provides a greater scope for public participationthan an inter-institutional agreement.The transparency register is now being re-launched,with much fanfare but with very limited improvements.The changes represent a missed opportunityand a step backwards for transparency. The mainchanges expected are as follows:uuBandwidths for disclosing lobby expenditure andturnover will be adjusted and now will be far widerthan before which will provide even less transparencyon financial disclosure.uu<strong>Lobby</strong> consultancies will now be asked <strong>to</strong> providea figure for their annual turnover on lobbying,although again the bandwidths for declaring thatturnover will be <strong>to</strong>o wide.uuNew rules will provide slightly improved data on theoverall number of lobbyists, as registrants will nowbe able <strong>to</strong> differentiate between full time and parttime lobbyists. But there will <strong>still</strong> be no requirement<strong>to</strong> name all these individuals.uuNew rules should make it easier for lobbyists <strong>to</strong>indicate their lobbying activities including membershipof Commission expert groups, parliamentaryinter-groups etc. However, lobbyists will <strong>still</strong> not berequired <strong>to</strong> list the specific dossiers that they workon e.g. TTIP.uuThe new lobby transparency guidelines now say that“it is recommended <strong>to</strong> review and update your entry,as needed, at least three times a year”, but declarations<strong>still</strong> only need <strong>to</strong> be updated once a year, andat a different date for each registrant, making thedata difficult <strong>to</strong> compare.Overall, these minimal changes <strong>to</strong> the register representa lack of ambition in the introduction of newrules <strong>to</strong> secure greater transparency from lobbyistsand interest representatives working at the <strong>EU</strong> level.Like ALTER-<strong>EU</strong>, the European Parliament has consistentlyurged the Commission <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>ughen up thelobby regulation regime. In April 2014 it called forthe Commission “<strong>to</strong> submit, by the end of 2016,a legislative proposal for the establishment of amanda<strong>to</strong>ry register” 4 . It also passed similar resolutionsin 2008 and 2011. The European Ombudsman has alsorecently publicly called for a manda<strong>to</strong>ry lobby register<strong>to</strong> be enacted through a legislative proposal. 5ALTER-<strong>EU</strong> calls for the following urgent changes <strong>to</strong> the<strong>EU</strong> lobby transparency regime:uuThe European Commission should make a legislativeproposal for a legally-binding lobby register by theend of 2015, with the aim of the new register beingoperational by mid-2017uuLaw firms’ lobby work must be explicitly includeduuData disclosure rules must be significantlytightened-up including: far narrower bandwidthsfor expenditure and sources of income; listing of thenames of all lobby staff; precise details of the dossiersworked on; and details of other lobby entitiesused such as consultancies, coalitions, etcuuRegistrants should be required <strong>to</strong> file bi-annualreports of lobbying activityuuThe code of conduct for lobbyists should preventlobbies from hiring former commissioners or otherhigh-level Commission officials for three years afterthey leave office. All registrants should be transparentabout ‘revolving door’ recruitment.New and Improved?<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>4

Finally, until a legally binding lobby register enters in<strong>to</strong>force, we propose that both the Parliament and theCommission set-up and enforce a series of incentivesin order <strong>to</strong> maximise compliance with the currentvoluntary register, including:uuAn obligation for all Commission staff not <strong>to</strong> meetunregistered lobbyists;uuExclusion from participation in expert groups forunregistered lobby groups;uuCommission staff, commissioners and MEPs do notattend events and activities organised or sponsoredby unregistered lobby groups.New and Improved?<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>5

lobby consultancies that have <strong>still</strong> not signed up <strong>to</strong> theTransparency register include:uu<strong>EU</strong>TOP International, a Berlin-based lobby agencywith at least five lobbyists, which offers “representationsof interests of private enterprises, associationsand organisations <strong>to</strong>wards the institutions of theEuropean Union”. 13uuKetchum, a globally-active public relations firmwhose Brussels office offers <strong>to</strong> help clients “gainsupport from market, political and internal stakeholders”with the help of its “in-depth understandingof business and politics – and the interactionbetween the two”. 14uuPACT European Affairs, whose Brussels-basedconsultancy service offers clients help with lobbyingand strategy including “new lobbying <strong>to</strong>ols and newlobbying vehicles”. 15uu<strong>Why</strong>te Corporate Affairs, a Brussels-based publicaffairs firm that boasts of its “<strong>Lobby</strong>ing activitiesregarding the regulation of a range of consumerproducts and professional services... [and] permittingprocedures for a broad range of industrial, retail, realestate and energy companies” as well as “<strong>Lobby</strong>ingcampaigns regarding corporate tax, excise andlabour law for various multinational companies”. Its<strong>web</strong>site refers <strong>to</strong> clients IKEA, Danone and Thalys. 16uuHead-quartered in Brussels, lobby consultancyEacon Group states on its <strong>web</strong>site that “Transparencyand confidentiality form the foundation ofEacon’s success”. It lists 40 per cent of its clients asbusiness and trade associations and 25 per cent ascorporate. 171.3 Law firms that don’t dovoluntary transparencyLaw firms have his<strong>to</strong>rically been reluctant <strong>to</strong> signup <strong>to</strong> the <strong>EU</strong>TR. Even though many law firms offerlobbying services <strong>to</strong> clients that fall within the <strong>EU</strong>’sdefinition of “interest representation”, such as trying<strong>to</strong> directly or indirectly influence policies or legislation,many big firms have refused <strong>to</strong> sign-up. Sometimeslaw firms cite profesional rules regarding clientconfidentiality as an excuse, even though the <strong>EU</strong>TRcovers lobbying activity rather than legal work.Examples of lobbying law firms absent from the <strong>EU</strong>TR(as of 14 January 2015) include:uuCoving<strong>to</strong>n & Burling which boasts governmentaffairs & <strong>EU</strong> policy expertise and claims that itis “one of the leading law firms in Brussels helping<strong>to</strong> ensure that industry’s voice is heard in the <strong>EU</strong>legislative process and in administrative decisionmaking”. It also brags that its lobbying capabilitiesare “greatly enhanced” by its employment of formerMEP and Vice President of the European People’sParty (EPP) Wim van Velzen, as its senior EuropeanPolicy Advisor. 18uuFreshfields Bruckhaus Deringer advertises aBrussels-based <strong>EU</strong> regula<strong>to</strong>ry and public affairspractice which focuses “on the interface betweenlaw, politics and business” and “helps clients <strong>to</strong>manage pro-actively all aspects of the <strong>EU</strong> regula<strong>to</strong>ryenvironment.”19uuHogan Lovells assists its clients “<strong>to</strong> protect andpromote their interests at the intersection of thepublic and private sec<strong>to</strong>rs”, with a dedicated UK &<strong>EU</strong> public law and policy service which includes advising“businesses and trade associations on engagingeffectively with...<strong>EU</strong> government departments”. 20uuClifford Chance is the law firm whose employeeMichel Petite (former head of the Commission’sLegal Service) has been embroiled in severallobbying scandals over the last few years, leading<strong>to</strong> his departure from the Commission’s ad hocethical committee. The firm is <strong>still</strong> not in the <strong>EU</strong>TR. 21Interestingly, while Clifford Chance’s <strong>web</strong>sitepreviously detailed its ‘political advocacy strategy’department which offered clients assistance in“shaping law and policy as it evolves” 22 , all reference<strong>to</strong> explicit lobbying services seem <strong>to</strong> have beenremoved from its revamped <strong>web</strong>site. Despite this,Michel Petite continues <strong>to</strong> produce weekly ‘<strong>EU</strong>political updates’ and Phillip Souta, Clifford Chance’shead of UK public policy, “provides strategic advice <strong>to</strong>clients in anticipating, understanding and influencinglegislative and regula<strong>to</strong>ry developments as well asother governmental activities in the UK and acrossthe <strong>EU</strong>” and “works closely with the public policyteams in Paris and Brussels.” 231.4 Big companies that havefailed <strong>to</strong> sign upThe reality of the concentration of regula<strong>to</strong>ry andlegislative powers at the <strong>EU</strong> level, which cover manypolicy areas, means that almost all large <strong>EU</strong> corporationsare likely <strong>to</strong> carry out some form of lobbyingof the <strong>EU</strong> institutions and should therefore be in the<strong>EU</strong>TR.However, our research shows that many corporationsthat are actively lobbying the <strong>EU</strong> institutions, eitherdirectly or through a lobby firm, are not in the <strong>EU</strong>TR.The following multinationals, for example, all hiredBrussels consultancies <strong>to</strong> lobby for them but, as of 14January 2015, have not signed up <strong>to</strong> the <strong>EU</strong>TR:uuBelgian energy company Electrabel paid PA Europe€50,000 - €100,000 in 2013 <strong>to</strong> lobby on its behalf. 24uuMining giant Anglo American hired G Plus Ltd forless than €50,000 and Hanover CommunicationsInternational for less than €50,000 in 2013, spendingup <strong>to</strong> €100,000 on lobby consultancies. 25uuCar corporation General Mo<strong>to</strong>rs hired Fleishman-Hillard in 2013 for less than €50,000. 26In annex 1, further examples are presented oforganisations which ALTER-<strong>EU</strong> considers <strong>to</strong> be activelylobbying at the <strong>EU</strong> level but which despite this, are <strong>still</strong>missing from the <strong>EU</strong>TR.New and Improved?<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>7

Section 2Lack of enforcement ofbasic <strong>EU</strong> Transparency<strong>Register</strong> rulesWhile the non-registration of many lobbyingorganisations is a major problem with the <strong>EU</strong>TR,there are other concerns with the current system.Many organisations are registered, but fail <strong>to</strong> providefull and accurate lobby data in line with the rules ofthe lobby register.This problem is more than a simple bureaucraticfailure <strong>to</strong> follow the rules: it means that data isopaque, confusing, unclear, and does not provide theclear picture of lobbying in Brussels which is requiredfor citizens <strong>to</strong> hold the <strong>EU</strong> institutions <strong>to</strong> account.Overall, this reflects the lack of capacity and politicalof those running the lobby register <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r lobbydata and <strong>to</strong> take action when the rules are breached.It also highlights the inadequacy of the voluntarymodel as the register secretariat simply has no legalmeans <strong>to</strong> compel registrants <strong>to</strong> provide detailedinformation about their lobby expenses and activities.The voluntary nature of the register also makesstrong and effective sanctions in case of breaches ofthe register rules impossible.2.1 Undisclosed clientsThe <strong>EU</strong>TR requires that all professional consultanciesand law firms disclose the clients for whom theycarry out lobbying, including turnover per client(reported in bandwidths). Moreover, the <strong>EU</strong>TRguidelines explicitly state that “Declarations enteredwithout the full list of the individual clients or with anunidentifiable collective designation such as “corporates”“other small clients” “confidential information”or similar do not meet the requirements.” 27Despite this, around 150 lobby consultancies, lawfirms or consultants have improperly listed clientsas “confidential”, “not applicable”, “N/A”, “none”,“cus<strong>to</strong>mers”, “corporate sec<strong>to</strong>r”, “various” etc. This isa clear breach of the rules on disclosing clients, andone that undermines lobby transparency as it makesit impossible <strong>to</strong> see who is lobbying on behalf ofwhom.Law firms that offer lobbying services <strong>to</strong> clients areone of the main culprits listing clients as “confidential”,such as A. Silvestro whose share of turnoverrelated <strong>to</strong> lobbying the <strong>EU</strong> institutions on behalf ofclients was €100,000 - €150,000 in 2013. 28 Otherlaw firms listing confidential clients include CIEL &CO, MENA Chambers and Bird & Bird LLP. 29 The latterdeclares 30 persons engaged in activities underthe scope of the <strong>EU</strong>TR and a lobbying turnover of€10 million, yet it only states that it provides “legalservices <strong>to</strong> clients in the field of <strong>EU</strong> law”. Clients arelisted as “CONFIDENTIAL”.Professional consultancy Lake Isle M&A Incorporatedand consultant Petr Kolar also declare their clientsas confidential. 30 <strong>Lobby</strong> firm MAQASSAR states“inves<strong>to</strong>rs” and “corporates” as its clients; consultantsTECHLIVE247 and Truenology Technologies state“cus<strong>to</strong>mers”; and consultancy NineSigma EuropeBVBA, which declares €2,250,000 – € 2,500,000 <strong>EU</strong>lobbying turnover, states simply “cus<strong>to</strong>mers want <strong>to</strong>remain unknown”. 31See Annex 2 for the full list of lobby consultancieswith undeclared clients.2.2 Under-reporting lobby expenditureWhen disclosing lobbying expenditure, the <strong>EU</strong>TRrules are very clear that the cost estimate mustinclude “outsourced activity costs, consulting fees andsubcontracted activities related <strong>to</strong> activities fallingunder the scope of the <strong>Register</strong>.” Furthermore, therules note that “the declaration made in the <strong>Register</strong>by the contract consultant itself doesn’t exempt theentity from including these fees in its own financialdeclaration.” 32 Despite this, some very high profileorganisations have declared their lobbying expenditure(which also includes staff time, office costs,events, advocacy campaigns, etc 33 ) <strong>to</strong> be, in <strong>to</strong>tal, lessthan they are apparently paying lobby consultancies<strong>to</strong> lobby the <strong>EU</strong> on their behalf.New and Improved?<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>8

One of the most glaring examples of this is financialtitan Goldman Sachs, which was a long-time absenteefrom the <strong>EU</strong>TR until November 2014. This coincideswith the European Commission announcement thatCommissioners should not meet with unregisteredlobbyists. Goldman Sachs declares that it spent under€50,000 on lobbying the <strong>EU</strong> in 2013, but it is also listedas a client of lobby firm Kreab Gavin Anderson, payingthem €200,000 - €250,000 in the same year. 34 GoldmanSachs is also listed as a client of Afore Consulting,paying them a fee of €250,000 - €300,000 for the yearmid-2013 <strong>to</strong> mid-2014. This obvious and significantdiscrepancy has led <strong>to</strong> Goldman Sachs’ <strong>EU</strong>TR entrybeing the subject of a complaint, filed before theTransparency <strong>Register</strong> Secretariat by <strong>Lobby</strong>Control,Friends of the Earth Europe, and Corporate EuropeObserva<strong>to</strong>ry.Another example of financial under-reporting isBloomberg which registered on 22 January 2015. Itregistered a lobby expenditure of less than €50,000for 2013 but hired lobby firm Sovereign Strategy for€100,000 - €150,000 in the same year. 35Other examples include US consumer technologyand defence multinational, Honeywell. 36 Taking thelowest value of each client fee range, Honeywell paidat least €450,000 <strong>to</strong> <strong>EU</strong> lobby consultancies, yet itdeclares a <strong>to</strong>tal <strong>EU</strong> lobby expenditure in 2013 of only€250,000 - €300,000. Honeywell employed lobby firmsADS Insight, FTI Consulting Belgium, Interel EuropeanAffairs, Hering Schuppener Consulting Corporate Affairs& Public Strategies GmbHm, FIPRA InternationalLimited and Fleishman-Hillard in 2013. 37Pharmaceuticals multinational Shire declares that itspent €200,000 - €250,000 on lobbying in 2013, 38 butin the same year was a client of five lobby consultancies- FTI Consulting Belgium, Rohde Public Policy,Hill & Knowl<strong>to</strong>n International Belgium, Just HealthCommunications Ltd and Hanover CommunicationsInternational. 39 It paid these consultancies at least€450,000.2.3 Outdated financial dataAnother problem with the data in the <strong>EU</strong>TR is a lack ofconsistency regarding the year <strong>to</strong> which financial datarefers (i.e. how much is spent on lobbying, or howmuch income was received from different clients).This is partly because many entries contain outdatedfinancial data. For example, the entry of multinationalfinancial services firm Prudential, despite being updatedin December 2014, includes financial data from2009. 40 Both the European Landowners’ Organization(last updated February 2014) and lobby firm OgilvyGroup (last updated June 2014) include financial datafrom 2011. 41 Agri-business giant Monsan<strong>to</strong>’s financialdata is from the year <strong>to</strong> August 2012, despite its lastannual update being May 2014, less than one yearago. 42Less extreme, but <strong>still</strong> problematic, are the manyentries that have financial data from 2012, includingpetroleum and energy lobby Aussenhandelsverbandfuer Mineralöl und Energie (AFM+E) and the CyprusChamber of Commerce and Industry. 432.4 Unexplained acronymslisted as clientsThe rules of the <strong>EU</strong>TR very clearly state that: “Forthe declaration of clients (and of networks andmemberships), acronyms and abbreviations alone arenot satisfac<strong>to</strong>ry. Their full names should be entered.Acronyms are welcome but only as a complement.” 44Yet more than 200 (204) lobby consultancies, lawfirms or consultants in the <strong>EU</strong>TR include clients thatare identified as acronyms, a clear breach of this verysimple rule, and which creates significant ambiguityabout which organisation they refer <strong>to</strong>. For example,lobby consultancies Interel European Affairs, Landmarksand Europe Analytica all list the acronym CEPIas a client. In the <strong>EU</strong>TR itself, there are three organisationsthat list their acronym as CEPI: Confederationof European Paper Industries, Conseil Européen desProfessions Immobilières, and the European Coordinationof Independent Producers. 45Similarly, both Access Partnership and InstinctifPartners (Brussels) list BSA as a client, while in the<strong>EU</strong>TR two organisations are listed with BSA as theiracronym: the Software Alliance and the BuildingSocieties Association. 46Major professional lobby consultancies listing suchacronyms for clients include:uuKreab Gavin Anderson (FAM, ICI, LKAB, UBS, WMBA,EDF)uuFleishman-Hillard (GERG, GIIGNL, ICA, NATS, NETS,NXP, MEDEL, ICAP)uuInterel European Affairs (CEPI, FFPI, GNT, ISPO, UPS,WBCSD, IEEE, MWV)uuLuther Pendragon Brussels (ATOC, NATS, CLIA,UKMPG)uuRohde Public Policy (EAMBES, IBA, IPOPI, VPH, ESMO,PPTA, BD)uuInstinctif Partners (Brussels) (AWCS, BSA, EPBA,WOCCU, GLI, GSMA, RGA)uuESL & Network European Affairs (SES, ECPA, ENEL,EPIA, <strong>EU</strong>TELSAT, FFSA, LTC, ETI)uu<strong>EU</strong>RALIA (AFTI, AGEA, ASF, CNEFAF, CNES, NFID,SNVEL, UEVP)In <strong>to</strong>tal, more than 400 (409) clients are given only asacronyms in the <strong>EU</strong>TR. See Annex 3 for the full list.New and Improved?<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>9

2.5 More lobbyists with Parliamentarypasses than <strong>to</strong>tal lobbyistsThe <strong>EU</strong>TR requires registrants <strong>to</strong> provide two numbersfor lobbyists, one for the <strong>to</strong>tal number of peopleengaged in activities falling under the scope of theregister, and another for the number of representativeswith an accredited European Parliament lobbypass. Because of the way that these figures arecalculated, the number of the latter should not begreater than the number of the former. This is because“any person benefiting from an accreditation for access<strong>to</strong> the European Parliament’s buildings should becounted as a full 1 person/year in this estimate.”47 Theother staff numbers can be calculated on a pro ratabasis.Despite this, various entries record more lobbyistsaccredited for passes <strong>to</strong> the European Parliament thanthe <strong>to</strong>tal number of lobbyists listed. One example isGoogle’s entry, which states that it has seven lobbyists,immediately followed by a list of eight namedlobbyists with Parliamentary passes. 48 Similarly,pharmaceutical giant Novartis states that it has sixlobbyists while eight are named as accredited <strong>to</strong> theEuropean Parliament. 492.6 Other ‘dodgy’ dataThere are many other problematic entries in the <strong>EU</strong>TR,which are <strong>to</strong>o numerous <strong>to</strong> list here, but which couldand should be easily rectified. These include:uuFrench union Syndicat Formation et DéveloppementCFE-CGC declares 500 lobbyists. 50uuConsultancy firm Globe Consultants InternationalLtd lists its share of turnover from <strong>EU</strong> lobbying onbehalf of clients as €0, then goes on <strong>to</strong> list a lobbyclient, the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, asgenerating a turnover of €350,000 - €400,000. 51uu<strong>Lobby</strong> consultancy MUST & Partners lists its clientbasedlobby turnover as €30,000, but then goes on<strong>to</strong> name one client generating €50,000 - €100,000(ie. at least €20,000 more than its <strong>to</strong>tal lobbyturnover). This client is called “Must”... which wouldappear <strong>to</strong> be itself. 52uuPublic affairs consultancy MWW is registered twice,once under the registration no. 490432812998-80, registered 27/02/14, and once under the no.370485213446-88, registered 14/04/14. Both lis<strong>to</strong>ne client and have the same contact and details. 53uuBearing Point, a professional consultancy whichregistered on 02/12/14, declares that it has zerolobbyists but states that its turnover related <strong>to</strong> representinginterests <strong>to</strong> <strong>EU</strong> institutions on behalf ofclients is a staggering €552,795,000. 54 Its only clientis listed as “EC”, which presumably is the EuropeanCommission. This bizarre declaration from a firmthat specialises in management and technologytraining is augmented by the statement “We arenot a lobby firm” which leads <strong>to</strong> the question why itsigned up <strong>to</strong> the <strong>EU</strong>TR, and even more confusingly,why is it listed as one of its biggest spenders.New and Improved?<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>10

Endnotes1http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/info/openFile.do?fileName=sefcovic_epaca_speech_13_235_en.pdf2http://ec.europa.eu/transparency/regdoc/rep/3/2014/EN/3-2014-9004-EN-F1-1.Pdf3http://ec.europa.eu/priorities/work-programme/index_en.htm4http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?type=TA&language=EN&reference=P7-TA-2014-03765http://www.ombudsman.europa.eu/en/press/release.faces/en/58376/html.bookmark6http://ec.europa.eu/transparency/regdoc/rep/3/2014/EN/3-2014-9004-EN-F1-1.Pdf7http://corporateeurope.org/financial-lobby/2014/04/fire-power-financial-lobby8UK Conservative MEPs, <strong>Lobby</strong>ing Contacts Report 1stJanuary - 30th June 2014, Emma McClarkin MEP, contactwith Elizabeth Gillam from the City of London Corporation24/06/2014. Kay Swinburne MEP, contact withCity of London at Future of London dinner 28/01/2014,http://conservativeeurope.com/Right%20<strong>to</strong>%20know/LOBBYING%20CONTACTS%20JAN%20-%20JUNE%202014%20FINAL2%2024%2010%202014.pdf9List of meetings released <strong>to</strong> Corporate Europe Observa<strong>to</strong>ry,July 2014, by DG MARKT of meetings with industryrepresentatives since early 2013, see http://corporateeurope.org/financial-lobby/2014/09/regulatingfinance-necessary-hill-battleand http://www.asktheeu.org/en/request/1266/response/5068/attach/html/2/Copy%20of%20CEO%20list%20meetings.xls.htmlCity of London Corporation met with DG MARKT on25/04/201410<strong>EU</strong>TR, Fleishman-Hillard (client Credit Suisse) http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=56047191389-84, as of 14/01/1511List of meetings released <strong>to</strong> Corporate Europe Observa<strong>to</strong>ry,July 2014, by DG MARKT, ibid. Meetings betweenMARKT and Credit Suisse on 14/02/2014, 20/03/2014(<strong>to</strong>gether with UBS) and 29/04/2014 (Credit SuisseSECURITIES LIMITED).12UK Conservative MEPs, <strong>Lobby</strong>ing Contacts Report, ibid.Kay Swinburne MEP, contact with Standard & Poors31/03/2014 <strong>EU</strong>TR, Fleishman-Hillard. (client Standard &Poors),http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=56047191389-84, asof 14/01/1513<strong>EU</strong>TOP, http://www.eu<strong>to</strong>p.com/eu and Linked-inhttps://www.linkedin.com/vsearch/p?company=<strong>EU</strong>TOP+Brussels+SPRL&trk=prof-exp-company-name14Ketchum Brussels, http://www.ketchum.com/brusselsand http://www.ketchum.com/about-ketchum-brussels15PACT European Affairs, http://www.pacteurope.eu/consulting/ and http://www.pacteurope.eu/consulting/lobbying-strategy/16<strong>Why</strong>te Corporate Affairs, http://www.whyte.be/credentials/17Eacon Group, http://www.eacongroup.eu/compliance/and http://www.eacongroup.eu/about-us/clients/.Eacon’s <strong>web</strong>site does not seem <strong>to</strong> presently be very active(e.g. no news s<strong>to</strong>ries since 2012, but its twitter andfacebook profiles have both been used in 2014 https://twitter.com/eacongroup and https://www.facebook.com/eaconGroup18Coving<strong>to</strong>n & Burling, http://www.cov.com/brussels/19Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, http://www.freshfields.com/en/belgium/Freshfields_in_Belgium/20Hogan Lovells, http://www.hoganlovells.com/publiclaw/21Corporate Europe Obversa<strong>to</strong>ry, NGOs welcomereplacement of controversial Michel Petite; Commissionneeds a far stricter approach <strong>to</strong> conflicts of interests,December 18th 2013, http://corporateeurope.org/pressreleases/2013/12/ngos-welcome-replacementcontroversial-michel-petite-commission-needs-farandRevolvingDoorWatch: Michel Petite, http://corporateeurope.org/revolvingdoorwatch/cases/michel-petite22Clifford Chance, https://<strong>web</strong>.archive.org/<strong>web</strong>/20131110040230/http://www.cliffordchance.com/legal_area/public_policy/political_ advocacy_strategy.html, This page was last archived by the InternetArchive on 10 November 201323Clifford Chance, Michel Petite http://www.cliffordchance.com/people_and_places/people/lawyers/fr/michel_petite.html and Phillip Souta http://www.cliffordchance.com/people_and_places/people/lawyers/gb/phillip_souta.html accessed 14 January 201524<strong>EU</strong>TR, PA Europe (client Electrabel) http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=11064742654-42,as of 14/01/1525<strong>EU</strong>TR, entries as of 14/01/15, G Plus Ltd (clientAnglo American) http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=7223777790-86, Hanover CommunicationsInternational (client Anglo American) http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=712987314570-57New and Improved?<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>11

26<strong>EU</strong>TR, Fleishman-Hillard (client General Mo<strong>to</strong>rs) http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=56047191389-84, as of 14/01/1527Transparency <strong>Register</strong> Compliance Guidelines, Edition N°3 – 04 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2012, http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/info/openFile.do?fileName=guideline_en.pdf28<strong>EU</strong>TR, A. Silvestro http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=360495914648-79, as of 19/01/1529<strong>EU</strong>TR, entries as of 19/01/15, CIEL & CO, http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=831292312708-90,MENA Chambers http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=618971710684-92,Bird & Bird LLP http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=334773011160-5730<strong>EU</strong>TR, entries as of 19/01/15, Lake Isle M&A Incorporatedhttp://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=87637846272-89,PetrKolar, http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=237732715185-7431<strong>EU</strong>TR, entries as of 19/01/15, MAQASSAR http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=43070944601-40, TECHLIVE247http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=713514111329-40,Truenology Technologies http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=258078711174-09, NineSigma Europe BVBAhttp://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=07807936046-22.Thislatter entry lists under clients < € 50000 “Klanten willenonbekend blijven” which is translated from the Dutch <strong>to</strong>be “Cus<strong>to</strong>mers want <strong>to</strong> remain unknown”32<strong>EU</strong>TR Compliance Guidelines, ibid.33Estimate of costs must include staff costs, administrativecosts (including office space in Brussels), outsourcedactivity costs, consulting fees and subcontractedactivities, in-house operational expenditures, and fullmembership fees, etc. For more details, see Transparency<strong>Register</strong> Compliance Guidelines, ibid.34<strong>EU</strong>TR, entries as of 14/01/15, Goldman Sachs http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=701266814986-18, Afore Consultinghttp://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=03013154889-05,Kreab Gavin Anderson http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=1078390517-5435<strong>EU</strong>TR, Bloomberg entry as of 22 January 2015: http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=941851915685-19<strong>EU</strong>TR, Sovereign Strategy (client Bloomberg) http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=807262215053-09, as of 14/01/1536<strong>EU</strong>TR, Honeywell, last updated 27/01/14 http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=75311753240-67, as of 14/01/1537<strong>EU</strong>TR, entries as of 14/01/15, ADS Insight was paid 50,000€ - 100,000 €. by Honeywell in 2013 http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=02762144321-07,FTI Consulting Belgium350,000 € - 400,000 €. http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=29896393398-67, Interel European Affairs less than50,000 € http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=7028457765-59,Hering Schuppener Consulting Corporate Affairs & PublicStrategies GmbH less than 50,000 € http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=578189413297-97,FIPRA InternationalLimited 50,000 € - 100,000 €, http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=58746194306-23,Fleishman-Hillard 50000 € -100000 € http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=56047191389-8438<strong>EU</strong>TR, Shire, last updated 07/04/14, http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=60329985751-43,as of 14/01/1539<strong>EU</strong>TR, entries as of 14/01/15, FTI Consulting Belgiumpaid 100,000 € - 150000 € by Shire in 2013 http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=29896393398-67, Rohde PublicPolicy less than 50,000 € http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=96530144280-28, Hill & Knowl<strong>to</strong>n InternationalBelgium less than 50,000 € http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=3183894853-03, Just Health CommunicationsLtd 300,000 € - 350,000 € http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=413784411458-52, Hanover CommunicationsInternational 50,000 € - 100,000 €. 2013 http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=712987314570-5740<strong>EU</strong>TR, Prudential, entry as of 14/01/15, http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=65288482768-6441<strong>EU</strong>TR, entries as of 14/01/15, European Landowners’Organization asbl http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=36063991244-88, Ogilvy Group http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=81904791851-3742<strong>EU</strong>TR, Monsan<strong>to</strong>, http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=678841411135-35, as of 14/01/15,43<strong>EU</strong>TR, entries as of 14/01/15, AFM+E http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=33629954785-84,Cyprus Chamber of Commerce:http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=3199368915-29New and Improved?<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>12

44Transparency <strong>Register</strong> Compliance Guidelines, Edition N°3 – 04 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2012, http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/info/openFile.do?fileName=guideline_en.pdf45<strong>EU</strong>TR, entries as of 14/01/15, Confederation ofEuropean Paper Industries http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=72279144480-58,Conseil europeendes Professions immobilieres http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=1094652600-90,European Coordinationof Independent Producers http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=59052572261-6246<strong>EU</strong>TR, entries as of 14/01/15, BSA | The Software Alliancehttp://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=75039383277-48 andthe Building Societies Association http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=924933110421-6447<strong>EU</strong>TR Compliance Guidelines, ibid.48<strong>EU</strong>TR, Google, entry last updated 29/03/14, http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=03181945560-59. as of 14/01/1549<strong>EU</strong>TR, Novartis, entry last updated 01/04/14, http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=91269481588-28, as of 14/01/1550<strong>EU</strong>TR, entries as of 20/01/15, Syndicat Formation etDéveloppement CFE-CGC http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=564787713581-8951<strong>EU</strong>TR, Globe Consultants International Ltd, lastupdated 16/12/13, http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=106129112446-14, as of 14/01/1552<strong>EU</strong>TR, MUST & Partners, http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=080551814378-33&isList<strong>Lobby</strong>istView=true, as of19/01/1553<strong>EU</strong>TR, MWW http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=490432812998-80&isList<strong>Lobby</strong>istView=trueand http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=370485213446-88&isList<strong>Lobby</strong>istView=true, as of 19/01/1554<strong>EU</strong>TR, Bearing Point, last updated 02/12/14, http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=230831915098-10, as of 19/01/15New and Improved?<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>13

ANNEX 1:Other major omissions fromthe <strong>EU</strong> transparency registerThe reality of the concentration of regula<strong>to</strong>ry andlegislative powers at the <strong>EU</strong> level, which cover manypolicy areas, means that almost all large <strong>EU</strong> corporationsare likely <strong>to</strong> carry out some form of lobbyingof the <strong>EU</strong> institutions and should therefore be inthe <strong>EU</strong>TR. However, our research shows that manycorporations that are actively lobbying the <strong>EU</strong> institutionsdirectly, <strong>still</strong> remain absent. In ALTER-<strong>EU</strong>’s view,the following companies should clearly be included inthe register:uuJapanese food, chemical and pharmaceuticalcorporation Ajinomo<strong>to</strong> hired PA Europe for €150,000- €200,000 and The Huggard Consulting Group forless than €50,000 in 2013, and paid 2m communicationless than €50,000 from three different subsidiariesfor the period 04/2013 - 03/2014 (Ajinomo<strong>to</strong>SAS, Ajinomo<strong>to</strong> SW Europe, and Ajinomo<strong>to</strong> Inc),likely spending several hundred thousand euros on<strong>EU</strong> lobbying but failing <strong>to</strong> sign up <strong>to</strong> the <strong>EU</strong>TR. 1uuConstruction and materials firm the Vinci Grouphired Athenora Consulting for €50,000 - €100,000in 2013. 2uuElectronics firm Prysmian is listed as a client ofAPCO Worldwide, paying them €50,000 - €100,000in 2012. 3uuSecurity firm Northrop Grumman International Corpemployed Hill & Knowl<strong>to</strong>n International Belgium forless than €50,000 in 2013. 4uuGas firm Linde gas (subsidiary of chemicals giantLinde) hired Kreab Gavin Anderson for less than€50,000 in 2013. 5uuTelecommunications firm Swisscom hired Furrer.Hugi&Partner AG in 2013 for less than €50,000. 6uuBritish supermarket Tesco. The head of <strong>EU</strong> andinternational affairs for Tesco met with conservativeUK MEP Ashley Fox in January 2014 regarding thepayment services directive (PSD II) and the regulationon multilateral interchange fees (MIF). 7uuDanish trade, shipping and energy conglomerateMaersk has taken part in stakeholder meetingswith the Commission on TTIP and meanwhile itschief executive is also the chairman of the trade andmarket access working group at the major lobbygroup the European round table of industrialists. 8In ALTER-<strong>EU</strong>’s view, the following financial ac<strong>to</strong>rsshould also clearly be included in the register as theyhave all had recent lobby meetings with DG MARKT 7 :uuSwiss Bankers Association (ASB)uuFinansNorgeuuEuropean Banking Industry Committee (EBIC)In ALTER-<strong>EU</strong>’s view, a large number of law firms whichcarry out <strong>EU</strong> lobby work continue <strong>to</strong> remain absentfrom the <strong>EU</strong>TR, as of 14 January 2015, including:uuMayer Brown’s <strong>EU</strong> Law and Policy practice “assistsclients in navigating and shaping <strong>EU</strong> rules.” 11uuKeller Heckman’s Brussels office includes regula<strong>to</strong>ryaffairs experts and practices in ‘Government Relations’,combining “legislative and political experiencewith significant regula<strong>to</strong>ry and industry expertise”<strong>to</strong> become highly successful “in facilitating relationshipsbetween clients and...the European Union.” 12uuDen<strong>to</strong>ns’ Brussels office offers “<strong>EU</strong> and internationalgovernment affairs”, noting that Brussels is “a hotspot for industry and business organizations operatingwithin or dealing directly with the <strong>EU</strong>’s decisionmakingbodies”. 13uuField Fisher Waterhouse’s Brussels office, “in theheart of the European Union”, advertises that “weclosely follow and influence the developments ofEuropean law.” 14Annexes New and Improved?<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>14

Notes1<strong>EU</strong> transparency register (<strong>EU</strong>TR), entries as of 14/01/15The Huggard Consulting Group (client Ajinomo<strong>to</strong>) http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=650035611150-01PA Europe (client Ajinomo<strong>to</strong> Foods Europe) http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=11064742654-422 m communication (clients Ajinomo<strong>to</strong> SAS, Ajinomo<strong>to</strong>SW Europe, and Ajinomo<strong>to</strong> Inc) http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=38786761555-022<strong>EU</strong>TR, Athenora Consulting (client Vinci Group) http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=79628773-02, as of 14/01/153<strong>EU</strong>TR, APCO Worldwide (client Prysmian) http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=81995781088-41 as of 14/01/154<strong>EU</strong>TR, Hill & Knowl<strong>to</strong>n International Belgium (clientNorthrop Grumman) http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=3183894853-03, as of 14/01/155<strong>EU</strong>TR, Kreab Gavin Anderson (client Linde gas) http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=1078390517-54, as of 14/01/156<strong>EU</strong>TR, Furrer.Hugi&Partner AG (client Swisscom) http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=34425523314-13, as of 14/01/157TESCO Head of <strong>EU</strong> and International Affairs WilliamBlomefield met with Conservative UK MEP Ashley Fox on07/01/2014 in the context of PSD II + MIF working group,http://conservativeeurope.com/Right%20<strong>to</strong>%20know/LOBBYING%20CONTACTS%20JAN%20-%20JUNE%202014%20FINAL2%2024%2010%202014.pdf https://www.linkedin.com/pub/william-blomefield/7/892/8368http://www.euractiv.com/sections/trade-industry/ttipwill-boost-europes-competitiveness-3029567List of meetings released <strong>to</strong> Corporate Europe Observa<strong>to</strong>ry,July 2014, by DG MARKT of meetings with industryrepresentatives since early 2013, see http://corporateeurope.org/financial-lobby/2014/09/regulatingfinance-necessary-hill-battleand http://www.asktheeu.org/en/request/1266/response/5068/attach/html/2/Copy%20of%20CEO%20list%20meetings.xls.html <strong>EU</strong>TR,no entries found, as of 14/01/1511Mayer Brown http://www.mayerbrown.com/locations/Brussels/12Keller Heckman http://www.khlaw.com/showlocation.aspx?Show=94 and http://www.khlaw.com/showarea.aspx?Show=20013Den<strong>to</strong>ns http://www.den<strong>to</strong>ns.com/en/global-presence/New and Improved?Annexes<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>europe/belgium/brussels.aspx14Field Fisher Waterhouse http://www.fieldfisher.com/offices/brussels15

ANNEX 2:<strong>Lobby</strong> consultancies,law firms or consultancieswith undisclosed clientsThis non-exhaustive list was compiled on 13 January 2015 from the <strong>Lobby</strong>facts.eu database. <strong>Lobby</strong>facts uses thedatabase of the <strong>EU</strong> transparency register, but there may be a short delay of a day or two between the two. Thislist should therefore be considered accurate as of 13 January 2015, with a reasonable margin of error.Name of <strong>Lobby</strong> Consultancy,Law firm or ConsultantClient name listedTurnover fromclient (€)& De Bandt Advocaten | Avocats | At<strong>to</strong>rneys | N/A Less than 50,000RechtsanwälteA. Silvestro Confidential Less than 50,000ABOGADOS MAJADAKING N/A Less than 50,000ACIES Consulting Group, Brand NOVAMEN xxx Less than 50,000ACTION PUBLIQUE Néant - création en 2014 (None - created in 2014) Less than 50,000AISFOR Srl ---- Less than 50,000Aleff Group n/a Less than 50,000Alejandro Valdivia-Schneider Open Less than 50,000ALLOULI Lamia Aucun (None) Less than 50,000ALTHEIS LTD Private companies and Public Bodies Less than 50,000Anastasia Chalkidou None Less than 50,000Andrew Wigley None Less than 50,000Antiterrorism Consulting Other Less than 50,000APEL S.r.l.Pubbliche Amministrazioni (Public administrations)Less than 50,000Argus Security Projects Ltd. 00000000 Less than 50,000Asesores de Comunicación OSTOS, SOLA & - Less than 50,000Asociados SLAstrée Avocats NEANT (None) Less than 50,000Aviation Emissions Solutions Ltd. All Less than 50,000Avv. Stefano Malinconico Nessuno (No one) Less than 50,000Awridian Ltd - Less than 50,000BANKINTER, S.A. NINGUN CLIENTE (No clients) Less than 50,000BARROETA CONSULTORIA 2013, SL ----- Less than 50,000BIOTOPE aucun (None) Less than 50,000Bird & Bird LLP CONFIDENTIAL Less than 50,000BJD Reinsurance Consulting, SARL Own Funds Less than 50,000BRAZZALE SPA // Less than 50,000BTP Europroject ConsultingVarie iniziative Albania (Various initiatives300000 <strong>to</strong> 350000Albania)BTP Europroject ConsultingVarie iniziative Romania (Various initiatives 200000 <strong>to</strong> 250000Romania)CABINET CAZEAU RONALD EXPERTISES public, privé et syndic (Public, private and trustee) Less than 50,000Casey Campbell not applicable Less than 50,000Centro Servizi Mercury s.a.s. vari (Various) Less than 50,000CERES CERtification of Environmental Standards nicht anwendbar (Not applicable) Less than 50,000GmbHCHORUSCONSULT geen (No) Less than 50,000CIEL & CO Confidential Less than 50,000Common Rights None Less than 50,000Annexes New and Improved?<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>16

Name of <strong>Lobby</strong> Consultancy,Law firm or ConsultantClient name listedTurnover fromclient (€)COMPER FORNALCZYK & PARTNERS GENERAL nd Less than 50,000PARTNERSHIPContext, international cooperation other Less than 50,000contrast, European & Business Law N/A Less than 50,000CORT Teaching Studio 0 Less than 50,000Counterfactual Not applicable Less than 50,000Dauginet advocaten / Less than 50,000Dealers Negócios Internacionais xxxx Less than 50,000Deloitte & Associés NA Less than 50,000Deloitte LLP NA Less than 50,000DS Avocats A.A.R.P.I néant (None) Less than 50,000e-Line Consulting Marketing és Szolgáltató Kft. - Less than 50,000Ecofys None Less than 50,000Ecofys Netherlands B.V. Various DG’s 6750000 <strong>to</strong> 7000000Edgar BV na Less than 50,000Erika Casajoana No public affairs in 2013 Less than 50,000<strong>EU</strong>-Turn Public institutions 300000 <strong>to</strong> 350000Eunomia Research & Consulting Ltd n/a Less than 50,000Eurasia Group Ltd NA Less than 50,000eurolobby startup Less than 50,000EuventuresNGO´s and Öffentliche Einrichtungen (Public Less than 50,000institutions)Fabasoft Austria GmbH - Less than 50,000Gestluz - Consul<strong>to</strong>res de Gestão, Lda. Public sec<strong>to</strong>r clients Less than 50,000GIGLIO & Partners a Less than 50,000Gisèle VIANEY pas de client en 2013 (No clients in 2013) Less than 50,000GoodWill Consulting Tendering Consultancy Non applicable Less than 50,000Limited Liability CompanyHart Energy n/a Less than 50,000Immobiliere Ilr Sarl privacy 1750000 <strong>to</strong> 2000000Impulso Industrial Alternativo - Less than 50,000Inline Policy Not applicable Less than 50,000INNOPOLE SL VARIAS EMPRESAS (Several companies) 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Integrating Technology, IP & business models N/A Less than 50,000Inteligentno savje<strong>to</strong>vanje d.o.o. No representation Less than 50,000IRIS Consultancy and Logistics Limited not applicable Less than 50,000J C Brennan Consultancy Ltd NA Less than 50,000Jacques Y. LEIBOVITCH N/A Less than 50,000JBS CONSULTANT PARTICULIERS Less than 50,000JLAG LTD Several Consultancies firms 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000JOKE Event AG Kein Klient (No client) Less than 50,000Joulia-Paris Tamar not applicable Less than 50,000KARL KRONER KG Keine Angaben (No details) Less than 50,000Knowledge & Analysis LLP n/a Less than 50,000Kosmonauta.net sp. z o.o. N/A Less than 50,000Kumquat Consult N/A Less than 50,000LABUNIQ ServicegesellschaftmbH kein (No) Less than 50,000Lake Isle M&A Incorporated Confidential Less than 50,000Lallemand & Legros CONFIDENTIEL Less than 50,000Law Square 0 Less than 50,000Leitner + Leitner 0 Less than 50,000LeitnerLeitner 0 Less than 50,000Llanbury Consulting Limited - Less than 50,000LNE Group - Less than 50,000<strong>Lobby</strong>ist Republique N/A Less than 50,000Luca Muscelli Comunicazione others 100000 <strong>to</strong> 150000Magyar Hivatalos Közbeszerzési Tanácsadó Kft Non Governmental Less than 50,000Mannov N/A Less than 50,000Martin Matthew Farrugia Various Less than 50,000Med-Q none Less than 50,000Mediji i analize private companies Less than 50,000MEKmedia GmbH 0 Less than 50,000MENA Chambers Confidential Less than 50,000Meridian VAT Processing International N/A Less than 50,000Annexes New and Improved?<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>17

Name of <strong>Lobby</strong> Consultancy,Law firm or ConsultantClient name listedTurnover fromclient (€)Métrologie et Gestion d’Environnement others and Public sec<strong>to</strong>r Less than 50,000National Non-Food Crops Centre no client Less than 50,000NineSigma Europe BVBAKlanten willen onbekend blijven (Cus<strong>to</strong>mers want Less than 50,000<strong>to</strong> remain unknown)NSF CYBERALL ACCESS participants in our training Less than 50,000Obelis not relevant see below Less than 50,000Orpheus Public Affairs SCS Not applicable Less than 50,000Peaceful Fish Productions Ltd. Various/Average Less than 50,000Petr Kolar confidential information 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Piquemal, Jean None Less than 50,000prandp.de - PR & Policy Consulting MaxNicht vorhanden (Non-existent) Less than 50,000LindemannPricewaterhouseCoopers Tax Advisors &NA Less than 50,000Accountants SRLPwCIL NA Less than 50,000REBOOT No Clients Less than 50,000Rechtsanwalt Dr. An<strong>to</strong>n Schaefer keine Klienten (No clients) Less than 50,000rel.Co. Relations & Consulting nessun cliente (No clients) Less than 50,000Sachs & Co & Sons Pas de client (No clients) Less than 50,000Sea Teach S.L. none Less than 50,000SELARL SOCIETE D’AVOCAT STEPHAN DENOYES Aucun (None) Less than 50,000SIGNATURES Aucun (None) Less than 50,000Soluciones en gestión Sanitarias SL 11 250000 <strong>to</strong> 300000Song Splits Solutions LLC Not Yet Available Less than 50,000Spanish VAT Services Asesores SL N.A. Less than 50,000studio AF & Partners Set<strong>to</strong>re Corporate (Corporate sec<strong>to</strong>r) 200000 <strong>to</strong> 250000studio AF & Partners Set<strong>to</strong>re Private (Private sec<strong>to</strong>r) 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000SYNDEX Aucun (None) Less than 50,000Taj, Société d’Avocats Néant (None) Less than 50,000TECHLIVE247 cus<strong>to</strong>mers Less than 50,000TECNIN - Training S.A. n/a Less than 50,000Thetis SPA nessuno (No one) Less than 50,000Third-i bvba none Less than 50,000Thomas Dillon n/a and No activity in last 12 months Less than 50,000Tino Didriksen Consult n/a Less than 50,000Tomas Horejsi all clients Less than 50,000Transport Industry Driver Education Services N/A Less than 50,000Limited t/as Chequered Flag TrainingTruenology Technologies cus<strong>to</strong>mers Less than 50,000Umber<strong>to</strong> Bono & Partners Nessuno (No one) Less than 50,000VAHTA d.o.o. none Less than 50,000VAT Consultants Ltd None Less than 50,000VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz GmbHNicht anwendbar, da kein Umsatz aus <strong>Lobby</strong>arbeit.Less than 50,000(Not applicable, as no revenue fromlobbying.)Ventures4Growth n and z Less than 50,000VerifAvia SARL various Less than 50,000VIANA N/A Less than 50,000Vianey Gisèle pas de client en 2013 (No clients in 2013) Less than 50,000Vi<strong>to</strong> Rizzo nessun cliente (No clients) Less than 50,000Vivid Economics Ltd N/A Less than 50,000Wake App Health Ninguno (None) Less than 50,000WeSaveYourCopyrights RechtsanwaltsgesellschaftKein Klient (No client) Less than 50,000mbHWikipiedra S.L. No cus<strong>to</strong>mer Less than 50,000X-Media Strategies Diverse 100000 <strong>to</strong> 150000Zabala Innovation Consulting ninguno (None) Less than 50,000Zero-e b.v. None Less than 50,000New and Improved?Annexes<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>18

ANNEX 3:<strong>Lobby</strong> consultancies,law firms or consultantslisting unexplainedacronyms as clientsThis non-exhaustive list was compiled on 13 January 2015 from the <strong>Lobby</strong>facts.eu database. <strong>Lobby</strong>facts uses thedatabase of the <strong>EU</strong> transparency register, but there may be a short delay of a day or two between the two. Thislist should therefore be considered accurate as of 13 January 2015, with a reasonable margin of error. It includesacronyms listed as clients, without any further explanation, therefore being ambiguous. It is possible that somenames that appear <strong>to</strong> be acronyms (ie. are in capitals and do not obviously form words) are in fact organisationnames. This list does not include acronyms that are commonly recognised brand names eg. BMW, BP, KPMG etcName of lobby consultancy,law firm or consultantAcronymTurnover fromclient (€)A² Policy Advice SPRL JEITA Less than 50,000Access Partnership ARM, BSA, ICANN Less than 50,000ACTION <strong>EU</strong>ROPE BFC Less than 50,000ACTION <strong>EU</strong>ROPE COFEPP, GBH 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000aerospace techniques engineering consulting & BIPE Less than 50,000servicesAFA ITALIA GPS Less than 50,000Agronovo Ecoloxía, S.L. INDEGAE Less than 50,000Alexandra Tamasan GIZ Less than 50,000Alinea, Avocats à la Cour, SELARL CIPALIN Less than 50,000Alonso & Asociados <strong>EU</strong>PAVE, TU Less than 50,000ANCRE GESAC 200000 <strong>to</strong> 250000andrea valori ICCROM, MIUR Less than 50,000ANDRES GOMEZ FUNES FUE Less than 50,000ANTHENOR Public Affairs AFIFAE, APIDIM, SIDIV Less than 50,000ANTON KERN D.I. NS Less than 50,000An<strong>to</strong>nio Parodi FNSI Less than 50,000APCO Worldwide EFPIA Less than 50,000ARCA CONSORTIUM CETM, CNTC Less than 50,000ARCHIMEDE CONSULTANCY SERVICES CIAA, FEDIOL Less than 50,000ARCTURUS GROUP CRCC, EFJ, OIA Less than 50,000ARCTURUS GROUP ANIFELT, CBE, CNIV, ECRA, UFBJOP 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Argentix Ltd KTN Less than 50,000Athenora Consulting CPCA, FNAM, MAIF, SBB Less than 50,000Athenora Consulting MGEN 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Atlantic Strategy Group SPRL CDI 100000 <strong>to</strong> 150000AVA & PARTNERS ARA, RHI Less than 50,000Aviation Advocacy CANSO Less than 50,000Aviation Strategy & Concepts LOT 100000 <strong>to</strong> 150000avv. Davide Maresca CPM Less than 50,000Banelli d.o.o. DKV Less than 50,000BAPCERES David RG Less than 50,000BBM&Associates NW 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Becker Büttner Held EREF 100000 <strong>to</strong> 150000BergsteinWassermann fetsa Less than 50,000Annexes New and Improved?<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>19

Name of lobby consultancy,law firm or consultantAcronymTurnover fromclient (€)Bertagni Consulting srl AEMZU, FNDCV Less than 50,000Bibimbap Studio Lab ANRS Less than 50,000Bio3 - Estudos e Projec<strong>to</strong>s em Biologia e Valorização DHV 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000de Recursos NaturaisBIONTINO <strong>EU</strong>ROPE IBA, RATP Less than 50,000Biotech Consultants Ltd. BTCL Less than 50,000BORENIUS BBB Less than 50,000BRM-Europe CNIEL, FEBE, FEPEX Less than 50,000BRM-Europe AGFAE, FIAB 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Brucovie Consult sprl CASAG, EACON Less than 50,000Brunswick Group LLP ICE 250000 <strong>to</strong> 300000Bureau BrusselsAEDES, APG, DSM, ICS, IFV, MN, NVB, PGGM, Less than 50,000TNTBusiness Bridge Europe EADS, EARSC, ESA, ESOA, GEF, OHB, SES Less than 50,000Business Bridge Europe EPMA, RTE 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000bxl-law SPRL EHPM, EVU Less than 50,000cabinet DN consulting sprl EHIMA 100000 <strong>to</strong> 150000cabinet DN consulting sprl UPM 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Cabinet Tauthui & Associés COTE D’IVOIRE 450000 <strong>to</strong> 500000CD ET ASSOCIES CNCIF Less than 50,000CEC Government Relations (CZ) CAMEP Less than 50,000Central <strong>Lobby</strong> Consultants Ltd APCRG, CLAS, CTG, FHF Less than 50,000Central <strong>Lobby</strong> Consultants Ltd Eurits 100000 <strong>to</strong> 150000CHAPUS TLF Less than 50,000Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Irwin ERRAC, UIC Less than 50,000Cicero Consulting Limited HFMA 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Claudia Lorureiro Marinho, Unipessoal, Ldª, abc Less than 50,000Climate Strategy & Partners <strong>EU</strong>RIMA Less than 50,000Club des Voitures Ecologiques / Green Car Club AVEM, CFBP, CNR, COURB, DBT, EDF, Effia, ERDF, Less than 50,000Feda, MAAF, OVE, UGAPClub Feroviar SRL aARP, SNCF Less than 50,000CONCEPT & RESEARCH CEJI, CGP, ECS Less than 50,000Consul<strong>to</strong>ria de Innovación y Financiación S.L. CASBEGA Less than 50,000COPRODES Comm.V ECOLAB Less than 50,000CRISTINA VICINI AISVEC, TIAW Less than 50,000CRUAÑAS & ASOCIADOS, CONSEJEROS, S.L. AFCO Less than 50,000Dahan, Dahan-Bit<strong>to</strong>n & Dahan STW Less than 50,000Delany & Co ISGA Less than 50,000Devant Limited DB Less than 50,000DIERREPI CONSULTING di Dom Rosario Poidimani iird Less than 50,000Digonnet & Kutas Consulting BRF, CNA Less than 50,000Dr. Oliver Sude <strong>EU</strong>COPE Less than 50,000E-<strong>EU</strong>ROCONSULTING SRL ismea Less than 50,000Edelman Public Relations Worldwide Fediol 100000 <strong>to</strong> 150000EFS Strategy Consulting sprl GLG Less than 50,000EMD Advisory Services EASO Less than 50,000Emilie Martin Consulting SNCF Less than 50,000EPPA SA CEZ Less than 50,000EPPA SA DEZA, SAFT 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000ESL & NETWORK <strong>EU</strong>ROPEAN AFFAIRS SA SES, ECPA, ENEL, EPIA, <strong>EU</strong>TELSAT, FFSA, LTC Less than 50,000ESL & NETWORK <strong>EU</strong>ROPEAN AFFAIRS SA ETI 100000 <strong>to</strong> 150000Ethos Advisors SGSS Less than 50,000<strong>EU</strong> Consult International EFBA Less than 50,000<strong>EU</strong>RALIAAFTI, AGEA, ASF, CNEFAF, CNES, NFID, SNVEL, Less than 50,000UEVPEuro Keys GIRP 350000 <strong>to</strong> 400000Euro PA FVDZ Less than 50,000Euro PA ECS 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Eurofishmarket snc ARBI Less than 50,000Eurohub Consultancy Group EAPA Less than 50,000Europe Analytica CEPI, FIAD 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000European Intermediation ENA, IMCA Less than 50,000Europtimum Conseil CSOEC 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Europtimum Conseil LVMH, PMI 150000 <strong>to</strong> 200000Annexes New and Improved?<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>20

Name of lobby consultancy,law firm or consultantAcronymTurnover fromclient (€)<strong>EU</strong>ROSIDUS AAATOF Less than 50,000<strong>EU</strong>ROTRAN Conseil ECG, EIM, ERFA, ESC Less than 50,000EuroVision and Associates JETRO Less than 50,000<strong>EU</strong>TechStrategy EMBL Less than 50,000EVOLO IDI S.L NER Less than 50,000Exelcom Public Affairs RTL Less than 50,000FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs ANACOFI 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000FIPRA International Limited MOL, PCC Less than 50,000FIPRA International Limited RCCL 300000 <strong>to</strong> 350000First in Brussels Ltd HCC Less than 50,000Fleishman-Hillard GERG, GIIGNL, ICA, NATS, NETS, NXP Less than 50,000Fleishman-Hillard MEDEL 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Fleishman-Hillard ICAP 200000 <strong>to</strong> 250000Fratini&Associati ETNO, GSMA Less than 50,000FTI Consulting Belgium UCB Less than 50,000FTI Consulting Belgium FIA 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Furrer.Hugi&Partner AG SIBA, VSKB Less than 50,000Furrer.Hugi&Partner AG VSV 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000G Plus Ltd CNPMEM 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000G9SA TELECOMUNICACOES SA PT 1250000 <strong>to</strong> 1500000Genna Cabinet Sprl AIIP Less than 50,000Gibbels Public Affairs ESBA 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Grayling Amca, DSM, JRAIA, SNE Less than 50,000Hanover Communications International BMS, MSD Less than 50,000Hans Erik Lindebo EDF 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Harwood Levitt Consulting ACE, EFC Less than 50,000Havas Public Affairs Brussels EAMSP, UTC Less than 50,000HCM Chris<strong>to</strong>ph Salmhofer GRT Less than 50,000HCS sprl EFPIA Less than 50,000Hering Schuppener Consulting Corporate Affairs & EWE, ista, KKR Less than 50,000Public Strategies GmbHHubert Consulting CNOSF, EMA Less than 50,000Hume Brophy KCG 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000IBEXPERTS Ltd. IBEX Less than 50,000ICODA BVBA IPMA Less than 50,000Image Sept Bruxelles UGC Less than 50,000Incite Public Affairs IDF Less than 50,000Incite Public Affairs GSMA 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Inrete Srl COPROB Less than 50,000Insight Consulting Aicig, CIGC, CNAOL, CNIEL Less than 50,000INSOLATIO PAMASOL, S.L. PPG 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Instinctif Partners (Brussels) AWCS, BSA, EPBA, WOCCU Less than 50,000Instinctif Partners (Brussels) GLI, GSMA, RGA 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Interel European Affairs CEPI, FFPI, GNT, ISPO, UPS, WBCSD Less than 50,000Interel European Affairs IEEE 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Interel European Affairs MWV 100000 <strong>to</strong> 150000InterRecherche S.P.R.L. BDIU, EVME, FENCA Less than 50,000ISA - Intelligence & Science Applications CEA Less than 50,000ISC Intelligence in Science ACP, ONRG, UCD Less than 50,000ISC Intelligence in Science EPO 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Istitu<strong>to</strong> Europeo Servizi AON Less than 50,000Jim Murray <strong>EU</strong>FFI Less than 50,000Jorge Louro, Ricardo Pena - Contabilidade eACCVL Less than 50,000Consul<strong>to</strong>ria, LdaJS Strategic Advisory Services ceumc Less than 50,000katalin kolosy AEIDL 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000KEA European Affairs BFI Less than 50,000KEA European Affairs EGEDA 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000KK-Consulting RAY 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Knowledge Works srl ETSI, AVSI Less than 50,000Kreab Gavin Anderson FAM, ICI, LKAB, UBS, WMBA 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Kreab Gavin Anderson EDF 150000 <strong>to</strong> 200000KW Communications GBGA, ISGA Less than 50,000L’Europe à la Une EDF Less than 50,000Annexes New and Improved?<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>21

Name of lobby consultancy,law firm or consultantAcronymTurnover fromclient (€)Landmark Public Policy Advisers Europe Ltd CIUS Less than 50,000Landmark Public Policy Advisers Europe Ltd WFA 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Landmarks AEGPL Less than 50,000Landmarks CEPI 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Landmarks Cefic 100000 <strong>to</strong> 150000Landward Research Ltd EACEA, TBR Less than 50,000Laroche Conseil IFRA 100000 <strong>to</strong> 150000LAWIN OOO Less than 50,000Lieve Lowet FNMF Less than 50,000LOGOS Public Affairs EGBA, FIM, IMEC Less than 50,000LOGOS Public Affairs CEMEX 100000 <strong>to</strong> 150000LOGOS Public Affairs ATVEA, EFOA 150000 <strong>to</strong> 200000Luc Domergue Consultants VEES Less than 50,000Luc Domergue Consultants CNCC 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Lucidine Conseil BNP, CACIB, HSB, RBC, UBS Less than 50,000Lucidine Conseil CACEIS 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Luther Pendragon Brussels ATOC, NATS Less than 50,000Luther Pendragon Brussels CLIA, UKMPG 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Lysios Public Affairs SFR Less than 50,000Lysios Public Affairs Eutelsat 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Malte Becker EPTA Less than 50,000Manaar FZE ( Dubai branch) AEST Less than 50,000Marking Public Affairs bvba AARP, APCO, ECHAMP, <strong>EU</strong>GMS Less than 50,000ceC Government Relations (CZ) PMI 100000 <strong>to</strong> 150000MHP Communications EDRA, RSA 150000 <strong>to</strong> 200000MISSAGLIAEASSOCIATI CCOMEDIT Less than 50,000MSB Consulting IABG Less than 50,000MSLGROUP Brussels WGC 200000 <strong>to</strong> 250000MWW ATMIA 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000N-square Consulting CCIA Less than 50,000NETWORKING The Matching Game AEIDL Less than 50,000NGO COHEN AMIR-ASLANI & Associés - Cabinet SO Less than 50,000d’avocatsNIVIERE SUBVENTIONS & CONSULTING AFT Less than 50,000Odesseana Consulting IAGC Less than 50,000Open Gate Italia ANICA Less than 50,000Open Road IMA Less than 50,000pantarhei advisors europe COSTEFF Less than 50,000pantarhei advisors europe AMSC, EVN 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000PARCOURIR L’<strong>EU</strong>ROPE ARC LATIN Less than 50,000Political Intelligence EAFM Less than 50,000QUALITIVIDADE - CONSULTORIA LDA CRIO Less than 50,000Ricard Parés Casanova PORCAT 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Ricardo Baretzky ECIPS Less than 50,000Ridens NRC 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Ridens NGK 400000 <strong>to</strong> 450000Rohde Public Policy EAMBES, IBA, IPOPI, VPH Less than 50,000Rohde Public Policy ESMO 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Rohde Public Policy PPTA 100000 <strong>to</strong> 150000Rohde Public Policy BD 200000 <strong>to</strong> 250000Russchen Consultants KPN Less than 50,000Schuman Associates ATOS, BATS, BDO, ESBI, DTI, IAA, NIS, SAP, SES Less than 50,000SEANCE PUBLIQUE CEA, IRSN Less than 50,000self-employed Economic Consultant PAI Less than 50,000Sergey Teleshev JCCO Less than 50,000SERVICIOS AVANZADOS DE CANARIAS CECAPYME Less than 50,000Sharpe Lankester & Associates SLB Less than 50,000Siempre SIAC Less than 50,000Simply Europe ABP, BAT, VAD Less than 50,000Smart Business Diplomacy DTEK 100000 <strong>to</strong> 150000SOCIETA’ <strong>EU</strong>ROPEA per lo SVILUPPO eAISCAT 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000l’INNOVAZIONESophie Delair ECRC Less than 50,000Sovereign Strategy MMV Less than 50,000Annexes New and Improved?<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>22

Name of lobby consultancy,law firm or consultantAcronymTurnover fromclient (€)Sovereign Strategy TMT 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Strategis Communications sprl EGBA 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Strat<strong>to</strong>n Park Associates PCIA Less than 50,000Strauss&Partners TNO Less than 50,000SVM Consult SIINDA Less than 50,000Symbios Funding & Consulting GmbH HPA Less than 50,000TELAGE CE, EETT Less than 50,000TELAGE FTTH 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000The Brussels Office s.a. / Brusselkon<strong>to</strong>ret AS ECOHZ Less than 50,000The Fullilove Consulting Group ACORD, CNA Less than 50,000Top Strategies AST, EADS 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Törkel Consulting AGES, DNVGL Less than 50,000VALMERE CCIP, IPEMED, SNCF Less than 50,000Vlassembrouck Consult PPTA Less than 50,000Vlassembrouck Consult AMDR 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000Wageningen International Experts IFDC Less than 50,000Weber Shandwick ECSPA, Jetro Less than 50,000Weber Shandwick EAACA 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000WELCOM<strong>EU</strong>ROPE E/D/F 50000 <strong>to</strong> 100000WIISE AIIPA Less than 50,000World Organisation of Public Procurement AgenciesGGI Less than 50,000and AssociationsYM CONSEIL IFREMER Less than 50,000Zaparazzi BRG, SEAP Less than 50,000AnnexesNew and Improved?<strong>Why</strong> the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Lobby</strong> register <strong>still</strong> <strong>fails</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>deliver</strong>23

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