Continuum for Narrative Writing – First Grade S tru cture Develop m ...

Continuum for Narrative Writing – First Grade S tru cture Develop m ...

Continuum for Narrative Writing – First Grade S tru cture Develop m ...


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OverallPre-Kindergarten(1 point)I told a story withpi<strong>cture</strong>s and some“writing”.1.5pts<strong>Continuum</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Narrative</strong> <strong>Writing</strong> – <strong>First</strong> <strong>Grade</strong>Updated 11/6/12Kindergarten(2 points)I told, drew, and wrote a wholestory.2.5pts<strong>Grade</strong> 1(3 points)I wrote about when I didsomething.3.5ptsMidlevelMidlevelMidlevel<strong>Grade</strong> 2(4 points)I wrote about one time when Idid something.ScoreS<strong>tru</strong><strong>cture</strong>LeadI started by drawing orsaying something.I have a page that shows whathappened first.I put my pages in order.I tried to make a beginning <strong>for</strong>my story.I put my pages in order. I usedwords like and and then, so.MidlevelMidlevelMidlevelTransitions I kept on working. MidlevelMidlevelMidlevelI thought about how to write agood beginning and chose away to start my story. I chosethe action, talk or setting thatwould make a good beginning.I told the story in order byusing words like when, then,after.OrganizationOn my paper, there isa place <strong>for</strong> drawingand a place where Itried to write words.I have a page that shows whathappened last in my story.My story has a page <strong>for</strong> thebeginning, a page <strong>for</strong> themidde, and a page <strong>for</strong> the end.I found a way to end my story.I wrote my story across three ormore pages.Ending My story ended. MidlevelMidlevelMidlevelMidlevelMidlevelMidlevelI chose the action, talk orfeeling that would make agood ending.I wrote lots of lines on a pageand wrote across lots of pages.Total<strong>Develop</strong>mentElaborationDescriptionPre-Kindergarten(1 point)I put more and thenmore on the page.In my story, I tell andshow what happened.Kindergarten(2 points)My story says who was there,what they did, and how thepeople felt.I can draw and write somedetails about what happened.I used labels and words to givedetails.1.5ptsMidlevel2.5 pts <strong>Grade</strong> 1(3 points)Midlevelonto the page. I have details inI put the pi<strong>cture</strong> from my mindpi<strong>cture</strong>s and words.3.5 pts <strong>Grade</strong> 2(4 points)ScoreMidlevelI tried to bring my people tolife with details, talk, andactions. (x 2)MidlevelMidlevelMidlevelI chose strong words thatwould help readers pi<strong>cture</strong> mystory. (x 2)Total(Elaboration and Description are double weighted categories. Whatever score a student would get in these categories is worth double the amount of points. Ex. if a student exceeds expectations in Elaboration, then thatstudent would receive 8 points instead of 4 points. If a student meets standards in Elaboration, then that student would receive 6 points instead of 3 points, and so on.)©Units of Study <strong>for</strong> Teaching <strong>Writing</strong>, <strong>Grade</strong> by <strong>Grade</strong>: A Yearlong Workshop Curriculum, <strong>Grade</strong>s K-8,by Lucy Calkins and Colleagues (Heinemann, 2013/2014)For distribution only in TCRWP schoolsDRAFT

Pre-Kindergarten(1 point)1.5pts<strong>Continuum</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Narrative</strong> <strong>Writing</strong> – <strong>First</strong> <strong>Grade</strong>Kindergarten(2 points)Updated 11/6/122.5 pts <strong>Grade</strong> 1(3 points)3.5 pts <strong>Grade</strong> 2(4 points)ScoreLanguage ConventionsSpellingPunctuationI can read my pi<strong>cture</strong>sand some of mywords.I tried to make words.I can label pi<strong>cture</strong>s.I can write my name.I can read my writing.I wrote a letter <strong>for</strong> the sounds Ihear.I used the Word Wall to helpme spell.I put spaces between words.I used lower case letters unlesscapitals were needed.I wrote capital letters to startevery sentence.I used all I know about wordsand chunks of words (“at,” “op,”“it”…) to help me spell.I spelled all the Word WallWords right and used the WordWall to help me spell otherwordsI ended sentences withpunctuation.I used a capital letter <strong>for</strong> names.I used commas in dates and lists.MidlevelMidlevelMidlevelMidlevelMidlevelMidlevelTo spell a word, I used what Iknow about spelling patterns(“tion,” “er,” “ly”, etc.)I spelled all of the Word Wallwords correctly and used theWord Wall to help me figureout how to spell other words.I used quotation marks to showwhat people said.When I used words like can’tand don’t, I put in theapostrophe.TotalTeachers, when this is totally finished, each category will refer to “the writer” rather than “I”. We are giving out these assessments so they can be used immediately, after giving the on demands, andthey can be used with kids <strong>for</strong> self-assessment and setting goals. We have created these continua so you will have your own place to pull together scores of student work.Scoring Guide:In each row, circle the descriptor in the column that matches the student work. Scores in the categories of Elaboration and Description are worth double the pointvalue (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 instead of 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, or 4).Total the number of points, and track students’ progress by seeing when the total points increase.(Elaboration and Description are double weighted categories. Whatever score a student would get in these categories is worth double the amount of points. Ex. if a student exceeds expectations in Elaboration, then thatstudent would receive 8 points instead of 4 points. If a student meets standards in Elaboration, then that student would receive 6 points instead of 3 points, and so on.)©Units of Study <strong>for</strong> Teaching <strong>Writing</strong>, <strong>Grade</strong> by <strong>Grade</strong>: A Yearlong Workshop Curriculum, <strong>Grade</strong>s K-8,by Lucy Calkins and Colleagues (Heinemann, 2013/2014)For distribution only in TCRWP schoolsDRAFT

Total score: ________<strong>Continuum</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Narrative</strong> <strong>Writing</strong> – <strong>First</strong> <strong>Grade</strong>Updated 11/6/12If you want to translate this score into a grade, you can use the provided table to score each student on a scale from 0 – 4.Number of PointsScaled Score1-11 111.5-16.5 1.517-22 222.5-27.5 2.528-33 333.5-38.5 3.539-44 4(Elaboration and Description are double weighted categories. Whatever score a student would get in these categories is worth double the amount of points. Ex. if a student exceeds expectations in Elaboration, then thatstudent would receive 8 points instead of 4 points. If a student meets standards in Elaboration, then that student would receive 6 points instead of 3 points, and so on.)©Units of Study <strong>for</strong> Teaching <strong>Writing</strong>, <strong>Grade</strong> by <strong>Grade</strong>: A Yearlong Workshop Curriculum, <strong>Grade</strong>s K-8,by Lucy Calkins and Colleagues (Heinemann, 2013/2014)For distribution only in TCRWP schoolsDRAFT

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