Doc Turbiscan pdf - Formulaction

Doc Turbiscan pdf - Formulaction

Doc Turbiscan pdf - Formulaction

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TURBISCANTHE REFERENCEFOR STABILITY ANALYSISSCREENINGSTABILITY TESTS:TURBISCAN CLASSICAGEING &CHARACTERISATION :TURBISCAN LABThe <strong>Turbiscan</strong> range is world widely used in order tocharacterize the dispersion state of emulsions, suspensions,foams...Changes in terms of size and concentration (suchas creaming, sedimentation, flocculation or coalescence...)are directly monitored, in realistic conditionsenabling faster and more relevant characterizationcompared to common methods such as visual observationor centrifugation, which are time-consuming ornon-realistic.Users have now the easiest way ever to check the stabilityof their formulations with a one-click access tothe <strong>Turbiscan</strong> Stability Index ( ).TransmissionDetectorBENEFITSLight Source(Near IR)BackscatterDetectorMULTIPLE LIGHT SCATTERINGAll <strong>Turbiscan</strong>s work on the same principle. This techniqueconsists in sending photons (light) into the sample.These photons, after being scattered many timesby objects in suspension (droplets, solid particles, gasbubbles, …) emerge from the sample and are detectedby the measurement device of the <strong>Turbiscan</strong>.MEASUREMENT PRINCIPLEA mobile reading head, composed of a NIR diode andtwo detectors (transmission (T) and backscattering(BS)), scans a glass cell containing the sample. The<strong>Turbiscan</strong> software then enables to interpret the obtaineddata easily.The measurement enables the quantification ofseveral parameters, as BS and T values are linked toparticles average diameter (d) and volume fraction (ϕ).BS = f ( d /ϕ)VERSATILE TECHNOLOGYUser can study all kinds of liquiddispersions (emulsions, suspensions,foams, …), with concentrationup to 95% v/v, over a widerange of size (10 nm to 1 mm).OPTICAL AND THERMALACCELERATIONThanks to the high opticalresolution and the possibility ofimportant storage temperatures,detection of the samples ageing isaccelerated up to 200 times.NON CONTACTMEASUREMENTMeasurement is done without anymechanical or external stress, andwithout any dilution, thus allowingto monitor the ageing of theproduct in realistic conditions.EASY SAMPLE HANDLINGMeasurement is performed in adisposable glass cell, preventingevaporation or drying, requiringabsolutely no sample preparation(such as dilution).

COMPUTATIONAUTOMATED SHELFLIFE ANALYSIS :TURBISCAN AGSCOMPUTATIONPROCESSMONITORING :TURBISCAN ONLINEIMPROVE AND CONTROLYOUR PROCESS ONLINEwww.formulaction.comDATA ANALYSISThe Turbisoft software provides multileveldata treatment for both expertsand non experts, enabling the use ofthe instrument in various domains suchas R&D, pre-formulation, upscaling,quality control, ...STABILITYNo variation of BS and TSTABILITYThe <strong>Turbiscan</strong> Stability Indexis a one-click feature providing a keynumber depending on the global stabilityof the sample. It is a quick andeasy way to characterize the sample,and enables the user to sort variousformulations.PARTICLES MIGRATIONLocal peaks of variation of BS or TSEDIMENTATIONKinetics computation based on theraw signal allows to identify and quantifyin details the phenomena takingplace in the samples, depending on sizeand concentration variations.An additional feature allows to computethe evolution of the average particlesdiameter or concentration duringthe ageing of the product in any part ofthe sample.CREAMINGPARTICLES SIZE VARIATIONGlobal variation of BS or T on the whole heightCOALESCENCE /FLOCCULATION

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