Visualizar Tese - Instituto de Biociências - Unesp

Visualizar Tese - Instituto de Biociências - Unesp Visualizar Tese - Instituto de Biociências - Unesp


Andreo Fernando AguiarFig. 8. (A) Cross section of plantaris muscle sample from a representative T12 group animal,demonstrating type I (black) and IIA (white) muscle fibers using myofibrillar adenosinetriphosphatase (mATPase) histochemistry after preincubation at pH 4.5. Observe the highestconcentration of type I and IIA muscle fiber in the plantaris deep portion; the IID and IIBmuscle fibers are more frequent in the superficial portion, although it is not possible todistinguish the types IID and IIB at pH 4.5. (B and C) Cross sections of plantaris deep portionfrom a 12-week control (B) and trained (C) animal. Note a significant increase in the type IIAfibers percentage after 12 weeks of resistance training. The amplified region in C shows moreclearly the muscle fibers type I and IIA.60

Andreo Fernando AguiarMyoD, Myogenin and IGF-I mRNA expression. Resistance training during 8 and12 weeks induced a significant (p < 0.05) increase in MyoD and myogenin mRNAexpression in the T8 and T12 groups, compared with C8 and C12 groups, respectively(Fig. 9B and C). Myogenin showed an increase of 44.8% and 37.7% in the T8 and T12groups, compared to C8 and C12 groups, respectively (Fig. 9C). In addition, MyoDincreased in 22.9% and 22.3% in the T8 and T12 groups, compared to their respectivecontrols (Fig. 9B). No statistical (p > 0.05) change was observed in MyoD andmyogenin mRNA expression between C8 and C12 groups (Fig. 9B and C). As for IGF-ImRNA expression, there was a significant (p < 0.05) increase of 30.1% in the T8 groupcompared to C8 group, while no statistical change was observed in T12 group comparedto C12 group. In addition, there were no significant changes in IGF-I mRNA expressionbetween C8 and C12 groups (Fig. 9A)Fig. 9. IGF-I (A), MyoD (B) and myogenin (C) mRNA expression in the plantaris muscle of allexperimental groups: C8, 8 weeks control; T8, 8 weeks trained; C12, 12 weeks control; andT12, 12 weeks trained. Values are means ± SD. n= 8 rats per group. * Significant differencecompared to their respective control at p < 0.05) (ANOVA + Tukey test).61

Andreo Fernando AguiarFig. 8. (A) Cross section of plantaris muscle sample from a representative T12 group animal,<strong>de</strong>monstrating type I (black) and IIA (white) muscle fibers using myofibrillar a<strong>de</strong>nosinetriphosphatase (mATPase) histochemistry after preincubation at pH 4.5. Observe the highestconcentration of type I and IIA muscle fiber in the plantaris <strong>de</strong>ep portion; the IID and IIBmuscle fibers are more frequent in the superficial portion, although it is not possible todistinguish the types IID and IIB at pH 4.5. (B and C) Cross sections of plantaris <strong>de</strong>ep portionfrom a 12-week control (B) and trained (C) animal. Note a significant increase in the type IIAfibers percentage after 12 weeks of resistance training. The amplified region in C shows moreclearly the muscle fibers type I and IIA.60

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