Visualizar Tese - Instituto de Biociências - Unesp

Visualizar Tese - Instituto de Biociências - Unesp Visualizar Tese - Instituto de Biociências - Unesp


Andreo Fernando Aguiarwere elevated by 100-400% 0–24 h postexercise, In addition, Bickel et al. (8) alsoobserved a transient increase in myogenin (~3-fold) and MyoD (83%) mRNAexpression in human muscle after a single bout of RT induced by neuromuscularelectrical stimulation. The results of these studies support the hypothesis that the MRFs,particularly MyoD and myogenin, may be involved in regulating hypertrophy inducedby acute RT.MyoD and myogenin have also been implicated in regulating muscle-fiber type;myogenin has been found to accumulate in slow-twitch and MyoD in fast-twitch fibers(27, 60). Moreover, Mozdziak et al. (40) showed that myogenin and MyoD mRNAlevels are more implicated with myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms compositionchanges than with muscle mass alterations. This hypothesis was confirmed byWilloughby and Nelson (62) that showed a positive correlation between the increase ingene expression of type I, IIA, and IIX MHC isoforms and MyoD and myogeninmRNA expression after a single session of RT. Although considerable evidence fromtime-course studies involving acute RT suggest that the MRFs may play an importantrole in controlling muscle hypertrophy and the fiber-type transition, remains unknownwhether the hypertrophic and phenotypic response of skeletal muscle induced by longtermRT could be associated with the increase in MyoD and myogenin mRNAexpression.In addition to the role of MRFs in skeletal muscle hypertrophy, IGF-I has beencharacterized as a strong anabolic agent by acting in two different ways during loadinducedmuscle hypertrophy, 1- by stimulating SC to proliferate and differentiate duringthe process of compensatory hypertrophy (1), and/or 2- by activating a cascade ofsignaling pathways via phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt/ mammalian target ofrapamycinm (mTOR)/ p70 S6 kinase (p70S6K), resulting in the downstream activationof targets which are required for protein synthesis (10, 16). The "mature" IGF-I genecomprises exons 3 and 4 of the IGF-I gene; during gene processing, alternative splicingoccur resulting in three IGF-I transcripts (IGF-IEa, IGF-IEb and IGF-IEc, also knownas MGF). Some authors have shown that IGF-I transcripts gene expression areupregulated following acute high-intensity resistance exercise, albeit with different timecourses (47, 9, 5). However, contradictory results have been observed in differentspecies and RT protocols (63, 39, 5, 23, 47). According to Psilander et al. (47) thedifferential expression of the IGF-I transcripts may be associated with different stimulusthat affect skeletal muscle. While discrepancy results have been found on IGF-I44

Andreo Fernando Aguiartranscripts (IGF-IEa, IGF-IEb, and MGF) expression, an increase in “mature” IGF-Igene expression during the acute RT has been well reported (5).The importance of IGF-I in regulating muscle hypertrophy was demonstrated instudies that monitored the increased IGF-I expression in combination with increasedmuscle mass (18, 46). For example, transgenic mice in which IGF-1 expression isincreased using a muscle-specific promoter have muscles that are at least twofoldgreater in mass when compared with wild-type mice (41). In addition, increased muscleloading in augmented IGF-1 expression has been shown in both human and animalmodels (14, 5), resulting in increase of muscle mass. Although several lines of evidencesupport a strong association between increased muscle mass and gene expression ofIGF-I and MRFs, our current knowledge on the possible effects of IGF-I and MRFs onmuscle hypertrophy induced by long-term RT remains to be elucidated. Considering theclose relationship of IGF-I with the initial increase in muscle mass during acute RT, andthe important role of MRFs in the control of CS during the muscle repair of local tissueinjury, we speculate that myogenin, MyoD and IGF-I gene expression could be adeterminant factor for increased muscle mass and phenotypic changes during long-termRT. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that hypertrophyand fiber-types transition during long-term RT could be associated with an increase inmyogenin, MyoD and IGF-I mRNA expression in the skeletal muscle. To ourknowledge, the present study provides the first data on the plantaris muscle MRFs andIGF-I mRNA expression during long-term RT.45

Andreo Fernando Aguiarwere elevated by 100-400% 0–24 h postexercise, In addition, Bickel et al. (8) alsoobserved a transient increase in myogenin (~3-fold) and MyoD (83%) mRNAexpression in human muscle after a single bout of RT induced by neuromuscularelectrical stimulation. The results of these studies support the hypothesis that the MRFs,particularly MyoD and myogenin, may be involved in regulating hypertrophy inducedby acute RT.MyoD and myogenin have also been implicated in regulating muscle-fiber type;myogenin has been found to accumulate in slow-twitch and MyoD in fast-twitch fibers(27, 60). Moreover, Mozdziak et al. (40) showed that myogenin and MyoD mRNAlevels are more implicated with myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms compositionchanges than with muscle mass alterations. This hypothesis was confirmed byWilloughby and Nelson (62) that showed a positive correlation between the increase ingene expression of type I, IIA, and IIX MHC isoforms and MyoD and myogeninmRNA expression after a single session of RT. Although consi<strong>de</strong>rable evi<strong>de</strong>nce fromtime-course studies involving acute RT suggest that the MRFs may play an importantrole in controlling muscle hypertrophy and the fiber-type transition, remains unknownwhether the hypertrophic and phenotypic response of skeletal muscle induced by longtermRT could be associated with the increase in MyoD and myogenin mRNAexpression.In addition to the role of MRFs in skeletal muscle hypertrophy, IGF-I has beencharacterized as a strong anabolic agent by acting in two different ways during loadinducedmuscle hypertrophy, 1- by stimulating SC to proliferate and differentiate duringthe process of compensatory hypertrophy (1), and/or 2- by activating a casca<strong>de</strong> ofsignaling pathways via phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt/ mammalian target ofrapamycinm (mTOR)/ p70 S6 kinase (p70S6K), resulting in the downstream activationof targets which are required for protein synthesis (10, 16). The "mature" IGF-I genecomprises exons 3 and 4 of the IGF-I gene; during gene processing, alternative splicingoccur resulting in three IGF-I transcripts (IGF-IEa, IGF-IEb and IGF-IEc, also knownas MGF). Some authors have shown that IGF-I transcripts gene expression areupregulated following acute high-intensity resistance exercise, albeit with different timecourses (47, 9, 5). However, contradictory results have been observed in differentspecies and RT protocols (63, 39, 5, 23, 47). According to Psilan<strong>de</strong>r et al. (47) thedifferential expression of the IGF-I transcripts may be associated with different stimulusthat affect skeletal muscle. While discrepancy results have been found on IGF-I44

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