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Visualizar Tese - Instituto de Biociências - Unesp Visualizar Tese - Instituto de Biociências - Unesp


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Andreo Fernando Aguiar19. Booth FW, Tseng BS, Fluck M, and Carson JA. Molecular and cellularadaptation of muscle in response to physical training. Acta Physiol Scand 162: 343-350, 1998.20. Brooke MH and Kaiser KK. Three “myosin adenosine triphosphatase” systemsthe nature of their pH lability and sulfhydryl dependence. J Histochem Cytochem18: 670-672, 1970.21. Buller AJ, Eccles JC, and Eccles RM. Interactions between motoneurones andmuscles in respect of the characteristic speed of their responses. J Physiol 150: 417-439, 1960.22. Campos GE, Luecke TJ, Wendeln HK, Toma K, Hagerman FC, Murray T,Ragg KE, Ratamess NA, Kraemer WJ, and Staron RS. Muscular adaptations inresponse to three different resistance-training regimens: specificity of repetitionmaximum training zones. Eur J Appl Physiol 88: 50-60, 2002.23. Carraro U, Morale D, Mussini I, Lucke S, Cantini M, Betto R, Catani C, DallaLibera L, Betto DD, and Noventa D. Chronic denervation of rat hemidiaphragm:maintenance of fiber heterogeneity with associated increasing uniformity of myosinisoforms. J Cell Biol 100: 161-174, 1985.24. Carroll TJ, Abernethy PJ, Logan PA, Barber M, and McEniery MT.Resistance training frequency: strength and myosin heavy chain responses to twoand three bouts per week. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup physiol 78: 270-275, 1998.25. Chargé SBP and Rudnick MA. Cellular and molecular regulation of muscleregeneration. Physiol Rev 84: 209-238, 2004.26. Cheek DB. The control of cell mass and replication. The DNA unit- a personal 20-year study. Early Hum Dev 12: 211-239, 1985.27. Chin ER and Allen DG. Changes in intracellular free Ca2+ concentration duringconstant 10 Hz stimulation of mouse single skeletal muscles fibers. Physiologist 39:A-75, 1996.28. Chin ER, Olson EN, Richardson JA, Yang Q, Humphries C, Shelton JM, WuH, Zhu W, Bassel-Duby R, and Williams RS. A calcineurin-dependenttranscriptional pathway controls skeletal muscle fiber type. Genes Dev 12: 2499-2509, 1998.29

Andreo Fernando Aguiar19. Booth FW, Tseng BS, Fluck M, and Carson JA. Molecular and cellularadaptation of muscle in response to physical training. Acta Physiol Scand 162: 343-350, 1998.20. Brooke MH and Kaiser KK. Three “myosin a<strong>de</strong>nosine triphosphatase” systemsthe nature of their pH lability and sulfhydryl <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce. J Histochem Cytochem18: 670-672, 1970.21. Buller AJ, Eccles JC, and Eccles RM. Interactions between motoneurones andmuscles in respect of the characteristic speed of their responses. J Physiol 150: 417-439, 1960.22. Campos GE, Luecke TJ, Wen<strong>de</strong>ln HK, Toma K, Hagerman FC, Murray T,Ragg KE, Ratamess NA, Kraemer WJ, and Staron RS. Muscular adaptations inresponse to three different resistance-training regimens: specificity of repetitionmaximum training zones. Eur J Appl Physiol 88: 50-60, 2002.23. Carraro U, Morale D, Mussini I, Lucke S, Cantini M, Betto R, Catani C, DallaLibera L, Betto DD, and Noventa D. Chronic <strong>de</strong>nervation of rat hemidiaphragm:maintenance of fiber heterogeneity with associated increasing uniformity of myosinisoforms. J Cell Biol 100: 161-174, 1985.24. Carroll TJ, Abernethy PJ, Logan PA, Barber M, and McEniery MT.Resistance training frequency: strength and myosin heavy chain responses to twoand three bouts per week. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup physiol 78: 270-275, 1998.25. Chargé SBP and Rudnick MA. Cellular and molecular regulation of muscleregeneration. Physiol Rev 84: 209-238, 2004.26. Cheek DB. The control of cell mass and replication. The DNA unit- a personal 20-year study. Early Hum Dev 12: 211-239, 1985.27. Chin ER and Allen DG. Changes in intracellular free Ca2+ concentration duringconstant 10 Hz stimulation of mouse single skeletal muscles fibers. Physiologist 39:A-75, 1996.28. Chin ER, Olson EN, Richardson JA, Yang Q, Humphries C, Shelton JM, WuH, Zhu W, Bassel-Duby R, and Williams RS. A calcineurin-<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nttranscriptional pathway controls skeletal muscle fiber type. Genes Dev 12: 2499-2509, 1998.29

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