Ontario Zone Programs & Services Brochures - Canadian Red Cross

Ontario Zone Programs & Services Brochures - Canadian Red Cross Ontario Zone Programs & Services Brochures - Canadian Red Cross

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community health servicesCanadian Red Cross staff and volunteers worktogether to provide a variety of services that helppeople remain living independently in their homeswith comfort and dignity, despite injury, illness orother circumstances. Our programs are designed toenhance quality of life, support independence andprovide peace of mind. The services offered in eacharea vary according to the needs of the community.Available services may include Friendly Visiting,Meals on Wheels and the following:Personal Support & HomemakingThe Red Cross is one of the largest providersof personal support and homemaking servicesin Ontario. These services are carried out byhighly qualified staff who visit residents’ homesto provide personal care, home management,medication reminders and respite care.TransportationFrail, elderly and disabled persons in thecommunity can access transportation servicesfrom the Red Cross, in order to get to andfrom medical appointments, shopping andrehabilitation programs.HELPPeople who are recovering from injury, illness orsurgery can access medical equipment throughthe Health Equipment Loan Program (HELP).Wheelchairs, walkers, commodes, crutches andother equipment are available on a short-term basis.Improving Health Around the WorldThe Canadian Red Cross also works to improvethe health of communities around the world. Oneexample is through the distribution of mosquitonets to prevent malaria, the single leading cause ofdeath for children under five in Africa.HUMANITARIAN ISSUESAround the world, the Red Cross works to protectand promote the rights of all people affected byarmed conflict. The Red Cross is the guardian ofthe Geneva Conventions, laws that protect thewounded, the sick, prisoners of war and civilians.In Canada, the Red Cross educates Canadians oninternational issues including humanitarian lawand development efforts. The Society recruitsand trains qualified Canadian delegates forinternational field operations in countriesaffected by conflict, disaster or for long-termdevelopment missions.In times of war or natural disasters, familiesare sometimes separated when they need eachother the most. The Red Cross helps people tore-establish contact with immediate familymembers through the Restoring Family Linksprogram. Whether the separation happenedmany decades ago or more recently, theCanadian Red Cross may be able to help.DISASTER MANAGEMENTEach year, the Red Cross assists thousands ofpeople who are affected by natural or man-madedisasters such as ice storms, floods, chemical spillsand house fires. In the aftermath of a disaster, RedCross disaster volunteers ensure those affectedreceive access to shelter, food, clothing, personalhygiene items and emotional support. It is the firststep to helping families get back on their feet.In Ontario, there are more than 2,000 highlytrained volunteers who are prepared to respondat a moment’s notice when disaster strikes. Whenneeded, additional Red Cross support can beaccessed from surrounding communities andeven other provinces.The Red Cross is also actively helping communitiesprepare for and reduce the impact of disastersbefore they happen through the provision ofpreparedness workshops.As part of a global network of 186 nationalsocieties, the work and expertise of theCanadian Red Cross often extends beyondCanada’s borders. Trained Canadian personneland resources, including an EmergencyResponse Unit specializing in health, are poisedfor deployment within hours of a disaster orconflict when needed.Swimming andWater SafetySince 1946, the Canadian Red Cross has beenteaching Canadians how to swim and stay safe in,on and around the water. Water safety activitiesare offered at community pools, beaches, schoolsand summer camps to help people of all ages andabilities gain knowledge and skills in every aspectof water safety.Violence and Abuse PreventionFIRST AID & CPRFirst aid and CPR techniques help to save lives andprevent injuries. The Red Cross offers a wide varietyof courses for individuals, groups, workplaces andfirst responders. Participants learn how to preventinjuries, and to think, react and improvise in emergencysituations. Babysitting courses are held in manycommunities and teach youth how to care for childrenin a safe environment and handle emergency situations.The Canadian Red Cross aims to prevent abuse, neglect, harassment and interpersonal violence to ensureeveryone’s right to live, play and learn in a safe environment. Nationally recognized, award-winning programsteach children, youth and adults about healthy relationships, the signs of abuse, dating violence, personalsafety, bullying prevention and how to get help.Prevention educators with extensive training in abuse prevention deliver workshops to school and communitygroups, sports teams, coaches, educators and parents. The aim is to stop the hurt before it starts.The programs and services of the Canadian Red Cross are made possible by the voluntary services and financial support of Canadians.Not all branches offer all programs and services.

community health services<strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> staff and volunteers worktogether to provide a variety of services that helppeople remain living independently in their homeswith comfort and dignity, despite injury, illness orother circumstances. Our programs are designed toenhance quality of life, support independence andprovide peace of mind. The services offered in eacharea vary according to the needs of the community.Available services may include Friendly Visiting,Meals on Wheels and the following:Personal Support & HomemakingThe <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> is one of the largest providersof personal support and homemaking servicesin <strong>Ontario</strong>. These services are carried out byhighly qualified staff who visit residents’ homesto provide personal care, home management,medication reminders and respite care.TransportationFrail, elderly and disabled persons in thecommunity can access transportation servicesfrom the <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Cross</strong>, in order to get to andfrom medical appointments, shopping andrehabilitation programs.HELPPeople who are recovering from injury, illness orsurgery can access medical equipment throughthe Health Equipment Loan Program (HELP).Wheelchairs, walkers, commodes, crutches andother equipment are available on a short-term basis.Improving Health Around the WorldThe <strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> also works to improvethe health of communities around the world. Oneexample is through the distribution of mosquitonets to prevent malaria, the single leading cause ofdeath for children under five in Africa.HUMANITARIAN ISSUESAround the world, the <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> works to protectand promote the rights of all people affected byarmed conflict. The <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> is the guardian ofthe Geneva Conventions, laws that protect thewounded, the sick, prisoners of war and civilians.In Canada, the <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> educates <strong>Canadian</strong>s oninternational issues including humanitarian lawand development efforts. The Society recruitsand trains qualified <strong>Canadian</strong> delegates forinternational field operations in countriesaffected by conflict, disaster or for long-termdevelopment missions.In times of war or natural disasters, familiesare sometimes separated when they need eachother the most. The <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> helps people tore-establish contact with immediate familymembers through the Restoring Family Linksprogram. Whether the separation happenedmany decades ago or more recently, the<strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> may be able to help.DISASTER MANAGEMENTEach year, the <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> assists thousands ofpeople who are affected by natural or man-madedisasters such as ice storms, floods, chemical spillsand house fires. In the aftermath of a disaster, <strong>Red</strong><strong>Cross</strong> disaster volunteers ensure those affectedreceive access to shelter, food, clothing, personalhygiene items and emotional support. It is the firststep to helping families get back on their feet.In <strong>Ontario</strong>, there are more than 2,000 highlytrained volunteers who are prepared to respondat a moment’s notice when disaster strikes. Whenneeded, additional <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> support can beaccessed from surrounding communities andeven other provinces.The <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> is also actively helping communitiesprepare for and reduce the impact of disastersbefore they happen through the provision ofpreparedness workshops.As part of a global network of 186 nationalsocieties, the work and expertise of the<strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> often extends beyondCanada’s borders. Trained <strong>Canadian</strong> personneland resources, including an EmergencyResponse Unit specializing in health, are poisedfor deployment within hours of a disaster orconflict when needed.Swimming andWater SafetySince 1946, the <strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> has beenteaching <strong>Canadian</strong>s how to swim and stay safe in,on and around the water. Water safety activitiesare offered at community pools, beaches, schoolsand summer camps to help people of all ages andabilities gain knowledge and skills in every aspectof water safety.Violence and Abuse PreventionFIRST AID & CPRFirst aid and CPR techniques help to save lives andprevent injuries. The <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> offers a wide varietyof courses for individuals, groups, workplaces andfirst responders. Participants learn how to preventinjuries, and to think, react and improvise in emergencysituations. Babysitting courses are held in manycommunities and teach youth how to care for childrenin a safe environment and handle emergency situations.The <strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> aims to prevent abuse, neglect, harassment and interpersonal violence to ensureeveryone’s right to live, play and learn in a safe environment. Nationally recognized, award-winning programsteach children, youth and adults about healthy relationships, the signs of abuse, dating violence, personalsafety, bullying prevention and how to get help.Prevention educators with extensive training in abuse prevention deliver workshops to school and communitygroups, sports teams, coaches, educators and parents. The aim is to stop the hurt before it starts.The programs and services of the <strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> are made possible by the voluntary services and financial support of <strong>Canadian</strong>s.Not all branches offer all programs and services.

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