Rapport nr - SIFO

Rapport nr - SIFO Rapport nr - SIFO


52DSV, technically DDSV (Departmental Veterinary Services Direction), is an administrationmanaged on a departmental scale, contrary to the DGCCRF or the AFSSA which are managedin a national scale. Its roles are to control the application of the sanitarian regulations infarms and companies involved in production, transformation, transport or distribution offood. The aim of the DSV is to guarantee that a product is healthy, without harmful effectsand without animal suffering.Figure 1PubliclaboratoriesManages researchAFSSASanitary crisisAlertsDGCCRFProvides recommendationsAlertsand managesPublishesRegulationsDDSVControls the applications of theregulation in places in directliaison with the consumerManages thesanitariancrisis(H5N1…)Controls theapplications of theregulation in farms orin companiesConcerning AnimalsConcerning more precisely consumers

52DSV, technically DDSV (Departmental Veterinary Services Direction), is an administrationmanaged on a departmental scale, contrary to the DGCCRF or the AFSSA which are managedin a national scale. Its roles are to control the application of the sanitarian regulations infarms and companies involved in production, transformation, transport or distribution offood. The aim of the DSV is to guarantee that a product is healthy, without harmful effectsand without animal suffering.Figure 1PubliclaboratoriesManages researchAFSSASanitary crisisAlertsDGCCRFProvides recommendationsAlertsand managesPublishesRegulationsDDSVControls the applications of theregulation in places in directliaison with the consumerManages thesanitariancrisis(H5N1…)Controls theapplications of theregulation in farms orin companiesConcerning AnimalsConcerning more precisely consumers

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