N OCIETY' - the Society for Reproductive Biology

N OCIETY' - the Society for Reproductive Biology

N OCIETY' - the Society for Reproductive Biology


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Implantation and transplantation: endocrine signals in cell lineage choiceJohn P. HearnResearch School of Biological Sciences, Australian National UniversityPO Box 475, Canberra, ACT 2601, AustraliaTHE DEVELOPMENT AND POTENTIAL USE OF HUMAN EMBRYONIC STEM CELLSIntroduction:The rapid establishment of embryo-maternalatr~;;:'hment, implantation and differentiation at <strong>the</strong>stan of pregnancy is enabled by an endocrinedialogue. The reliance on chorionicgonadotrophin (CG) as an embryonic signal ofviability, and capacity to support <strong>the</strong> corpusluteum, is apparently restricted to primates. Wequestioned <strong>the</strong> possible role of gonadotrophinreleasing hormone (GnRH) in regulating CGrelease during implantation. fu associated studies(with James Thomson, University of Wisconsin)we isolated and characterised <strong>the</strong> similarities inendocrine secretion from totipotent or pluripotentembryonic stem cells in marmoset and rhesusmonkeys.Materials and Methods:The development of non-surgical embryorecovery, microassays to measure GnRH and CG,and embryo culture to <strong>the</strong> in vitro equivalent ofday 12 after embryo attachment, were describedearlier (1,2,3). fu current studies we incubatedsingle embryos with exogenous GnRH, agonist orantagonist, measuring <strong>the</strong> resulting change in CGsecretion and <strong>the</strong> differentiation stages ofembryos. In addition, embryonic stem cells wereisolated (4,5) and <strong>the</strong>ir secretion of CG monitored.Results:Control embryos (n=25) secreted a characteristicprofile of CG, with GnRH measurable in <strong>the</strong>culture fluid by mid blastocyt stages ofdevelopment. fucubation with antagonist (n=15)reduced CG secretion and slowed differentiation.fucubation with agonist (n=15) enhanced CGsecretion but drastically inhibited attachment anddifferentiation. fucubation with exogenous GnRH(n=10) greatly enhanced both CG secretion andembryo differentiation, suggesting an unexpectedstimulus to embryo survival, with possible<strong>the</strong>rapeutic implications. Differentiatedembryonic stem cells also secreted CG andmaintained <strong>the</strong> developmental potential to <strong>for</strong>mtrophoblast and all three embryonic germ layers.Discussion:Our results suggest a direct or indirect function<strong>for</strong> GnRH, secreted by <strong>the</strong> embryo during periimplantationstages of pregnancy, in <strong>the</strong>regulation of CG secretion. There may also bedirect effects on cell growth anddifferentiation. The ability to enhance ordiminish embryo attachment, outgrowth anddifferentiation may provide a novel (andcontrolled) approach to study intra-embryoniccell signalling by stimulating or inhibitingperi-implantation events (6,7). In embryonicstem cell preparations, using a similarapproach, it may be possible to dissectgenetically in vitro <strong>the</strong> mechanisms controllingprimitive streak <strong>for</strong>mation in primates and <strong>the</strong>endocrine signals that influence choice in celllineage.References:1. Hearn JP et al (1994) In: Marshall'sPhysiology of Reproduction, 4 th Ed. Pp.535-676, Chapman and Hall, London2. Webley, GE and Hearn JP (1994) Ox<strong>for</strong>dReviews of <strong>Reproductive</strong> <strong>Biology</strong> 16: 1-323. Seshagiri, PB, Terasawa, E and Hearn, JP(1994Hum.Reprod.91300-1307.4. Thomson JA, Hearn JP et al. (1995)Proceedings of <strong>the</strong> National Academy ofSciences 92: 7844-7848.5. Thomson, JA, Hearn, JP et al (1996) Biol.Reprod. 55, 254-259.6. Hearn, JP (1997) Endocrine Signals inembryo implantation In Marsupial biology,recent research, new perspectives, pp 22-30UNSW Press, Sydney7. Stouffer, RL and Hearn, JP (1998) In: TheEndocrinology of Pregnancy. Pp 35-57Humana Press, NJ. t-\rfiJ\\ C.,.!t'l{ 'j\ ,'." . /~I'i,~(2)(3)Ben Reubinoff l ,2, Martin Pera l , AriffBo~gs03, Chui Fong 3 and Alan Trounson lICentre <strong>for</strong> Early Human Development, fustitute of Reproduction and Development, MonashUniversi~, 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, H~dassah l!niv~rsity H?spital, Israel andDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, NatIonal UnIverSIty of SIngaporeHuman embryos can be grown to <strong>the</strong> blastocyst s.tage efficie~tly in ~itro (1) and. will ~ttach t~ andoutgrow in plastic culture dishes in vitro (2). It IS also pOSSIble to Immunosurgically Isolate ~nnercell mass cells (ICM) of human blastocysts and to maintain <strong>the</strong>se cells in long-term culture 10 anundifferentiated state. The isolation and passage of undifferentiated human embryonic cells waspublished by Thomson et al. (3). We have independently derived undiffere~tiat~d human embryoniccells that maintain <strong>the</strong>ir phenotype through extended culture and passage In VItro. These cells aremultipotential and are able to differentiate in vitro and when ~enotra~s~lanted in~o ,a ~ery. widerange of cell and tissue types. The multipotentiality of <strong>the</strong> dIfferentIatIng cells IS IndIcatIve ofembryonic stem cells.The potential value and use of embryonic stem cells are <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> d~t~rminat~on of. <strong>the</strong> int~in.sic andextrinsic factors that direct lineage specific differentiation. The abIlIty to dIrect dIfferentIation andto maintain stem cell phenotype during large scale multiplication may enable <strong>the</strong>se cells to be used<strong>for</strong> transplantation, be used <strong>for</strong> tissue engineering and gene <strong>the</strong>rapy.The research with <strong>the</strong>se putative embryonic stem cells is presently aimed to identify <strong>the</strong> factorsinvolved in <strong>the</strong> maintenance of stem cell phenotype and those involved in <strong>the</strong> check points directingearly differentiation events.References(1)Jones GM, Trounson AO, Lolatgis N, Wood C (1998) Factors affecting <strong>the</strong> success ofhuman blastocyst development and pregnancy following IVF and embryo transfer. FertH.Steril. 70: 1022-29.Bongso A, Fong C-Y, Ng SC, Ratnam S (1994) Isolation and culture of inner cell mass cellsfrom human blastocysts. Human Reprod. 9: 2110-17.Thomson JA, Itskovitz-Eldor J, Shapiro SS, Waknitz MA, Swiergiel JJ, Marshall VS, JonesJM (1998) Embryonic stem cell lines -derived from human blastocysts. Science 282 (5391):1061-62.66""""-~G67

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