Quest Baits Tested

Quest Baits Tested

Quest Baits Tested

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M1k0 Willmott P80An$WOring your every needHall of Fame P84Your catches- MW worth moreNutrabarts NeviS P88Bait chat, reports and reviewsINTRODUCTIONThis month in The Tank Test we'retesting some batts from <strong>Quest</strong><strong>Baits</strong>.. a relative newcomer to ti\Qvery competitive carp baits marttet. ltsurprises me how many baitcompanies th~m aro and if one is tobe succ&s.sful they need to produceproducts to a very high standard.On receiving the boilies from <strong>Quest</strong><strong>Baits</strong>, the quality of not onty the baitbut also the packaging wasimmediately apparent. 1 looked ontheir website and it was vory well setout with vidoos and articles as well a-ssome good lnfoonation on all of theOuest <strong>Baits</strong> products. Well worth alook if you've got a spare few minutes.THE FACILITIESTho baits will be tested on a group ofcarp (Cyprinus carpio) consisting offive fish supplied by Priory Fisheries,Devon, and are a mixtura ofcommons, mirrors and leathers. Thetank being us.ed is a 4ft aquariumthat contains 200 litres of water. thewat~r is circulated through anexternal fitter using a 500 litres perhour pond pump.The tank has a running teo'lpefaturcranging between 16 and 22 degreescentlgmde, the filtor consists of twosections, the first designed is forsuspended solid removaJ, the secondcontaining a flutdised bed of plasticmedia for biological filtration.DISCLAIMERWhife the facilities used are in theOtloy College Fisheries Unit. theobservations and discussion of thetests we my own views and art! l)()tthose ofOtfey College. TM results ofthe tests are not scle.ntifically soundand the experimental design is wideopen for criticism. The idea behindthe test is to give an overview ofspecific baits and record the carp'sreaction to them based on myobs,ervations. This will help you todecide which bait might be best foryou to use this season.EXPERIMENTALDESIGNI wifJ be carrying out the same twobasic trials on each ball:li]. "PTEMB£R mBait-by-bait, month-by-month, we findout which is the very best - for you PART 11

~/' FOOD: TESTED -t :tm ~ z" -t ­m-t "' TRIAL ONE• HoN do f,;h "'·"'to• the smell of IhP b.11r'1No mactlon at an. 2Small ttactlon. 3Good-IJOn4_,_" .........., •-"'"""""""' .......~ De, ,,,,h ootu,,::,TRIAL Two o• t·.11 tile bast?The smell ~I a b; 11 fl11UI1 oo very attractwe to a rp Ot'lt 101the ta-SW to bo ovtrPOWonng when the riSh actual y uit. FO'r 8 'ooclbit1 IO be IUCCMiful they need to be !)a tocarp. SoT"" 1\oo lo 0-10,..­.,. lht to... they ll:tl.lllf't • to tGt..... '""" ___bo __,,.,...,,,.tanb. Tht todng ft$p(Jnl8 ollht Dsh ll'len be SIOCn based thO oiiJ'Ie e.p....IQ.. bell • lhOwft below: AB..........lntlpl

THIS MONTH'S BAITS As I have mentioned, the baits on test this month ate from Qoost<strong>Baits</strong>. They havo submitted four bollies fOf' tho trials. I have compileda review of each bait using lnfom'lation gained from the Ouest <strong>Baits</strong>website and catalogue (www.questbalts.com}.SPECIAL CRAB'rht $pedal Ctab I&produced trom IOW·tempeflll-.wetiNted ll&hmeat.-Id ablend ol blrdrood~tt. lndUdlngthe~ Aobll'l Red. The tasteandsmell comes ttom a vert ljgh QUalitycn\b fta'o'OUI' wtth a~ (Jar1le andbbck pepper bllek l:tste. Fot1'1'13lUMum~sit ~lyeomes.,,o it$ownduring thct watmtr months.\Jw:tr ee 1$ atotal rnee1, ltvorand bloodbaMd~. No fl&hmeals and nobl~at..mal:e Chls bait'WilYdift~t to nmt boilles. 1'he ball!$nawra11y daft( btoWI'IInCOlour andconl.alns no bulk 011; the laYol.#andtasteM bolh very ~lla.Rafil Spioo a nUiritlonaly bmnctd~~ed ~t contWting ahiohtfni.IIM!ol.l$ and dlg$$tl!M IMnd 01~"'· 1Ns ~~the vtltye8ecwe carp ca1c'*":g blf'tlfOod RobinRed a select rat'1Qt olhUI'I'IM ~~ wrth added (13t'lic, t.asreeri'lano6rsllnd essenlilll oilS. lt renWidsme oC my ~I cuny house!....o11111111Fruity Tnfttle based on a yeDowbitdtood base, the llolsM

~///~ FOOD : TESTEDCONCLUSIONOnce aga;n. som. Ytry lmp

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