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Copyright - Pole Shift Survival Information

Copyright - Pole Shift Survival Information

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Orbit Aberations: Earth/Mars/Moondocuments that the Earth is halted and tilted, the Moon's orbit slanted overhead, the Sun seen arching too high or toofar North or South, the Earth wobble, and the constellations and celestial poles far out of place. As with Weather andQuake updates after the year 2000, and the Sci-Astro Debates after April, 2003, and the Photos section after May,2004, nothing has changed, but the point has been made.In October 2004, Orion and Polaris and Ursa Major offset. In October the Sun North in Alaska andSouth in the Caribbean, but Earth wobble slowing per Korea documentation and Weather Maps, butSummer early in Australia, then a Wobble Increase per many reports and Weather Maps, with Extremechanges noted and a Wobble Captured. In October, a Sun Shadow implies Planet X position, movingRetrograde. In October, the Moon Too Full, too far South, and a Partial Eclipse offset, then after the TotalEclipse way off and the then Moon suddenly North.In September 2004, South Celestial <strong>Pole</strong> offset, Milky Way/Ursa Major offset, Pleiades/Orion offset,Mars misplaced, and SOHO Background and Flare doctoring exposed. In September, Earth Wobble andWobble Change evident, documented at GOES with actual wobble noted in New York, suddenly North inVancouver, very North in Alaska, wobble change in Japan but Sun North in Korea, sunset South inMelbourne, wobble change in Italy but Sun North in Europe, wobble change in Wisconsin but Sun Southin El Paso. In September, Venus remaining too bright, huge, and offset. In September, the Moon moreerratic than ever, and Moon Face wobbling.In August 2004, Orion puzzle solved and 45° Tilt documented, Ursa Major at Winter posture, Polarisoffset, Earth Wobble increasing, a sudden Sunset South for Seattle with a Sunrise North for El Paso, thenlater Sun South in eastern N America and Increasing, with Cold Spot migration and Increasing, and TempExtremes, and Inbound increasing. In August, a Growing Venus, Lingering, and coming Closer andCloser Still. In August, the Moon North, then Suddenly South in Italy and N America, despite MoonFacts.In July 2004, an Atlantic cold spot, the Southern Cross askew, and the Sun North and Sun Huge andmoving North after Solstice as captured in Japan photos and leaning right per El Paso report, an EarthWobble evident in Peru, which the Zetas Explain and Increasing per Italy photos, and 270° Rollspeculation. In July, a Looming Venus captured from Florida showing a Monster size compared toExpected and Rising Early, Light Source divergent. In July, the Dark Twin visible. In July, the MoonFace rotating, Increasingly during an Orbit Wobble, Ebb Tide increasing, Times contradictory, and MoonSouth!.In June 2004, the Sun Arc too high and early and Sun North, Ursa Major askew and Scorpius upsidedown, the Solstice early and Stonehenge a bust, an Alberta Midnight Sun and another Tilt North. In June,during the Venus Transit with Past Transits a comparison, the SOHO Doctors exposed in a Slip, a sunsetVenus still visible in Italy and California, then SOHO Down before and During the transit, and Moon andSwirls during and Odd Objects after near the Sun. In June, the Dark Twin behind the Earth. In June, theMoon Late, the Moon North, and Reflecting more than sunlight.In May 2004, GoTo Scopes not working, Jupiter misplaced, Saturn Offset, the Ecliptic skewed, StarBackdrop off, Constellation debate alive, the Solstice early, Ursa Major far west, Venus too high butVancouver and Caribbean photos document, the Transit ephemeral, the Hudson Bay cold spot dropped, theN <strong>Pole</strong> offset, the Sun Arc skewed, and the Sun North. In May, the Dark Twin found near Venus, dramaticPhoto. In May, a Blood Red Eclipse of the Moon was billed as normal, noted in Russia, with a TiltedFace and <strong>Shift</strong>ing Orbit noted, and Moon Late.In April 2004, Polaris Askew was again documented, Polaris Pivot explained, Viewing Tips offered,Orion misplaced, Venus too high, and Vancouver photo proof this year is different. In April, orbit haltdemonstrated by SOHO deception with Mercury Missing and Background incorrect, Star Identification,and SOHO vs Navy differing. In April, a Dark Twin looming, the Blue Orb of Jan/Feb recognized, MoreReports, a Wisconsin sighting, and a Dark Twin potentially captured. In April, the Moon first to theextreme South and Over Bright due to lean, then and a Tilt to North, with a Moon/Jupiter switchhttp://www.zetatalk2.com/index/orbits.htm[2/5/2012 1:39:40 PM]

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