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John Holmdahl of World Synergy Institute on the"When humans are given technological advice, or prepared in some manner for futurepossibilities, of having a role, they often have no conscious memory of this…. There are manyreasons why slumber is preferable. First, many times the technological advice or coordinatedactivity planned for cannot take place for some time…. Second, many projects beingcoordinated by ourselves, the Zetas, or our brethren in Service-to-Others groups, requirehumans to meet in groups….""UFOs and mass sightings and mass visitations of contactees in an area are all part of theplan, to establish a comfort level with the alien presence, so that the next stage can begin….Thus, the increased UFO sightings are part of the plan, newly into the news, and all shouldanticipate the next stage, as they may be part of this! … soon enough live visitors will be attheir doors, walking in the mist, and delivering help when life seems grim and hope gone.Thus, the embrace is going two ways, in the heart!""Those staunchly in the Service-to-Other orientation are increasingly becoming contactees,whether aware of that status or not. The Transformation is more and more in the minds ofthose in the Service-to-Others, and thus the mass consciousness of those who think along likelines informs those humans who are not contactees of what the others are experiencing. It is awake-up call. Thus alerted to momentous changes ahead, The Call is given and yet anotherService-to-Other human has become a contactee.There is much confusion about the Lift, its purpose and execution. This is greatly mixed up, inhuman minds, with the parental image, someone taking care of them. This is likewise mixedup, in human minds, with the general government assurance that they will take care of you….The Lift is not intended to take a Service-to-Other person to safety, it is intended to preventthem from dying, as they wish to continue their incarnation and do work toward the good inthe Aftertime. As conscious encounters with aliens will occur only as the general populace inan area is ready for this, en mass, giving someone the Lift is not to give them a solid clue thataliens exist!1. The rules that an Element of Doubt must exist, until the person and his associates are readyfor full conscious encounters, must be adhered to.2. The rule of Non Interference, beyond simply saving the Service-to-Other person fromdestruction so they can continue their incarnation, must be adhered to.Thus, we do not rescue humans, we simply permit their incarnation to continue…. During thecataclysms, when the Earth's crust has shifted and stopped, a great many humans will need tobe located and lifted, simultaneously. As we have stated, most in the Service-to-Others havedeclined this offer so as to be with their loved ones during the time of greatest need. Butlikewise, many have determined they can best serve by being whole to help pick up thepieces….""Survivors will form new marital relationships, new family groups, and share knowledge onhow to do the chores necessary for a primitive life style. Music and song will fill the hours…A quiet life will prevail! Then one day there will be unexpected visitors, odd looking, orhumans who could not have arrived on their own. This will be the contact that will opendoors, and eventually provide a route into cities or communities where high techcommunications are far superior to the old Internet and phone lines and postal service. Thus,for those anxious about being cut off from information, from chats, we suggest that the answer[2/5/2012 1:42:08 PM]

John Holmdahl of World Synergy Institute on the Transformationlies in attention to the Service-to-Other lifestyle! It is this that is your ticket!" there are many more Communications from Extraterrestrial Intelligence on the Zetas' website! ZetaTalk.comaverages 3 million hits per month, and is translated by volunteers into 21 different languages!THIS IS "DISCLOSURE" FOLKS!The Ascension and Transformation we long for is taking place right now 24/7, and on a grander scale than most peoplerealize. The Universe has intentionally created a cosmic crisis, timed perfectly so it will catalyze the globaltransformation that we sense is coming. As Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa advise, "Be fully present to the unfolding chaos,and the order reveals itself."By the way, the Zetas are aware of the existence of a Divine Creative Intelligence that pervades the Universe andcreates life in all its diverse forms. Maybe the ETs aren't so different from us after all![2/5/2012 1:42:08 PM]

John Holmdahl of World Synergy Institute on the Transformationlies in attention to the Service-to-Other lifestyle! It is this that is your ticket!" there are many more Communications from Extraterrestrial Intelligence on the Zetas' website! ZetaTalk.comaverages 3 million hits per month, and is translated by volunteers into 21 different languages!THIS IS "DISCLOSURE" FOLKS!The Ascension and Transformation we long for is taking place right now 24/7, and on a grander scale than most peoplerealize. The Universe has intentionally created a cosmic crisis, timed perfectly so it will catalyze the globaltransformation that we sense is coming. As Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa advise, "Be fully present to the unfolding chaos,and the order reveals itself."By the way, the Zetas are aware of the existence of a Divine Creative Intelligence that pervades the Universe andcreates life in all its diverse forms. Maybe the ETs aren't so different from us after all![2/5/2012 1:42:08 PM]

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