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John Holmdahl of World Synergy Institute on the Transformationnow becoming our friends and neighbors, as we humans who pass Earth's Final Exam, now graduate and jointhe Galactic Neighborhood! Intelligent Life from outer space was here all along, even creating exquisite cropcircles with cosmic messages for us to decode.The Zetas have monitored the physics of the Earth's interaction with Planet X during many previous passes, sotheir advanced science and technology enable their scientists to make detailed predictions about the comingEarth Changes.The message from the Universe is: The time of Transformation is here! Those who want to prepare, shouldcheck out what our Space Brothers, the Zetas, tell us about making the transition into higher densities of being,and making the move to a safe location.The Zetas predict that there will be a spiritual and galactic Awakening as we approach the Pole Shift. They tellus that, "the Awakening progresses at a pace where those involved in sightings and contact are not undulyalarmed. The curious, who are not yet contactees, will be giving the Call and be educated. This operates like afirestorm of sorts, eventually leading to conscious contact after the Pole Shift for some areas…. During UFOblitzes, telepathic communications are sent to those watching the display. They are being warned. Until the PoleShift disrupts media reporting, there are many places ready for full conscious contact or sightings who mustwait."They also tell us that, "The week when the Earth has stopped rotation and is drawn closer to Planet X is a timewhen both the Earth and Planet X are standing upright, N Poles pointing up, S Poles pointing down. This is thepoint where Planet X is piercing the Ecliptic. The Pole Shift is caused because once past that point, Planet Xpoints its N Pole outward during its second 270 degree roll, and it is that point when the hour of the shift occursfor the Earth. Planet X then seems to almost disappear, leaving the vicinity rapidly."The Zetas further explain why some aliens are advising their contactees that the human race must change theirways in order to avoid the coming cataclysms. "It is true that if the Earth were inhabited by souls that were 89%solidly in the Service-to-Other orientation that the Earth could move into 4th Density and avoid the Pole Shift.But this simply will not happen, because the Earth is only at about 30% who are solidly in the Service-to-Otherorientation."After the Pole Shift, high tech domed cities will be made available for humans to live with ETs & other goodheartedhumans, with opportunities for us to enjoy a magical futuristic world of peace, abundance, fun andwonder!The Zetas say that humans made a mistake when the end date of the Mayan calendar was converted to theGregorian calendar that we use today. The Zetas predict that the rapidly accelerating Earth Changes and the PoleShift will happen sometime before 2012, and they have hinted at July 2010, not wanting to give a specific date,as to prevent the government from taking advantage of the population.The website contains thousands of pages of Communications from Extraterrestrial Intelligence, verywise, non-human, Super-Intelligent Beings from another planet:describing their history and their reasons for contacting humansoffering their advanced understanding of astronomy, physics and geologytheir detailed knowledge about the coming cataclysmsgeological analyses of Safe Locationsimportant advice to help us prepare for a new lifestylehow to survive and thrive in a fundamentally new environment and social structurethe types of assistance the Zetas & other aliens are authorized to offer humans; andthe limitations placed on their interactions because of the rule of Non-Interference.In the process of writing this article and discussing with Nancy which pieces of the puzzle to emphasize, the Zetasadvised her that they consider the most important points in ZetaTalk to be:[2/5/2012 1:42:08 PM]

John Holmdahl of World Synergy Institute on the TransformationHumans are in charge of their destiny. Free will prevails and is not supposed to be interfered with.The Transformation, so the populace is aware that more than just geological changes are taking place.Self-reliance, rather than resentment over what the wealthy have. Realizing that poverty is not a bad lift. This isadvice to humanity to not waste their energies on resentment, but focus on self sufficiency.Humans are in control (not chosen) and anyone can ask for contact at any time. Here again, the human must bethe focus, their action, their call.Because humanity is mostly immature, and a large percentage will be in denial and a burden on those who aretrying to prepare or be practical, and since humans will be in charge of their lives, a precise discussion on howto recognize a weak human, and negate their input, is key.How a Service-to-Others person or leader is supposed to deliberately remove the fingers of control imposed onthem today by the selfish or those who are control freaks (most often Service-to-Self government or religioustypes). Instead of avoiding what the public knows, this approach confronts it directly, and emphasizes what thehumans should do"In all cases here, we, the Zetas, are educating and empoweringhumanity, which is IN CHARGE of their lives. We are not deludingthem with false hopes of rescue."Some of the most useful and fascinating communications that I have discovered within are:"What will unfold in the near future will be immensely disturbing to the Earth's inhabitants.We are not speaking only of galactic consciousness, we are speaking of the collapse ofgovernments and entirely new social structures. People will be without their usual mooring,adrift. It is in our interest, the Zeta Reticulan interest, as 4th Density Service-to-Othersentities, to reduce the amount of fear and anxiety that humans experience during thesetransitional times. We are not alone in these concerns. Other alien groups are so concerned,and are actively working to reduce fear in the Earth's inhabitants. You know them by manynames, but there are vastly more groups that are participating in this effort than you areaware of.""Why are lights in the sky most often the introduction, the initiation route, informing anxioushumans that there is more to life than the dreary drudgery of their day-to-day, more toanticipate than an aging body and a burden of bills that seem to become ever heavier, more tothe control of events around the world than a few power-mad politicians or heavy-handeddictators. Man is Not Alone and his small world is about to burst into the arena ofintroductions to life from other worlds like a child dragged from a dark closet into a well litroom engaged in a riotous party…. ["RIOTOUS PARTY"?!!! :)] …. This rapid increase inmass sightings and photographic proof, at this time, has a purpose, as man is about to havehis world torn apart by the coming Pole Shift, and as we have stated, the helping handsextended at that time, to those practicing the Golden Rule and thus firmly in the Service-to-Other orientation, may not in fact be hands. Fear not, you've gotten used to the idea.Remember all those lights in the sky?""The subconscious is the heart of your awareness, and when the subconscious of the majorityof your populace is comfortable with our presence, there will be no need to conceal ourselvesfrom you. Sightings will increase, and will include alien life forms. This will then move totelepathic discussions with these life forms, en-mass with groups of people."[2/5/2012 1:42:08 PM]

John Holmdahl of World Synergy Institute on the TransformationHumans are in charge of their destiny. Free will prevails and is not supposed to be interfered with.The Transformation, so the populace is aware that more than just geological changes are taking place.Self-reliance, rather than resentment over what the wealthy have. Realizing that poverty is not a bad lift. This isadvice to humanity to not waste their energies on resentment, but focus on self sufficiency.Humans are in control (not chosen) and anyone can ask for contact at any time. Here again, the human must bethe focus, their action, their call.Because humanity is mostly immature, and a large percentage will be in denial and a burden on those who aretrying to prepare or be practical, and since humans will be in charge of their lives, a precise discussion on howto recognize a weak human, and negate their input, is key.How a Service-to-Others person or leader is supposed to deliberately remove the fingers of control imposed onthem today by the selfish or those who are control freaks (most often Service-to-Self government or religioustypes). Instead of avoiding what the public knows, this approach confronts it directly, and emphasizes what thehumans should do"In all cases here, we, the Zetas, are educating and empoweringhumanity, which is IN CHARGE of their lives. We are not deludingthem with false hopes of rescue."Some of the most useful and fascinating communications that I have discovered within are:"What will unfold in the near future will be immensely disturbing to the Earth's inhabitants.We are not speaking only of galactic consciousness, we are speaking of the collapse ofgovernments and entirely new social structures. People will be without their usual mooring,adrift. It is in our interest, the Zeta Reticulan interest, as 4th Density Service-to-Othersentities, to reduce the amount of fear and anxiety that humans experience during thesetransitional times. We are not alone in these concerns. Other alien groups are so concerned,and are actively working to reduce fear in the Earth's inhabitants. You know them by manynames, but there are vastly more groups that are participating in this effort than you areaware of.""Why are lights in the sky most often the introduction, the initiation route, informing anxioushumans that there is more to life than the dreary drudgery of their day-to-day, more toanticipate than an aging body and a burden of bills that seem to become ever heavier, more tothe control of events around the world than a few power-mad politicians or heavy-handeddictators. Man is Not Alone and his small world is about to burst into the arena ofintroductions to life from other worlds like a child dragged from a dark closet into a well litroom engaged in a riotous party…. ["RIOTOUS PARTY"?!!! :)] …. This rapid increase inmass sightings and photographic proof, at this time, has a purpose, as man is about to havehis world torn apart by the coming <strong>Pole</strong> <strong>Shift</strong>, and as we have stated, the helping handsextended at that time, to those practicing the Golden Rule and thus firmly in the Service-to-Other orientation, may not in fact be hands. Fear not, you've gotten used to the idea.Remember all those lights in the sky?""The subconscious is the heart of your awareness, and when the subconscious of the majorityof your populace is comfortable with our presence, there will be no need to conceal ourselvesfrom you. Sightings will increase, and will include alien life forms. This will then move totelepathic discussions with these life forms, en-mass with groups of people."[2/5/2012 1:42:08 PM]

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